Moira Skaldi
Paperclip Maximiser
Objective C
A massive droid armada descended upon the wild, untamed world of Zonyu. Their numbers were innumerable, their intent implacable and they were guided by machines with metal minds. No, it was not an army of conquest. Rather the mechanical legions were compromised of construction and labour droids. Mechanical builders who would help pull Zonyu V out of its isolation and primitive conditions so that it could embrace the future.
Studious Class Construction Droids were repulsorlift-propelled labour droids that could perform construction work in almost any environment, including space, underwater or in atmosphere. They were diligent and can be relied upon to perform its duties well, but not meant for combat. All in all, solid builders that could carry out complex instructions. They would be assisted by the appropriately named Helot Class Hauler Droids, reliabe labour droid that could be used in starports, construction areas and in hazardous conditions. The bots were ideal for moving large weights and hauling. They were well-armoured, but not designed as a combat unit. All in all a reliable work horse.
They were cogs in a well-oiled machine. Under the watchful eye of Ms Scarlett, work began on giving Zonyu's capital a new, modern spaceport, which should be a big help for any of the other companies that wanted to put down roots on this planet.
A massive droid armada descended upon the wild, untamed world of Zonyu. Their numbers were innumerable, their intent implacable and they were guided by machines with metal minds. No, it was not an army of conquest. Rather the mechanical legions were compromised of construction and labour droids. Mechanical builders who would help pull Zonyu V out of its isolation and primitive conditions so that it could embrace the future.
Studious Class Construction Droids were repulsorlift-propelled labour droids that could perform construction work in almost any environment, including space, underwater or in atmosphere. They were diligent and can be relied upon to perform its duties well, but not meant for combat. All in all, solid builders that could carry out complex instructions. They would be assisted by the appropriately named Helot Class Hauler Droids, reliabe labour droid that could be used in starports, construction areas and in hazardous conditions. The bots were ideal for moving large weights and hauling. They were well-armoured, but not designed as a combat unit. All in all a reliable work horse.
They were cogs in a well-oiled machine. Under the watchful eye of Ms Scarlett, work began on giving Zonyu's capital a new, modern spaceport, which should be a big help for any of the other companies that wanted to put down roots on this planet.