Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[4] History

Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge
Year: 19 BBY

After Sidious had masterminded the war, the final plan was luring the Jedi into a trap. By spreading them thin over the galaxy, Palpatine would launch an attack on the Jedi Temple. However the Jedi discovered this too late. The arresting party led by Mace Windu was thrwarted. Palpatine killed three Jedi Masters and underwent a duel with Mace Windu, only to be cut short when Anakin arrived to save Palpatine so he could prevent Padmé from dying.

Anakin killed Mace Windu and from then on was dubbed Darth Vader, having fallen to the Darkside of the Force. From here on Palpatine enacted Order 66. Galactic wide, Clone commanders received orders to kill their Jedi Generals. The massacre spread throughout the galaxy like wildfire and within hours thousands of Jedi were dead. The last assault on the Jedi was Operation Knightfall led by Dark Vader. Assaulting and sacking the Jedi Temple, killing all the Jedi and reducing the Temple to rubble.

This marked the rise of the Empire from here on, however over the years of the Empires ascendancy the Jedi were hunted and killed down. Jedi were few in number and only a dozen were left spread think in the galaxy, forced into self exile.
The Empire
Year: 19 BBY - 1 ABY
Known as the dark times, Emperor Palpatine ruled a strict government over the Galaxy. It was held in a grip of fear and many worlds were forced to either pay heed to the Empire, or stay out of its way. Many Senators agreed with the change, however a handful did not. Led by Mon Mothma, the Galactic Rebel Alliance, a beacon of hope for the galaxy under the oppressed rule of the Emperor.

The Alliance became a strong force and war ensued between it and the Galactic Empire. Whilst the fighting occurred, Obi-Wan Kenobi, survivor of the Jedi Purge, was ordered by Jedi Master Yoda to watch over the son of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan eventually trained Luke Skywalker in the arts of the Jedi, in hope that he would bring peace back to the galaxy.

0 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi surrendered to the Force during a fight with Darth Vader, and years after Master Yoda died also. It was left up to Luke, Yoda's last student, and the Rebel Alliance, to bring peace once more. Galactic Civil War Ensued.
The First Galactic Civil War
Year: 2 ABY

This marked the galactic scale war fought by the oppressive Galactic Empire and the Galactic Alliance. It was only decades after the rise of the Empire when the Rebel leaders signed the Corellian Treaty and issued the Declaration of Rebellion.

Many battles ensued, however it was not until the fateful battle of Yavin when Rebel Pilot Luke Skywalker destroyed the first death star and here the Alliance became a creditable threat to the Empire. Conflict continued until 4 ABY and the decisive Battle of Endor when the Alliance defeated the Imperial Military, destroying the second Death Star and killing the Emperor, Darth Vader and Imperial senior Councillors in one swift move.

In the chaos the Empire began to gradually decay and fragment until reduced to a small remnant. Meanwhile the Galactic Alliance completed their goals and grew into the New Republic. Luke Skywalker, discovering his Jedi Heritage, fulfilled his destiny and resurrected the Jedi Order.
Return of the Jedi
Year: 5 ABY

After the Civil War, Luke Skywalker used his new found Jedi abilities to set out to reestablish the Jedi Order, by training a new generation of Jedi Knights. During the great Jedi Purge, the Emperor had done well to rid nearly all information and history of the Jedi, so Luke set out to expand the Order, with the help of Kyle Katarn and various other New Order Jedi, they set out to discover relics of the Jedi's past.

Due to Luke's lack of knowledge of the old Order, the new Order was extremely unorthodox, no traditional robes, and the Jedi were taken at older ages. The Jedi Praexum was situated on the moon of Yavin IV. The Jedi had returned.
Yuuzhan Vong War
Year: 25 ABY
A species had arrived on the borders of the Galaxy, absent to the Force. They declared war on the unknown Galaxy, sparking the largest threat since the Empire. Many Jedi died fighting to stop the Vong from dominating the Galaxy. Essentially, the Vong had scouted the galaxy long before. Emperor Palpatine knew of the impending attack of the Vong which sparked another justification to create the grand Imperial Army.

However it was the new Republic which faced the warlord Species, and grave battle ensued for four years. Eventually the fight was brought to Coruscant, where Luke Skywalker managed to kill the Yuuzhan Vong leader and the Republic Fleet overcame the Vongs. Warmaster Nas Choka ordered the Vong to surrender and were placed under Zonama Seots jurisdiction.

A victory for the New Republic.

In the aftermath, Sekot revealed itself to be the seed of a long dead Yuuzhan Vong world. One of the terms of surrender was that the Vong would aid in the reconstruction of Coruscant. Once completed, the Vong were called from across the galaxy to meet on Zonama Sekot and with it Sekot and the Vong disappeared into the unknown regions once again to live in peace.

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