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Approved NPC 402nd Squadron - 'The Widowmakers'

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402nd Starfighter Squadron
'The Widowmakers'
"Deeds not words"

  • Intent: To codify Lydia's starfighter squadron within the GE, establishing an elite unit.
  • Image Credit: Mark Molnar, FFG/Lucasfilm
  • Role: The 402nd are an elite starfighter strike force assigned to critical missions. They are not a multi-role special forces unit.
  • Links: Lydia Patra

  • Unit Name: 402nd Starfighter Squadron - 'The Widowmakers'
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire, Lydia Patra
  • Classification: Elite Starfighter Squadron
  • Equipment:
TIE/Defender Elite x 12
TIE/ph Phantom x 6

(Any mission may mix and match both types of craft, however the squadron has less pilots than craft - see description. When flying the Phantom's they double up pilot/gunner in wings.)

  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
  1. Five of a Kind: Only possible in Sabbac when playing with wild cards. A five of a kind is the ace of each suite and the wildcard. Every pilot in the 402nd is at least an ace - even the most junior and each of them is an elite pilot capable of pushing their craft to limit, working together with near-perfect coordination and planning conventional and unconventional tactics.
  2. Nothing but the Best: The Galactic Empire may not equipped elite squadrons often, but when it does, it equips them with the best it has. From flightsuits to fighters, the squadron wants for nothing required to complete their objectives except in times of exceptionally strained resources.
  1. Rare Draw: Five of a kind isn't common, neither are candidates for the 402nd - losses or even medical or personal downtime leaves the squadron immediately shorthanded with no replacements. It can take months to find another ace TIE pilot and convince their current CO to transfer them.
  2. High Cost: Nothing but the best costs. Destroyed assets require time to replace. The TIE/ph craft alone use exceptionally rare materials in their construction, and even the squadron's standard TIE/D Elites are among the rarest starfighters. Rare munitions can take time to source. All in all, Lydia's paperwork trail for keeping the squadron running is very long indeed.
  3. Pilots first: A lot of special-missions squadrons also have ground combat skills. This squadron does not, they are pilots, first and last and only.
  • Description:
The majority of the Imperial Starfighter Corps operate out of standard model TIE/ln and TIE/in fighters, with only rare outliers to this 'swarm tactic' model. However not every mission is appropriate for this model and for centuries now the Starfighter Corps has created special operations groups to perform deep range strikes, covert operations and other non-standard tactics which require hyperdrive equipped fighters or other small craft. The 402nd Squadron is one such group, equipped with two exceptionally rare classes of fighter TIE/D and TIE/ph space superiority and covert operations fighters respectively.

The 402nd Starfighter Squadron was created before Lydia Patra took command, but was forged into it's current form under the cruicble of her command. Lydia joined a squadron that was already elite and under her careful leadership, raised it to perfection and gained it it's current nickname 'The Widowmakers' - so named for their exceptionally high mission kill ratio.

The 402nd are much like their commander - some are straight arrow pilots, others wildcards (by Imperial standards) but are are dedicated and loyal to the Empire, they have a peculiar sense of honour and camaraderie that sets them apart from run of the mill squadrons. They are considered eccentric and even looked down upon by some for their peculiar traditions, or their willingness to let crippled enemy fighters escape to return again another day.

The 402nd is divided up into three flights:

Alpha Flight - Krayt flight
  • (Lydia's slot - not filled here)
  • Dana Leva - 'Neutron'
  • Coran Dannard - 'Fingers'
  • Lucille van Draven - 'Countess'
Bravo Flight - Rancor flight
  • Alealon Chasel - 'Apex'
  • Allicla Laugupt - 'Sandman'
  • Ethea Star - 'Scarecrow'
  • Gregory Morituri - 'Deadman'
Gamma Flight - Arkania flight
  • Graeme Cass - 'Deliverance'
  • Seth Grainer - 'Drone'
  • Ishale sa Clydno - 'Ogress'
  • Linora Varga - 'Colbalt'
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