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Approved Tech 5.56mm SHOCK Slug

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*Image Source: Google Image Search
  • Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide the 5.56mm BASIC Slug with a derivative capable of effectively combating synthetic targets, such as droids.
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms & Industrial | ATC | Arakyd Industries
  • Model: 5.56mm Slug
  • Affiliation: Private Market
  • Modularity: Yes (12.7mm, 9mm, 7.62mm)
  • Production: Mass
  • Material: Durasteel, Conductive-Filament

The final member of Czerka Arms' family of standardized ammunition is the 5.56mm SHOCK Slug. Along with the rest of its kin, the SHOCK Slug is a derivative of the famed 5.56mm BASIC Slug and is hollow-jacketed in order to house a unique material that acts as its namesake. Within the SHOCK Slug is a conductive filament, in the form of a loop, which focuses on the counter spin of the Slug as it fires to produce an electric charge. As the Slug flies, it continues to build up an electric charge, which increases with distance, until it finally impacts the target. Upon impact, the total electric charge is immediately transferred to the target and is specifically geared towards the damaging of electrical systems found within synthetic targets. While the transfer of the charge is simply a stinging pain when received by an organic target, the transfer of the charge upon a synthetic target can range in minor systems' malfunctions to full system shut down. This range of effects, first and foremost, are unachievable by a single Slug and requires consecutive successful blows in order for the effect to cause noteworthy damage. Furthermore, depending upon the location of the impact, the sum of built-up electric charge, the countermeasures present within the target, and the number of successful Slug impacts, the SHOCK Slug can achieve the aforementioned effects.

It is to be noted that the SHOCK Slug does not render a shock upon being fired, due to the fact that the bullet is specifically constructed to initiate the creation of a charge after it has exited the weapon itself. The Slug casing, in particular, is designed to prevent the initial impact of a slugthrower's hammer from creating a charge; through possessing an insulative lining. This lining, upon the Slug being fired, is lost when the shell separates from the Slug itself. On another note, once a SHOCK Slug reaches the rear end of a weapon's maximum range, the total charge lowers due to the change in velocity. As the total velocity decreases, so does the charge.
My technical brain is really wrapping around this one, and I want you to make note of a few things.

  • Your concept works, so it can stay as is.
  • I'd like to know if this is a loop of filament so that the electricity isn't just dispersing out or if it's just spewing electric shocks the second you fire it.
  • I'd prefer the former, but you're going to need to explain how it doesn't just shock the firer of the weapon the second you pull the trigger from the impact.
  • I'd also like to see a line about how the charge will dissipate near the max end of it's range due to the fact that you're converting kinetic to electric energy. Your velocity dips on that bullet, so does your charge.
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