Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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500 or -500?

Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)


Hehe...kind of sounding like a huge church bell DING-ing in your head, huh? :)
Yea...that's one of my strategies.

Is it working?..?? :lol:

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Come on...seriously.

Look, I promise i won't get all.. sigh.... all hotsy overly passionate over this game. I just want to win at least game. For us. Yes, for us.

So can you load up another round..preferably in our favor and help at least get the number down to zero?
I can handle the goons the nice fellas after that on my own. :) with the help of others of course.

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