Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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500 or -500?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Yes, but we brought it down from the 120s
Abd without tagging.

Then again, we’re not sith. There is some humanity in us to feel bad when we decimate even our enemies.

I’ll go light a candle....

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Honestly, i never did before today.
But when I caught on about the tagging, I just had to take this game with me and hell with doing what I'm paid long as I don't get

God, I remember one time getting on one of my fellow writer's case about posting RPs with her phone. :( I was kind of mean to her.
Sigh... if ever she shows again, I'll have to apologize.

But I still can't post in RPs with a phone. it doesn't have spell check and it's tiny .

I'll do games and stuff on the phone..that much i can see the value in it. But I write lengthy posts and need a larger screen and real keyboard.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Many good writers who didn't make the transition to boards like this disappeared.
I too lost heart when all my boards died, and was away for nearly 2 years before a fellow writer happened to spot me checking an old board and immediately messaged me through it and...well, here I am. :)

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