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The Song Dynasty
A comprehensive timeline


The Song Dynasty has been a celebrated Jedi family since the origin of the first Jedi Order, boasting one of the most ancient and revered lineages tracing back to a time even before the existence of the Jedi. Though dates and events are often obscured by time, the figure most often associated as the indirect founder of the Song dynasty (some 35,000 years ago) is considered to be Sun Jeong, an Atrisian master revered in his own right as a righteous and powerful member of the Je'daii Order - the precursors to the Jedi Order - known for embracing the teachings of all sides of the Force. Sun Jeong was said to be a fierce warrior who had achieved a supreme peace within himself that allowed him to act completely and utterly effortlessly in all facets of practice. He commanded great power and naturally inspired authority and respect, but was considered one of the gentlest and most empathetic Masters of his time.

Je'daii Master Sun Jeong, the earliest known predecessor of the Song Dynasty.
As well as being venerated for his abilities in martial combat, control over the Force and great wisdom that served the Je'daii Order on many important occasions, Master Sun was known in part for the equally legendary Force-imbued blade that he possessed, said to have been forged of songsteel metal by Sun Jeong himself on the Tho Yor temples of Tython. Through generations of the Song Dynasty to follow, the blade was passed down from father to son until it was eventually smelted down into a hilt for one of the earliest Jedi lightsabers.

The semi-legendary blade of Sun Jeong and his descendants.

Several generations later, during the time of the Force Wars, it is known that the Songs suffered a devastating civil war themselves when the Je'daii Ranger Ling, brother to the Song patriarch Master Zhan, joined the followers of Bogan in rebellion against the Order, embracing the Dark Side fully. A skilled alchemist, Ling fashioned and tamed great beasts to serve his will and after several long years of warring (that lead to Zhan's eventual fall), it was Zhan's son, Ranger Shen, who finally felled Ling, contributing to the eventual defeat of the followers of Bogan and the formation of the Jedi Order. These events lead to Shen's nickname 'Shen The Mighty'.

Ranger Shen Song confronts his fallen uncle Ling and his Dark Side beasts.

The Songs, the Jedi and Alderaan

As the Force Wars came to an end, Shen Song contributed heavily to the early development, formation and migration of the Jedi Order. During Shen's life, the Song Dynasty began to earn respect as a family, and over the following generations the family produced many non-Jedi philanthropists and diplomats who earned their own recognition throughout the galaxy for their deeds. As Shen's immediate family grew, he looked for a place to establish a new home for his descendants and thus turned to Alderaan. Spending many of his later years on the planet, Jedi Master Shen dedicated over a decade to building an estate beneath the shadow of the Alderaani mountains, and it served as the main headquarters for the Song Dynasty, gradually developed and expanded over time, until the Galactic Civil War.

The original Song estate, Alderaan.

It was Shen's first daughter, Cixi, however, who solidified the Song's position on Alderaan as resident, protector and representative for the young Jedi Order. A fearless and diligent warrior and swordmaster, Cixi, in her mid-years, became an instrumental member of the Alderaani military during a time when the planet was thrown into rebellion, strife and banditry. It was thanks to Cixi's leadership on the battlefield that aided the quelling of many outlaw factions and pirate invasions, and Cixi and the Songs were awarded the Medal Of The Protector For Alderaan, an honour that is still held to this day by the family's members.

Cixi, the warrior Jedi, bears the Song blade as she leads the armies of Alderaan into battle against insurgents and pirates.


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