Sargon Vynea
Spencer's guard unicorn
With a silent nod Sargon moved up towards the bridge,and ahead of him came the familiar sound of blaster fire. Evidently someone had already started the party without them, rather rude of them really. Running up ahead through the corridor the Zabrak held his blaster rifle up as he moved checking the corners. Finally turning at the end the pair came to the battle, or at least could see the light show of the battle.
It was a small hook turn on the ship to reach the bridge, and they were mere feet from it. The problem was crossing onto the bridge meant going through a barrage of laser fire that seemed to be the front of a coup. "It seems perhaps some think its best to abandon this project and go under private contract? Its either or the liquor is simply just worth fighting over. Either way, Governor, I'd say it was best to shoot first ask questions later. Well shall we dance?"
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]
It was a small hook turn on the ship to reach the bridge, and they were mere feet from it. The problem was crossing onto the bridge meant going through a barrage of laser fire that seemed to be the front of a coup. "It seems perhaps some think its best to abandon this project and go under private contract? Its either or the liquor is simply just worth fighting over. Either way, Governor, I'd say it was best to shoot first ask questions later. Well shall we dance?"
@[member="Lucien Cordel"]