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99 Problems [CIS Dominion of Adarlon]

The Eternal Queen
And this was why she needed someone with her. So she could 'brag' and not brag too much. Essentially, she could have someone brag for her so she didn't look too full of herself.

"That is correct. A facility large enough to house refugees. Comfortable and safe is a must. But we also require volunteers as well. Sanctuary can not be run by me alone."

Much as she wished it could. Only so much one person could do, no matter how hard they tried. It would take the strength and love of many.
Feena was confident in this Galaxy though. She trusted it's citizens. Love was easier than hate.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Noctruno was silent as the rest of the team arrived, this was not a bad thing...per se. However, this was a mine after all and things were going to get tight in there and let's face the facts a Wookiee can barely squeeze into a doorway of normal size. The High Marshal turned to the Grand Marshal, giving a slight nod "Sir, the mines will be tight...I think we should let my droids go first so that we have a buffer from blaster fire, just in case we encounter hostiles."
The President was quiet once more; a good sign for any politician to have. This denoted the fact that he was thinking, rather carefully, about what he was going to say, before he said it. After carefully mulling over his words, he then responded to that which the Mandalorian and the Archon had stated. "If the support that you currently possess for your project is truly up to snuff, then I see no reason why I cannot delve into the surplus in our budget to support as much as reasonably possible. We are...recovering...still and as such our funding is as tight as you can imagine. However, I'll do my part to support you as much as I logically can. As far as a facility goes, we have an abandoned community center that can be found only a few miles from here. It was once a theatre, then converted into a center for the Youth... but it fell through sadly. It's location is in the heart of the 'hard' part of town, so you'll only be a stone's throw away from those who need you most."

"Lastly, in terms of volunteers, there are several humanitarian groups who do what they can for that part of town. I can make a few calls and have the volunteers meet you there when you're ready. I'm sure they'll be eager to help in a larger capacity. Sound good?"

@[member="Feena Mason"].
The President had all but given the Archon that which she needed to make the Sanctuary a reality. She had hands to work with, a roof to call her own, and he was certain that she had supplies and other vitals to stock the community center with! From behind his visor, the Apprentice smiled; for he was genuinely glad that he could sit there and bear witness to the birth of the Adarlon Sanctuary. As supportive as ever, he reached out and placed a hand upon hers; and rendered a confident nod. He knew she couldn't see that he was grinning ear to ear, but he was certain that she could tell.

"Sounds to me like we're good to go, wouldn't you say?"

@[member="Feena Mason"].
There was an undeniable truth to the words spoken by the Cyborg. Mines were tight, even with modern excavation techniques; and as such combat would be messy if they encountered anything of danger within the shaft. However, if there were droids drawing the initial wall of fire, they had a chance to launch a decent counterattack. The Grand Marshal would be a fool to deny the truth in these words, nor act against it; and a fool he was not. As such, he nodded in agreement with his subordinate.

"True. We will proceed in that manner then. In light of this, I say that we should proceed ahead now. The tightness of the mine will be difficult for the Snipers to accommodate, so if they come in at the rear, they'll have more room to work with."

@[member="Sonja Mercier"], @[member="Shorurra"], @Nocturno.
Fashionably late as ever, the Templar born to the name Josiah Denko straddled a speeder bike and took off from the dropship which had landed quite a ways back from those mustered at the entrance of the mine. It did not take long for the Master to traverse the distance between him and the Grand Marshal's party; and ultimately he came to a halt only a stone's throw away from the Cyborg and his automaton subordinates. The Master quickly abandoned his speeder and jogged over to the group.

"Pardon the tardiness all, Master Denko reporting."

@[member="Sophia Walsh"], @Nocturno, @[member="Shorurra"], @[member="Sonja Mercier"].
"That is an accurate estimation, Mr. Dar'jetii." replied the President. "You are indeed free to proceed. As I stated before, I'll go ahead and make some calls, so that by the time you arrive at the Center, your volunteers will have mustered and will be ready to work. You already have clearance to bring down any number of vessels to the surface, so flying in supplies won't be an issue either. Archon Mason, I humbly thank you for the Sanctuary, for our people have been suffering from sickness as of late. Please... Help them."

@[member="Feena Mason"].

Rayn H'voc

"On our way, Grand Marshal." Sonja said to her commlink before turning to the 117th frequency. "Alright 117. We're moving in. Mission: Rescue the daughter of the Adalorn leadership. Ready weapons. Who knows what we'll find in this mine." Sonja then looked towards the LZ as the dropships descended. The entire 117th was there, armed to the teeth, and ready to give support to their allies. Sonja was the first to disembark from the dropships. Once the rest were off, Sonja waved off the dropships and walked towards the Grand Marshal, giving him a salute. " 117th 'Harbinger' reporting for duty, sir. Ready and awaiting orders." Sonja said to the Grand Marshal before following the team in with her legion close behind.

@Sophia Walsh, @Nocturno, @Shorurra, @[member="Josiah Denko"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Xander was fashionably late, how could he afford not to be really? The young Templar had been slacking, lack of better terms, but he had recently discovered something in the Templar archives that had gotten his attention. The Templars had developed a very particular set of skills, skills he could use to find and kill his enemies...even if he didn't know who they were. They called them gun Templars and they were a very interesting sub-sect of the Templar Order. Now Xander had embraced their teaching and had found himself in a renewed wonder and interest in learning the ways of the force.

The ex-thug and childhood friend of his master, Joasiah Denko, arrived on a speeder not all that different from the Templar master's who had arrived right before him "Looks like i'm tardy to the party, damn and I wanted to get to the punch before everyone else." Xander joked, hoping off his speeder.
The Eternal Queen
Success. Feena had no doubt of her success, of course. But that did not mean that she could get cocky. There was still so much to do. She had a feeling she would be spending the first few months of her pregnancy here. Keter would have to be alerted to that. Away from home again... Poor Felicity. Her family was going to suffer for it. Her marriage could suffer for it.
Unless they came with her. Unless they would come and help her.

A hand on hers almost made the healer jump. There was such warmth in that gesture. It somewhat perplexed Feena. She was not used to being touched. Not by anybody but Keter, really. It touched her heart in the way her children did when they reassured her with a gentle squeeze, of a pat on the hand.

"Thank you for your generous support." Feena stood up and bowed low to the President, hiding her shaking hands under long sleeves. "Your compassion and wisdom in this matter shall not be forgotten."

She could feel their victory here, stronger than any battle ever won, any foe ever defeated. This is a harder battle than what the Galaxy was used to. This was a war that would be fought with the hardest weapon to wield, the thinnest armor ever worn. This was the war of peace.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Nocturno nodded, looking at the droids he had picked out from the battalion "You, get moving we have a job to do." Nocturno ordered the droids in his usual coldness. The metallic warriors didn't complain or flinch, they just began their march into the entrance of the mining cavern. The decent would no doubt be dark and Noctruno was the only one who had superior night vision and tracing systems, thanks to his nature as a Cyborg. He took point, right behind the droids and looked back to the Grand Marshal as he did so "I'll be taking point, sir, I have the necessary sight to see beyond the darkness of the caverns."
The Sanctuary had all it needed to succeed; now it was time to get hands dirty and work done. Rising from his seat, the Mandalorian rendered a polite bow of gratitude before stepping to the Archon's side once more. He led the way out of the office and back to the ship, then like a gentlemen opened the door to her shuttle so that she could sit within. "This went incredibly well! But the hard part has just begun, hasn't it?" he said, grinning from behind his visor.

Dar'jetii then entered the shuttle and buckled up. It was time to venture over to where the Sanctuary would come into being.

@[member="Feena Mason"].
The Eternal Queen
And with that, feena had sealed the deal. There was not a single moment to waste now. The sooner she saw what she had to work with, the sooner she could do some real planning.
As she walked back out to the shuttle, she felt that familiar twinge of weakness and nausea. This was going to be glorious. She could only hope she wouldn't pass out or vomit before they arrived. That would make a rather bad first impression and waste much time.

"This went incredibly well! But the hard part has just begun, hasn't it?"

Feena sighed as she dropped immediately into her seat, buckling herself in with shaking hands.

"Oh, you have no idea," she answered, "I am preparing myself for many a sleepless night."
First, there were a pair of Templars who made their fashionably late arrival to the scene. The Grand Marshal simply regarded them with a respectful nod before turning to the freshly-landed Recon unit who were reporting in. "Captain, I'll need you to cover our rear. You're looking at close quarters in this mine; so cover our backs so you have plenty of room to work. Nocturno, you're free to take point. Master Denko, Mr. Corbal, I'd like you to accompany Nocturno's force. You'll be able to use the Force to put up one hell of a fight. Shorurra, you're with me. Let's roll out!"

@Shorrura, @Xander Corbal, @Nocturno, @[member="Sonja Mercier"], @[member="Sophia Walsh"].
Once more, the Mandalorian reached out and placed his hand atop hers. He commanded her attention and shook his head in opposition to this statement. To say the least, Dar'jetii knew exactly what it felt like to be pushed to one's absolute limit... and it was not pretty. One had a better chance of doing more, and succeeding more, if they were at full strength. He knew that this was the Archon's dream, and as such he was going to support her as best he could.

"No. You will rest every night. You have a direct line to my helm, and it doesn't matter if I'm in the middle of a mission vital to the Empire, I'll come here and help your Sanctuary. You're a dear friend to me, and making sure you don't work yourself into exhaustion is my job. Besides, you need your rest; since you're thinking for two, right?"

@[member="Feena Mason"].
"Yes sir!" came the response of the Master. Josiah lowered his head respectfully and loosened his saber from his belt; before striding forth beside the High Marshal. The Master was humble, to say the least, and awaited the entrance into the Mine. Nocturno would lead the way, and the Templar would follow; and fight if necessary.

The Eternal Queen
The Archon gave the Mandalorian a weak smile. His hand again. She half imagined the look Keter would give him if he saw this and it made her want to laugh. Keter was more jealous than he ever admitted.

"You know, if I could just record this and show my old Master from the Order, the look on his face when i prove him wrong once again would be oh so priceless."

She didn't explain what that meant, but she figured he would get it. She'd been trained to believe that the Empire and all those in it were terrible. She had to learn better all on her own. nobody in the Order taught her acceptance and compassion.

"But yes, thank you. I do suppose you are right. It isn't just me I need to take care of myself for. Keter would not be happy if he knew how reckless I was being with his child..."

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Xander walked up, strode up to Josiah's side and smiled, patting his old friend on the shoulder while adjusting one of his guns. He might have overdone it with his firepower. He had two slug throwing Verpine shatterguns of handgun size, one DC-17 plaster pistol and his ligthsaber just in case things got hairy. He didn't expect to use it, he needed as much practice with the guns as he could get. Say what you like about blasters and slugthrowers, the technique the Templars developed was complex and required lot of force control.

"Looks like me and you are going into a dark, scary and smelly place again. Seems we can't get away from Nar'Shadaa does it?"
Sophia had been there with the group however had just been staying relatively quite for the time being just listening. She wasn't too keen on the idea of going into the caverns as she hated small cramped areas but Sophia would deal. At least she wasn't kidnapped by the Sith this time so that was a plus. She was here to help out the people of this planet in the best way she could and if this was the best place for her Sophia would go. Whatever was done here she could handle no problem. She would wait for everyone to go into the cave and than she would follow the group.

She was used to flying during such battles but had no quarrels with this. It gave her a chance to use the new skills she had obtained.

@[member="Nocturno "], @[member="Shorurra"], @[member="Josiah Denko"] @[member="Xander Corbal "]@[member="Sonja Mercier"]
A metallic chuckle escaped the visor of the Mandalorian in response to the Archon's words. Dar'jetii promptly retracted his hand, leaned back in his seat, and folded his arms in an effort to become comfortable. "Never forget, I was a Mandalorian before becoming your friend. And I was your friend before becoming a Sith. As long as I'm alive, I'll have your back; and you'll have my support. Now then, let's get moving, shall we? Your Sanctuary awaits."

@[member="Feena Mason"].

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