Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A bit of swordwork

Half of sparring was taking the time to learn what was going on, and how he could adjust what he was doing to combat this. He did know that there were things he couldn’t do, and he knew with a lightsaber he was out of his depth. “Forbidden books, huh?’ He smirked back. “Interesting.”

What goes on in your head, huh. That was something he was concerned about. He was a crusader, and had the mind set to hit the darkness at its heart with all he had. Everything the light side could throw forward. It kept him close to the edge, and this mindset could be the issue. “So, focus of form and purpose is important. As for the mix and match, to be honest that’s not something I know well enough to produce. But I take your point.” He nodded as she spoke again, insisting to show him something.

A step back as her blade started, he watched her. Her movements were practiced but he recognized pieces of different forms, pieced together. It didn’t look that disjointed, not as much as he suspected it would. “That may be out of my depth, for sure. It’s a matter of getting away from you before the blows land.” Or physically tackling, though it could just be her.

The Jedi nodded. “How many forms did you learn before this?”

[member="Amilthi Camlenn"]
Amilthi nodded seriously. "Yes, getting away from me, towards your right, would be the appropriate response to that example."

"It depends what you mean by 'learn'. I studied the third and fifth forms before I discovered the seventh for my own. It forced me to have a look at the others, but there is so much I don't know. The other, less... emotionally intense forms are difficult for me to approach."

Her eyes rested on Coren for a few seconds as she was considering him. He seemed a man of action, and as such it was fitting that the had been employing Djem-So - she could see, or thought she could see, how the mindset fit him. At the same time, he didn't seem to have much attachment to the lightsabre as a weapon of choice and the power of his own body, which was unusual. This sort of flexibility and pragmatism was what was reputed to characterise the practitioners of the sixth form - which Amilthi lacked any knowledge of herself.

"What about you? Is Djem-So yours definitively and always?" she eventually asked with a friendly, interested smile.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]​
The Master nodded. Sword play was new for him, and even with a lightsaber, it was something else. His father gave him a year or so of Jedi Sentinel training, and most of it was the mysticism of the Force with a how-to-be-a-smuggler lessons mixed in. Not using a lightsaber, or the overtly powerful abilities he had nowadays? That put him right in the mind to track down the dark side as he was doing it, but not being outwardly obvious. He had a bit more finesse before rising to Master. This was a bit out of his depth.

“Well, studied, works. Yeah.” He nodded. “I guess that all works. I know most are a bit more protection, then you have the ones who are focused on movement and being faster than your enemy.For me…” He shrugged.

“It seems to be the closest form to what I prefer. I tend to make it move a bit faster, but if I can get an enemy stalled enough for me to take a blaster shot?” He grinned and shrugged. Form V was aggressive, but so was Coren, when the time was right.

[member="Amilthi Camlenn"]
Amilthi shook her head in amusement. She knew Form V well enough to have a strong opinion that to employ it while thinking of an opportunity to use a blaster was to miss the point.

"There is a point to choosing a form and sticking with it. The mental focus that comes with adopting the specific mindset is very powerful. Have you ever studied Niman? If not, I wonder if it might not be worth it for you to seek out some instruction. I couldn't tell you the first thing about it, because it requires skills I do not have. But I understand it involves a very pragmatic approach to things that combines many different tools. If you still have the thought of taking a blaster when there is a lightsabre in your hand - perhaps there is something interesting for you in it."

"Let me know if you find something interesting there and want someone to discuss it with or practice." She gave him a friendly smile. "But for today, we might get the most benefit from perfecting familiar skills."

And with that she would suggest that they take the opportunity of practicing some of the paired kata that constituted the Fifth Form, which otherwise she could execute only as partly mental exercises in her imagination.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]​

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