Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Call to Service (RNR & Friends)


Queen's Handmaiden


A Call to Service


My fellow citizens of Naboo,

The Royal Naboo Republic extends a warm invitation to all of you for a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and perhaps, embark on a new path of service with your fellow Naboo citizens. We are pleased to announce a special recruitment drive and social gathering taking place at the famed The Last Drop, a venerable establishment in the heart of Theed.

This is more than a mere recruitment event. This is a chance for the members of our community, from all walks of life, to gather in a relaxed and jovial atmosphere and get to know those who diligently serve our beautiful planet. All of our military branches will have representatives present:
  • The Royal Defense Force: Their brave men and women stand as the shield of Naboo, protecting our land and people. Enlist and learn more about ground combat training, strategy, and the unwavering dedication of the soldiers who keep us safe. Talk about the rigorous but rewarding training that builds strength and teamwork.
  • The Royal Security Corps: The guardians of our cities and keepers of justice. Discover the unique challenges of maintaining peace and order, the investigative work they undertake, and the training in law enforcement and peacekeeping offered by the corps as well as opportunities within local security.
  • The Royal Naval Fleet: Our protectors of the skies and space. Learn about the latest advancements in starfighter technology, naval strategy, and the adventurous life of a pilot or crewman. Connect with those who patrol and defend our borders and engage in trade and transport throughout the system.
Throughout the day, members from each branch will be freely mingling, eager to answer your questions, share their experiences, and get to know you. You will find all ranks, from newly-minted officers to seasoned veterans, available for conversation.

Furthermore, to signal the importance of this event and the unity of our community, we encourage all our leadership, from esteemed members of Shiraya's Order to representatives of the Royal Assembly, to join us. Their presence underscores our shared commitment to the future of Naboo and provides a rare opportunity for direct dialogue between the citizenry and its leaders.

The Last Drop will be offering its regular menu alongside some specials for the day, fostering a comfortable environment for socializing and engaging in conversations about how best to care for our home. Whether you are curious about the military, seeking new career opportunities, or simply looking to share a drink with friends and neighbors, this is an event you won't want to miss.

This event is not solely for those considering military service. This is a celebration of Naboo unity, an opportunity to strengthen the bonds that make our society truly special. This is your chance to hear directly from those on the frontlines and participate with those who are currently serving. Join us at The Last Drop, raise a glass to Naboo, and be a part of our planet's thriving future.

May the Force be with you,

The Royal Naboo Republic.




The morning had been a blur of activity for Lorn and the Vanguard. Moving crates of promotional materials, setting up display boards showcasing the might of the Royal Military, and ensuring every table was angled just so, they had transformed The Last Drop from its usual cozy tavern atmosphere into a bustling recruitment hub. The bar, normally filled with the quiet chatter of locals, now pulsed with a different kind of energy – the anticipation of a community gathering.

Sweat beaded on Lorn's brow despite the cool, air-conditioned interior. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, his gaze sweeping over the room. Everything was perfect – or as perfect as his team could achieve. A wave of pride washed over him as he watched his team, the Vanguard, settle in.

A few of his most articulate members had taken their places at a designated table to answer any questions about how they operated. They looked professional, capable, and welcoming – all qualities Lorn valued above all else. He trusted them to answer questions and engage the curious minds that would soon fill the bar.

Lorn, on the other hand, felt a slight tremor of unease. Mingling was not his forte. He was a soldier, more comfortable with the weight of his lightsaber than with the nuances of small talk. But the higher ups made it clear: the Vanguard needed a representative who could connect with the people. And that, unfortunately, was Lorn's job – for now.

He watched the Vanguard pass around a few rounds of Naboo whiskey, the amber liquid catching the light. A well-deserved break, he thought. He took a glass, the aroma filling his senses, and raised it in a silent toast to his team. They had earned it.

With a sigh, Lorn took a long pull of his drink. The familiar burn soothed his nerves. He straightened himself out and then stepped away from the Vanguard's table. The door was about to open, and citizens of Theed were about to pour in.

He forced a smile, not entirely convincing even to himself, and started his slow wander through the bar. He kept his eyes open, scanning the growing crowd. He spotted a few familiar faces from the neighborhood, as well as some brand new ones. He took a deep breath and approached a couple, and offered a small nod.

"Good afternoon," he said, his voice a low rumble, "I'm Lorn, with Shiraya's Vanguard. I hope you're enjoying yourselves." He paused, waiting for a response – a leap into the unknown of social interaction. Lorn figured this was how he spent the rest of the day, one hesitant conversation at a time. He hated it, but he'd do whatever it took for Naboo, for his brothers and sisters in the Vanguard, and for the future he was helping to protect.



The hum of the crowd had long since faded, replaced by the boisterous laughter of the Vanguard. Lorn leaned against the worn wooden bar, a half-empty glass of Naboo whiskey in his hand. He would take advantage of the tab created by the military. The initial surge of fresh-faced recruits had been gratifying, a testament to the appeal of military service, yet the energy had plateaued hours ago. Now, only a trickle of stragglers wandered through The Last Drop, their interest piqued by the raucous corner the Vanguard had claimed.

He watched his team, their faces flushed with drink and amusement. The perfectly arranged display boards, once symbols of military precision, now framed a scene of unrestrained camaraderie. The Vanguard, a blend of stoic warriors and sly rogues, had indeed made themselves comfortable. They were all veterans of Shiraya's Order, all hand chosen to be the best of the best, now they were here in this tavern, playing darts.

Lorn took another sip of his whiskey, the burn familiar and comforting. He hadn't intended for the event to devolve into a social gathering, but what else was there to do? The higher-ups had focused on numbers, hoping to bolster the Republic's forces with a flood of fresh faces. They seemed to forget the human element, the need for connection and shared experience. Perhaps, Lorn mused, this unofficial gathering was just as valuable.

The dartboard, rescued from a dusty corner, had become the focal point of their festivities. Yells of triumph echoed as a Vanguard member landed a perfect bullseye, each successful throw met with an explosion of cheers. Lorn watched as Kael, the team's usually reserved strategist, actually laughed, his face alight with genuine joy. It was a rare sight, one that warmed Lorn's heart. Even he had indulged, sinking a few darts with surprising accuracy, a skill he had completely forgotten existed.

He scanned the room, noticing a few members of the Royal Defense Force had joined their ranks. It was nice to see the groups mingle. The two groups had a good bit of differences in operations, but it seemed that every man and woman could agree on having a good time. Lorn's ears caught snippets of conversation – shared war stories, jokes about training mishaps, even just mundane talk of their lives outside of the military. The sound was comforting after a morning of forced small talk.

He raised his glass in a silent toast to his team: to their camaraderie, to their resilience, and to the future they were still fighting for. He then took one last pull of his whiskey, and turned his gaze to the dartboard once more. A grin crept across his face as he was dared to beat one of his more skilled compatriots. He couldn't help it and walked over, claiming his spot and throwing his first dart.


Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber, Echo Stone | Tag: Open

There were a lot more visitors that'd shown up than what she'd been expecting, especially after this latest Netherworld incursion had hit them, expecting wariness and smaller crowds, rather than a spirited showing of prospective recruits and curious citizens who'd chosen to gather despite lingering fears —some of which, were already lined up at the recruitment table—which was heartening to see—while others lounged at the oval tables, eating, drinking, and even indulging in a round of cards or darts.

When Briana had gotten the invitation to make an appearance, she'd been glad to come along and show her support for them. Once upon a time, it'd been her dream to join the Naboo Naval Academy, back when her goal had been to use a service career as a spring board to launch herself into politics, like her father and many others in her family. She might have followed through on that path, if not for the day she'd begrudgingly chosen to follow her runaway brother to Ossus and support him in his dreams.

A lot in her life had changed since then, herself and her goals included. But, even though she wasn't that girl anymore, there was a natural ease that surfaced whenever Briana found herself among those in uniform. Whether it was because of growing up with the likes of Jaa Ardan Jaa Ardan , or due to connection and love she'd once shared with Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , or even the time she'd spent alongside the men and women of the Galactic Alliance on the battlefields of the Hyperspace War, back when she was just a Padawan — whatever the reason, there was a comfort to be found in their presence. A sense of grounding.

Shuffling her way deeper into the cantina, Briana wandered over to one of the many Sabacc tables, waiting for the dealing droid to call the last game before inserting herself. Many of the players smiles seemed to sharpen as she settled in, a telltale sign of those who expected to make some easy money in short order. Sabacc was notoriously tricky, and in truth, there'd been a time when she'd been...less than skilled at the game, but loosing to the likes of Aiden —more than just a handful of times— had taught her a trick or two that made her feel confident enough to hold her own, at least for a few rounds.

Laying a small stack of credits on the table, Briana gave a smile of her own. "Deal me in."

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Rhezz Falcar



TAGS: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

These sorts of events were not the place for him. He didn't like large crowds. He didn't like lots of people around. Solitude was much what he preferred, and it was a large part of why he was so well suited to the cockpit of a fighter. There was no greater solitude than flying through space in a ship not much bigger than yourself. Peaceful, albeit dangerous. The danger provided as much thrill as he needed in life for the most part. Some others might disagree with him, but he knew what was best for him.

But he went because, as a member of the Royal Navy, he had an obligation to do as he was commanded. As leader of Sando Squadron, he had a responsibility to put their best foot forward. If he didn't hold to that, it was well within the rights of his superiors to reprimand him, and he had no desire to be cleaning latrines or whatever else they might have him do.

Skirting along the outside wall, he spotted Briana at the Sabacc table. He thought about joining her. Cards were fun and he was more at ease in a competition than he was just wandering around and mingling with people he didn't know. Plus he actually liked playing Sabacc. There was a level of challenge to it that required a lot of planning and thought, as well as some luck of the draw. It was a lot like flying a starfighter in a dogfight in space: you play the best game, or you lose. But at least with Sabacc losing didn't mean you died.

However, for the moment, he decided on something else and approached Lorn at the darts. They'd barely had the chance to meet, but Rhezz felt he had a compatriot in the man. He was certain he knew why he'd ducked out of the last time they'd met with such... veracity.

"Don't be cheating with that Force now," he said to Lorn, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Fair darts only or else I'll have to beat you myself."


Lysander's felt a wave of appreciation wash over him today as he strolled through the streets of Theed, slowly making way into one of the cantinas. Camaraderie and laughter filled the air, serving to remind him of his deepening gratitude for the beauty of his new home. The boy was clad in a lavish tunic with hues that matched the greenery outside, paired with trousers and sleek boots, rather than the more conventional robes he probably should have been wearing.

Furthermore, a rare sense of freedom enveloped him now; he was no longer burdened by the foul odor that had been a part of his identity for several days after a recent test.

He scanned the various Sabacc tables scattered about as banter echoed all through the atmosphere. The room buzzed with energy; it was an inviting sight, one that stirred something within him. And yet, amidst it all, a familiar figure suddenly caught his eye; it jarred his entire thought process. As recognition became clearer, he suddenly slowed his pace.

The teen’s heart raced; it couldn’t be!

It was Briana.

A few steps later, Lysander slipped into a seat across the table from her. For a brief moment, silence hung in the air. He even hoped the awkwardness would be palpable. But inside, he was struggling to maintain an air of stoicism. His mouth twitched at the corner, almost curving into a grin. "Hello, Ms. Sal-Soren," he said at last, his voice steady but laced with mischief. The Padawan exaggeratedly removed a pair of sunglasses and smoothly placed them over his face. "I thought you should know, as of today, I'm officially glitter free again. Feels like one of my biggest victories in a while."

In truth, he wasn’t even sure how many credits were needed to start. With a nonchalant shrug and feigning whatever confidence he could, the teen reached into a pocket and pulled out a handful. They were tossed carelessly onto the table as his gaze darted around from behind the shades. Eventually they fell back onto the Jedi Knight.

With a flick of his hand, he swept his blonde hair aside. Lysander's expression became focused, and his tone was cool. "Deal me in."
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"There's no liars in this game," Captain Drake said with a rakish grin as he gathered up the last pot, "Just players."

He paused to admire his luminescent orange beverage before taking another sip of the Naboo Sunset. Theed was a beautiful city and as good a place as any in the outer rim to lay low from an Imperial death mark. His faded Kathol Navy field jacket stuck out among all the royal uniforms but Atlas seemed at ease among strangers.

Laying a small stack of credits on the table, Briana gave a smile of her own. "Deal me in."

"As you wish."

Drake leaned forward to punch a few keys on the dealer droid. It spun around like a top before two slender metallic arms emerged from ports to slide cards precisely within arm's reach of the young naboo lady who asked to join. He raised one eyebrow when a boy called her Sal-Soren. That name sounded familiar, like he'd heard it before maybe on the local HoloNet.

Lysander's expression became focused, and his tone was cool. "Deal me in."

"You old enough, kid?" the mysterious hyperspace prospector asked in a thick frontier drawl, "This is just a friendly pot, but we're gambling real credits here."

He glanced over to Sal-Soren as if for permission after the teen tossed some credits down, and so long as she didn't object pressed a few more buttons to program the sandy haired boy in as well.

"Corellian Spike rules," Drake explained, referring to the popular sabacc variant, "Buy in is twenty decs."
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Tags: Rhezz Falcar


The room buzzed with a comfortable chaos. It was this kind of unguarded joy that made these moments worthwhile, a brief respite from the endless drills and strategic planning. He felt a deep sense of camaraderie with these men and women, a bond forged in shared experiences. He pushed back the nagging fear that these connections were fleeting, that they, too, could be ripped away, choosing instead to revel in the present.

A familiar voice cut through the din, and Lorn turned to see Rhezz, the pilot known as "Ghost," approaching. A genuine smile tugged at Lorn's lips as he extended his hand for a firm handshake. "Ghost," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a warmth that surprised even him. "It's good to see you again." He gestured towards the bar, snagging a fresh glass of Naboo whiskey and passing it to Rhezz. "I apologize for my rather abrupt departure the other night," he admitted, taking a fortifying sip of his own. "The whole evening… had become a bit much." He could see in Rhezz's eyes an understanding, a quiet nod acknowledging the unspoken pressures that came with their positions.

Lorn grabbed a dart, feeling the familiar weight in his hand, and casually tossed it towards the board. It landed with a satisfying thud, not a bullseye, but close enough. He chuckled a bit at the pilot's warning about cheating with the Force. It was a common joke among the Vanguard, a playful reminder of the abilities that often gave them an edge. "Agreed," Lorn replied, holding up another dart, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "Fair darts. Let's see what you got, Ghost." He genuinely wanted to see Rhezz's skill. The man was a pilot of the highest caliber, and he had a feeling that skill may translate to his dart throwing. His drink was settling in nicely, and he was ready to enjoy the rest of the evening, and finally let loose a little.

Briana's head tilted and one perfectly manicured brow raised as she watched Lysander's theatrical display, the bravado as transparent as an unfed Dianoga. The sunglasses were an amusing touch—oversold, but it seemed like that was the style of her brother's Padawan. Her own lips curved into a faint, knowing grin at the mention of glitter.

Ah, so that was what this was about. He still had a bone to pick with her.

"Mmhm...maybe not all of it," She motioned to the collar of her own shirt, trying to indicate that there was still the smallest speck there, glinting in the faint lighting.
"Though, the smell is definitely gone, so I'll give you that."

"You old enough, kid?" the mysterious hyperspace prospector asked in a thick frontier drawl, "This is just a friendly pot, but we're gambling real credits here."

He glanced over to Sal-Soren as if for permission after the teen tossed some credits down, and so long as she didn't object pressed a few more buttons to program the sandy haired boy in as well.

For a heartbeat, Briana considered sending Lysander on his way. He was underage, and this was hardly standard Jedi protocol. But then again, Lysander wasn't really here because of Sabacc; it was about pride and proving something to her. Perhaps entertaining this little rebellion of his would give him what he needed to confront his own frustrations and ego, and move on.

She gave a nod to the man with the thick drawl.
"It's alright, I'll vouch for him." Briana slid another few credits toward the buy-in. "And I'll cover him if he loses." She looked back towards Lysander, "You know how to play, or do you need a refresher on the rules?"


Lysander's face remained stoically calm; he did not display a single hint of emotion while assessing the Jedi Knight across the table. How long he would be able to maintain it, was still uncertain. His gaze was sharp, darting to the side as the man spoke, taking note of his apparel that suggested he was an outsider, seemingly just as out of place here as he felt now.

There was a strong urge to correct an assumption thrown his way. Kid sounded a bit too simplistic. “Young man,” he offered, his voice steady while gracefully retrieving a few more credits. This time, they were placed on the table with care. Such currency was but a trifle for the blonde Padawan. His father, a powerful figure on Ukatis, could undoubtedly wipe his bum with credits without a single thought if he so pleased.

The corners of his mouth threatened to crack a grin, so he took a moment to compose himself at Briana’s comment. A single eyebrow was raised behind the shades. “Well, even the finest Corellian wine can still have imperfections, I suppose,” he said smoothly, even if he hadn’t ever savored a single sip of the liquid himself. “The smell may be gone, but the memory of it all still lingers.”

He soon regarded the woman with appreciation; vouching for him spoke plenty about her character. After all, he’d been around his share of Jedi that were more.. self-righteous. But the flutter of gratitude in his chest was heavily guarded; Lysander wasn’t going to openly show it just yet. "Oh I know how to play." The words were spoken with confidence. "But you don’t have to worry about covering me if things don’t go my way. It might just end up being the other way around.”


Drake scratched his chin in thought while he eyed a pair of freshly drawn cards. It didn't take the Force to sense that these new arrivals had history but there didn't seem to be much of a resemblance. A chorus of cheers erupted near the cantina's dart board.

"I suppose he looks strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark."

Gold dataries clinked together in Captain Drake's coarse hands. His usual games on backwater shadowports were a little more high stakes. At least none of the patrons here reeked of spice.

"Raise ten more."

The kid's brash comments forced a smirk to the edge of his lips. Sneaking into bars at that age reminded Atlas of old trouble he used to find as a junior cadet.

"Hoping to enlist?" he asked the young lady named Sal-Soren, "There are worse ways to see the galaxy."

Rhezz Falcar



TAGS: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Rhezz waved a hand in dismissal of the apology.

"No need to worry about it," he said, sticking his hands into his pockets and hunching his shoulders up a bit. "I get how you felt. Usually I'm the same. Big crowds and lots of attention have a tendency to put me off. Part of how I got my nickname is how I would just disappear from parties and the like. One minute I was there, the next gone."

The idea of playing darts didn't bother him. It wasn't something he'd intended to do, but if Lorn wanted to challenge him then so be it. He took his jacket off and placed it on the back of a nearby chair. Throwing darts with a jacket restricting his arms just wasn't going to work. And yeah sure, he looked a bit like a hick considering he was just wearing an ordinary white shirt underneath, but he didn't really care. Leaving people to assume things about him was part of the strategy.

He took the other set of darts, opposite of Lorn, and held them up to examine them. A flick of the finger over the 'feathers' and he tested the weight of each by balancing them on his finger before choosing the first dart he would use. When he was settled on it, he lifted his hand, arm bent, dart between his fingers, and rolled it gently before setting his eyes on the board.

After a moment of staring, he launched his arm forward, not hard, but controlled, and the dart flew through the air in a parabolic arc and stuck into the board. In the triple nineteen.

"Good start," he said, turning his attention to Lorn. "Your shot, Saber Rattler."

Tags: Open

Today was going to be a busy day. A day that brought all of Naboo together for the purpose of unity and to showcase who they were. The Royal Armed forces, consisting of the Defense Force, Navy and the Security Force. Together they joined with the Shiraya Order and the members of the Royal Assembly were also present. A belief of unity was called upon and today that would be shown in full force. There were multiple events happening on this day, it was a point that everyone would try to be everywhere today. To take in all that Naboo had to show.

The Jedi Padawan was doing all that he could to increase his own stake in Naboo. To be better for others, as well as himself. He had particated in the basic training for the Security Force, as well as the Defense force. Although he had not partaken in the Training for the Royal Navy as of yet. His work with those and more particulary his pledge Vanguard had improved his physical and mental abilities. He held his head up higher, his mental capacity had increased as he pushed through the hardships he had faced.

While he was better, he still had much more work to do. A Jedi never stopped learning and growing. He would never say that he didn't have anything else to learn.

He stood with the Royal Defense Force today, assiting in showing the public daily drills, providing the people with a fresh perspective about the military. He enjoyed seeing the smiles most of all, the people....

The people were happy today, as was he.

Talia entered the bustling bar with a sense of nervous anticipation. The atmosphere was charged with energy, filled with laughter, chatter, and the occasional clink of glasses. She had come to support her older brother, Lorn, who had invited her to this grand event showcasing Naboo's unity and strength. It had been far too long since they had last seen each other, and every moment she could spend with him was precious.

As she scanned the room, her gaze landed on Lorn, easily identifiable amidst a crowd of men and women in uniforms. He stood with a group of Vanguard members, his laughter infectious and warm. Talia felt a rush of pride but also a pang of hesitation. He seemed engrossed in conversation, surrounded by his peers, and she didn't want to interrupt. Instead, she gave him a slight wave, a shy smile on her lips, and then turned to explore the bar further.

With a drink now in hand, a refreshing local wine, Talia found a cozy spot at the bar, leaning against the polished wood. She watched the various interactions unfolding around her: soldiers animatedly discussing their training, recruits eagerly listening to the tales of seasoned warriors, and a group of friends engrossed in a heated game of Sabacc. The sense of camaraderie was palpable, and it warmed her heart to see so many people united for a common cause.

Her eyes drifted until they fell upon a young man standing a short distance away, working with the Defense Force. He seemed about her age, with a friendly demeanor and an easy smile that brightened his face as he conversed with his fellow soldiers. Talia felt a flutter of courage, perhaps this would be a good opportunity to make a new friend, someone who might share stories about her brother's world.

Steeling herself, she took a deep breath and approached him, her heart racing slightly with excitement and nerves. As she slipped next to him, she could feel the warmth of his presence. "Hello," she greeted, her smile bright and genuine. "What do they have you doing today?"



Tags: Rhezz Falcar


Lorn stood at the dartboard, the weight of the dart still lingering in his hand. He chuckled at Rhezz's prowess, the way the pilot had effortlessly sent the dart soaring into the triple nineteen. It was a solid shot, and the friendly rivalry that pulsed between them was a welcome distraction from the lingering shadows of his responsibilities.

"I don't mind big groups when it's those I know," Lorn said, gesturing towards the bustling crowd around them. "But that night? It ended up being a very awkward situation on an already terrible night for me." His voice held an edge of vulnerability, a rare glimpse behind the mask he wore so often. The laughter and revelry of the room felt distant, like a beautiful painting viewed from a long way off. He took a deep breath, his gaze drifting back to Rhezz. "You know how it is, right? Sometimes the pressure just builds and builds until you feel like you're going to burst."

With a quick movement, Lorn stepped up to the board again, the whiskey warming his veins. He threw his darts, but they sailed wildly off the mark, thudding unceremoniously into the board. He groaned, waving the poor throw off with a flick of his wrist, a half-hearted excuse forming in his mind. "I suppose I could blame the drink," he muttered, "but maybe I've just cheated one too many times with the Force."

As he signaled for Rhezz to take his turn, his eyes wandered to the entrance of the bar. Aiden walked in, tall and confident, followed shortly by his sister. A wave of warmth surged through him at the sight of her. He waved to her as he invited her to be a part of the event Lorn had set up, it was good to see her, he was trying to rebuild that relationship that he had let go for so long.

"So what does the Navy have you up to these days?" Lorn asked Rhezz, hoping to shift the focus back to their banter. He leaned against the bar, a relaxed posture masking the tempest of thoughts swirling within him.

Rhezz Falcar



TAGS: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Rhezz nodded. He did get it. That sort of pressure was the reason he disappeared from gatherings without any notice. It was easier than telling everyone goodbye because they all wanted to know why you were leaving early and then you had to explain or come up with an excuse or lie or something and he didn't like that. Rather just disappear and leave them wondering. Then he didn't have to deal with the awkwardness of an explanation.

"Yeah, I get it," he said, rolling the remaining darts between his fingers. "Those Sal-Soren gals were kind of pressuring you a bit, too."

As Lorn threw his remaining darts, which missed entirely, and then commented on his relying too much on the Force, Rhezz shook his head. Dangerous, that. He knew there were ways to block people from having the ability to utilize the Force, so relying too heavily on it was probably not a good thing. Still, he did see how, when it came down to situations of skill, such as throwing darts or piloting a starfighter, utilizing the Force to assist you could be very valuable and he wouldn't fault someone who could for doing so.

He stepped up to the line and brought up the first of his two remaining darts, tossed it and hit the triple eighteen. His last one he hit a triple nineteen. Safe bet he played a fair amount of darts.

"Good thing we aren't playing for money. I'd have been obligated to tell you I'm pretty good at darts if we were."

He went over to the board and grabbed their darts before returning, holding Lorn's out to him as the man asked about what the Navy had him up to. Honestly, it had been pretty quiet recently. Nothing super major.

"Can't say everything but mostly patrol work at the moment. Not as if we're at war or anything."



Tags: Rhezz Falcar


Lorn sighed, taking the darts from Rhezz, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, I'll blame it on the drink then." he grinned, his gaze momentarily flickering towards his sister in the distance, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her converse with Aiden.

He tossed his darts again, but the results were the same - a resounding series of thuds against the surrounding wall, far from the intended target. A loud groan escaped his lips, laced with laughter at his blatant incompetence.

"Maybe next time, we try a game of strength or stamina." he suggested, his Vanguard agreeing from within his thoughts, a silent chorus of approval. Their training regimens ensured they were always in peak physical form. "Though, something tells me you might be able to keep up as well..." Lorn added, his eyes sweeping over Rhezz's muscular frame. He hoped, perhaps, that Rhezz's time in the cockpit had softened him, a sliver of a competitive advantage he was willing to grasp.

Lorn retrieved his errant darts from the wall and handed them back to Rhezz, feeling the liquor warm his veins. "I have to say, I don't know how you do it," he admitted, his earlier banter momentarily forgotten.

A moment of quiet then settled between them. "I can't stand flying," he confessed with a laugh, the thought of hurtling through the air in a contraption stirring a familiar unease in his belly. "Where I come from, we mostly relied on mounts to get us places." His mind drifted back to the rolling hills and grand creatures, and the days he spent on Miritar, his Master's home world, where the only reason to be on a ship, was to travel off-world. The idea of sitting still in a ship for hours, nauseous, was not his idea of fun.
"What do they have you doing today?"

Aiden turned to see a young woman whom had addressed him, he had never seen her before. Yet there was something incredibly familiar about her presence. "I'm kinda everywhere at the moment. But mainly trying to work with the RDF today. Talking about experiences, what it's like to go through the basic training. We've been showcasing some weapons today for the public as well. Just to get some familiarity and show people what we are working with." Aiden said with a smile as he gave her small bow of his head. Which turned out to be an occasional greeting for the Jedi Padawan, just a way of showing respect to those that he met.

"I apologize, my manners seem to have left me." Aiden said with a small laugh as he held out his hand towards her. "My name is Aiden Porte, officially a Jedi Padawan. It's nice to meet you."

"What brings you to Naboo?"
Aiden asked respectfully yet curiously as settled in more comfortably sharing a conversation with his new friend.

Talia Reingard Talia Reingard

Talia listened intently as Aiden described his day, her gaze drifting around the room, taking in the various displays and groups of soldiers. She could see the large weapons demonstrations he mentioned, and the way his words brought the day to life sparked a genuine curiosity within her. A small smile played on her lips as he introduced himself, the title of Jedi Padawan registering with a flicker of surprise. There was an undeniable warmth in his demeanor that put her instantly at ease.

"Talia Reingard." she responded, her voice soft but clear as she took his hand, finding a surprising comfort in his touch. "I actually live in Theed." she explained, the truth feeling almost too simple. She thought for a moment, searching for a way to convey her true reasons for being there, but there wasn't much of one. "I suppose I'm just here to support my brother and possibly make up for some lost time." she added, her eyes unconsciously scanning the crowd until they landed on Lorn. She quietly nodded her head in his direction, a small, almost imperceptible gesture, as she pointed out the group of Vanguard members, her brother standing tall and laughing amongst them.

Turning her attention back to Aiden, her expression was one of genuine interest. "How long have you been on Naboo?" she asked, a slight tilt to her head. "I haven't seen you around before." She was genuinely curious, and perhaps a little bit hopeful that this chance meeting would turn into more than just a brief exchange, a friendship perhaps.

"Talia Reingard."
"I actually live in Theed."
"I suppose I'm just here to support my brother and possibly make up for some lost time."

"Reingard...?" Aiden inquired as he looked away for just a brief moment advising one of the Defense members of something before looking back to. "I have a good friend with that same last name....." Aiden said with a small chuckle. "Lorn Reingard wouldn't be your brother would he?" The Jedi Padawan asked with a big smile, what a small world it was. If this was true, yet his intuition was telling him that it was indeed true. And as he watched her look in Lorn's direction and he smiled. "That is truly remarkable. It's very good to meet you. He's a good friend, and that means I am your friend as well." Aiden said with a small smile and nod of his head. Lorn had become a true and fast friend, and he was sure Talia would become just as true a friend as her brother.

"How long have you been on Naboo?"
"I haven't seen you around before."

"Probably around a year and half." Aiden said, but followed quickly with more words. "Off and on that is, I was a Padawan with the New Jedi Order on Coruscant, family strife and further conflict have recalled me home. My family owns an estate and villa a few miles outside of Theed." Aiden reached for his glass that was near and he raised it in her direction. "To you, and your brother....and Naboo." Aiden said with a smile as he took a drink from the glass.

"Has anything, any branch caught your eye today.?" Aiden inquired, not sure if she had a small push to join one of the groups assembled today.

Talia Reingard Talia Reingard

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