Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Call to Service (RNR & Friends)



Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber, Echo Stone | Tag: Atlas Drake Atlas Drake , Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
"Oh I know how to play." The words were spoken with confidence. "But you don’t have to worry about covering me if things don’t go my way. It might just end up being the other way around.”
Briana tried to fight back a smile, Lysanders bravado being nothing if not amusing and a just a tad endearing. Watching the towheaded youngster trying a bit too hard to come across as grown-up and sophisticated — practiced casualness, exaggerated confidence — was almost like watching a live holorecording of her brother Brandyn from when he was younger. Just make his hair a little darker and more scraggly, and it was nearly a prefect 1:1 resemblance.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?"

"Hoping to enlist?" he asked the young lady named Sal-Soren, "There are worse ways to see the galaxy."

"Enlist?" Briana repeated, glancing up from studying the cards that'd been dealt to her. "Hah, no. Not exactly." She shrugged, deciding to engage with the casual bit of chit-chat while she sorted out her next move. "At one point I likely would have, but life had different ideas in mind," What those ideas were, Briana left off. There was a reason why she'd chosen to dress down in casual civilian wear — and while most would likely know who she was regardless of how she dressed, minimizing the chances didn't hurt. It was exhausting being recognized everywhere you went and it was nice to escape the constant reminders. Of her titles, her position — of the infamous legacy of her father.

Tossing out a couple more credits into the main pot, Briana reached for the top card and added it to her hand. "and doing what I do, I already see plenty of the galaxy." Too much, sometimes. "
I'm just here to show my support for those who do choose to wear the uniform."

Her head titled sightly, eyes taking in what information she could about the man next to her. He didn't exactly blend in with his faded jacket and non-local accent, but he didn't necessarily stick out like a sore thumb either, striking her as someone who was likely used to rapidly changing circumstances. "So, how about you? What brought you out here tonight?"

"Raise ten more."

Briana grew momentarily quiet, contemplative, lips pushing to one side.

A few beats passed.
"I see your ten and raise another five."
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Rhezz Falcar



TAGS: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

He tossed a nearly perfect second round of darts. Only nearly perfect because he didn't hit any triple 20's, though he wasn't really trying to. Most people tried to go that route and sometimes it was just too much of an ask. He opted for a different strategy to reach the right score, which tended to be easier, at least to him, because of the placement.

"I can probably keep up for a time, but I know you Force users can augment yourselves in that regard," he said, offering a smirk. "I can't. But, for someone who doesn't utilize the Force, I do my best to stay in shape. Inertial dampers only handle so much."

Lorn retrieved their darts and handed his back to him. He took a step back and grabbed a glass of water from a passing tray. Alcohol was great and all, but he didn't fancy it when around people he didn't really know. If he went out with the squadron he could drink in comfort because he knew his limits and theirs. But with people he didn't know that well, it was hard to know their limits, and if they didn't know his, they couldn't cut him off before he got so far as to lose who and where he was.

"Always been a good shot. The rest is just practice."

Waiting for Lorn to go, he rolled his darts around in his hand. Clearly, he was used to utilizing the Force to his advantage. Perhaps he should spend a little time trying to learn not to rely on it so much? Not his place to say, though.

"Not much different from a mount, just the ship isn't alive. Still takes guidance and an understanding of the mount. Flying feels natural to me, and I enjoy the solitude inside of my fighter. It's not for the faint of heart, though. Very dangerous, and fighter pilots are lost often in battle. Lost many friends since I started."

When Lorn was done, he tossed his darts, the last one hit a double 20 for the 0 score.

"Think that's a win for me."


Talia's eyes widened slightly, a genuine spark of delight igniting within them at Aiden's mention of her brother. "You know Lorn?" she said, a little bit of excitement bubbling up in her voice. This serendipitous meeting had turned out better than she could have hoped. The possibility of befriending one of Lorn's acquaintances was thrilling. "It's so good to meet one of his friends. Do you... work with him?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. She still hadn't quite grasped the full scope of Lorn's involvement within the Naboo defense forces.

As Aiden raised his glass in a toast, Talia mirrored his gesture, a light blush coloring her cheeks. She took a small sip of her own drink, the liquid a cool contrast to the warm feeling spreading through her as he made the toast. "We will have to come visit this estate then soon!" she exclaimed, her imagination taking flight at the thought of escaping the confines of Theed. The idea of an adventure, even one as simple as a trip outside city limits, thrilled her.

A gentle smile played on her lips as Aiden asked if any of the demonstrations had caught her eye. She gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, her gaze drifting around the room as she considered his question. "No, I don't think I'm much of a fighter," she said with a soft chuckle, her tone light and self-deprecating. The thought of wielding weapons or engaging in combat didn't appeal to her.

"Maybe I'll find some administrative work," she mused, her voice thoughtful, yet uncertain. "I'm not sure…" she muttered, her gaze dropping for a moment in contemplation. "I'm still trying to figure it all out." she admitted to Aiden, her tone honest and vulnerable.

The truth was, her life had been so focused on her mother's tailor business and dressing the royal children that she hadn't fully considered her own path. However, with Lorn's return, a new sense of ambition, a desire to do something more, had begun to blossom within her, and this meeting with a friend of her brother's felt like a step in a new and exciting direction.

"It's so good to meet one of his friends. Do you... work with him?"
"We will have to come visit this estate then soon!"

"I do, he's been amazing. Lorn has helped me through some tough times." Aiden said with a smile as he glanced towards Lorn then back to Talia. "That would be great, I do plan on getting something together so a bunch of friends and such can come and relax. A party you could say, but nothing to wild. A place to relax and enjoy the Naboo atmosphere." Aiden chuckled lightly as he thought about it some more, if he could pick a place to stay forever it would definitely be here.

"No, I don't think I'm much of a fighter,"
"Maybe I'll find some administrative work,"
"I'm still trying to figure it all out."

Aiden was truly intrigued by her. Perhaps it was because most of the people he had met all had a path set before them. She was still trying to figure hers out. Which was honestly quite nice, he wasn't sure what he would be doing if he wasn't a Jedi, if that path wasn't laid before him. That would perhaps be something he would have to think about in his spare time, obviously not that it mattered now. But just to see what he could be doing, if not this.

"I'm sure it will come to you in time. Just don't force anything. Enjoy yourself, I know that's what your brother would want." Aiden said with a smile as he nodded his head.

Talia Reingard Talia Reingard


Tags: Rhezz Falcar


Lorn waved a dismissive hand at the dartboard, the defeat not entirely sitting well, but not enough to show it. He handed his set of darts to a waiting teammate, a young woman with a focused gaze, clearly eager to take her turn. He shifted towards the bar, flagging down the bartender with a raise of his hand, signaling for another round.

"Maybe I do rely too much on the Force," Lorn admitted, the realization dawning on him with a slight furrow of his brow. He swirled the liquid in his new glass, the amber reflecting the bar's dim lights. "I can quiet a mount's mind, calm it even, work in unity with it and the Force. It's much more comforting than being in a durasteel death trap." He finished off his drink before trading the empty glass with the bartender who had promptly fulfilled his request.

"It's hard not to augment myself with the Force. It's always there," he murmured back, his gaze distant for a moment. "I'm not sure what I'd be doing without it, certainly no pilot that's for sure." A short, self-deprecating chuckle escaped him. "I probably would have followed in my father's footsteps now that I think about it, The Royal Security Corp, protecting the Queen perhaps?"

Lorn paused, his thoughts turning more introspective. He then looked at Rhezz, a genuine curiosity washing over his features. "What about you? Ever think of anything other than being a pilot? Ever wish you could augment yourself with the Force?" It wasn't a challenge or a playful jab, but a sincere question, searching for an understanding of the man beyond his exceptional dart-throwing skills.

Lysander's fingers danced across the cards, trying to conceal the chaos that was coursing within. With a mask of nonchalance, he may have appeared at ease, but his mind tried to recall every rule and tactic he had long since used. But it was too late to admit that some of the rules felt distant and even elusive.

The Padawan's eyes flickered for a moment towards the other two. The plan was simple: remain silent, appear confident, and hope that his feigned experience might buy him some extra time. As the dealer slid another card across the table, the boy's gaze remained determined behind the impenetrable shades, still believing that he was deceiving everyone around.

As more credits were tossed in and the stakes were raised, he nodded his head, as though understanding every nuance of the exchange. His eyes then glanced down at the new card, not entirely happy with its value, but not daring to show his disappointment either. He tapped the edge of it, giving the impression of having some kind of deep and strategic thought.

He watched their expressions, trying to gain clues from their demeanor. Inhaling a deep breath, he finally pushed a few credits into the current pot. “Raise by ten,” he said with a charm that could make most spaceship captains blush.

Still, one of the Jedi’s comments left him genuinely puzzled. A murmur accidentally slipped from his lips. “Sounds like we should expect to see your face on a Galactic billboard or something since you do so much for the galaxy.“ The words trailed off as if he hadn’t meant for them to be heard at all.


"So, how about you? What brought you out here tonight?"

"You mean besides the sabacc tables?" Drake glanced up from his cards while a coy smirk slowly spread, "Royal Navy is always looking to hire experienced guides who know the territories. Caught a transport here from Toshara to strike a deal."

The Toshaal system was a disreputable backwater frequented by criminals and desperate fools. That he'd made it off such a moon with credits still in his pockets could be seen as either impressive or suspicious. Surrounded by uniforms and local patrons the captain blended in plain sight.

Fifteen more credits to call. Atlas scrutinized the kid who seemed just as confident and hesitated. This one might be smarter than he looked. Used to shadowport cons the thought occurred that this seeming tension between them might be for show to distract him from the game.

“Sounds like we should expect to see your face on a Galactic billboard or something since you do so much for the galaxy.“

"I thought I said this was a friendly game," he tried to laugh it off with a headshake, "Don't like these odds. Think I'll fold."

Atlas junked his cards but did not seem bothered to have just lost thirty credits. He watched the dealer droid spin around again before dealing each remaining player a spike card face up. Everyone still playing who understood the rules at least would now choose to buy a card from the draw pile for a few credits or stand before the next betting round began.

Rhezz Falcar



TAGS: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Rhezz passed his darts off to a waiting player as well. He could sit there all day and have a good time of it, probably lose a few rounds here and there and it wouldn't bother him. Darts was just a game. Good for blowing off steam and building camaraderie with others. Winning was nice, but not a necessity. The only place he couldn't stand to lose was inside of his starfighter. Mainly because it meant he'd be dead. But he didn't like to let that spirit translate to other things.

Instead, he followed Lorn to the bar, ordering a juice for himself.

"Everything is a deathtrap when you consider it one," he said, pointing out the negativity in the man's statement.

He listened to what Lorn said while taking a sip from his juice. It was easy enough for him to say the man relied too much on the Force. He understood what Lorn was saying about it being a part of him. It wasn't something he could just ignore. Nor should he in most circumstances. Use any advantage you have in life. That's the way everything worked.

"You discredit yourself too much. Even without the Force you can do a lot. Look at what you can do with it, and consider that a lot of it, swordplay for example, doesn't require the Force to be effective. It just gives you an advantage over those who don't have it. You could still fight without it."

As for the question posed to him, he shook his head.

"Nah, the Force isn't for me and I see no reason to lament not being able to utilize it. You all have a lot of responsibility with it, more than I do. Piloting is comfortable and plenty challenging enough for me. Suppose if I wasn't a pilot I'd probably be a mechanic, though. Fixing things is fun, too."


Talia's heart warmed at Aiden's words, a gentle smile gracing her lips. The genuine affection he held for her brother was evident in his tone, and it filled her with a quiet joy. It was comforting to know that Lorn had such a positive influence on others. She felt a pang of hope, wishing that she too could forge a similar bond with her brother, but she also recognized that his time was clearly valuable, filled with important duties.

"Please do reach out when you plan to have that party. I would love to come," she said, her voice soft and lilting, the hope in her eyes mirrored in her smile.

She listened intently as he reassured her, his words validating her own internal struggle. A sense of calm washed over her, a subtle reminder that she didn't need to have all the answers right now. "I won't," she promised, her smile widening, feeling relieved at the lack of pressure. She glanced around the room, a slight tilt of her head as she took in the continuing activity. The practical side of her knew that she couldn't hold him up any longer.

"I will let you get back to it. But it was a pleasure to meet you, Aiden," she said, her voice holding a note of genuine warmth. She dipped her head in a small, graceful bow, her movements delicate and refined, before turning to leave. The encounter had left her with a light feeling in her chest, a quiet optimism for what the future might hold. Her steps were purposeful, yet carried with them a newfound lightness now she had a new path to consider.



Tags: Rhezz Falcar


Lorn listened intently to Rhezz's reply, the words resonating with a certain logic he couldn't deny. Everything is a deathtrap when you consider it one, echoed in his mind, a reminder of his own tendency towards the dramatic. Rhezz's point about his inherent abilities, even without the Force, brought a small smile to Lorn's face. Perhaps he did lean on it as a crutch, a notion that needed further consideration.

"You are right, Ghost," Lorn admitted, swirling the ice in his fresh drink. "I do discredit myself often. I suppose even without the Force, I would still be a rather difficult man to contend with, given the proper training." He paused, a thoughtful expression settling on his face. The idea of Rhezz as a mechanic also amused him. "I can see you with your hands deep in the workings of some starfighter, it actually does suit you."

As Lorn finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of his sister, Talia, moving through the bar, her eyes scanning the crowd. A wave of affection washed over him. "Well, Ghots, it has been a pleasure," he said, offering a genuine smile. "I hope to see you again soon for another round, and maybe something less mundane than darts." Lorn then turned, pushing through the crowd toward his sister, a sudden urge to catch up with her making him forget his thoughts for the moment.

"You mean besides the sabacc tables?" Drake glanced up from his cards while a coy smirk slowly spread, "Royal Navy is always looking to hire experienced guides who know the territories. Caught a transport here from Toshara to strike a deal."

“Toshara, huh?” That was curious. She’d never been herself, but Briana had been to similar enough worlds to have something of an idea on the kind of place it was. Those unlucky enough to have been born there often struggled to claw their way out of the pit that it was, while those who sought it out were usually looking for trouble, or running from something. Which was he? “Well, If you came from a place like that, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting what you're after. I imagine the Navy appreciates a certain level of tenacity.”

A murmur accidentally slipped from his lips. “Sounds like we should expect to see your face on a Galactic billboard or something since you do so much for the galaxy.“ The words trailed off as if he hadn’t meant for them to be heard at all.

Briana raised a brow at Lysanders jibe, letting loose a long suffering exhale that was followed by a short, "Hm." tapping her cards on the table. Maybe he hadn’t intended for them to be heard, but heard they had been. She shrugged. “If you knew anything, you'd know that the only kind of people who get their faces plastered on billboards are holonet stars and con artists.” The retort was dry, a slow smirk growing. She’d grown up with three siblings, all of them utterly obnoxious in their own ways. It was going to take more than a little jab to unnerve her. “But, since Ukatis only just came out of the dark ages, I’ll give you a pass.”

"I thought I said this was a friendly game," he tried to laugh it off with a headshake, "Don't like these odds. Think I'll fold."

When the...Tosharan? Next to her folded, Briana was… puzzled. Aiden had told her in the past that some Sabacc players intentionally dropped out of games early, just to try and get a read on their opponents and their ticks, but she figured that really only happened in the higher stakes games. Thirty credits hardly seemed like much of a loss, not that a girl who’d never grown up wanting was a very good judge of what was or wasn’t a lot of credits to someone else.

Her eyes barely glanced at the spike card, ultimately leaving it alone.

“I'll stand."


The man’s comment about a friendly game managed to register a smirk on his face. The blonde glanced down at the spike card, assessing its value, and deciding that it wasn’t going to help the current hand.

Soon he was looking straight ahead at the Jedi. “Oh? Now you’ve done it,” he said with a shake of the head. “I’d be careful with that tongue of yours when it comes to Ukatis,” he said, the tone tinged with warning. “Especially now that someone from there is on the Jedi Council.” Yet, even as the words were delivered, amusement sparkled in his emerald orbs, making it clear of his fondness for banter.

A rather rash decision was made to take a chance. "I'll draw a card," he continued, making the intention clear before reaching into a pocket. Pulling out a few more credits, he placed them on the table. The droid acknowledged it and dealt him a card from the draw pile.

For a moment longer his air of confidence was maintained. However, as he calculated the total, the teen’s expression shifted. It was now far from zero. A sigh was released. "Fold," he muttered. Admitting defeat felt painful. To counter the loss, he decided to simply insert another jab, even if it meant suffering from Shii-Cho katas for the remainder of the week.

The sunglasses were pushed back up the bridge of his nose; naturally, they needed to be perfectly in place. Then, leaning forward, he placed an elbow on the table to support his head with his hand. Lysander’s gaze fell on the man. “Just a heads up,” he started, deciding that juggling both seriousness and humor was exhausting, “Ms. Sal-Soren.. well, she actually enjoys torturing her students like some kind of Sith. Whispers of such.. unconventional methods have surely made it all the way to Coruscant by now. Perhaps the Council will investigate.”

As he looked back to Briana, the corners of his mouth curled upward into a cheeky grin, much like a Loth-cat, awaiting her reply.

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