Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Canvas With Two Faces [Code Zero & Corpos]


Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Commodore Helix Commodore Helix | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Makai Dashiell
Location: Crescent Royale Casino, CANTONICA


The pledges and bartering chips were much more generous than Castor anticipated, bringing a wolfish grin to the ExO’s face. He listened with interest as they spoke and they each said their piece, he addressed them one after the next.

Access to raw materials at the price points you’re suggesting would be extremely advantageous for the Sector, and lucrative for your business as well,” he said to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau as he considered the boost in production the Sector would soon enjoy. “Our manufacturers will be very pleased to have a new line of supplies. And should you ever require anything from our production facilities, just say the word.” He’d make sure the CSA’s factories would accommodate any requests the Trade Queen might have.

Castor’s cybernetic eyes fixated on Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin next, eager to accept the Federation’s vessels. The fact that he was offering Alliance-made ships made the deal even more tantalizing.

The Board will be pleased,” the ExO said. The status of the CSA’s naval fleet has long been a key concern. Minister Grimmin’s solution would see their standing fleet bolstered by Federation ships until the Arceneau deal produces enough vessels in-house to restore SecDiv to full capacity. It was a brilliant domino effect.

We’ll need to discuss the details of this arrangement in more depth, Minister. I’ll have my agents arrange for a more thorough review of the Federation’s terms once the Arceneau agreement is finalized,” he said, nodding to Danger and gesturing for one of the steward droids to convey his wishes.

Next in line was the mysterious Alicia Drey Alicia Drey who offered not only intelligence, but more ships for the Security Division. Castor smirked a bit when he was told that her pair of contacts were from within the Alliance. He wondered what inner turmoils plagued the galactic superpower so deeply that its prominent manufacturers were seeking external contracts.

The Sector will pay well for your eyes and ears, of course,” he said with an affirmative nod. The ExO had a deep respect and understanding for the world of espionage, corporate and otherwise. He’d ensure that Ms. Dray was well compensated for the intelligence she’d deliver to the Board. Knowledge is power, as they say.

And if the Minister is impartial, I speak on behalf of the Board when I say the more the merrier - please express our interest to your contacts.

The last to speak was also the newest face in the room, a tactical droid representing the Helix mercenary group. Crane knew the droid by name and reputation but hadn’t yet had the opportunity to meet him until now. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix spoke plainly and honestly of his purview, which the ExO appreciated greatly.

Violence,” he said, “is a magnificent tool. In the wrong hands, with the wrong application, it can be the very undoing of a system like the Corporate Authority. We demand a certain level of couth among our private security partners. If Helix can maintain a level of public confidence while getting the job done, I see no reason why the Board should deny you a contract with the Security Division.

He swallowed, then leaned back in his chair. One of the steward droids shuffled by as if in cue to place a chilled glass of champagne into his open hand. Castor held the beverage up to examine the bubbles with his crimson eyes, took a sip, then turned his gaze to the guests before him. He opened the floor once again for their input on the subjects discussed.



//: Tags: Kivah Kivah | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Reggie Reggie | Saga Saga | Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll
//: Objective 1: Never Fade Away
//: Location: Canto Bight, CANTONICA...


Das felt a sudden urge to run her fingers over the silver EMP threading that lined her cheeks, but she used them to grab the fiery orange drink Kivah Kivah ordered instead. She took a large mouthful and swallowed it down. It had a stronger bite than she expected, but she liked it all the same.

Oh-ho, wow!” the teen said. “Corellian Star Chaser, huh? It’s got a good buzz to it.” The jitter she got from the stim was like a shot of coaxium in her veins which was perfect for what came next. Kivah practically yanked her from the bar and onto the dance floor.

If she needed to know anything about Das, it should have been that she absolutely loathed being the center of attention. Even in a situation like this where no one was actually paying attention to her, she still felt like she was drowning in the deep end of a Corpo’s private pool. But the spiked shot of Corellian tequila was making it easier to breathe by the second. Before she knew it, she was flowing along with the synthesized beats that thumped through the warehouse.

I gotta ask,” Das said once she was in her groove, “what makes a burly Cathar boxer - er, no offense? - want to dance at a club like this?

It may have seemed a bit forward to ask so bluntly, but Das had a good point. The Blue Suns were a gang of ravers and cyberjockies. They got into trouble, sure, but fight clubs weren’t their forte. Maybe Kivah had other motives for coming here tonight? Das certainly did.

Networking, they called it.


As she danced she pulled her arms from the air and flexed through a few of the beats for Das to see, obviously having taken it as a compliment. "Its fun and I get to blow off some energy. And maybe pick up a guy." She eyed up the shorter woman with a smile. "Or girl." She teased without being serious. The earlier alcohol combined with the spiked shot had her loosened up and she didn't mind shouting over the music or the crowd around them with her already few inhibitions down.

Turning, she rolled her leather-clad hips as her tail flicked under Das' chin before turning back to her in time with the beat. "Also like I said at the bar, just meeting people is good. I travel so getting established in a new place can be difficult. So even if there isn't action here, someone will know where I can get some or stay." She left it in the air as to what that action could be before realizing something. "Hey how did you know I fought?" Had she discovered a fan? Or was it just that obvious somehow?


Tags: Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Marek Ares | Saga Saga | Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll
Objective 1: Never Fade Away


Hah! As great as I’d look in that thing - and believe me, I’d look stunning - I think it’s a bit more your style.” Reggie chuckled, breaking his stoic vibe for a brief moment. He glanced to Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse and gave her a genuine smile.

For what it’s worth, I think it looks nice. Gaz hates it, but he also eats paddy frogs so I wouldn’t think too much of his opinions.

Not that he thought Mal was jaded by the squat little man’s commentary. She had thicker skin than that. No, Reggie just wanted her to know it wasn’t a reflection of his own thinking; he thought she looked rather nice, like a businesswoman straight from an Epican noir film. When he realized he was still looking at her, he cleared his throat and turned his attention to Saga Saga and her drink.

Don’t we all,” Reggie said with a nod. “Canto’s one of the better scenes, though. Try Mondder if you really want an experience that’ll make you search the ‘net for warheads.” If Saga hadn’t seen the Sector’s capital yet, then she was in for a shock. Cantonica was all flash and decadence. Suits and gowns. Mondder? It was a pit of vipers coiling around the ground level of cloudcutters as far as the eye could see.

Not unlike Denon, he thought, glancing to Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll now.

I’ve got a few associates on Denon,” he said. Their faces flashed in his mind, weighing heavy on him. Reggie hadn’t seen them since the heist he pulled with Darkwire in the outer districts. Das Das over by the bar and her android friend Sam Kolburn Sam Kolburn were the only ones he’d seen from their lot around the Sector.

I heard things were getting really hot in the Seven Corners. A few of my friends made it out before the lockdowns, but there’s a lot of contacts who’ve gone dark.” He knew what it was like to be so far from home and sympathized with her. Corellia was a long way away from Cantonica, but still much closer than Denon.

Hopefully things are going well for you here?

I would be more than willing to continue sharing my intelligence with the three of you in return for a fee, of course. As an intermediary I can provide you with things that you should know ahead of time in the war that is to come."

Danger offered a small, knowing smile and a gracious nod. "Now, that's a very interestin' offer indeed, one I'd be more than happy to explore further," she replied warmly. "Perhaps we can convene and settle on terms at your leisure?"

The prospect of collaborating with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was enticing, offering a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the ever-evolving dynamics of the galaxy and how they might impact free trade. It would undoubtedly provide Danger with an advantage, allowing her to stay one step ahead and strategize accordingly.

Access to raw materials at the price points you’re suggesting would be extremely advantageous for the Sector, and lucrative for your business as well,” he said to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau as he considered the boost in production the Sector would soon enjoy. “Our manufacturers will be very pleased to have a new line of supplies. And should you ever require anything from our production facilities, just say the word.

"Mighty grateful indeed, ExO Crane," Danger chimed in, her voice carrying a rich, velvety cadence laced with the distinctive twang of the southern systems.

"I'll have my assistant dispatch the details of the terms for your review to finalize," she continued, her tone exuding confidence and assurance.

"And should you find yourself in need of any other materials or additional services for your productions, you need only say the word," she concluded, her words flowing smoothly like molasses as she extended her offer of assistance.

Lodd found himself momentarily lost in thought when Alicia Drey Alicia Drey interjected with a comment that hit a nerve.

It did not take a genius to understand that she was elevating her connections in the Mecetii Nationalized Industries and Santhe-Sienar, in an attempt to overshadow the Trade Federation of Planets in the Resurgent Corporate Sector. The idea of increased competition within the new market posed a delicate threat to the Federation's authority in galactic commerce, which was a rather daunting concept for the mega conglomerate to grapple with.

He offered a quiet glance towards her direction, pondering the best move to play on the chess board. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix could be considered the enigma of the conference save for a few intelligence reports from Hutt Cartel operatives from Ryloth that painted them as a vivid supporter of the Sith Order, a religious order which had ransacked hundreds of worlds.

Castor Crane Castor Crane focused on him in particular - finding the previous proposal from the Minister acceptable, and wanted to finalize the agreement in more detail later down the road.

"It would be an honor to finalize our agreement later, ExO Crane." - Lodd explained with a few gestures, portraying himself as a noble friend in this hour of need.

"I do have a concern, with any potential partnership with Helix Solutions. Intelligence Reports from Ryloth paint them as very much an avid supporter of the Sith Order, a state hostile to commerce and free trade. It does bring to mind a potential scenario, that the Sith could utilize the aforementioned contract to sabotage our efforts of restoring the corporate sector to its former accolades." - a brief smile towards the Commodore Helix Commodore Helix , as the game of the corporate throne was played. Corporations required subtle support not waging direct war for the Sith Order so openly, as spies and little birds were all over the galaxy.

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Tags: Castor Crane Castor Crane Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin

Alicia returned Danger's smile and replied: "Of course. In time we will meet and discuss this arrangement at length." Turning her gaze to the rest of the group, which now included a new participant in Commodore Helix Commodore Helix , Alicia added: "I can provide the same service to all of you too. I look forward to our future conversations and negotiations."

Drey fell silent as the conversation continued to flow. As the Commodore explained the security that he could provide too the Corporate Sector Alicia turned to a nearby waiter and took into her hand a glass of fine vintage wine that was courted from a vineyard on Corellia. After all, the Corellians sure knew how to make a drink and this was no exception. Cigarette in one hand, and beverage in the other, Alicia did well to continue her performance. It took a great deal of concentration to continue the Art of Small that she had been using since entering the room.

Alicia averted her gaze from the Commodore when Grimmin countered him. She knew that the Senator had his politics to play within the Federal Assembly and that, at least in the public eye, he had to keep up appearances. The Alliance were the natural enemies to the Sith Order and consequentially the two factions had been at war for sometime. In many ways the conflict was a continuation of the Star Wars which first erupted over seventy years ago, when the Sith Empire once again emerged from the Stygian Caldera to invade the Galaxy. Galactic Republic, Galactic Alliance, One Sith, Sith Order, New Imperial Order... it was just the same war that merely took on a new face, and now with the formation of the Dark Empire another threat was set to emerge.

It was still odd to hear Grimmin add criticism to Helix Solutions and their commodores affiliations to the Sith Order when Alicia knew that the Trade Federation held sway and stock in multitude of organisations that were contributing to the war with the Alliance. Board members had recently been sighted on Carlac during the rallies that had been hosted at the formation of Solipsis' new Empire. Alicia knew this because she had sat beside Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe during that same convention, and had even invited the former Galactic Chancellor to the Obredaan Peel that Alicia was set to host later this month. Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray was also now in prime position for economic policies of the Dark Empire as a member of the newly re-established Economic Trade Council.

Was Grimmin merely engaging in politicks to save face, or did was he truly against the Sith Order? If it was the latter was he aware of his fellow board members dealings elsewhere? Either way it went was intriguing and warranted some investigation.

For now Alicia remained quiet so that the conversation continued to flow without her. She could, of course, completely shut down Grimmin if she wanted too with these facts and yet Alicia did not seek to create an enemy in the Trade Federation. They would be far more useful to exploit and use. Besides, this was far more interesting. In this conversation had Grimmin invited the wrath of the Commodore and his legions? The ideas of a proxy war were numerous. . .

Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.
Objective: The Room Where It Happens
Tags: Castor Crane Castor Crane / Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin / Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau / Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

We demand a certain level of couth among our private security partners. If Helix can maintain a level of public confidence while getting the job done, I see no reason why the Board should deny you a contract with the Security Division.

"We proceed at the amount of couthness, or lack thereof, that our clients stipulate. If you wish my troops to behave in a certain manner while under your roof, so to speak, then it will of course be so. I believe in accommodating my clients to the fullest extent possible in this manner." He nodded, pleased. He'd read his man well. Crane seemed refreshed by his frankness, as Helix had predicted. It had been something of a gamble to proceed in so bluff a manner. Some corpo types were deeply enamored with the delicate language and technical jargon of their trade, rather than simple brute honesty.

He just hadn't suspected it would be that simple. The man must have been truly in dire need to snap the offer up with such gusto. All he had to do now was make sure he didn't disappoint, which would likely be simple enough. Methods aside, he seldom failed. Though he had to admit, acting with restraint would be a new experience.

That was well and good. It was hardly the strangest thing he'd been asked to do. Part of him wished to raise the point that battle was generally anything but "couth". He'd fought on a thousand battlefields on as many worlds, and knew this more than most. It was ugly, messy, and chaotic, and the sorts that Crane was worried about would not hesitate to use most uncouth tactics indeed. He'd heard stories of the Dark Empire and their doings that curdled his lubricant fluids. There were few blacker hearts in the universe. He was under no illusions that he could single-handedly halt them, should they decide the Corporate Sector was a tempting target. Certainly not while hamstrung in his tactics, but they didn't need to know that.

"I do have a concern, with any potential partnership with Helix Solutions. Intelligence Reports from Ryloth paint them as very much an avid supporter of the Sith Order, a state hostile to commerce and free trade. It does bring to mind a potential scenario, that the Sith could utilize the aforementioned contract to sabotage our efforts of restoring the corporate sector to its former accolades."

Then Grimmin spoke up, his intent obvious. He wanted the deal for himself. Helix regarded the devious businessman blankly. He made an affectation of clearing his nonexistent throat. It was going to be like that, then. He'd do something businessmen usually didn't: admit it.

"Mr. Grimmin's well-intentioned concern is not entirely misplaced." He began, keeping his tone even. "I can see where the confusion arises. I have taken contracts from one member of the Order, with whom I share a personal association. My contract was, and is, with him for his own private matters, not with the Sith Order proper, nor does that organization sanction any of my doings. I believe they even find me quite inconvenient." He leaned back a bit in his chair, adopting a relaxed posture. "I do not believe in discriminating against my clients for their political or religious stances, within reason. However, it does seem odd to me that Mr. Grimmin only now seems concerned about association with the Sith Order, when I am reliably informed he is closer with them than he is perhaps being honest about. Most likely a benign mistake of memory on his part. In his hypothetical world, one could be equally concerned about the Trade Federation's contributions mysteriously vanishing should Carnifex or Solipsis come calling. Indeed, should we disqualify anyone who has had any commerce with the Sith, this table would likely be empty. Of course, it is not for me to judge another's business dealings. As I said, I do not discriminate. That privilege lies with you alone, Mr. Crane."

There was a key difference between him and the Trade Federation: Money was a means, not an end unto itself. This was a game the Minister would find it highly unprofitable to play, and he'd stoop far lower to inconvenience anyone that became a problem. "That said, if Mr. Crane does find my client list unsavory, then he is of course free to reject my proposal, and I will part company with no ill will towards him. An open invitation remains should he change his mind. Such is his prerogative."

"As for that mission, I would only offer in my defense that I was assisting a personal friend in rooting out Hutt criminals during the Ryloth campaign. The mission was unsanctioned by the wider Order, as indeed, all of mine have been. Would some proof put your mind at ease, Mr. Grimmin?" He placed a small holo-projector disk on the table, and tapped a few buttons. It flickered to life, and displayed a large-scale aerial holorecording of himself and his droids gunning down armed thugs and cracking open slave pens to release unwashed, sobbing citizens. One woman even embraced the B1H droid who had disabled the lock, and it awkwardly responded, patting her on the back with the hand not holding a weapon. That last heartstring-tugging image had been taken from a different campaign some time ago, but so what? That couldn't be proven. Any images of his client were carefully avoided. "Sometimes my work does involve working for questionable people, but occasionally some good comes from it. I apologize for the violence on display, but that is the reality of my career, and of what is on your own doorstep."

If he'd read Crane as correctly as he thought, this openness might just turn things around in his favor again.

"Mr. Grimmin's regrettable sympathy for, and troubling familiarity with Hutts notwithstanding, I can say no more about that mission without violating my client's confidence, even should it compromise our deal." He folded his hands serenely on the table as he concluded his eloquent barrage of polite character assassination and shameless self-aggrandizement. Now to reel in the others. He'd prefer not to make an enemy here today, but sometimes one had to break a few Nuna eggs to make an omelette. He thought he might be able to speak with bribery before violence, though.

"As I said, I am quite willing to work with anyone here, and even cede to the Trade Federation and others present the majority of the profits to be had. Their history does not interest me. It is, after all, a matter of principle. We can't very well just let the various marauders in this charming little galaxy run free, can we?" He hoped this would prick up some ears. It wasn't quite a lie. The connection was more valuable than the money. The unspoken message, however, was clear: take the peace offering, and take most of the money into the bargain, or make an enemy, one capable of brazenly making war with such a well-funded enemy as the Hutts and walking away intact. "As I've shown, I am not afraid to get my hands dirty personally, nor to take on even the mightiest enemies. I don't much care how frightening they believe they are. I believe the Sector has value, and should be preserved. Money and risk are no objects."

He finished his little speech, and fell silent. Only time would tell if this explanation secured the deal or destroyed it.


//: Tags: Kivah Kivah | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Reggie Reggie | Saga Saga | Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll
//: Objective 1: Never Fade Away
//: Location: Canto Bight, CANTONICA...


Das smirked at Kivah’s remark, the slightest tinge of pink touching her cheeks before answering her follow-up question.

You’ve got the arms for it,” the teen said matter-of-factly. She shrugged a bit as she said so. She could tell the same about folks on Denon, like Batch and the other gangsters in Darkwire. People who liked to punch stuff usually had guns to match. Das flashed Kivah Kivah a smile though, to make sure she knew it wasn’t meant to offend.

It’s not a bad thing,” she said.

It’s nice to have someone who can take care of an Espo patrol if they get too handsy. Besides,” she added, “it suits you.

She shuffled modestly to the Suns’ beats, balancing comfort with conformity. Das wasn’t big on dancing and even less so on crowds, but the drinks and Kivah’s presence made it easier. She eyed the Cathar for a moment, curious to know more about her pastime.

So do you just… hit people? Or is there more to fighting than that? I’ve seen like, bot fights on Altier, but those were mostly scrappers making piecemeal droids kick the chit out of each other.” Das had bloodied a good nose or two in her time, but surely nothing as impressive as Kivah.

She wanted to hear all about it, and the way her eyes shined as she asked her question made it obvious Das wasn’t shy about blood and guts.

Flicking her hair, Kivah jumped lightly as the beat changed, raised fist bobbing along to its rising crescendo. She spun to make sure there was room and then flipped up into a one-hand-stand with a leg kicked forward to be level with the ground as the beat came crashing down. She held it for the second it took for the music to resume before rolling her vertical leg forward and recovering to come upright again while her tail maintained her balance.

Das was nice she decided. She complimented her and was curious like she appreciated Kivah. "Nah there's a lot more to it. Like moving without opening yourself up, blocking or taking a hit right, reading the other guy's movement. Plus there's background stuff!" She moved in close to Das, easily mirroring most of what the shorter woman was doing for a dance.

"So you get into trouble with the Espo often?" Kivah asked wondering about her new friend as well. Jumping to fighting police as a thing to be admired was usually a stretch unless one was as flippant with the law as she was. Though given their setting, Kivah was certain most of the people here were.


Tags: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Commodore Helix Commodore Helix | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Makai Dashiell
Location: Crescent Royale Casino, CANTONICA


Such intrigue and excitement over the Sith and who works with them in the shadows - did they really think the CSA avoided them? Sith credits spent just as well as anyone else’s. If only they knew he was born and raised not far south of the Sector…

Castor let them make their remarks, undermining each other’s credibility with unnecessary finger pointing. He winked at Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau like a knowing father watching children argue over nothing.

The Corporate Authority is a large, influential state,” he said ominously. “Naturally, we attract the attention of thousands of clients who represent both personal interests and the interests of their benefactors. Who those benefactors are is of little concern to us; the Board is in the business of making money, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that credits spend the same regardless of who puts it into your account.

He paused for a moment to let that sink in for them, then gestured again for the tabletop hologram to project. The image of dark green crystals appeared, rotating slowly for them to see. For those who were familiar with the Sector’s anonymity measures would recognize them as crystalline vertices. For those who weren’t, he explained their purpose.

In order to protect those clients and their various benefactors,” he said, a strong emphasis on the word, “we utilize a form of untraceable currency with a tangible standard of value: the crystalline vertex.” The ExO eyed Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin and Commodore Helix Commodore Helix with interest. Most clients and sponsors of the Sector were comfortable spending their credits on the up-and-up, but there was always the occasional few who didn’t care for such transparency. For them, the little green gems were a godsend.

The Board is unconcerned with a ‘Darth’ being on your checkbook, but if that is a predicament that plagues you, these will be your best friend. And better yet, they’re easily convertible in Alliance space and beyond.

Castor leaned back, rather impressed with the successful evening they’d shared. It seemed like every party present in the room was keen on entering some kind of agreement or another with the Sector. It was an excellent win to bring back to Etti IV. He waved the holographic crystals away and summoned the servant droids for a final round of drinks.

I’m very pleased that we’ve come to such productive conclusions. I hope I speak for us all when I say how excited I am to explore our new ventures together. I’d like to raise a little toast, to partnership and prosperity!” The red cybernetic eyes constricted eerily, contrasting his seemingly genuine sense of pleasure. It would make one wonder whether his eyes or his smile was the true reflection of his inner voice. He downed the glass of champagne and patted his lips dry with a silk handkerchief.

Unless there are any questions or further business to discuss, I believe it’s safe to say our formal meeting is complete. Once again, I thank you for attending. You’re all free to enjoy the casino and hotel at your leisure.

Castor would of course remain on the premises. He reserved a room of his own for the evening, intent on being present downstairs at the bar and casino before turning in and traveling back to Etti in the morning. Perhaps he’d see some of his new partners before then? Or maybe he’d not see them again until the time comes to codify their terms with a proper contract.

He was content either way.



The Beating Heart
OBJECTIVE II: Chat business
Castor Crane Castor Crane | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | | Glistaweb Outfit & x | x | x | x |


"Of course. In time we will meet and discuss this arrangement at length."

With a gracious smile and a nod directed towards Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , Danger signaled her openness to further discussion at a later time. But for now, her attention shifted to the exchange between Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin and Commodore Helix Commodore Helix . Though she maintained a composed and neutral expression, she could see why there would be concerns. If anything, Danger did her best to try and be transparent as possible with negotiations and who she worked with. It’s what allowed her such a vast reach across the galaxy and eco galaxies. Lodd Grim’s concerns were valid.

In her experience navigating the galaxy's trade networks, Danger understood the importance of maintaining amicable relations for the sake of business. While credits and profit were certainly essential, fostering cooperative partnerships was equally vital. It was a reciprocal arrangement, where mutual benefit was the key to success.

As the discussion unfolded, Danger remained optimistic that there would be ample opportunities for all parties involved. Each could contribute in their own unique way, and she believed that a mutually beneficial agreement could be reached to satisfy everyone's interests and concerns regarding optics and working with other government entities. She could only hope that the ExO Castor Crane Castor Crane would relay that to assuage any issues. Thankfully he did.

With a gentle drawl in her voice, Danger expressed her confidence in finding common ground. "I reckon there be plenty of opportunities for all gentlemen and such concerns regarding optics warrant discussion," she said. " I am certain that guidelines or requests can be leveraged to appease any concerns or provide assurance to move forward in a favorable light. In my experience, transparency is key as well as clearly defined expectations so no issues arise later with any entity. Not only for such an opportunity here but for future ventures as well."

Depending on the outcome of the negotiations, Danger remained open to continuing discussions in a more relaxed setting, should anyone wish to further explore potential business ventures.

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The Neimoidian found a fleeting opportunity to ponder the next move on the chest board, while the Federation was projecting a chaotic whirlwind of unpredictability to any outside observations.

This would no doubt create a sense of unease and bwilderment to intelligence services and those with a vested interest in the goals and motives of the mega-conglomerate like Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , with each member saying different things at any one point in time. Of course this was done with grace, to avoid jeoparidizing their legal standing within the various court rooms across the galaxy.

Little did he anticipate that Commodore Helix Commodore Helix would respond to the suggestive remarks with such unfiltered candor, unabashedly confessing to colluding with a Sith Order member. What made matters worse was the inclusion of the Trade Federation in that damning summary, not to mention the revelation of criminal ties to the Underworld, a secret they had intended to keep concealed until a more opportune time.

"We have no additional objections to raise, as Helix Solutions' astute honesty serves as a remarkable inspiration to the corporate realm.." Lodd responded with his usual accent, gracefully stepping back when the situation wasn't in his favor. While he didn't address the accusations or his ties to the Sith Order, he simply commended the honesty of the person in front of him and saw no reason for any lack of cooperation between them.

ExO Castor Crane Castor Crane concluded the meeting with some finishing remarks,

"Business waits for no one, and so we shall have to leave early, we enjoyed the company of all present."

Trade Federation Minister, explained allowing himself to finally withdraw from the conference after a few graceful nods to each of them at the table.


//: Tags: Kivah Kivah | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Reggie Reggie | Saga Saga | Tizdalle Jyll Tizdalle Jyll
//: Objective 1: Never Fade Away
//: Location: Canto Bight, CANTONICA...


"Not on purpose!" Das said with a giggle that turned to a coy smile. "Usually."

Actually, rarely. The Espos were the last bunch of motherfethers Das wanted to run into. Hence the highly comical holo-ID. Laying low was something of a strong suit of hers by now. From Denon to Wielu and Altier, then all the way to Cantonica, Das had to dodge the Corporate Authorities at every turn. Only recently has she actually had a chance to just breathe.

She was glad to spend it here, with Kivah Kivah in this grimy-ass Suns gig.

I don’t like to be the center of attention,” the teen admitted, her attention refocused on their conversation. She shook her head a bit as she spoke.

It was never my thing. I learned the hard way that the spotlight is never as fun as it looks. I prefer to lay low, watch closely, and play my cards right.

It was a much tamer approach than her antics back home, but the slower she played it the safer she felt. And at the end of the day, when dying isn’t an option, safer is better than the rush.

Never Fade Away

Kivah laughed as Das admitted her problems with the seccers, her expression was just too funny not to. She moved to the beat for a while, straining to hear Das over the music and people around them and took the moment to appreciate just being lost in the press of bodies as the earlier shot edged her on and smoothed out the barrier between thought and motion.

"Some times it can be good though. Like when you're fighting everyone's watching you. And if nobody knows you, you aint got any face with people, so you have a harder time finding what you need." She meant work, or finding a promoter to front her into the ring, though it worked for other things easily enough. "But eventually you have to move on, you start getting a little too well-known and people start looking for you that you don't want to be found by."

She fell silent, the mood a little dampened by the serious thoughts she was having. "Maybe its time to move onto other things in general though." She clapped a hand on Das's shoulder. "You seem like you've got a head on you, maybe we should get somewhere quieter and talk."


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