Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A City of Fear


You are the product of everything you Fear.

Violence. Darkness. Helplessness.

All in pursuit of what you call justice.

You will bring death to all who follow you.


While the Galatic Alliance and its Jedi protectors ready themselves to defend their territory, systems that wished to remain free from the politics of the core now face greater peril. The Sith advance on the core, but they are not entirely united in their plans for the coming galaxy. Darth Nefaron has long sought to share his vision for the galaxy, and he has at last found a world that he believes suited to display his manifesto.

New Cov is a dangerous world, its hostile jungles made life outside the domed cities that dot the surface all but impossible. These cities, beautiful and seemingly idyllic, provide a cage for the Corpse Lord to play his games and without the active protection of the Alliance his forces were able to take the capital, Ilic, without much of a struggle. But there is no massed invasion fleet in orbit, and Nefarons forces have infiltrated the capital and have not attempted to take the other domed cities. Instead, the Corpse Legion has fortified themselves in portions of the city and terrorize the populace at will. Nefaron has broadcast his motives openly, this city was now his kingdom, and the moment a liberation force appears he will unleash his toxin and damn those stuck in the city to endless torment. But the Sith Lord is playing a game, and he has ensured a small force could slip into the city if they survive the jungle trek.

Within the City of Fear, a dark scheme is being hatched and if Nefaron is not stopped his darkness will spread across the galaxy.

But at what cost?



Nefaron's forces are outnumbered, but his toxin keeps the population terrified and in hiding. His Legionnaires defend the toxin canisters, keeping anyone from robbing him of his ultimate weapon. Yet he has made their location known, he challenges those who play at being heroes to destroy the canisters and the machinery that threatens to spew the toxin.

But be wary. To inhale the toxin is to invite a war of the mind as one's fears are rendered real and while they can be overcome...

you may not come out the other side entirely whole.


Nefaron has made the New Cov Biomolecule Company Headquarters his seat of power, the large complex houses a large laboratory that may be of keen interest to the Dark Lord. His forces have entrenched themselves around the complex and now begin their push to take it, hunting for NCBC’s key personnel, mainly Linn Terallo. Severalpaths to enter either through frontal assault or for those more inclined to avoid confrontation. Nefaron is heading to the heart of the labs that he will make his home. It would be best to get to him before he gets whatever he came to New Cov for in the first place.

You are expected. Nefaron came here for a reason.


While Nefaron has his plans, he did not come alone. He has offered protection to those who wish to revel in the chaos, to kill and loot at will. Be you Sith Lord, Mercenary, or Common Scum, all will flourish within Nefaron's city of fear. All he asks in return is that those who benefit from his reign take up arms to defend against those who wish to return sanity.

Some may heed this request. Others may not. It matters little.
Chaos Reigns!

If you are just stumbling on this thread, welcome! Please note that it is open to anyone looking to participate, not just those who have been tagged!

In coordination with Liin Terallo Liin Terallo I have tweaked some objectives, but the overall plot will remain the same. If you have any questions I will be posting an OCC communication thread a bit later today but do reach out with any questions!
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Vulpesen Vulpesen Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Objective: II

More are reaching out to me in regards to seeking out biomolecules and what their full potential may be. Being the head of the Board of Directors for the New Cov Biomolecule Company, it is not that difficult for others to contact me through public channels. I have been completing contracts with various individuals and companies alike. And given that New Cov is not involved in the wars within the Core, nor with their enormous governments, I have been free to not limit our business to just one side. And that has been extremely beneficial to New Cov's econony!

Today's guest will be arriving shortly. A man by the name of Nefaron. As with most, he had a keen interest in visiting the labs to see first hand what some of our company has been doing. Of course I'll not allow entry into all sections of the lab. Nor are the ones under NCBC Headquarters the only labs that we have. Such a thing would be a disaater if they were! New Cov has a history of being raided and there were many lessons learned from that. But such a raid hadn't happened in centuries. I hope that that luck continues.

Access codes for the vents and tube system leading visiting ships into the dome of Illic City was given to my guest's shuttle as soon as it entered the atmosphere.

I wait quietly near the Headquarter's entrance with my guards, wearing a special gown that was made for me a while ago. I find it rather pretty and suitable for the season. It isn't restrictive, yet still remains elegant. And as always, I don my feathery fan to help keep me cool in the humidity of the air. Refreshments are being prepared as we speak. I only hope that today proves to be a profitable venture.

Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron
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Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Fear Makes You Predictable
Wise advice to live by, if only the rest of the galaxy realized how much of their lives were spent dominated by their fears. The citizens of New Cov were no different, cowering in their domed cities and carefully guarding their access codes. It might have prevented what was to come, if not for the greed and self-interest that was rampant in the galaxy. In truth, Nefaron did not judge those who allowed themselves to be consumed by their emotions, for was that not the true path to the Dark Side?

Regardless, the cargo shuttle descended through the docking tubes that led into the city, it's hold carrying a sizable detachment of his Corpse Legion and those who had allied with him in his plot. They had their orders, already the codes provided to him were input into the shuttles waiting in orbit, simply awaiting their master to make his move. When at last they reached the surface, Nefaron was first to step off the shuttle, he made little effort to hide the ruined form that was his body. He was very much in stark contrast to his host, but in the end she was interested in business and so it was time he made his offer.

“I must thank you for your gracious hospitality, it is rare I’m invited in to one’s city, though perhaps there is a good reason for that.”

It happened so quickly, legionnaires burst from every nook and cranny of the shuttle as they moved to take the platform. Blasters, blades, all were used in service of Darth Nefaron, all for his vision of a new galaxy. But first, this world get a glimpse of the future he offered. The same scenario was playing out on the other landing platforms as more cargo shuttles forced there way to the surface, even crash landing if necessary. But for the Queen (for lack of a better world) of NCBC, she was to live to see her world fall. But first, Nefaron would need to ensure she would be more… cooperative.

“I’m afraid I must alter our agreement. This city is to be my Kingdom, and you will hand me its keys.”

The Dark Lord was more than capable of dispatching her guards with ease, but where was the fun in that? Perhaps he desired a chase, it had been so very long since he played a game like this. Corpse Legionnaires surged forward, in chase of their prey as Nefaron activated his communicator, broadcasting to all his forces.

“The City of Fear is born, but you must do everything in your power to ensure it lives. Spread out through the city, take control of communication networks and secure the docking vents. None shall enter or leave, lest they face oblivion!”

Already, Nefarons forces surged out, slaughtering all in their dark masters name. But deadliest of the weapons they carried was his toxin, the vile creation that would damn those who breathed it to endless madness as their greatest fears leaped to life. Some city districts were already effected by the gas as some of the shuttles crashed directly into populated areas, the toxin leaking from the crash site in order for the citizens to taste what awaited them should they resist.

Some would fight.

But the rest?

They would continue to be dominated by their fear.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

There was a strange intensity to Valery's eyes, as she looked across the valley from the New Cov Temple. Whenever she was focused, Valery always had a fierce aura about her, but never quite like this. This wasn't another battle on one of the Galaxy's countless worlds, meant to advance borders or to liberate words from evil. This time, evil had come for a planet she considered her home. A planet that wasn't controlled or governed by any major faction in the Galaxy.

Why were its people targeted?

Valery clenched her hands into fists and pulled herself away from the jungle view. She turned instead to her son, who she had asked to join her, "Aris, I've asked your father to stay here to guard the Temple and keep it hidden. I'm going into the city to help break through their lines and I'd like you to join me." Her expression softened somewhat, simply by looking at her oldest son, and she already felt great strength and comfort in his presence.

She wouldn't tell him just how much she needed him right now, but he likely knew.

"They're going to expect people to enter with shuttles, so we're going in on foot. Through the jungle, like we have before." It'd allow them to reach the city from unexpected angles, and she hoped that meant easier access to wherever the enemy was hiding and fortifying themselves in the city.


Ilic was a far cry from the streets of Nar Shaddaa. Compared to the Hutt moon that Jonah had called home for months now, it was a paradise. The streets were clean. The air didn't smell like piss, vomit, and blood. And for a change, the man didn't worry about keeping his wallet safe. Were circumstances any different, Jonah would have entertained the notion of sticking around for a little bit. If for no other reason than to remember what civilization felt like. Alas, there was a job - of sorts - to do.

Days prior, a holographic message played within the Huttese cantina Jonah was relaxing at. He and his newfound comrade Leven, were planning their next hunt. So, they came to a locale where their particular skillsets were always picked up for credits. Here, potential employers would send representatives or buzz in loud messages calling for men willing to kill on their behalf. Some where politicians from the Core attempting to hide their dirty business. Some were imperialists, seeking fresh bodies for a coup. Then came one called Nefaron. This one painted a picture of a city turned on its head.

A city whose spoils would be theirs for the taking, should they come and fight on his behalf.

Of the jobs that came through, this ended up being the most enticing. Thus, a journey far away from the Hutt Moon was made. When Jonah arrived, he fell in with a so-called Corpse Legion that was awaiting in orbit. It wasn't the first time he occupied an enclosed space with persons who smelled like hot ass. It was the first time he was adjacent to beings who were fanatic about their leader. Upon landing within the domed city, Jonah's ears were greeted by the sounds of chaos. Screams. Explosions. Death. The Legion was already in the midst of taking the city, and Jonah had a specific direction in mind. Every city had the bare necessities. Schools. Hospitals. Stores. And to facilitate all the credits required to sustain them? Banks.

By the time the day was done, Jonah planned on having enough credits to fund his great-grandchildren's retirements. With that goal in mind, he slid free one of his Vibroblades and strolled towards the city center.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd + Open​

Tags: Open

It was a day that would be etched into the minds of the citizens of Ilic forever; a day when they bore witness to the power of the dark side. Together with the legion of Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron , Kasir made his way to New Cov, intent on fighting by their side to take control of the capital city.

Dark robes covered his armor, moving like a wraith as they advanced forward. His presence had a way of draining the light from the surroundings, leaving a chilling aura. While the majority of his duties demanded discretion, he had no desire to remain hidden this time. Some of the citizens, once bustling with activity, could be seen cowering in their homes, peering through the windows as he glided by. The whispers of their anxious conversations echoed in the air as Kasir’s senses heightened. Yet, the silence was soon shattered as the slaughter began. In an instant, buildings erupted in flames and the assassin joined in by unleashing a barrage of powerful strikes. Debris and smoke filled the air. The once peaceful streets were now filled with chaos, as the citizens scrambled and tried to escape--but their wishes of safety would ultimately be in vain.

With a flick of his wrist, the Sith manipulated the very shadows around them, seizing several individuals and throwing them aside like ragdolls. Members of the Corpse Legion were quick to step in and finish the job. The air around him was thick with smoke and terror now as the dome city began to transform into a nightmare. A wicked smile spread across his youthful face as Kasir savored the turmoil that he helped create. As he looked upon the scene before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

His attention then turned to a marketplace, igniting his crimson blades at last. He moved with fluid grace, leaving a trail of death and despair. Guards soon rushed in with shouts of authority, yet it was muffled by the screams of the innocent nearby. The first was sent crashing into a nearby stall that was full of exotic foods; fruits and vegetables splattered across the ground below him. Kaisr effortlessly parried the blaster shots from the remaining. In a series of calculated strikes, he dispatched them one by one, his saberstaff cutting through their armor as if it were nothing more than thin paper.



Nej was usually in the right place.

At the wrong time.

To be right!

But, fortunately, he heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that someone who stole from someone who stole from someone else, that this was the place to loot, steal, and heist!

However, they were ABSOLUTELY WRONG. TOTALLY WRONG. Yes, Nej had made out with a lot of loot in the past few hours. Several thousand in credits, Alliance uniforms- but. His heavy bag filled to the brim with loot was not going to help him when the actual chaos broke out.

Some kinda gas, some kinda toxin. But, luckily Nej had his handy helmet. It filtered out the poison, and gave him an edge on the other goons, looters, mercs? Some kinda bad guys- that weren't him. He was an outlaw, but not a bad guy. Sure, he might've robbed a bank or two here, or hit some stores and stolen some designer jewelry, but that didn't make him a bad guy!

Corpse legion soldiers rounded the corner where he was, fresh out of looting yet another bank, or what was left of it anyways. Nej was faster on the draw than them, and frankly probably better in a gunfight than the recently-hired-now-expired grunts of the Legion. They were stupid, slow, and easily fell to a rapid fan-fire of his Disruptor pistol, and he twirled it away back into the holsters on his thigh, pushing forward. He needed to get to the big score, the big prize, and get out of here!

Or leave immediately, and risk a lower payday, and perhaps his mortal coil. Which, leaving the capital after all this would be such a waste.... So he pushed forward, wondering what to hit next. There was a big corporate sector downtown, he wondered if that was worth getting into at all. He jogged forward, trying to avoid the Corpse Legion, and any other dickhead that came to this city for their own weird, gross reasons. Speaking of...

The Corpse Legion guys were gross.

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ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ


Tagging: Jonah Jonah , Open.
Wearing: XxX.
Equipment: Slugthrower Rifle. Blades (Necrium made). Throwing knives.



Leven was already feeling the weight of the Corpse Legion's fervor when they first joined their ranks. It was a high degree of zeal and battle-readiness, one of the roots of the madness that had gripped New Cov. The Jester felt a kind of buzz, just from being within the confined space among the maniacs. She found the legionnaires' zealous devotion quite mirthful—almost as if they had forgotten that they were merely pawns in another's grand scheme. To her, they were little more than a means to an end, but my were they a nice distraction to keep her from boredom before the real game began.

She stood close to Jonah Jonah , eyes wide and hungry as they took in everything around them. "Such cheery faces, no?" The whisper arrived at Jonah's ear just as they landed. She was well aware of her companion's goals for the day, and she...well, she was happy to tag along and look around. Something interesting was simply bound to pop up.

Upon their entrance into the city, the chaos was palpable. Explosions punctuated the air, and the screams of those caught in the crossfire resonated like a dark lullaby. Leven observed Jonah's purposeful stride as he maneuvered through the chaos, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched him blend into the pandemonium with ease. There was a certain elegance in his determination, even if his objectives seemed a touch more mercenary than hers. She admired his... directness.

As the din of battle enveloped them, Leven moved away from the man and slipped into her element. Bringing the Force to heel under her deft fingers, her figure became a whisper among the debris and shattered structures as she made her way higher among the city's crumbling facades, imperceptible but to the most learned of users. This was her talent, after all. What she had been built for. She moved with a predator's grace, following the man from a distance, her senses honed to detect any movement or sound that might betray her presence. Every step was efortlessly calculated, every movement designed to leave no trace. She could feel the dark energy of the city pressing in around her, a palpable force that only heightened her senses and focus. Her gaze constantly flicked to the sides, searching for signs of danger or... opportunity.

Leven had a gorgeous view from her vantage point of the chaos ensuing. A watcher against the smog-choked sky.

<<This Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron might just give me a run for my money in theatrics, don't you think? Truly splendid.>> Her words and a giggle would resonate within Jonah's head. Perhaps they'd get the chance to see the orchestrator of this sweet disaster. For now, the creature continued her vulturous reconaissance as they made their way to their target.

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If the Force was an ocean, then Nefaron's plan unfolded like a tsunami.

Chaos erupted in the streets of Iilc shortly after the Sith had announced the location of his toxic canisters like a taunt. Animated corpses trawled the city, slaughtering the civilians of New Cov with reckless abandon.

What kind of kingdom is this?

Corazona had been perusing the open-air marketplace when all hell had broken loose. The Force thrummed in warning while she'd been scrutinizing a jogan fruit's ripe nature, or lack thereof.

A cacophony of screams drew her attention, and a man crashed heavily into the fruit stand she was standing next to. Civilians cried out and streamed around them, pushing and jostling one another to flee the deadly scene.

A crimson blade stood out among a backdrop of black. Cora's upper lip curled into a sneer as she placed the jogon fruit as carefully as she could among the produce that was still whole.

On one knee, the Jedi knelt to the ground and pressed her palm to the mashed vegetables. Their seeds sank into the ground, burrowing into the dirt and siphoning nutrients and hydration from the soil. Accelerated by the Force, the seed began to flower, thin wisps of green emerging from the earth and rapidly growing into thick stalks. They surged toward Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran , thorny vines growing upward from his feet, seeking to coil around the Sith's limbs and restrain him.

Or, at the very least, distract him.

Cora rose, still scowling in displeasure. Her hand found the hilt of her saber, blue plasma hissing to life with a low hum.

"How uncouth. I suggest you reimburse the vegetable seller for his loss of income."

Sahan sat on the roof of a building, his legs dangling over the edge. He looked down on the streets that ran with the blood of this so-called "Corpse Legion." They really were nothing but corpses now. Sahan didn't really care about whatever idiotic plans they had (he wasn't really sure why he didn't care, but at the moment he just couldn't be bothered to), but they had gotten in his way, so he took them out. He looked at the beskad he held in his hand. The masterwork sword was covered in blood from hilt to blade, and he could not help but think that the normally blue sword looked rather marvelous in red...

Sahan cleaned off his sword and sheathed it on his back. He went back to what he had been doing before hell had broken loose. He scanned the city, trying to find any trace of it. He had heard trace rumors that a vampire had surfaced recently on New Cov. Either the rumors were false, or this one was better at staying hidden than others. Either way, he would find it, and he would put it down. He was determined to rid the Galaxy of vampires and create a cure. Never again would a vod become a thrall. And nobody would stand in his way.




The Jester was in her element.

When Jonah had met the woman at his side, the evening quickly became punctuated by bloodshed. She was the sort who reveled in the utter decimation of one's prey, thus it came as no surprise that she was buzzing as they approached the planet's surface. He expected that her excitement would only heighten as they set foot upon the planet amidst the chaos of Darth Nefaron's making. As they descended, her voice whispered in his ear - a joke which caused the man to offer a small smirk. "Oh yeah, those faces can just light up a room." came his quiet retort.

Once their boots were on the ground, their journey to the objective was side-by-side...temporarily. Leven leaned into her talents and slipped away from Jonah. Her talents saw her practically vanish from the man's awareness. In fact, were it not for her voice in his head, he might've lost track of her position. (Not that he'd ever admit that to her aloud, lest her ego grow the size of a small continent.) Then, as Leven moved into her position above, her voice chimed within his mind.

<<When you have an army at your disposal, I'm sure your theatrics will dwarf our employer's.>> came Jonah's telepathic vote of confidence. Fortunately for Leven, he wasn't in the business of blowing smoke up anyone's backside. He truly believed that if she had an army or armada to do with as she fancied, worlds would be flipped on their head. But, to come even close to this idea, one needed capital - and lots of it.

Hence the bank. Specifically, the First Bank of Ilic.

The multi-story building stood alongside numerous peers in the city center and was far from the most imposing. However, given the amount of abandoned vehicles circling it, Jonah surmised that it was at least very busy before the attack. Most who were outside were smart enough to abandon their transports in the building's queue so that they could hoof it to safety. Jonah picked up the pace and jogged over to the frontmost entrance before peering the glass doors.

There were people inside. Splendid. Hopefully an employee or two with keys were hunkered down. That would make their goal so much easier to accomplish. <<Mind making sure no one slips out on us? We'll most likely need credentials to get the goods.">> Jonah's request was silently relayed as he confidently stepped inside. As he did, his offhand brushed the doorframe and he concentrated, seeking as was one of his talents.

What he found were souls on this level alone. Two in offices at the rear. Three behind the teller counter. <<Got five.>> he thought, choosing the teller as a good place to start. Jonah stepped up to the counter, rang the bell for service, and spoke.

"Anyone home? I'd like to make a withdrawal."

Arrived in: Emperor's Shuttle Replica

Units: Navy Stealth Clone (3), Clone Rangers (1), Bladed Mystery (1), Clone Ashla Healer (1), Clone Pyro (1)

Unit Equipment:

Stealth Clone Equipment:

Ranged: DC-19 Stealth Carbine

Armor: Shadowtrooper Armor

Ordinance: Det Packs

Equipment: Comlink + DRK-1 Probe Droids (2)

Clone Ranger Equipment:

Ranged: DLT-19X Targeting Blaster (14 Reloads. NOTE: One Shot Per magazine) + DC-15s

Melee: Talon Vibrodagger

Armor: Environmental Bastion Armor (Custom Appearance)

Ordinance: Ion Grenades

Clone Healer Equipment

Ranged: Ion Relic Pistol

Melee: Treppus-2 Vibroblade

Armor: Armor weave Catsuit

Equipment: Comlink, Medpacs

Bladed Mystery Equipment:

Melee: Vibro Double Blade

Armor: Fenelar Armor (Custom Appearance)

Equipment: Comlink

Clone Pyro Equipment:

Ranged: Smart Pistol (Heat Version)

Melee: Model 7 Therm-Ax

Armor: Mk II Hotspot Armor

Ordinance: Plasma Grenades (4)

Wearing: Bloodscrawl Jedi Armor

Armed With: Bloodscrawl Lightsaber + Heated Vibrodagger .

Bacta-Works of Epica , of course, had been in the neighborhood, setting up new connections in the city when Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron 's forces had struck. Their small little outpost had gone into lockdown, all important documents torched as the enemy had approached. The Employees inside had survived the short siege just line enough to send an encrypted message out, before setting off a self destruct device in the building that had obliterated the corpse invaders that had just finished slaughtering the staff within.

The Situation was assessed, and the Kytrand Army forces under Nathan Bloodscrawl had sent a very small team of dangerous operatives to try and break the Sith's hold after his warning about large forces prompting the release of the Toxin. But by the looks of things when they had arrived in one of their very best cloaking device equipped shuttles, Nefaron was already doing that.

Still, it might do some good to scout, take samples of the Toxin, spot out more drop sites for the inevitable invasion force.

The best place had been to land in the jungle, flying at minimum speed into the system, gently gliding through the atmosphere even as invasion ships zipped by the cloaked craft, setting down in a thick underbrush.

The team, consisting of Nathan's Adoptive Android Sister, Melissa, Spec Ops Navy Stealth Clones, a Ranger for Scouting, A Healer for protection against the bioweapon being deployed, A Pyro for general murder and mayhem on enemy forces, and one of Nathan's secret apprentices, had been hand selected.

As they all exited the shuttle, two of the stealth clones carted out the Clone Pyro, who was in a straitjacket.

"MY SWORD IS HATRED!!!" The Pyro, PC-826 bellowed . "HERESY MUST BE MADE AS ASH..."

The gold armored Mystery, a slim man recruited on Kytrand by Nathan when he was a relief worker stared a wary stare as the Pyro was released from his jacket.

"He's not safe, is he?" The Mystery asked.

"Oh, hell no..." The Catsuit clad Ashla Healer said, spinning her pistol. "Give him a book of matches and he'll try and take out the whole Forest if left to his lonesome with no orders to carry out."

"THE FLAME IS ALL, BRING ME THE BURNING COAL THAT IS THE UNCLEAN BODY." The Pyro said as he hefted his pistol and Axe.


"Uh... message?" The Mystery asked.

"Don't encourage him..." The Healer advised very quietly out of the corner of her mouth, not taking her eyes off the Pyro for a single second.

Melissa, wearing a scavenged variant of the ancient version of her Family's armor stepped out of the vessel with the Ranger right beside her, CR-202, hefting his DLT-19X, and he climbed a tall tree to get a look at the sight of the city...

"It's a fethin' slaughterhouse, Boss." 202 said, watching the chaos through the scope of his rifle. "Civilians are being gunned down in the streets by freaking zombies. Some sort of Toxic Gas being released..."

"Yeah, we got here just in time..." Melissa said glumly, her form fitting, horned black armor concealing her features.

"Other responders too. We're not alone. Personally, I think we should just call it a wash and bring in the reinforcements before the nutcase in charge of this here Zombie Apocalypse kills everyone..."

"Negative. If the Sith is making that assurance...and it is an assurance...then he has plenty of reserves of that gas. We need to make an assessment of how much gas he's got ready to unleash before any invasion to force them from the city can be attempted..." Melissa asserted.

"Boss, the City is already a hot, smelly trash fire..." 202 pointed out.

"We don't take risks with biochemical weapons..." Melissa replied. "Especially Biochemical Weapons being deployed by Sith Lords currently murdering everyone in a city with his army on sight."

"We'll have to move quickly then. Send the Probe Droids ahead of us. They'll tag the sites from high up where they won't be easy to hit, their stealth armor should make them difficult to detect if he's got sensors..." Melissa ordered.

The Spec Ops Navy Stealth Clones nodded and deployed their DRK-1 Probe Droids, their feed going directly to their helmets on encrypted signals. After 202 got on the ground, she was leading them through the jungle, alert for threats. She didn't put it past Nefaron to have zombies land in the jungle to kill off attempts at an approach...
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Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Consumed by the massacre around him, it made him blind to what was taking place at his feet. A small and almost unnoticeable shift in the ground soon caught his attention, with something growing at an alarming rate that was capable of engulfing his entire body. With sharp and enhanced reflexes, he instantly spun his saberstaff in a swift motion, breaking free from the hold of a twisted vine that had already started to encircle his leg. The tightening grip from it released as the other was quickly cut down as well.

Kasir steadied himself and pushed off with the front of his foot, launching himself backwards with a powerful leap; he landed a considerable distance away. That source of it all would be revealed soon, as he saw an all too familiar weapon come to life and illuminate the Jedi figure ahead. Amidst all the chaos and noise, he still managed to catch every word she spoke. He attempted to lock eyes with her from underneath his helmet as rage radiated from his relaxed demeanor; anger was already swirling beneath the surface.

Taking several strides, he returned to the exact spot where he had been attacked just moments ago. His gaze shifted to her blue lightsaber, feeling as if time slowed down–but as quickly as it lingered, it was then drawn back to her face. "He'll have no use for credits after he's dead," he said in a callous manner. Kasir almost gave her a chance to challenge him, but would press on. "And soon enough, neither will you,” he added, hinting at the outcome of their encounter.

A hand reached out to untie the clasp that kept his cloak in place, letting it fall back to the ground; the Sith's armor was completely exposed now. Stepping forward with purpose, he maintained a conservative distance while scanning his surroundings; their clash still required strategizing. Everything else around him disappeared: the Corpse Legion, cries of the dying, any possible distraction was temporarily blocked out.

All movements were precise as he came to a slow halt. His left arm extended out in front of him while firmly holding the saberstaff. From there he shifted into a new stance with a slight turn of his body, and he could now feel more weight on his back leg. His offhand also lifted instinctively in a defensive gesture. He was inviting the Jedi to initiate the duel.
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"Do you think they know the temple is here? It's not a secret that there's Jedi on this world, but the location?" It'd be more than alarming if they came here for the temple, but part of him doubted it. Not with the towns being the ones attacked. He adjusted the sheath on his back, making sure that Seszil was comfortable before he started to run alongside his mother.

Right now, they needed to be fast. Thankfully they were.

"Should we bring the wildlife? They might help, but also might bring trouble for the civilians."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Enemy Tag(s): Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Corpse Legion


Karlo was used to all manner of...eccentric behavior, from those who he'd been assigned to protect. Liin wanting to meet with some Dar'jetii that he could barely find any information on was not odd given what he'd seen happen when he was watching former CIS Minister of Science, Visanj T'shkali. That didn't mean he and his didn't take precautions. Karlo didn't regret not saying anything to Liin until the shuttle's doors dropped and his armor's newly retrofitted combat suite immediately picked up the host of contacts aboard, not to mention the Dar'jetii himself.

Karlo and Prudii squad were behind Liin in a rough staggered line, hidden from view and the low powered sensor system by way of their armor-intergrated Akar optical camouflage systems. That was how she preferred it after all. Those who assumed she'd come with only a light detail of guards or that she was on her own would quickly find out that simply wasn't the case as eight elite Mandalorian commandos unleashed haran on them.

"Concealment!" he called quickly over squad comms, a quartet of acknowledgement signals answered him back. Four NGG-02 Nagnol Gas Grenades arced out, landing and immediately detonating into clouds of sensor and line of sight blocking Nagnol gas. Squad wide, drug injectors actuated, filling their bloodstreams with adrenal, battle stimulant and Echani battle stimulant, augmenting cybernetically enhanced reflexes honed by some of the best training in the galaxy and a little over a shared decade of experience.

Karlo pulled and quickly threw a pair of AWCGG-02 Anti-Energy Weapon Countermeasure Gas Grenade. If the invaders, whoever the shab they were, wanted to fire blindly through the gas, they were going to find their blaster and other energy weapons considerably diminished. The commandos had moved unnaturally quick, and so rather than wait for Liin to catch up. Karlo gently but firmly grasped her hand and put her behind him. That new dress of hers was supposed to be rated for all sorts of osik but it was best they not put any of that to the test while she was in it.

Prudii squad didn't need to be told to fall back, they immediately fell back off the landing platform, back into the facility proper. Gev, his 2IC, armed and threw a pair of PD/AM-01 Pursuit Denial/Anti-personnel Mine mines to cover the way off the platform, between the gas cloud and the entrance to the facility. Darnal, his demolitions specialist did the same with the entrance once they were all in. Karlo could hear the alarms going, and sounds of heavy combat coming from elsewhere in the facility. He quickly set a squad waypoint for deeper into the facility. They could potentially hold the facility if they had to, but his priority was getting Liin out of here.

"You're not going to say you told her so?" chimed Darnal over squad comms as they moved away from the landing pad, with Karlo keeping Liin moving as fast as she possibly could. Karlo had come to learn just how fast she could move, and given that keeping as much firepower at hand was preferable to moving just that much faster, Karlo had thus far refrained from picking her up.

"Gev, we've got enough other osik to worry about," he sighed in response. He could see the outline of Darnal superimposed on his HUD hold one hand up in acquiescence. Karlo let out a sight in the privacy of his sealed buy'ce.

The situation outside was entirely unknown, but with a whole battalion of mechanized infantry in the city, the burden of taking back, or holding the NCBC building wasn't something that would have to be his task alone once he managed to get Liin to safety. Long-range comms were in range, thankfully, and raising Ori'tsad'alor Medrit Kote was not impossible, "A'den 6, this is Prudii 6, we're in the NCBC building, din'kartay."

"Prudii 6, A'den 6, su cuy'gar. Everything's gone to osik, we've got a mess of hostiles everywhere. Working with the locals to put out fires, I'll be at your location personally in 30 minutes. K'oyayci!" Karlo glanced at the Manda module and sighed. Colonel Kote's forces were spread thin across the city, but they were Mando'ade, they would sae this through to the end. The Colonel's HQ company was making its way toward the NCBC building. That meant that all they had to do was keep Liin out of harm's way for thirty minutes in the least.

Of course, that was their last resort. Ideally, they would extract Liin from here. Karlo's mind raced. If they had to get out of here, Dinua's gunship was really their only option. "Ma'am, we have to get you out," he informed her at last as they moved. "They're probably a minute or two behind us at best. Roof's still the best bet to get out of here, right?"

Objective: II

A chill runs down my spine as I see my guest approaching. His appearance is highly discomforting. His tone of voice and the phrasing of his words suggests that of a leader, just as it had in our earlier communications. But now I find myself to be on alert.

And within seconds I find there to be good reason for that. I take half a step back as my guest reveals his true purpose, which is to conquer New Cov for his own. What's worse is that he wants me to just give him that power and control!

"This is not your king--" I cut off my own words as his vile forces press forward. Immediately my guards step in and move me out of harms way. I use Karlo as my shield, covering my ears with my hands as the grenades go off. I had never been in battle before, so I can hardly guess at what to expect. But it is very loud and chaotic. I can only imagine what the citizens of Illic are going through.

And it is all my fault! After all of the dozens of guests invited here for potential (and successful) contracts, one has come to take it all for themselves. History has once again repeated itself for New Cov. I can only hope that it isn't forced into flying a banner that isn't it's own.

Immediately I am pulled inside of our Headquarters, being forced to run in this dress that thankfully doesn't hinder my movements too much to slow me down. My free hand maintains a strong grip on my feathered fan, and if it weren't for the adrenaline running through my system, I would probably be tired.

Finally I am spoken to, so that I can get a proper sense of what the plan is. However what Karlo tells me isn't what I had in mind. "What?! No! The labs! The staff! My parents! We have to lock the building down! There's precious cargo down there and data that must be secured!" I know that he won't like what I have said, yet it must be said! Getting into a ship for the possibility of it being shot down either in the city or out in the deadly jungles was not very ideal to me. I had been in the jungles before and the sentient plantlife there do not take kindly to tresspassers. Their response is always lethal. Yet despite my words and zero expertise in these situations, I would hope that Karlo and his team would listen to me. But if not, then I will abide by his judgement, much to my dismay.

Tag: Karlo Kyrr Karlo Kyrr Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron


Mandalorian Mercenaries? Nefaron was impressed by the chairwoman's commitment to defend her operation, but in the end their theatrics and tactics meant little. Legionaries fired into the smoke, eventually charging forward to pursue the group as they fled. A second shuttle arrived on the landing pad, yet more crazed killers jumping from the hovering craft to join the slaughter. By now, toxin had begun to spread through various sectors of the city, though it was little more than an appetizer for what was to come. Yes, they would still fight, but in the end they failed to realize one crucial fact:

You Can't Fight Fear
"Master-" one of the legionnaires approached, kneeling before the Corpse Lord as fear consumed him "-We will pursue, w-we will not fail-"

"Hush my child, you have played your part well. Long have I studied my prey, I know the chairwoman will not flee the planet while her laboratory and its data are threatened. She will take her headquarters as a fortress in an attempt to stop us. Divert our forces to surround the building, take the staff alive if possible. I will need bargaining chips, playthings that I can break and bend to my will."

"Of course, Master. We shall obey."

"Do we have control of the local holonet station?"

"After slaughtering those who protected it, my master."

"Good. Broadcast on an open channel, it is time to inaugurate my rule."



"Citizens of Ilic, death has come to your home."

"What you experience now is but a taste of the terror that I will unleash."

"Your city will be my Kingdom. All I can offer those who cower is fear. Take to your homes, cling to your loved ones."

"Should you attempt to flee, should outsiders come to take my Kingdom from me, I will unleash my toxin city wide. Utter terror will be all that remains to you."

"To those who come to rend flesh from bone and loot the carcass of this city, know that you are under my protection. Have your fun, but know that I will rip your mind apart should you oppose me."

"As for the esteemed Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , know that you have invited me in, a demon in your home. You will give me your resources, your laboratory, your very life if you wish to save your home. If not... I will make you watch as I drag your city into oblivion!"


Nefarons address was not only broadcast within the city, but to all the domed cities on New Cov. He has staked his claim and made clear his intentions. If the locals rally an army to attempt to retake the city, millions will die screaming as toxin fills their lungs. The Corpse Lords forces have begun their push into the heart of the city, great towers are built within key points as toxin-cannisters are loaded into them. These dispensers are Nefarons trump card, his swift and terrible sword should he find himself on the backfoot. But he has made clear his intentions, he desires the NCBC laboratory and the wonderful creations within.

He will use everything in his power to achieve his goal. Liin Terallo is the key to his victory, and he will shatter her resolve however he can.

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Tagging: Jonah Jonah , Open.
Wearing: XxX.
Equipment: Slugthrower Rifle. Blades (Necrium made). Throwing knives.



Leven's smirk deepened at Jonah's compliment, her ego swelling with the thrill of his praise. The idea of commanding an army was intoxicating—a vision of power and chaos unfurling at her whim. She imagined herself at the helm, orchestrating the galaxy's descent into beautiful disarray. The mere thought was enough to make her pulse quicken.

<<You flatterer.>> Her voice was a velvety purr, dripping with dark humor and barely-contained excitement. Oh, she would make the very stars dance just the way she wanted.

As they prowled through the war-ravaged streets, Leven's sharp eyes caught a flicker of movement. A figure darted out from the shadows of the building, clearly trying to slip away amidst the chaos. Her expression shifted from dreamy to predatory in an instant. With a fluid, cat-like grace, Leven dropped from her perch, landing soundlessly behind the fleeing figure. In a blur of motion, she was upon them. Haunched on top of the poor soul, her suddenly ghoulish and enlarged hand was covering at least half of its face to keep it from squeeking too much. It was trying to resist, but she Leven didn't seem to mind too much. "Tsk, tsk. No running from the party."

Her eyes and hands went over the little meatbag's pockets and bags - making sure it didn't have anything that she could need. However, it looked like she might have taken a second too long in her perusal, because it was no longer moving. Her hand had not let it breath. "Oh well..."

The Jester returned to her shadows and surveillance, not another thought spared. She relayed Jonah's request with an air of nonchalance, <<Already handled. Caught someone trying to leave early. They've been... dissuaded. Rather permanently. No passkeys, tho.>> Her tone was light, almost playful, as if discussing a minor inconvenience rather than a life ended.

Watching Jonah stride towards the bank, she settled into her vantage point, eyes sharp and senses alert, ready to strike at the perfect moment. She reached through the Force to lock in on her companion, after she lost sight on him upon entering the building. As Jonah rang the bell and called out for service, she couldn't resist but send a laugh echoing within his head.

Her attention was momentarily diverted when the comm in her ear jumped to life, hearing Nefaron's announcement to the city. <<Did you hear that, Jonah? Isn't he just a doll? Well, so long as we don't try to hog the limelight, I suppose...>> Her voice was a low, purring whisper, dripping with mockery. The whole situation was a twisted game, and she was more than eager to see how the pieces would fall.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"They don't know where the Temple is and your father will make sure it stays that way." She had asked it of him and he knew better than anybody else how important it was to her. In turn, Valery knew that he wouldn't let her down — her trust in him was so strong that she didn't even feel like she needed to consider the Temple anymore.

He had it handled.

"Let's not bring in the wildlife. As you know, I'm... not exactly the best at connecting with them." This meant that if they lost control, there would be no stopping the hordes of lethal predators from going after civilians. No, they could handle this together and with whoever else was defending the city.

Soon enough, Mother and son broke through the Jungle and reached one of the entrance gates into the city. A smaller one, usually minimally guarded and currently abandoned. She broke inside and rushed down the street, only to finally overhear the broadcast from Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron .

"Aris, let's help put a stop to his army. If we can find him, we'll take him down together." She doubted that this demon had counted on her of all Jedi being here, and with Aris as assistance, she felt confident in their chances.

They were not ruining this world under her watch.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble

It happened fast, one moment, she was digging into her pocket to pay the vendor for the supply of fruit, the next she was swept away in a mob of panicked screaming her fruit scattered and trampled. It took her several minutes of fighting to get to the edge of the masses before she saw what was coming for them. A legion of corpses...and a handful of sith revelling in the wake of their destruction.

Her hand fell to the lightsaber Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr had gifted her, but her fingers hesitated. the crimson blade might mark her as one of them, besides she hadn't exactly been training with it. The quarter staff however...fat lot of good it would do against corpses, but hey if you hit anything hard enough in the head...

She leapt forward, a silver phirk baton in her hand extending with a press of her thumb as she threw herself into the side of the onslaught, the quarter staff singing as it swung from one corpse to the next, breaking the ranks enough to give the people a better chance at fleeing before she took off after them herself. Fighting was not exactly her go to. Hit and run?

That was absolutely her game.

She rounded a corner almost running headlong into a familiar face.

"Woah!" she skidded to a halt. "Val?! Stars am I glad to see you!" She let out a triumphant laugh and hugged the woman "Hi!" she offered her companion, the sound of boots catching up with her. "Oh, shit, yeah, bad people, corpsey things. Undead but...smarter? Whatever." She ducked behind the pair of them. "All yours!"

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