Azazel Xaphan
The Last Hound

Tags: Open
-Wolfsbane Heavy Armor
-Beskar vambraces
-BR-212 "Jackal" ACR Rifle
-DT-29 heavy blaster pistol
-Vibro-Beskad Bayonet
-7-PrG proton grenade
-Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
-Compound Flex-5 Detonite Tape
-Wolfsbane Heavy Armor
-Beskar vambraces
-BR-212 "Jackal" ACR Rifle
-DT-29 heavy blaster pistol
-Vibro-Beskad Bayonet
-7-PrG proton grenade
-Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
-Compound Flex-5 Detonite Tape
The gutters were running red. The knives were being plunged. The city was dying. Broken glass from shattered storefronts crunched under his boots. Looters were running wild in this district, either taking the opportunity or being driven mad by Nefaron's toxins. Frankly, it was hard to tell.
Azazel Xaphan would normally have abhorred walking out into the open like this. Too many variables. Too many potential kill-angles. But his superiors had given orders to deliberately observe the effects of the chemical attack first-hand. The holocam mounted on the side of his helmet was recording everything.
<< Contact confirm five infected. Displaying predicted symptoms. Erratic. Sensitive to white light and loud noises. Tend to either flee or lash out at objects or entities that do not exist. >> He raised his blaster carbine to shoot one of the maddened attackers about to bash in the head of a cowering civilian, nailing them square in the lower back. Their nerve stem was instantly severed leaving them paralyzed from the waist down, << Do not show any abnormal resistance to injury or pain. They die like any other mortal. >>
He lowered his barrel to put the man out of his misery before continuing down the street. Several blaster bolts whizzed down his way but they weren't even close. Xaphan didn't bother shooting back.
<< Toxins are highly corrosive. I've already gone through half a filter in an hour. I expect I will have to procure more as this operation proceeds. If we are to deploy this chemical agent in a battle space I highly advise upgrading our troop's chemsuits beforehand. >>
The Pact of Apophis had never shied from chemical warfare, having liberally deployed such weapons during their eight-century-long civil war. But that had been against ill-equipped and weak troops. Now that they were expanding their operations to a galactic level after their recent union with the Sith Order, upgrades had to be made. The Office of Weapons Development had taken a special interest in reports of Darth Nefaron and his particularly vicious concoctions. They certainly weren't willing to give up their ticket to a front-row seat when news filtered down the intel grapevine that Nefaron would be making a public demonstration. His orders had been clear: asses and if need be, make a deal.
Xaphan cursed whoever had given him the order. He was a Death Brigadier, born to bring death to all who opposed the prophet and the Pact, not a silver-tongued broker for Apophis' sake!
But he had yet to disobey a direct order. Shaking his head at nobody, he made his way towards the New Cov Biomolecule Company Headquarters.