Duranium Lord
"I am sending you to the Mustafar system in the Outer Rim. It is a volcanic planet. You will be safe there."
-General Grievous
Ultimatum couldn't really understand the sentiment behind Mustafar being safe in anyway for organics. Even the natives to the planet simply couldn't survive on the surface without some form of protection. Even so, the planet had been considered a safe haven for many organics hiding from enemies. It seemed to Ultimatum that those who were here to hide assumed that they could avoid the dangers inherent to the planet, or at least that the dangers were less than those of their enemies. He didn't pretend to understand their logic, few organics had the kind of logical thinking that made sense to Ultimatum.Such thoughts had been caused by his work with the Mustafarians, who were telling the government of problems regarding travelers to the system. As he had taken control of the planet, Ultimatum had to deal with quite a number of issues. He had been notified, through almost two dozen different sources of the native's complaining. Apparently, the locals were uncertain of newcomers, fearing that the aliens would take their jobs. Ultimatum knew that there were more than enough jobs, this planet required much work to be able to live on, and thus there was no end to the tasks needed for survival. He however also knew that organics tended to freak out at even the most unlikely of possibilities.
He had contemplated, predictably, to simply deport excess population from the travelers, this was obviously not the answer and he dismissed the possibility. Instead, he thought of simply expanding operations to create a massive necessity of more workers. He had calculated that most of the companies on planet were stretched far enough as is, however he realized that he could expand his personal facilities. It would require some work, as his company had been built mostly for droid work, however he could probably built a mining facility for organic workers.
Those plans were temporarily put on hold as he was now busy with greeting a new set of immigrants. It was a tiring job, but one that he had been suggested to do by his advisers, who were also Mustafarian natives. He had finally come across a possible solution and had begun acting on it, picking random flights to welcome the people of. After all, there were far too many immigrants coming on planet to get them all. He had tried and there had been no time for anything else.
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