Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Clockwork Galactic Response

Flint Pherson

@[member="Ashara Zavros"]

The Independent Flotilla is for 'Independents'. Not, representing members of the Mandalorian Faction. You'll be under Mandalore's banner. Not mine. Thanks. ;)


Professor of Alchemy
Character Name: Warren Valik
Faction Represented: Sith Empire Science Division(If Darth App permits it)
Speaking at the War Council: No
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: Such advanced technology must be studied.

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
Character Name: A 'den
Faction Represented: Mandalorains
Speaking at the War Council: No
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: "Time to make some more bombs."
Character Name: Dred Varad
Faction Represented: Mandalorains
Speaking at the War Council: No
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns:

Rosa Gunn

Character: Rosa Mazhar
Faction: The Jedi Order
Speaking: No
Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comment: This is far to much of an interesting gathering to miss out on

Kodiak Mosthal

Character Name: Kodiak Mosthal
Faction Represented: The New Rebel Alliance
Speaking at the War Council: Yes
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: (OOC: I have work so I don't know when I will be on. I know I will be on at/around 11:30 AM PST) Will the Supreme Chancellor and Commander be attending?

Flint Pherson

I'll be there hosting. Aurelia might show if she's not busy. And just to repeat myself:

The Independent Flotilla is for 'Independents'. IE: Characters without a Faction. Not, representing members of established Factions. You'll be under your own Faction's banner. Not mine. Thanks. :p
Character Name: Trilan Tenthrad
Faction Represented: Republic Intel, University of Coruscant
Speaking at the War Council: Doubtful, if you let me I will, could provide historical context for various cultures.
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: HELL YEAH!
Comments & Concerns: I volunteer for the inevitable suicide mission as well. I know it's going to happen.

Flint Pherson

Trilan. I apologize in advance. But at this time I will request you not speak at the meeting. Thanks. Keep on rocking brother. :D

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News They Don't Want Heard
Character Name: Kamon Vondiranach
Faction Represented: The Echani Compact
Speaking at the War Council: Yes
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: Main Compact forces are tied up, but I'll be there considering recent evacuation from Coruscant.
Character Name: Lady Lorelei Shamalain
Faction Represented: Unaffiliated Neutral party.
Speaking at the War Council: Yes, if allowed.
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: - As Sovereign of Kuat and current CEO of the KDY, I daresay it is my prerogative to speak at the War Council with what I can offer to combat the threat of Omni.

Sergio Kaufmann II

Character Name: Sergio Hammerstein
Faction Represented: Sith Empire
Speaking at the War Council: MAYBE
Independent Flotilla Volunteer: No
Comments & Concerns: - Almost forgot to do this! :3

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