Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Common Crime

​Hosting an appearently irritated look, Adron glanced over to Kay while speaking softly, as if realization had dawned on him. "Your assassin spoke of the shroud....Why do I sense Wolfe's hand in this?" He asked, shaking his head before pouring a bit more scotch into his glass.

"I should have killed him when I had the chance." Adron muttered, before clearing his throat and looking over to the Queen. "An autopsy may report more. In the meantime we cannot rule out or directly accuse anyone. After all, justice must be maintained, correct?" The High Moff paused for a moment before gesturing to Kay and then to his own Imperial Sentinels. "I would like my men to take over as your guard. At least one of them to keep you safe. If not for you, do it for me so I will know you are protected."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Kainan?...He tends to treat me well, even when holding me hostage." That was their first meeting. She came across his fleeing fleet and was held hostage in order to secure safe passage out of CSA space. Wolfe treated her with respect, which was more than she could say about how he treated others. She had been to his city, where he showed off his methods of controlling his citizens. It was disgusting.

Power was what the man craved. Perhaps [member="Adron Malvern"] was right in suspecting him, but it wasn't as though removing her would mean that he was free and clear to take over. They weren't so easily beaten.

Kay had another sip of her tea as she looked to the Imperial Sentinals. "Alright, but just as long as they don't box me in. Made me feel a bit claustrophobic when they escorted me earlier."

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