Well-Known Member
So yeah, as the name implies I want to initiate the collective creativity of the site in order to make an astounding alien that anyone could roleplay fairly easily, while it can still be unique and not just another near human... unless of course that is what the rest of the site likes, (of which then I will to crawl into a little corner and cry, lol)
So here is the template:
So is anyone interested in helping this creature's design? I suggest we start by describing the Strengths we want. I'll split them up into sub-categories later, but what are some things we would like to see in an alien that we don't really get?
After we have this established we can make a set of weakness's to counter balance those strengths.
When that is done I'll suggest a biology (How I think those Strength/Weakness can be best accomplished) and you can help to add/change to it.
When that part is finished, I suggest that we start by deciding what technological level we want them to be, their temperament and behavior, and that will help me build the Culture/History which you can also help to add/change it.
This is MY process of creature creation:
[*]Everything else not covered
I'll add a WIP Application as soon as someone else replies. Post below your ideas or give me a PM (Although I personally prefer a post so that everyone can read it.)
Here's the link to the Application
So here is the template:
- Name: [Name of the species]
- Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld: I can make this after, feel free describing that as well.
- Language: [List common languages of this species] (This will be dependent on the exotic-ness or non-exotic-ness of the communication we choose)
- Average height of adults: [In meters]
- Skin color: [List commons skin colors]
- Hair color: [List common hair colors, if any]
- Breathes: [Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes]
- Strengths: [2 minimum]
- Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
- Distinctions: [Unique physical traits that define what they are]
- Average Lifespan: [In standard years]
- Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races)]
- Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]
- Communication: [List common communication medium]
- Culture: [Describe general culture]
- Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
- General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
- History: [Describe an abridged history]
- Notable Player-Characters: Does anyone want to make/edit a character to be the species we make together?
- Intent: The intent of this species is to make an easily playable RP alien that the community has contributed in the making.
So is anyone interested in helping this creature's design? I suggest we start by describing the Strengths we want. I'll split them up into sub-categories later, but what are some things we would like to see in an alien that we don't really get?
After we have this established we can make a set of weakness's to counter balance those strengths.
When that is done I'll suggest a biology (How I think those Strength/Weakness can be best accomplished) and you can help to add/change to it.
When that part is finished, I suggest that we start by deciding what technological level we want them to be, their temperament and behavior, and that will help me build the Culture/History which you can also help to add/change it.
This is MY process of creature creation:
- General Strengths/Weakness desired
What the community wants
- Basic Design (Appearance, ect.)
- Unique Traits (Special abilities/critical weaknesses)
- Ecosystem (Predator vs. Prey)
- Sub-races (optional)
- Tech
- General Behavior
- History
[*]Everything else not covered
I'll add a WIP Application as soon as someone else replies. Post below your ideas or give me a PM (Although I personally prefer a post so that everyone can read it.)
Here's the link to the Application