Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A community generated alien...

how little is little? Three Quarters standard human? Half? And how much should they weigh? How much of the body mass is muscle and how much is everything else?

Ava Solborne

Maybe ten centimeters shorter than average human height is. But about weight... I don't know.
Well-Known Member
Okay doke! So you should check out the App! I think we have a solid alien :) The only things left really is the culture. What are some strange and unique customs they have? Their concept of luck, what is taboo, rituals, marriage (do they have it?), how do they raise their children? Think like they might, my guess is that impersonation would be the greatest crime, as in a world like this how can they be sure who they are talking to is actually who they say they are? Which would then bring me to the next question of social status and how do they identify each other? How do they communicate with others, and percieve the world (are they sight seers like us humans, are they great listeners, smellers, ect... Do they have a media, and if so how is like?)

Here are also some thoughts. What would be their favorate ciusine (if that is even possible for a 'eat what I see' kind of creature)? What is their warrior culture(s), seperate nations, ancient mythology/belief, money system? Basically what I'm asking you to do is brain storm ideas and ask yourself and others questions. The most important factor however that I would like to stress is you need to be able to think like they do, by observing what we made together. Consider their weaknesses as much as strengths, but be sure to always return to the base. They are Avians (Birds), so be sure they at least resemble what an intelligent bird (haha) would think like. My personal opinion would be that they are usually vain, (showiest colors/forms) competitive, and utilize an economy based culture (who has the most of what, and who has more than someone else). They might be more mathematically based (flying is complicated, and so might shapeshifting) or artistically based due to being flashy birds.

So give that some thought too. I'll add my suggestions for now. Hope everyone is still involved (btw, the Gaians should be done tonight as well, and if you haven't been following along they are a race intended to be used as a bridge between Star Wars and Avatar: The Last Airbender (/Legend of Korra). Look up either of those if you don't know what they are.)
Well-Known Member
Whoops! looks like I let this project go by the way side. So yeah, answer to the above, or do I need to make another vote thing for what my ideas are for what should be done for this alien?

The last voting sesson was pretty good, and I'm keeping what we decided there, unless you all express interest in voting again.

So before I make an offical vote, what do you want from them?
Well-Known Member
So this got put onto the back burner :/ Is any one still interested? As I've decided to base our eat-everything avian shapeshifter after the Raven, and named them the Ravanturn. Is that cool with everyone? I've also added a bit of culture similar to what I'd expect from bird people who can also shapeshift and eat absolutely everything and is deathly alergic to metals. Does everyone enjoy how it is coming along? I need to hear some input to figure out where I'm at.
Well-Known Member
Also, I've decided that an Allergy to metals (or at least all of them) is biologically impossible and makes for a very difficult road to space flight. Perhaps we could name just a few metals that their allergic to, and I could work from there?

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