Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Congregation of Congratulatory Companions

The home smelled of sickeningly sweet snacks and cakes. In the middle of a room stood a small speaker that was blaring out some happy tunes to the best of its ability in an effort to drown out the last few rumbling remnants of rejoicing ringle-rangle before the resplendent ragtags of friends and acquaintances arrived at their wide open doorstep.

Colette ran her hand over Nibbles' fur with an appreciative nod. In one corner there was a pretty clear 'adult section' that house the more 'mature' drinks but all in all it was clear that the party overall was a party dedicated to both a pair of newly-minted teenagers and one who was about to embark on their final year as one.

Happy 13th and 19th.

Nibbles gently bit into Colette's finger as she reached out for one more pet and she let out a quick 'oof'. The tiny little kitten had caught her off-guard and she gave him a quick look of disapproval before she put him down on the ground again.

Everything was in its right place, or so she assumed. In truth Colette hadn't ever really celebrated her birthday before. That kind of celebration just wasn't a part of what her culture cared for. It wasn't until the household had come to realize that Colette had been around for more than a year that it dawned on them that she had never told them when her birthday was, which made sense given that she had no idea when it actually was.

As she began to move she felt claws gently dig into her foot and Colette calmly looked down to see Nibbles try and climb her leg to get back in her good graces again. She let out a quiet 'aw' before she reached down to put him back in her arms again and nuzzled his soft fur.

There was no point in denying this white-orange little Keshian kitty whatever it was that he wanted from her. This cat meant more to her than most other things, because this cat was the closest thing that she had to something that she felt was her own family. Which was not to diminish Valery and Kahlil, of course, but there was just something about the little cat that brought him closer than anyone else. This was Colette's own little baby boy and that just meant so much to her.

"Fine, but no biting. Okay?" She muttered at the cat which tilted its head at the strange tone his mother was using with him. It was a cat, after all, it couldn't understand Basic. "I know you're a growing little kitten with itchy teeth, but you have to be nice, and be on your best behaviour when the others arrive, okay?"

The cat laid down in Colette's arms with a content purr as she continued to stroke its fur.

"I'm going to take that as a yes."

The guests were due to arrive any moment now.
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Niv Hani
Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Colette Colette Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"it was a good idea to get the cat, huh?" Valery looked at her husband and then turned back to watch Colette talking to her kitten. It was easy to tell just how much the little furball meant to her, and she had been very good about taking care of her, too. Valery only fed the little fluffy when Colette was away from home.

But other than that, it was Colette's responsibility to take care of her friend. It was her baby, after all.

A hand then settled against her stomach, which showed her pregnancy now without any doubt. She smiled a little, feeling their son kick, and looked up again, "We should decide on his name soon. But first... how do you think Aris will feel about all of this? The decorations, the people who are coming to visit?" She knew Vera loved it, but this was Aris' first time and he was quite introverted.

Valery had a feeling that Vera would help him out, though.

"Vera? Aris? Are you two coming?" Valery called out, and Vera picked up on it. She was with Aris in his room, and looked at him with a smile.

"Come on! People will be coming soon!" Vera grinned and looked over at the door, "Are you excited? Mom and Dad got us gifts and others usually will, too!"

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Niv Hani |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Colette Colette |

Never one miss a party, especially after relishing in the atmosphere of the Obulette Harvest festival, BB-610 was as glued to his family as ever, chirping merrily as he busied himself with some idle cleaning and tidying up of the place. Cushions fluffed, blankets pulled taut - nice and flat - and drinks spaced as evenly as he could manage. His utility arm pinched its claw against one of the table's cups, angling it with perfect symmetry in thanks to his droidbrain.

Colette had done an excellent job - he was simply a smidge too much of a perfectionist when it came to the simplest of décor. He blamed it on his maintenance programming.

With a satisfied bweep, BB-610 heard his cue as Valery called for her children, with the astromech rolling up to Aris' room and gently nudging the door open. He cooed affectionately upon seeing the pair, pushing the door open wider for them. BB-610 chirped with glee, telling the two to have fun, but not too much fun.

They were growing up far faster than he could keep up with.

Now, all he needed to do was keep tabs on the guests list he had memorized. He wanted this day to be extra special for everyone involved, with his spirits already incredibly high following the acquisition of his very own kyber crystal.



Birthdays were a new concept to Loomi.

She didn't know people celebrated the day they were born. Of course, it probably didn't help that nobody had ever told her when she had been born. It was kind of just a new thing that the Godoan was trying to figure out how she felt about. Loomi didn't often feel jealousy at all, but she couldn't help but feel such as she made it to the Noble's apartment. Would she want to celebrate her birthday? Would anyone even show up to it?

Of course, that didn't matter today. It was supposed to be special for Colette, Aris and Vera. She wouldn't want to sour that for them. So instead Loomi wore a warm smile, three bundles in her hand with appropriately sized sweaters within, blue for Colette, green for Aris, and purple for Vera. Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar seemed to like the one he got, so maybe that was just her thing now.

Loomi poked her head in, hoping she hadn't wound up at someone else's home on accident. She had, after all, never been here before.


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Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Colette Colette Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610 Loomi Loomi

A little over a year ago, if someone had told him that he'd be buying a cat tree for a Jedi, and bringing it to her home, Gatz would have shot them dead. Well, probably not dead, but they at least would have had a beer splashed in their face. What kind of self-respecting scoundrel bought items for a cat, or gifts for a Jedi? Apparently, the kind that was no longer a scoundrel.

That was why he was at the Noble's door with a massive wrapped box on a handtruck. Where was Valery going to put this cat tree? Gatz decided that wasn't his problem. Who was going to have to build it for Colette? Gatz decided he'd let Kahlil handle that... unless he got roped into helping, in which case it would be rude to refuse. And really, how could he say 'no' to anyone from Valery's family after all she'd done for him?

Dammit. He was totally going to have to build this thing, wasn't he?

R4 trailed behind him—not because Gatz had wanted to bring him to the Noble's home, but because his hands were full and someone had to carry the two gift bags meant for Aris and Vera. Thankfully, he had made a point to retrieve his stolen Sith Lightsaber out of R4's dome, and lock it away safely on The Red Night. He might have kept the Sith weapon, but he wasn't about to bring it into the Noble's home under any circumstances.

Besides, what did he need a weapon for here? No one was going to barge in with a gun. And if they did... well, being in the same house as Valery and Kahlil was basically the safest place in the galaxy.

Gatz spotted Loomi in front of the door, more sweaters in her hand. Gatz, currently wearing his own, smiled.

"Hi, Loomi!" He called out, "I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here early."



"I never said it wasn't."

Kahlil snickered. Colette and Valery had this idea he would've been against the cat, and continued to find a reason to justify it to him. They didn't need to. He did like Nibbles, and he certainly wasn't against the animal living in their home. All the kids seemed to enjoy it's company, and he was certain even the newest addition would love them.

"We will. And I'm sure Aris will be fine. He's not against being around people you know, he's just fine if he is alone."

That was the meaning of being an introvert for certain.

"A Jedi does not look for gifts."

Aris cleared his throat as he spoke before sneaking a glance towards Vera. And smiled, just a little. ".. But what do you think they got us?" This wasn't his first birthday. Since coming to live with the Nobles all those years ago, Vera had decided that they should share a birthday. Clones weren't born, after all, so he couldn't really have his own day. She'd shared it with him.

And now she was sharing it with Colette. He smiled a little. She always was the most selfless of them. His attention pulled away though as he heard Bee's beeps, bringing him a big, warm smile. "We will have the perfect amount of fun, don't worry. You should too."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Colette Colette | Loomi Loomi | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | BB-610 BB-610

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Colette Colette Loomi Loomi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar BB-610 BB-610 Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I can't wait to meet Nibbles."

Cora grinned widely as she and Makko made their way toward the Noble homestead. Niv Hani had been her home for a brief spell during her recovery, but she'd taken to Coruscant after her knighting.

"And celebrate with Colette and the kids, of course."
She added quickly.

They weren't the first to arrive - Gatz and Loomi were already here, and Bee was putting the finishing touches on the decorations. The Noble house held a sense of comfort and familiarity to it.

As soon as she saw Colette and her new kitten, Cora hurriedly placed the gift bags she'd been holding atop the box Makko was carrying, and rushed over.

"Ooh, is this him? He's adorable!" The blonde cooed, holding out her hand for the kitten to sniff - or nip at.

"Oh, and happy birthday Colette!"

Presents. Presents. Damn it. Shan had no clue what to get any of them. Colette, he had a few ideas for, but Aris and Vera? Shan was completely blind. Did he get them books? Crystals? This was so much stress, was this how people had felt for his birthday? Either way, he had to decide on something, so Shan just took the present ideas he already had before hurrying off towards the Noble. Normally, he'd have already been there, but he wanted to make sure he had everything ready. He had his own ship he flew nowadays anyway, and was trying to be more independent instead of relying on the nobles for everything.

He hadn't really spoken much to Colette since Cora's knighting, so Shan wanted to make sure that everything was alright between them. It was a surprise to say then, when he came into the house and saw the little kitten in the household, the Mirialan's face dropping ever so slightly. He hadn't been expecting that but the kitten was cute to say the least.

Shan hurried his way into the house, whilst Cora and Makko seemed to be with the kitten, and tried to find a place to put down the presents he had brought. He kept Colette's present on his person, whilst Aris and Vera's were going to be placed off to the side. He wasn't exactly one for wrapping up presents, so the two books he had gotten them were on display in clear view. Sure, he could have gotten a digital version of them, but he felt like there was something more...involved in having a physical copy. Either way, the two books just went into detail about different martial arts alongside famous Jedi. He wasn't sure who would want which he didn't put a name on either of them.

With that done, Shan made his way to the side of the house to just sit down and relax. Social gatherings weren't really his thing, even with his own birthday he had felt like he was being pulled in too many directions. For now, he was just going to relax!

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Loomi Loomi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar BB-610 BB-610 Colette Colette Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
"And celebrate with Colette and the kids, of course." She added quickly.

"Yeah no, I'm just here for the cat..." Makko replied just loud enough for Colette to hear.

It was mostly a joke. It turned out that after an urban life he was quite fascinated by animals. There were complex aspects to Makko's personality. And there were very very simple ones.

As soon as she saw Colette and her new kitten, Cora hurriedly placed the gift bags she'd been holding atop the box Makko was carrying, and rushed over.

"I'll just...hold these then..." went Makko from behind the bags.

He maneuvered himself towards the nearest table and placed them down carefully one by one. Turning around, he saw how tiny the creature in Colette's arms was. As pleased as he was that the Nobles had let her get the pet, it looked so small that he decided to hang back instead of crowd around it.

Instead he waved at the birthday twins.
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Colette Colette Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"Gatz, you make a better door than a window." The Zeltron teased, waving to R4 before catching the two bags the droid had atop him. Spying the handtruck, a curious look was cast his way without asking. The intended disinterest however didn't last long, letting her hand slide back into the jacket pocket.

"It is a birthday party, right?" Examining the box suspiciously now with an exaggerated scrutiny. "Did you get her a small planet? Or did you find something illegal to smuggle through customs?"

Jakku could maintain itself without her for a few days. Opting to come socialize at Gatz invite with the Nobles for a shared birthday party.

Not that she'd had the forethought of bringing a proper gift for all parties involved, at least not one that Valery would probably appreciate. Wondering quietly how much any of the Nobles besides the younger ones might enjoy the little surprises she had in mind.

Her gaze shifted to the other being present at the door.

"Oh! Hey! You, lost?" Standing up and casting a look to Gatz before ending on the door. "Or are we all practicing being roadblocks?"
People began to pour in. Bee had always been here but they were as welcome now as they were before. Which, given how Colette was warming up to the idea of metallic creations with souls… She was okay with it. Still a little unnerved, but okay. Loomi and Gatz both showed up and Colette gave them each a warm smile, even if admittedly one of them didn't feel quite as real as the other.

But, what was that saying? Water under the bridge? Yeah, that.

"Loomi, hi!" Colette exclaimed happily and moved in to give her friend a gentle no-armed side hug with the cat taking up both of them to rest. "And Gatz! I… see you brought something big!"

Oh gods, the flood kept on pushing. Colette wanted to keep the conversation going, but then Cora showed up, and naturally in tow was Makko who stepped off to the side to show Colette some mercy, or… Perhaps not.

Nibbles perked up as Cora began to approach and as she gave him a finger to sniff she would find a small little wet nose push against it before a sharp set of teeth gently placed themselves around it. The cat stopped in their tracks as if they had just tasted something that had caused their brain to shut down for a moment and just sort of kept itself there, with the finger gently wrapped between its teeth until it let go and settled into Colette's arms again.

"Thank you, Cora." She said and gave a slight bow to show her gratitude.


Ahem… Rightfully so. Probably. Whatever, it was cool. Dude. For sure… Super duper easy style… Brother.

Brief excitement aside Colette felt a weight lift from her shoulders and she let out a sigh of relief as he snuck his way into the house. If he was happy to be in that little corner for now then she wouldn't push it. She gave him a warm smile and hoped he would return it before she turned to the rest.

And then a zeltron that she couldn't place. How peculiar! Colette nodded at them in greeting.

"Hello! Are you a friend of Vera and Aris?"

She began to look around, suddenly taken by that strange urge to fix everything all at once as one glaring issue after the other seemed to pop up that everyone most definitely could see, like how the rugs might have been dusty, or how the plates needed to be re-arranged into a more symmetrical pattern.

This was going to be a long afternoon.

Valery Noble Valery Noble / Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Loomi Loomi / Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar / Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania / Makko Vyres Makko Vyres / Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Niv Hani |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Colette Colette | Loomi Loomi | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus |

BB-610 giggled at Aris' response. So long as they promised to be responsible, he trusted them. Today was their big day, however, so the droid knew better than to incessantly hover around them like an unwanted babysitter. With a content little nod, the astromech led the twins out the bedroom before departing for the front door.

As expected, he recognized most as guests began pouring in. BB-610 was in no way today's host - he didn't want to steal any credit from Colette - but his good manners nonetheless had him greet everyone with a happy chirp. Not nobody's astonishment, Cora looked as pretty as always.

He'd been surprised to see a fellow astromech, trailing shortly after Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar - somebody BB-610 wasn't overly familiar with. The BB-unit bweeped a soft 'hello!' to the man, before his optic drifted down onto the R-series droid.

BB-610 inched closer, cooing as he spoke of his surprise to see another astromech. He continued, chirping happily as he introduced himself as Bee, stating that he was Valery's droid, and that he was always happy to make new friends; ever the affectionate puppydog, BB-610 was.

Nudging the door open a teeny bit more, BB-610 spotted Loomi Loomi and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus alongside them, and it dawned on him that they were waiting for entry. Thankfully, Colette had arrived just in time, with the astromech rolling aside to let her get past him. He bweeped warmly at the guests, merrily wishing for them to have a good time.



Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Colette Colette BB-610 BB-610 @the rest of y'all

"Gatz, you make a better door than a window."

There was no denying the way Gatz perked up as he heard Lossa's voice. Hearing it have a teasing lilt—hearing it in any upbeat tone really—brought him a sense of relief that was downright palpable. If he'd been through the things she'd been through... Gatz knew he wouldn't have been strong enough to even pretend to have a positive attitude, much less actually have one.

"I'm the most handsome door you're ever gonna meet, Pretty Bird." Gatz grinned.

He watched her eyes fall to his ridiculously sized gift for Colette. For all she knew, he was bringing a warhead as a present. But he was happy to elaborate as to what it actually was. He did offer a snort at her joke though.

"Nah, getting her a planet would have been overkill," Gatz pulled the stupidly sized box through the front door, "and I'm enjoying retirement from the smuggling life. I got her a cat tree. I guess Colette and Valery bullied Kahlil into letting them have another pet."

Gatz thought that he'd been early, but it seemed like most of the guests had already arrived. He wheeled his gift somewhere out of the way, for now, looking for the birthday girls and boy.

"And Gatz! I… see you brought something big!"

And as if on queue, there she was.

"The big one is yours," Gatz clarified with a smile, "but... I think your cat is gonna get the most enjoyment out of it."

A droid rolled up to his feet. BB-610? Gatz hadn't ever been formally introduced, but how could he not know of Valery's droid companion? The little guy seemed to take the most interest in R4, and for once, Gatz wasn't worried about his faulty astromech interacting with anyone. R4 was never rude to fellow droids, only meatbags.

<Finally. Some civilized company!> R4 chimed happily at the smaller astromech.

Cora held still as stone, watching Nibbles intently as he sniffed her finger, actively suppressing a joyous squeal at the feel of his little pink nose. Tiny teeth closed around her finger, not applying enough pressure to hurt – but the sensation was enough to startle them both. She couldn't help but giggle as the tiny creature let go again and curled into Colette.

"Oh, he's darling. And he seems to have taken to you so well!"

Cora was glad to see Colette Colette with the pet she'd wanted, given how happy she looked dreaming of getting a kitten during their trip to the zoo. A surge of excitement lit the air between them, and the blonde followed Colette's gaze to see Shan Pavond Shan Pavond having just made his entrance. She gave the Mirialian a little wave before slipping back to Makko's side.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." She gave him an apologetic grin, moving to separate their gifts between the Colette, Vera, and Aris pile. For Colette they'd selected a fine hunting knife, Vera would be the recipient of a box of luxury chocolates, and Aris might enjoy the first Cogs of Time book.

Giving Makko Vyres Makko Vyres a subtle elbow, she tilted her chin towards Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus .

Look! She mouthed.
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Niv Hani
Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Colette Colette Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus BB-610 BB-610 Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Loomi Loomi

"I know, I know," Valery said with a chuckle. "I didn't mean it like that. Just... I'm happy we got the cat." It was such a warm and fun addition to the family, and she hoped it really would make Colette feel at home even more than she already did. Nibbles brought a lot of extra joy to the house, for Colette and all the little ones.

Even if Valery herself didn't seem to have bonded with the little fluff too well yet.

"That's true. I just want him to have a good day. He's my baby, and he deserves this." There was something motherly about the way she said it, suggesting there would be trouble if anybody argued against what she said. But Valery's eyes were quickly drifting away when the triplets appeared.

Aeryn and Adam were excited to see a lot of people, and waddled into the living room with loud squeals.

"Hello everybody!" Aeryn called out to everybody, while her brother joined her as well. Only Aurra seemed to stay back a little, and climbed onto the couch on her own. "Hey love?" Valery asked her husband after seeing it. "I'll be with Aurra for a moment." Walking over, Valery sat down and pulled the little blonde into her lap.

"Lots of people, hm? They're all nice and hear for your siblings. But if it's too loud, let me know, okay?"


"I know what Mom got you," Vera said with a little grin. "But I'm not telling! You're going to love it, though." It was something special Mom had talked to her about, because she knew Aris so well. So, in a way, it was also Vera's gift to him — she just hadn't paid for it.

Stepping into the living room with her brother, Vera smiled to see how many were here. Some gathered around Nibbles, some talking to each other — all friendly faces.

"Hey Dad! Did you bake snackies again this year?" Vera asked with a grin.

Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Colette Colette Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Her eyes drifted down to the happy chirping between the droids present, and Lossa eyed the assortment of tool slots the BB unit had on them. A wide mischievous grin forming as she took her hand out of her pocket and presented a slim silver box to the droid filled with 6 silver surprises inside.

She had a few more for the birthday party to hand out, and was curious to see

"Enjoy those, and yes, they are safe." Turning her attention to Gatz after Bee took the gift. A brow cocked his way, hand grabbing one of his and twisting to continue her joke.

"Doesn't seem to open, so we'll stick with handsome." Chuckling to herself with a shake of her head before regarding the large box. "Ah. That explains that then."

Another joined them at the door, and seemed familiar with Gatz as Lossa looked between them. The one she guessed to be Colette asked if she was friends with a Vera and Aris. The tilt of her head and wide eyed stare as she thought on the names probably telling the girl clearly she had no idea who she spoke of.

"Uh, no." Poking Gatz with a grin before grinning. "Blondies plus one."

Gatz explained the box and let on to the contents, making Lossa hiss sharply at the spilling of the beans.

"Pretty boy, you aren't supposed to spoil the surprise." Looking his way with a frown. Turning to address Colette realizing she was acting far too familiar.

"Colette right? Lossa." Offering her only hand to shake before giving Gatz a teasing kick. "Let's clear the actual door and join everybody."

"I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here early."

"Hello!" Loomi greeted warmly

Her attention was scattered for a moment as a bunch of people entered. Manny she knew, a few she didn't. Loomi was quick to refocus as Colette came over, the smile returning to her face.

"Hey!" she beamed. "I got you and the other two things! I'm not sure where to put them though..."

"I'm the most handsome door you're ever gonna meet, Pretty Bird."

Loomi frowned at this. Bird? She looked at the woman that Gatz had called this with a squint. She was very pink, and perhaps indeed very pretty, but there wasn't a feather in sight. The Godoan leaned over to the nearest people, who happened to be Cora, Makko and Colette at the moment with a rather perplexed look on her face.

"Is he okay?" Loomi asked them. "I think he's mistaken that lady for a bird, but she doesn't have any feathers."

Expressions of that nature were still very much alien to her.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." She gave him an apologetic grin, moving to separate their gifts between the Colette, Vera, and Aris pile.

"It's alright, it looks so small I didn't think it'd want to be crowded," Makko replied. Either Cora or Colette would find him on the floor later, following the little kitten around.

Look! She mouthed.

Makko raised one eyebrow. He'd heard Gatz wax lyrical about Lossa before, but he didn't have the other half of that story yet. Apparently she was here as a 'plus one' though.

"Mnmm," Makko went, clearly conveying that they would be doing some people watching today.

"Hello everybody!" Aeryn called out to everybody, while her brother joined her as well. Only Aurra seemed to stay back a little, and climbed onto the couch on her own.

"Oh, here comes trouble," Makko said as two out of three arrived. Valery had already popped Aurra onto her lap. "You know we'll be in entertainment duty some point."

"Is he okay?" Loomi asked them. "I think he's mistaken that lady for a bird, but she doesn't have any feathers."

"Is he..." Makko narrowed his eyes. Sometimes it took a moment to think back through what he - or someone else - had said to repeat it for Loomi.

"It's er, just a nickname," he said. "'t go calling anyone your bird," Makko mused.


"They'll be fine, don't worry."

Not just Aris, of course. Kahlil just smiled as he watched the people come in, though. Lots of people, lost of friends. It was good to see so many people who seemed to care about their children. Most of which were Jedi, but he wasn't too surprised about that. He nodded to Valery as she went off to Aurra, smiling just a little more. A lot of people certainly were going to overwhelm her.

Mom had that though.

Then he glanced to Vera, who had Aris with her. Smiled wider and nodded. Of course he baked some food for them all. Cakes, one for each. Aris just nodded before looking to the people who'd arrived, then dipped his head in greetings.

"Thank you all, for coming."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Colette Colette | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Loomi Loomi | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Loomi Loomi / Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Valery Noble Valery Noble / Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar / Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus / Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania / Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

The big one for Nibbles, huh? Colette nodded in appreciation and turned her focus to Cora for the moment. Nibbles remained in her arms but he too turned to give Cora a look as she described him as 'darling', and it certainly seemed like the little kitten had no issue with it. Even though he admittedly had no idea what Cora actually said.

Plus one, pretty boy… Yeah, there was something there.

"That's me, yeah." Colette nodded and stepped away from the door. Rather than following along with the two potential lovebirds she would instead focus on Loomi who seemed confused by what was going on. Luckily Makko had an understanding of the situation.

Which was really to say… Bless Loomi's heart.

"You know, this is like my third birthday or so." Colette told the others as they continued further into the home. "Does that mean that I am technically three years old… Or that I need to have sixteen more parties before next year?"

"I mean, I hope not."

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