Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Contract in the Rubble (Open to all on Coruscant)

A wash of sounds began to ebb into his ears. He fluttered his eyes open, foggy eyes, dust in the air and a concusion hindered his sight as he struggled to regain consciousness. He lay in a wasteland, a crater at the bottom of a pit of rubble. He had no idea where he was, or who he was for that matter. The last few years were now black in his mind. He looked himself over to make sure there were no other injuries. By his side lay a mask and a knife. He didn't know who they belonged to or how they and himself got to be at the bottom of this pit.

Standing up on aching legs, he stretched and looked around for some clue as to where he was or who he was or something. Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets like it was habitual, he discovered a note. Upon opening it and reading the writing...

You are Nagate Hei.
You are on Courscant.
It is under attack by the Sith.
You must hide.

He guessed he was infact this Nagate from the note, and aside from the immediate area, he still couldn't decide whether or not this was too Coruscant. But the Sith, he did not remember the Sith existing. He put away the note, snatched up the mask and knife, seeing that he was wearing a blade holster around his shoulders. Slipping on the mask so he could climb, Nagate clammered up the rubble to the top and stood to see a desolate world laid to ruins before him.

Where would he go next?
Carden, behind ruble from a attack of some sort, at this time he would be in a bar but not now.
Carden was looking for somthing, anything that could make him a profit. Just then he had seen a shadow move out of the corner of his eye, a force user... maybe. The man had a mask onso Carden didn't know who it was. Carden looked around, rubble was everywhere there was even a few dead or unconscious bodies.

Carden walked out of the rubble standing still and looking at him, he didn't seem as if he was armed with a weapon. "Who are you and what are you doing here stranger, I wasn't expecting anyone to be alive or awake, care to explain?" Carden said with his hand already at his blaster pistol, ready to draw it just in case he needed to use it.

[member="Nagate Hei"]
"I...I don't know. I don't know where I am. I...think my name is Nagate and I think I survived an attack of some kind. I...woke up in that pit back there."

That was when Nagate noticed the armored mans hand on his gun. Behind the mask he felt a strange feeling. Like something wasn't safe about this. He had only the knife he found and no gun or armor. What chance did he have.

"Can you tell me where I am?" What happened?

[member="Carden Lorps"]
The big droid was on coruscant for once he hated the attension but the sith attacked it so no more polotics no more jedi just people no special people anyway 418 saw a big crater someone in armor and a man stepping out of it 418 decided this was wrong a man alive in a crater the man had something wrong so 418 raised his minigun arm and begun decided that this wasnt right if he survived the crater he may have been a sith or killer 418 took careful aim at the man leaving the crater if the man in armor attacked he would shoot them both
Nagate Hei
Carden Lorps
"Well, to tell you, your on Coruscant." Carden took a step closer to the man. "I'm Carden Lorps." Carden looked around, and saw a droid. This droid had a minigun Carden turned fully towards the droid. "Dont shoot, or I scrap you into junk like the rest of this dump." Carden shouted to the droid. "Look, I don't care who you were or what you did, but I'm trusting you not to shoot me in the back." Carden said to Nagate. Carden grabbed a thermal detonator from his belt just in case the droid attacked.

[member="Nagate Hei"]
"Carden. Okay. And now there's a droid."

Nagate ran to the right and slid behind a pile of rubble. He instinctively drew his knife and strange feeling washed over him. He moved to take up a position above the group. The highest point around here was a collapsed building. He scaled
It quickly and stood in the shadow of an over hanging of rubble. He felt
His muscles move on their own as he waited for something he didn't know to happen.

[member="Carden Lorps"][member="418-CB12"]
Carden watched the robot, when Nagate ran up the building Carden decided he couldn't do that so he ran behind a pile rubble. Carden got his rifle ready just in case, the droid would be scrap metal if he tried to shoot. He looked out at the robot, and decided to do something. "Stand down tin-can you won't get hurt." Carden yelled then waited to see if the droid would respond. Carden looked back at the man that scaled the building seeing if he had a idea, but most likely he wouldn't he just woke up.

"Why in bloody hell is this here?" Carden whispered to himself.

[member="Nagate Hei"]
418 heard Carden threatening it so 418 decided not to shoot carden yet but it then had a theory of what happened Nagate must have put a bomb down and killed people so that would mean Carden was his accomplas and they must be killers 418 looked at all the corpses so 418 brought his minigun up 418s armor was very powerful so Nagates simple knife then 418 knew what to do 418 would have to talk to them find out what happened so 418 lowered its arm and yelled "Fine I wont shoot you!" and it stood there waiting for a responce from the 2 people
Carden Lorps
Nagate Hei
[member="418-CB12"] | [member="Carden Lorps"] | [member="Nagate Hei"]

She had watched the precession. Mildly amused, but also bewildered. She was in a crouch nearby. She didn't wear much in way of protection, but slung over her back was an AMR-1. In other words, an Anti-Materiel Rifle. High-velocity, armour piercing. It can punch a hole through a tank at two thousand yards. If that droid continued being a hassle, she didn't have a doubt she could penetrate it's thick plating. Thankfully it had stopped. She wandered on over, swaying her hips with each movement of her legs. She placed a delicate hand upon the arm of the droid, "Ease up, before you're the one being shot up, greaser." She crossed her arms, watching the other Bounty Hunter she had seen in Brando the Hutt's palace, and the other man, atop a pile of rubble. "Playin' King of the Hill or something, darl?" she would asked mockingly.
"I don't know miss. But it seemed like a good idea to not be on open ground with a wild droid."

Nagate jumped the two stories down and landed as though he'd done it a thousand times. Learning more and more about himself was scary, he didn't know if he was a bad guy, good guy, or some random guy. Turning his attention back to the blue lady, he removed his mask and tucked it into his jacket. His messy hair outlined his expressionless face with black eyes.

[member="Luminous"] [member="418-CB12"] [member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden walked forward to the rest of the group. "Ok time to find out what the hell you two are doing here" Carden said to Luminous and 418. "I know what im doing here but I don't know what you are doing here." Carden said then turned to Nagate "smart idea climbing up the building." Carden said before sitting on a peice of rubble, the cool thing was the fire's they lit up the area. "Ok who's going to talk first?"

[member="Nagate Hei"]
418 saw the ladies wepon and knew what it could do so the droid decided to answer carden by saying "well I saw someone coming out of a crater isnt that a bit strange and I guessed the person is a sith if they survived that fall either that or they are a-know what im not gonna say"
Carden Lorps
Nagate Hei
Nagate walked over to Carden's side, rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed, Ah it was nothing. I'm sure you would have thought of it too, eventually.

The droid still made him feel uneasy. He pretended to smile at it and stood behind Carden to await another response from somebody.

[member="Carden Lorps"] @418-CB12 @Luminous
She placed her hands on her hips, acknowledging the words of [member="Nagate Hei"]. "Well, wild droids are my speciality," she said with a slight smirk. She looked to Carden curiously. Her visor polarised and began an uplink remotely to the Holonet. Facial recognition and cross-referencing archives could be done on the spot with Lily's ALS-X1 reconnaissance armour. Unlike most Mandalorian armour that was comprised of strong, thick plating. Her armour lacked a great deal of defence, but made up for it in a wide variety of gadgets. She found it, a portfolio on [member="Carden Lorps"]. Her visor depolarised, looking over the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. "I'm here for business. Killing is my profession. As is yours, or so it says on your file," she said. "You ever find the killer?" she asked, raising a single brow in question. She referred to Carden's fathers killer. It paid to be a slicer in these days, when you could find almost every bit of data on most people in the galaxy.
Carden looked at Luminous a bit stunned. "No I didn't, but the past is the past. This is the future I will find his killer but not today." Carden said with a hint of anger in his voice. "Killing is rarely a job for me, but the reason I'm here is not to find my fathers killer but simply take whatever I find profitable in this rubble. I want to know what a bounty hunter like you is doing here, also do you own this piece of scrap?" Carden asked Luminous, he then walked a short distance to a dead body and checked it for credits. Of what credits he found he put it in his bag and walked back to the group.

[member="Nagate Hei"]
Thryk was pretty damn conspicuous. Or he would be, if people weren't so distracted by the fact that there were these craters in the ground. His macrobinoculars told him who the four spots that stood near that large wrecked stone in the courtyard. He decided to see what was going on. As his jump-jets took him within about fifteen meters. He saw [member="Luminous"], a registered Mandalorian, [member="Carden Lorps"], a previous acquaintance, a kid with a white face, and a rusty-looking droid.

He spoke in clear, unaccented Basic.

"Now what would two perfectly reputable mercs, a rust-wreck, and a kid be doing on Coruscant on a beautiful day like this?"


He heard of activity nearby to his location from Sith Troopers over his comlink. That was good, since he was quite bored at the moment and so once he had gotten his escort, the troop transport had landed at one of the craters nearby to the group, but the Sith Acolyte wasn't really paying attention to who was there. How did these come to be? Did rocks fall from space? He knew the answer would have been no, but he still looked up into the sky as if he would get information on what was going on.

There was rubble in the crater and he frowned as he descended into it with a trio of Sith Troopers. The other Sith Troopers remained on and around their troop transport. There was another team nearby upon standby, keeping vantage points on their location to make sure it wasn't a trap, and the Sith Apprentice looked around when he got to the bottom of the pit.

"What do you think happened here, Private?"

"I don't kn-"

"I asked the Private, Sergeant." He said with a grimace as he turned his black helmet's front to look at the trooper, who immediately turned around with a muttering of 'Yes my lord.'

"Uh, it could have been an explosion from underground."

"I bet," was the Sith's reply and he turned away to look around. "Probably some Jedi trick."

[member="Thryykarr"], [member="Carden Lorps"], [member="Luminous"], [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="418-CB12"],
Nagate looked at the abundant gathering of unknowns around him, then he felt a tickle in the back of his brain to turn around. While everyone was talking, Nagate returned to the crater and witnessed a dark cloaked individual and a few soldiers. On the opposite side of the crater, another squad patrolled. Nagate instinctively pulled his knife and took off around the pile of rubble, Whistling to all the others to follow. He was going to investigate. And so help him, if the droid gave them away, Nagate had the feeling of sinking his blade into the droids servos.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"] [member="Thryykarr"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Luminous"] [member="418-CB12"]
Thryk was very tempted to shoot the twitchy droid. It would give the rest of them away, just from the creaking of its joints. He followed the other two Mandalorians, and the crazy kid with the knife, but he silently drew his Ryyks and prepared to activate his jetpack if he needed to attack something.

[member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Astraios Blackhand"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member='418-CB12'] [member='Luminous']
Oh great stormtroopers. Carden thought to himself, then followed Nagate behind the pile of rubble. He wondered what the Sith were doing here, it was their planet but it couldn't have been somewhere else. "So Nagate any ideas before this tin can of a droid gives us away?" Carden asked [member="Nagate Hei"]. Carden wanted to go down there and try to see what the sith was doing but that could be trouble if they are looking for Nagate or anyone else that is here. At this rate I will never loot the bodies. Carden thought to himself. "Well Wookie if they get you im going to bust you out and as a reward I will shave you." Carden told [member="Thryykarr"] jokingly

[member="Astraios Blackhand"][member="Luminous"]

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