Wesa new palos!
Kezeroth roars at the Siths order of open fire taking blaster fire all over his body, though his armor protected him lil it helped numb some pain. Kezeroths body was healing too fast to cause serious harm. Quickly drawing his Saber-Pike Kezeroth took up a Shiien form and began the routine of blast redirection at the Sith troopers, Most of the bolts hitting his own body before effectively killing any troopers. As for the Grenades Kezeroth grinned having one explode in his face, as he flailed around instinctively force pushing the rest back to their source. Kezeroth tilted his head as his body regenerates rather quickly. Problem was Kezeroth was mentally producing more personality's to not feel the pain he was at a steady pace going mad. Though he didnt much sanity to begin this clouded him and he was ignorant to this. The troopers stood fought most excellent but didnt even start to compare to the Rage of a Gen'Dai.
The Dust in the crater had twirled around more and made vision hard, it almost looked like it did a minute ago when Kezeroth landed. A growl sounded from the smoke. Kezeroth had not forgotten about the Sith and augmenting through use of the Force Kezeroth took a speedy dash to close the gap in the Siths direction. Letting out and roar Saber ready in his mammoth hands, leaving a rough 6ft gap between the [member="Astraios Blackhand"] and Kezeroth.
" I can Feel your Fear.." Kezeroth mutters out, his body twitching and mouth drooling liquids and some blood.
[member="Astraios Blackhand"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
The Dust in the crater had twirled around more and made vision hard, it almost looked like it did a minute ago when Kezeroth landed. A growl sounded from the smoke. Kezeroth had not forgotten about the Sith and augmenting through use of the Force Kezeroth took a speedy dash to close the gap in the Siths direction. Letting out and roar Saber ready in his mammoth hands, leaving a rough 6ft gap between the [member="Astraios Blackhand"] and Kezeroth.
" I can Feel your Fear.." Kezeroth mutters out, his body twitching and mouth drooling liquids and some blood.
[member="Astraios Blackhand"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]