Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Unchained

Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Chris Walker Chris Walker

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Nothmir, a planet Khamul had set his sights on some time ago. The Mandalorian population made it an immediate target for the Unchained, presenting him with potential opportunity for bringing more of his people into the fold. Death's Hand had grown exponentially in recent years, particularly with the securing of New Mandalore. Despite this growth, Khamul would not be satisfied until all of his people marched under one banner... his. The Brotherhood had suffered great losses on Tython, and were busy licking their wounds. Though the Unchained was patient in these endeavors, he never lost sight of his goal... and Nothmir was the next step.

His shuttle touched down far away from the battle, and unexpected move according to some that followed him. The Demon Mandalore had spent much time on the frontline, and his followers had become accustomed to seeing him lead the charge. He longed to return to the thrill of battle once again, but first, there were other things to attend to.

"Are you sure they'll show, my Mand'alor?"

The question came from a former member of Death Watch, an old, grizzled warrior of a man that had chosen to side with Khamul despite his reservations about the man's cause. Since then, he had grown to see the truth in the Unchained's words, becoming a true believer. Khamul stared into the distance, listening intently as he searched the empyrean for a sign of their contacts. The Mandalorians on Nothmir had largely been apprehensive about the presence of the Maw, but among the ranks, there are always dissenters.

"Yes, they will be here shortly. Should this be a trap, you know what to do..."

His attention turned toward a particular point in the horizon, his senses picking up on the approaching group as the faint outline of their silhouettes came into view.

"However, I don't believe it will be necessary..."


Location: Empress Teta, streets of Cinnagar
Tags: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Onrai Onrai


The Jedi's "gaze" locked onto Tu'teggacha, and the Ebruchi felt a thrill of fear.

Focus. Use it. The Taskmaster took that fear, that dread that crept into his heart as he was recognized as a target, and turned it into fuel. The Dark Side worked that way, a chaotic, roiling field of emotions and passions... unlike the staid, stoic light, which demanded unflinching control and discipline and serenity of mind. That serenity was exactly what Tu'teggacha aimed to disrupt in Aaran, and it was working. A shock maul slammed into the Jedi's face, cracking his helmet and exposing the eyeless flesh beneath, and the Cirihut warriors howled in triumph. Perhaps, they realized, Aaran wasn't a god after all.

Gods didn't bleed; that was a mortal failing. So if he bled, they could kill him.

Vicious glee flooded Tu'teggacha's mind, and that self-satisfied sadism was just as potent a fuel for his abilities as his fear. And there was other fuel now, too. Onrai materialized beside him on the walls, and he felt her channeling strength into him, empowering his abilities. He didn't need much more to emerge victorious here. Aaran now fought bare-handed, and though it was a true spectacle to behold - any man who could hold off an armed group of elite warriors without a weapon of his own was astounding to watch - it could not last forever. Sooner or later the Jedi would surely succumb to the inevitable.

So let his little rebels free their fathers and sisters and family friends from the cages.

They could all be rounded up again, and this would be the last such raid.

Tu'teggacha would make absolutely certain of that.

Reaching out to further direct his mental onslaught, the Taskmaster shifted his strategy. Aaran was already distracted; now it was time to make him even more vulnerable, if possible. During the battle above Tython, the strange entity known as The Amalgam had clashed telepathically with the Taskmaster. In a parting shot, she had placed a Sith curse of Force Slow in his mind - a rapidly-spreading curse which he had only escaped by hurling it into the mind of his First Officer, dooming the rest of his bridge crew to suffer it in his stead. He could not wield such a curse directly, lacking the Sith knowledge...

... but with the aid of Onrai's power, he might be able to create his own version.

So the Ebruchi reached into his own memories, finding the strange mental and physical lethargy that had afflicted him, slowing his movements and even cognition to a crawl. With a firm mental grasp on the feeling, he crafted a new memory, using bits of his own recollections and bits of Aaran's. Then he pushed it toward the Jedi's mind, already distracted and assailed from within and without. In this "memory" of a possible future, Aaran's broken and bloodied body hung on display in Cinnagar's central square, a reminder to the populace that the Brotherhood was still in control... and that not even the Jedi could save them now.

That fate is inevitable, the "memory" whispered. There's no point in fighting it.

Waves of despair, of hopelessness, radiated from the false recollection.

Crafted with care, it felt like a true memory, or perhaps a vision.

It tried to slow Aaran down with that bleak defeatism...

... to make him more vulnerable to shock mauls.

Maestus Fury
Maestus Shield
Dragon Shield Talisman

Long had it been since the prodigal child set foot on Exegol. Missing even her Master's burial. Where had she been? What had she been doing? So many questions, to be sure. All in due time.

She stepped off her shuttle, boots ringing out on the durasteel ramp as she strode down the walkway. Behind her, 3 paces back, the Commander of her Chosen fell in step with his Mistress. The rest of the 40 Chosen remained behind, as per Maestus order.

She stalked through the long hallways and corridors. With every step, she pondered her actions to come. She had noy been completely out of the loop. She had agents everywhere, and they kept her apprised of events.

The fact that Darth Mori had ascended to the position of Dark Voice was unexpected, but perhaps not wholly unwelcome. Maestus knew little of the new Dark Voice. Strong, powerful and cunning, these things Maestus knew. Those few things alone informed Maestus that caution was to be exercised.

Finally, she stepped i to the amphitheater. She paused, taking her time to note who had gathered, and where they each stood. Once she had seen what she needed, she stepped within.

She paid no mind to the cultists chanting in the seats. Mindless drones, they were, but useful in certain situations. Very limited situations.

Maestus strode forward, her eyes locked on Mori as the Dark Voice made her way to the throne. Maestus imagined the sideways glances and whispers as to how she would react to Mori's taking the mantle of Dark Voice. Maestus heard but gave no attention to the whisperers.

As she reached the steps leading to the throne's dais, she stopped moving. Her gaze rested on Mori, as her hand rested on the hilt of her lightwhip. She stayed silent for what seemed an eternity, before finally speaking.

Congratulations, Darth Mori. Dark Voice of the Brotherhood of the Maw, and heir to my Master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Maestus dipped her head ever so slightly. A slight show of respect for the new Dark Voice.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Objective: Disrupt Supply Lines

Equipment: The Veil Guardian Armor

Opposition: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Onrai Onrai

The tone of the fight had shifted entirely, a complete reversal of the initial clash where a single lone warrior approached a howling mob, a beacon of liberty and hope crashing in to offer salvation, the lone sheriff riding into town to clean the place up. Now as the moments dragged on, it was appearing to resemble what would normally be the outcome of a single man deciding to fight a crowd of lunatics.

It was a losing battle, skill had nothing to with the equation. A skilled mundane fighter could beat two unskilled opponents without much issue, three was within the realm of possibility, anything above four was pushing it.

Aaran was of good genetic stock, forged his body to push itself to the limits of human potential, had fought in more wars than he had lived decades and trained with some of the best fighters the Galaxy had to offer.

But without the aid of The Force, all those accomplishments amounted to barely keeping himself alive as the blows reigned down. The Force was the multiplier that allowed a skilled fighter to battle and win against two hundred men instead of just two. Instead he was a single fighter currently pinned down by a mob, making them work for it certainly, but over the course of perhaps a minute the fight was decided.

Between shock mauls, numbers and grasping hands, Aaran stood there, armour torn off him, arms held tightly by a pair of the enhanced warriors, their enhanced strength capable of holding the Jedi still, even as he attempted to wrestle his way out of their grasp. The rest of the mob cleared a small semi-circle around the Jedi and his captors.

From the mob strode forth an imposing figure, a wicked and scarred human, standing easily over two metres tall, some minor warlord or barbarian chief who had been plucked by the Maw from one of the worlds under their control, some primitive culture that exalted violence and had their own pantheon of dark gods, maybe even a Force User or two who masqueraded as a sage or wizard.

Clutched in one hand was Aaran's saber, held triumphantly in the air, a spoil of war that rallied the mob, each of them letting out a fierce bellow as the chief looked up towards the two masters above, the Taskmaster and the Goddess, averting his eyes out of respect and bowing his head. His intent was clearly able to be plucked from his mind by the two observers.

He was going to carve out the Jedi's heart with their own weapon and present it to them as a show of fealty, a sacrifice of a worthy foe to the greater powers of the universe.

Turning back to their quarry, a cruel smile blossomed over their face. Their finger reached over to the activation switch of the saber, meaty thumb pressing in on it.


Only to receive nothing in return, no flash of plasma, no sword of fiery death. The upside of having a sword that switched off when the user was not appropriately serrene was that such a weapon was rather reluctant to switch on in the hands of a murderous psychopath. The confusion lasted all of about ten or fifteen seconds, the marauder attempting to activate the saber a few more times, whacking it against his leg, waving it in the air, before he realised he was losing the crowd, their bloodlust unable to be restrained for too long.

With a curse, the chief simply stuck the saber in his belt, claiming the trophy as his own, unable to make a poetic sacrifice, he barked an order for the Jedi to be held up straight, pulling a wicked looking knife. If the saber would not work, he'd simply have to get his hands dirty, but one way or the other, he would feel a Jedi's heart beat its last in his hands today.

As he stalked forward, knife ready, Aaran's mind was still trapped within itself, the same memory repeating again and again in his mind's eye, the crushing weight of his own failures pressing down on him, dulling him to the touch of the Force and rendering him truly blind to the situation around him, the Sith curse sapping the strength from his muscles, stopping him from leveraging his superior skill against his captors.

Because if he could see what was going on right now, he wouldn't be able to restrain himself.

He wouldn't be able to stop the smirk from appearing on his face. As everything started to fall into place as he foresaw.

Let's dial the clock back a few hours.

In the abandoned tunnels of the undercity, a rebel encampment stood, one quietly being reinforced by the Galactic Alliance in preparation for the retaking of the system. Tensions were high, many did not want to wait for a greater strike force to liberate their world. They knew their loved ones were suffering right now, they knew where some of the camps were, and based on previous intelligence, they knew that most slaves from conquered worlds tended to stay in large groups for a time, even after being processed.

It was simply easier for logistics sake, to ship a few thousand from Empress Teta back to some other world and lump them all together. So some brave volunteers took with them parts and receivers, implanted under the skin to track them in the short term individually, and for the long term would be later removed and assembled to make a more broad range receiver for later rescue.

Not a perfect plan, but one that could work. Various volunteers would allow themselves to be captured by various gangs to be shipped off to various camps, all ready to be processed and lumped with the rest of the Tetan slaves in hopes of acting as a beacon for rescue.

It was an utterly reckless gamble, a complete leap of faith and surprisingly it was the Jedi who warned against such a risky move, while the promise of future help was an honest one that the Alliance intended to fulfil, he warned against the risks, a very low chance of success with an extremely high cost if they failed.

But so many did not care, they wished to be with their loved ones again, be it freely or in chains. And ultimately, he managed to bargain them down to at least attempting to free some of the slaves as a trial run/

And said plan was overheard by another hand of the Alliance who was operating on Teta. A bagman, a spook, a shadowy finger of the SIA who decided to take advantage of the upcoming strike. Appearing to the Jedi and striking a devil's bargain, one that would only come into effect when things seemed most dire.

The Jedi was the bait for the occupying forces, drawing the attention of the Maw while the rebels freed the captives.

But the entire operation was bait for the Taskmaster. After all, he was near the top of the list of priority targets as far as the Alliance was concerned. Such was the price of glory. The operation was another gamble, they had an idea of where Tu'teggacha was holed up, but knew he could not be reached so easily. Instead by hitting a nearby processing plant, they hoped to draw them out.

All so another head of the hydra could be cut off and the stump then burned so nothing would grow back.

Two things happened within seconds of each other, one of which was somewhat expected. The charges on the side of the prisoner's cages blew, blowing open a wall to the outside, the rebels surging to freedom, providing a protective wall around them, rushing their way through the streets, desperate to get to cover and vanish into the undercity where they could disappear among the endless tunnels that snaked beneath a city that covered half a world.

A task that was much easier for them when a large portion of the guards were engrossed in the ongoing spectacle.

The second event was a far more subtle one, but no less important, as the entire event itself was nothing more than a smokescreen. Perched up high in one of the towering buildings of the once proud city of Cinnagar lay a figure, there to do one thing and one thing alone, kill the Taskmaster.

And it was a dirty dealing they were well prepared for, in their pack sat an adolescent Ysalamir, the lizard projecting around them a bubble of cosmic silence, muting their actions from any supernatural senses, the Force users present, from the one-trick pony Mind-breaker to the Primordial Goddess could not sense them. They would have no flash of foresight warning them of the attack, no tingling of the assassin's killing intent running up their spine.

They were hidden from physical sight as well, a simple but effective cloaking device keeping them masked, hiding the muzzle flare of a truly impressive sniper rifle. One carrying a devastating payload for Force users.

At the same time the explosion went off, a hypersonic round of voidstone was sent hurtling through the air. The gunshot masked by the boom, aimed directly at the Taskmaster's shrivelled excuse for a heart. The deadly payload was unable to be sensed through the Force, and even if it was, they could never attempt to directly affect it. The only warning Tu'teggacha would have was a red dot appearing on his chest a moment before the shot was fired.

Everything was going exactly to plan, and if the Assassin was especially lucky, they'd even be able to save the Jedi and the captives as well.

Location: Nothmir, Citadel Outskirts
Tags: Chris Walker Chris Walker | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


While the enemy commander, Walker, made his pretty speech, the Brotherhood's plan progressed. Kralmus watched through his visor's magnification as the Mawite infiltrators, clad in the flesh of harmless-looking refugees, joined the crowd streaming into the civilian sector. No one appeared to challenge them - and why would they? Shi'ido were true shapechangers, undetectable by most scanners as anything but whatever they happened to be impersonating. Further, they possessed an innate telepathic gift that influenced the minds of those around them, persuading these onlookers that nothing was amiss even if their actions were somewhat unusual.

They were truly the galaxy's greatest spies. Of course, most were dead now, victims of Mawite genocide.

And many of those who had survived the purge did so only as slaves to the Brotherhood.

This particular quintet of them would be instrumental in opening the way for the mighty Kragamond Wartribe to smash the Citadel's mighty defenses. While Kralmus had no doubt that the powerful Mawite warriors could defeat the brave but hopelessly outnumbered defenders of Nothmir on the open field, the intensive defenses of the Citadel would surely slow them down... perhaps for months, or even years, if the Nothmiri got to set the terms of the siege. That was why infiltration was key right now, so that all-important sabotage could be carried out at the perfect moment to open the way for the Brotherhood forces to storm the Citadel.

"Payload delivered," Kralmus said, turning away. "Let's go, boys."

From here on out, it was all up to the mighty warchief Akuz.

The Mandalorian strike force took to the skies once more, keeping their distance from the Citadel's potent sensors and mighty anti-air defenses, and wound their way back to the shuttle that had delivered them. It was time to return to the side of their leader, Mand'alor the Unchained, and to stand by his side. The Mandalorian-descended population of Nothmir had aided them once already, but they had promised more. Much more. It fell to Kralmus and his warriors to serve as Mand'alor's honor guard while he met with the representatives of this faction, to see if they would be willing to submit to Death's Hand and deliver this world to mighty Kryze.

It was only a short shuttle ride to where Mand'alor had landed, but by the time that the commando team had set down, the emissaries were already arriving; Kralmus could make out their outlines approaching the spot where Kryze stood. Were they coming to negotiate in good faith, or to entrap and betray Mand'alor the Unchained? Honestly, Kralmus kind of hoped for the latter. He had no patience for diplomacy; glory came from strength at arms, not pretty words. Also, violence was fun. He would rather seize this planet than see it delivered to the Maw, and he would happily start with this little group given the chance. But not unless Kryze ordered it.

"We're back, Mand'alor," Kralmus said, grinning widely as he walked down the ramp.

Not that anyone could tell, given his helmet. "The Citadel's defenses have been sabotaged."

"Now, let's see if these little pretenders to Mandalorian culture are useful... or just craven fools."
Nothmir's Last Stand
"A coward's only reward is to live another day."



Plasmablast Games
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr


The Citadel
Corps Commander Chris Walker
Corps Commander of the 1st Peacekeeper Corps
Detachment Commander Aurelian Hars

"This is the first," chimed Walker's comms.

"Go ahead," he replied, patching Hars into the communications.

"We have a sub 50 meter contact outside the security envelope, low flying and no IFF signal. We thought they were civilians, but they slipped out under our sensors and our last bearing has them heading away from the Citadel."

"I'll send a gunship squadron with a fighter squadron in case they try to run," stated Walker as he nodded to Hars, "We can't risk infiltration at this stage."

The commander of the 1st spoke again, "Threat level is being increased by another tick, it won't be long until we get started properly."

"Understood," replied Walker, "let my squadron officers know if you pick anything else up. Walker out."

Hars' voice came back on the line, "CC, are you going to attend this one personally?"

"Not if I don't have to," he replied, "we've got enough to handle right now, though I wouldn't mind crushing a few Mawites should the need arise."


The Citadel
Osprey Gunship
Uniter Dropmain

"Reactor start," called the gunship's general operator, "Shields online, weapons online, engines in the green."

"Thruster response nominal," spoke the pilot.

The viewscreen of the gunship came online, vivid colors flashing before the false canopy displayed the interior of the armored hanger's lift as the gunship rose through blast doors to the launch site.

"Targeting online, guns cycling," the chin gunner said.

"All systems nominal," stated Dropmain, plugging her helmet into the systems of the gunship's officer seat and letting her HUD feed her the vitals and status of her crew and carried infantry squad. She felt the slight jolt as the lift came to a halt and the armored hanger's doors opened to the sky.

"Up to minimum ceiling and start bearing south seven two two," she ordered, "Ready for anti-infantry and interception. We'll have a friendly fighter squadron with us but I want data fed to them on the regular, and keep sensors to passive until I give the word. Estimated time to target is twenty minutes."

"Roger that, ma'am," the pilot answered.

She disconnected from her console and brought her visor up, looking around the gunship's cabin. The false canopy showed the evening sky over the Citadel, the unwinking stars of Nothmiro fleet engines showing where the 2nd and 1st Corps naval elements waited for the coming storm.

This was her home, and she'd fight to keep even an inch of it free from the talons of anyone who thought it was free for the taking.
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Objective: I - Settling Accounts
Location: Nothmir
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Chris Walker Chris Walker | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

  • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
    • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (2) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (4,000m)
    • Brakka
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • K’rggah
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (4) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (7,200m)
    • Varak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ra’jaka
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Faerûn-V’okath
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mela’giroth’vaim
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
    • O’goroth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ligash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Io’eth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Akash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ri’noam
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Arv’inash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Bakavh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Enakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (10) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (10,000m)
    • Bezarakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • H’roggoth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’ashbenaz’ungol
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Cimeno’ath
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Re’oam’ak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khand’evaim
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ni’meloch
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ganakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • U’toch
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Jenakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (32) Vagabond Raider Frigates (16,000m)
    • Cleaver
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Jocasta
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Rotund
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ren’fiki
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’gash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’enak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ikbal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Chronakhal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Xinoan
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Desecrator
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Sev’Tok
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Empress Tetah II
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mine Hauler #AV-037
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Begaan
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khandar
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vekht
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mollach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Stabba
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • The Ram Skull
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Gromandach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mine Hauler AV-#047
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mining Hauler #AV-004
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Striega
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • BRAAAM
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

The Kragamond Warfleet surged forth over the planet of Nothmir, opening fire upon what ships had been deployed to defend the planet with reckless abandon. Bhorgoth Destroyers unleashed with their MegaCaliber-Six turbolasers alongside the orbital autocannons of the Crucifix-class star destroyers. As they did so, the starships advanced without consideration to the deployment of the defense fleet. The SLAM drives of the smaller vessels closed the distance, stopping short of ramming what ships stood in their path. Instead, flechette cannons unleashed upon the ships an opening volley before grappling hooks would be launched.

While the engagement in orbit began in earnest, dropships launched en-mass under heavy fighter escort. Akûz stood aboard one of the lead dropships adorning his full battle kit, the dull hue of his armor seemingly absorbing the artificial light of the shuttle interior. His axes were mounted along hardpoints built onto his back, with the hafts poking over either of his shoulders. The titan of a warrior stood amongst dozens of warriors, all of whom wielded a collection of bladed weapons, slugthrowers, and patchwork which served as hollow imitations of what their warlord possessed.

As the dropships broke atmosphere, their starfighter escort quickly set about strafing the landing zone; unleashing with hauls of laser cannon fire and proton torpedoes before breaking off to hunt what patrols they could detect in the area. The drop ships wasted little time in unloading the horde of marauders and ground assault craft they contained, with the first wave of marauders belonging to the Profane Host setting about securing the landing zone and establishing a perimeter. Despite their savage appearance, they moved with a seasoned and experienced purpose akin to the brutal efficiency of a fighting force accustomed to quickly and decisively establishing their will.

As the heavier craft began to unload, Akûz stepped forth amongst the mobilizing strength of his warband and took in a deep, longing breath. The sounds and smells surrounding him, from the whine of landing jets, the guttural calls of chieftains rallying their warriors, and the smell of dust mixing with the air itself; all of it meant one thing.


Nothmir would fall. And Akûz would feast upon those who dared to oppose him.

in the dark there is discovery


Zym knelt before the ancient zeffo throne.

Discordant chants struck a chord within the Sith acolyte. Passions raged inside him like a tempest, yet his ice cold demeanor betrayed nothing of the madness within. Tython's ritual had failed but Gnost was still plagued by the same nightmares. Perhaps there was still a chance to watch this galaxy burn. Maybe then the drums would stop and he could find some peace at last.

"Dark Voice Mori, a token of my faith."

Muffled by his antiox mask, the kel dor's voice was soft and smooth. He slowly raised a slender hilt of spawnhide in both palms. Sheathed within there was a force imbued ebon ritual dagger ending in an ivory hilt. Its skull pommel appeared genuine yet far too small for even an adolescent humanoid.

"I scrimshawed the anzellan bone by hand."
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Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

Two things happened upon that weakened beam of energy first making contact with the chest of the Ebruchi, to accurately mark the target for the Voidstone. The first, likely taken for a split second as a possible betrayal, was a hand raised to throw Tu'teggacha away with mere fractions of a second to spare as the voidstone bullet impacted into the ground where he had been standing. Though the bursts of the explosives that freed the rebels, some of whom were turned upon by the Sith and soon rendered dead as others fled the area, occupied most people's attention, Onrai's own response was, within an infinitesimally microcosmic sliver of time, to observe where the laser had pointed - which led her to directly lay her ethereal eyes on the location it had been emitted from. Her response to the attack was to raise forth a great wall of rock, some two meters high, around which a slimy black liquid coalesced. A tremendous push of telekinetic energy sent the fragmented wall hurtling at high speed towards the sniper's vantage point. Though she hoped the impact of hundreds of kilograms of rock would crush the intended assassin, her secondary objective was for the accreted sludge, made of some sort of byproduct from within the world's many industrial systems, to splatter across the cloaked individual and provide at least a partial outline so she would be able to maintain a level of visual acuity of his or her appearance. They would be much easier to retaliate against if one of their innumerable tricks were dealt with.

"This was planned."

She could feel it - the memory leaking out of the slivers of Aaran's assaulted mind. This was intended to be a trap, a means of ending the existence of one of the Maw's most valuable assets - and most importantly to Onrai, a dedicated servant. How ironic that she had chosen to actually fulfill her obligations to Tu'teggacha instead of taking the more Sithly route of discarding him as a potential future rival. A swift tug sought to bring the Ebruchi back to his feet.

"Continue to deal with the Jedi and ensure his life is ended as quickly as possible. You will have my protection, I assure you." Another shadowed form manifested, splintering off of Onrai's own before becoming exactly as it was.

"I will go see if there is anything left of our friend. Ensure the projectile he fired, or what is left of it, is brought to me." With that the second form lost its humanoid appearance, traveling towards the location the shot had come from.
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Tags: Darth Mori, Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis , Minister Janus Vipsanius Minister Janus Vipsanius , Maestus Maestus , Gnost Zym Gnost Zym



The declaration of the new Dark Voice hadn't gone without contention, a development that was to be expected to any that understood the Brotherhood. Many had vied for power in the wake of Solipsis' death, and for all their efforts, Mori had proven that she was the true successor as Dark Voice. It would keep the sheep at bay, for a time, though there was no doubt that a day would come for the pendulum to swing again. Another would take on the mantle, and eventually give way to another, and so on... and so on...

For Nal'Khem, the cycle of power within the Maw meant very little. Time moves, leaders rise and fall, yet through it all... the eternal whispers always remained.

His robes flowed like a black cloud of abyssal nothingness as he made his way through the halls, caressing the floor with their putrid essence with every motion. His steps were quiet, his demeanor unimposing, though the cultists he passed by were quick to move from his path. He had always been a quiet one among the Priesthood, keeping to the shadows of his own corner of the Maw. Within those shadows, Nal'khem had found his own following, and within that following, his power became apparent. Many claimed to know the will of the Three, but few had truly communed with them as he had. Whatever paltry schemes were conceived by the rest of the Brotherhood, that communion would never change.

The Lord of Whispers softly glided across the floor as he entered the chamber, taking note of each individual present. He would say nothing to the Dark Voice, nor to her newly appointed Hand. Instead, he would take position near the wall, silently watching as others pledged their fealty to Mori. His pitch black, lifeless eyes stared onward, almost looking through the throne itself and into the greater beyond. His body was present, but his mind was far, far away, walking in places where only the mad dare to tread...


Location: Empress Teta, streets of Cinnagar
Tags: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Onrai Onrai


At last, at long last, the accursed Jedi was actually losing.

Tu'teggacha gloried in that realization. He savored every slap of the shock maul against the flesh of this so-called "hero", every piece of armor ripped from his body. And when the Jedi was finally contained, when he had been wrestled into submission by the mass of Cirihut, the Taskmaster allowed himself a sigh of both relief and tremendous satisfaction. Too often had the Jedi interfered with his plans. Too often had they come uncomfortably close to ending his life, at that. He flashed back uncomfortably to his lab beneath the crust of Copero, where he had fashioned his Ebruchized monstrosities.

And to the young Jedi who'd stumbled in and nearly taken his head.

Now, at long last, the Ebruchi and his servants had finally beaten a Jedi... and a Jedi master at that. Between the Taskmaster's dark mentalism and the brute strength of the Maw's most fanatical warriors, they had proved to be enough to overwhelm one of these demigods of the light. Now he was helpless, held fast while the Brotherhood gloated over him. Tu'teggacha actually salivated at the thought of bringing the fool's corpse back to his laboratory on Exegol once he'd been finished off. He'd accomplished so much with the genetics of the Sky-Walkers, those Force-Sensitive Chiss children used as navigators.

Imagine what glorious horrors he could create from Aaran's genetics.

But the Cirihut warleader was insisting on being a showman. Tu'teggacha rolled is glassy eyes as the big, ugly fool tried to execute the Jedi with his own lightsaber, failing repeatedly as the weapon refused to activate. All the while, the Taskmaster was forced to continue straining, keeping Aaran's mind from resuming the tranquil state that would allow him access to the full gamut of his incredible Force powers. "Finish it, worm!" The Ebruchi barked in frustration. He knew all too well that, despite the appearance of triumph, the situation remained tenuous... and would until Aaran was actually dead.

As the warleader stalked forward with a serrated knife, a perfectly adequate but less ironic tool for killing the Jedi, the cages blew open... and the rebels and their liberated friends surged out. Tu'teggacha did not allow himself to panic, or to lose focus. He had expected this. Without their Jedi protector, they would be found and punished for their insolence. Did they really believe that the Brotherhood would not implant trackers into their slaves? Let them stream into safehouses across the planet; it would only make it easier for the Maw to shatter this network of do-gooders, a parting shot before Teta fell.

But in his intense concentration, he did not see the greater threat.

He did not even imagine that he was the true target here.

Had the Ebruchi come here alone, without the aid of his patron, the SIA plot would have succeeded completely. All of their careful precautions, protecting the assassin from all Force-based detection and timing the moment to perfection, would have ensured that the voidstone bullet tore right through his shriveled, dark little heart. He would never know how Onrai had managed to react in time, for there had been no warning that he could detect... but the next moment he found himself slammed face-first into the surface of the walkway atop the slave camp's walls, his tentacles twisted painfully beneath him.

In that moment, his concentration was utterly lost...

... and the dark influence he'd exerted on Aaran's mind dissipated.

"K... kill him!" the stunned Taskmaster bellowed, his wet voice made even more slosh-y by the injury to his mouthparts. "KILL THEM ALL!" Rage and panic mingled in his mind, the terror of his closest brush with death sending adrenaline coursing through his rubbery flesh. By his command, the Cirihut fanned out, some remaining to deal with the Jedi while others went in pursuit of the rebels. Other Mawite forces from across the city, drawn by the repeated explosions, would also be converging now - Tarar scavenger-warriors chief among them, ready to annihilate with plasma guns and lightning cannons.

Rage overwhelmed strategy.

Never mind letting them run to their safehouses.

Tu'teggacha wanted them all dead, every last one of them, now.

Onrai's words finally percolated through the Taskmaster's brain. "I will go see if there is anything left of our friend. Ensure the projectile he fired, or what is left of it, is brought to me." The Ebruchi's eyes bulged, his words full of panic. "Please, my patron, don't leave me! Stay close and protect me!" Terrified, seeing assassins in every shadow now, Tu'teggacha fled along the top of the wall, making for the relative safety - or at least cover - of the guard tower at the far end. Soon the Jedi would be loose as well, for without mental influence to disrupt his abilities, the Cirihut would never be able to hold him.

How had everything fallen apart so damned fast?

"Fight for me!" Tu'teggacha bellowed at his troops. "Protect your master!"
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Sith Citadel, Exegol
Darth Mori | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | Gnost Zym Gnost Zym | Nal'Khem Szat Nal'Khem Szat | Maestus Maestus



The amphitheater rumbled as the horde of cloaked masses moved in reverence. Followers among the Church of the Dark Side and Heathen Faith of the Maw both welcomed their new prophet, their new DARK VOICE. The cultists gathered, the elite among those who would follow the Sith, raising their hands up to bask in the moment in mirror mimicry of the Minister below. His left hand fell by the wayside, guiding the right toward the direction of the Throne as Darth Mori approached with her newly named Shadow Hand, Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis , in tow.

"A new reign begins. A new dawn, the cleansing dawn of this Galaxy by the hand of the Brotherhood and the rule of these two. The Dark Lords of the Sith! Dzworokka yun; nyâshqûwai, nwiqûwai. Wotok tsawakmidwanottoi, yuntok hyarutmidwanottoi!"

"Dzworokka yun; nyâshqûwai, nwiqûwai. Wotok tsawakmidwanottoi, yuntok hyarutmidwanottoi!"

A pair of individual figures emerged from the sea of Sith aspirants, each approaching the Dark Lord of the Sith to pay their respects. Maestus Maestus and Gnost Zym Gnost Zym . The Minister nodded his head and bowed, giving the River-Breakers the reverence due to one's fit to wield Bogan's might.

"My beloved brothers and sisters, can you not feel the tipping of the scales? The power of the Dark Side? Tython's legacy, the Sith'ari's legacy, resides within this vessel. This DARK VOICE! She who would swallow the sun, she of a thousand souls, the devil herself. Praise be."


The Throne of the Sith pulsated with power, the conduit of darkness beckoned to it's new owner. The inheritor of Bogan's Will.

Nothmir's Last Stand
"A coward's only reward is to live another day."



Plasmablast Games
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


The Citadel
Corps Commander Chris Walker
Detachment Commander Aurelian Hars

Walker watched the first streaks of light appeared over Nothmir, the red-white of lance guns and the green of plasma broadsides against the blue of strained shields and the orange of burning hulls.

His first warning that Mawite forces were attempting to land was the sound of the Anti-Orbital Lance Guns' bunkers opening to the sky, before erupting into beacons of light that pointed towards the fighting in orbit. Missiles launched from silos and the longest ranged weapons began to spit at the horizon as fighters were hurled from launch tubes directly into attack formations.

The real fight had begun, and Nothmir would make its invaders pay before their first footsteps sullied the ground.


The Citadel
N-1b Hawk Fighter
Senior Peacekeeper Dririn
Hawk Squadron "Dagger Nine"​

"Master arm out, master arm out," called the flight technician over the communications unit.

The pilot could feel the Hawk Fighter swing down towards the launch tube as the fighter in front of him in queue was hurled into the sky.

"Munitions package online, flight sensors online," said the pilot, "activating canopy."

A flash of seemingly random colors filled the false glass of the canopy, turning it green and red as his HUD came online. It faded into transparency, at least from his perspective. To anyone outside the plastoid armor of the fighter's skin was still its stock white.

"Canopy online, launching in five."

He felt the fighter get swung into position in the launch tube, and the magnetic locks enage.


Inertial dampeners were barely enough to keep his body from being crushed, the fighter slammed through low atmosphere and out of the armored tube alongside the rest of his squad. Friendly flak expertly swirled past the fighters without touching them, and beacons of light flashed from the lance guns into unseen orbital targets.

"Daggers Nine on interception sortie, pull right and prepare to engage."


The Prairies outside The Citadel
Osprey Gunship
Uniter Dropmain
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

"Energy signature detected!" yelled the general operator, "Sub fifty with no active IFF. Target is approaching maximum engagement range. Citadel reports Mawite landing ships are currently descending into high orbit."

"Fighters, move to the front and stay at minimum level." said Dropmain, "Accelerate to flank speed and prepare for an attack run. Activate electronic warfare systems and arm weapons, we don't have long so let's make this count."

They had to cut off the escape of whoever was out here, and they needed to keep enemy fighter-interceptors away while the gunships crushed the ground targets. Hawk fighters excelled at in-atmosphere combat, and their carried air-to-air weapons load should be enough to take out even the most maneuverable targets.

The gunships boomed over the landscape, fighters leading the charge. Dropmain watched as her sensors detected the additional signatures of small vehicles and a number of individuals out in a semi-concealed location. She marked each target before picking out the shuttle as the priority.

"Fighters prepare to gain altitude and shove off any interceptors, gunships fire on my mark."
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Location: Nothmir, Citadel Outskirts
Tags: Chris Walker Chris Walker | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


Commander Walker's fighters and gunships thundered across the landscape, streaking out from the citadel in a mighty wave. They were leaving behind the great fortress, choosing to go on the attack even as their home base became besieged - a bold strategy, dividing one's limited forces in their hour of greatest need, trying to strike out at one tiny enemy while completely surrounded. Perhaps they sought to achieve one last small victory, wiping out one group of foes before the overwhelming totality of the invasion force annihilated them, or perhaps they simply had not considered that they would be desperately needed to defend the Citadel itself.

Perhaps the presence of the infamously gore-hungry Mawites had infected them with an unreasoning bloodlust.

Whatever the case, they closed in to pursue the shuttle picked up by the Citadel's sensors.

It was not an eventuality that Kralmus Orr had prepared for. He was, in general, a man ill-suited for covert operations; though he could stalk prey through the wilderness with the best of them, cloak and dagger games of sabotage and infiltration frustrated and bored him. Perhaps that was why he had been so incautious as to operate a shuttle close to the Citadel, one without Nothmiro military IFF - civilian had been the best that the gaggle of Mandalorian traitors could provide. Perhaps he'd been spoiling for a fight all along, eager to be detected, unafraid of failure if it meant getting into an actual stand-up fight. That was the way he'd always preferred things.

But there was another factor beyond lack of caution: Kralmus had not been prepared for the emptiness of Nothmir. He'd spent his whole life fighting in one conflict or another, and he knew from experience what a planet about to fall to a barbarian horde generally looked like: panicked crowds, tangled snarls of air traffic, military forces tripping over civilians as the latter desperately sought to escape or find some refuge from the invaders. He'd expected Nothmir to be the same, expected that all his operations here would be screened by general terror and disorder among the locals. But that hadn't been the case on this far-flung world. Quite the opposite.

Kralmus had been awed to discover that Nothmir was all but abandoned. Cities sat silent and empty, military bases left derelict, farms and mines and roads reclaimed by local wildlife. Apparently the Nothmiro government had spent the past year in a massive evacuation effort, one capable of moving untold millions of people off-planet and across the galaxy. Kralmus couldn't even imagine the logistics behind it all - packing up the population of an entire world and all their myriad personal belongings was the kind of undertaking he would have laughed at for its unrealism if he'd seen it in a holovid, but apparently this tiny regional power at the edge of the galaxy had managed it.

The Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order must be jealous of Nothmir's incredible fleet capacity and civil organization!

If only they'd been able to do the same, the Brotherhood would never have seized a single lousy slave.

But while Kralmus was pondering how in all the deepest hells the Nothmiro government had managed to get hundreds of thousands of civilian-laden transports across the most dangerous, tangled hyperlanes in the galaxy without incident or interception, the battle was progressing. His first warning that his team had been followed was a ping on the Brotherhood's sensor network, followed soon after by the roar of engines. "Are they..." He started up at the sky, incredulous. "Are they chasing us?" He laughed then, a long, uproarious bellow at a sky full of Nothmiro fighters and dropships. "They actually came out of their invincible fortress to chase a lone shuttle?"

"In the middle of an invasion?!"
Surely it was too mad a decision to be real.

The Citadel was nigh impenetrable, and they were leaving it?

While hopelessly outnumbered by a major power?

"Well, they sure as chit don't lack for guts," the cannibal said, between roars of laughter. "Go down fighting, I guess. I respect it. Maybe there's some Mandalorian blood in them after all!" His mirth lasted only fifteen seconds or so, and then he instantly became all business. "Scatter, you fethwits! Beskar won't save you from a fething missile!" Kicking their jetpacks into action, the five supercommandos raced off in opposite directions, seeking cover amid the hills. They would have to abandon the shuttle to the gunship attack; there was no time to get it off the ground, and it presented an easy target to the nimble fighters and gunships.

As they moved, though, the supercommandos returned fire...

... aiming their jetpack missiles at the incoming Nothmiro gunships.
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Nothmir's Last Stand
"A coward's only reward is to live another day."



Plasmablast Games
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


The Prairies outside The Citadel
Osprey Gunship
Uniter Dropmain
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

"Shuttle in range," the general operator called, "It seems like its inactive, fighter squadron reports..."

Suddenly an alarm blared, one Dropmain had heard thousands of times in training sims.

"Missiles incoming," the operator yelled, "It's a damn ambush!"

"Clear coms," said Dropmain, her voice level as she tried to wrangle the situation, "Gunships, go evasive and spread out. Fighters, smash that shuttle and give us some breathing room before their interceptors get here."

The Osprey's engines screamed as it tried to strafe around the incoming missile, but it impacted the front left rotor support with a bang that shook the entire airframe.

"Moderate damage, twenty percent thrust loss on front left" reported the operator. It seemed the missile had hit one of the main feeds, thankfully the redundancies were isolated enough and the payload small. A proper HEAT missile would have probably torn most of that engine away from the gunship.

The fighters began to climb, seeking anything breaking off from the main Brotherhood force to threaten their charges.

The chin gunner spoke next, "Thermal signatures, six heavy jump infantry attempting to scatter."

"Let the others handle the squishies," said Dropmain, "Gunners, ready the repeaters, dorsal and chin guns. Pilot, strafe left and keep a front on bearing on the lead target."

The gunship spun around on its axis while dropping its nose towards the ground, the left side facing away from where the missile had come from. A missile struck an engine on another of the squadron's gunships, and it yawed dangerously to the side as its Rushlight Autocannons' burst went wide to rip across a hillside. The others were trying to circle up and fight back, but they'd expected a simple ground pound, not to be fighting extremely mobile and well armed elites in an area full of low hills.

The tertiary gunner began to attempt to track one of the jump pack Mawites with the repeating blasters on the gunship's right side, letting dozens of high powered bolts fly in an attempt to blow the target out of the sky before they could reposition. Meanwhile, the twinned autocannons mounted to the craft's chin began to spin around, their tracking seeming painfully slow against such a fast target.
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Location: Nothmir, Citadel Outskirts
Tags: Chris Walker Chris Walker | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


As the unexpected pursuit turned to sudden battle, Kralmus found himself in a moment of odd reflection.

What, he wondered, were these last Nothmiro holdouts fighting for, exactly? He had assumed in the beginning that they intended to defend their people and their world, as had so many of the Maw's now-vanquished foes here at the galaxy's edge. But that made little sense. The people of Nothmir were all but gone, the entire planet evacuated save for the last few refugees crammed into the Citadel. And the planet? They had ceded it without a fight, falling back to their nigh-impregnable fortress to shelter there. They had offered no resistance as the Brotherhood arrived to plunder their cities, abandoned by the fleeing civilian population. Scavengers roamed empty streets, looting at will.

Buildings could be broken down for scrap, entire city blocks at a time, without any resistance.

Soon all that would remain of Nothmir's cities would be piles of broken rockcrete.

Every useful fragment of alloy would be stripped out to feed the forges.

So what did the Nothmiro forces hope to achieve, exactly? They could have evacuated alongside the civilian population, saved all their own lives by simply slipping away in the night, living on to gather support and build an offworld liberation movement to retake their homes in time. Instead they had stayed here, to fight and die for... what, exactly? The right to continue crouching in their Citadel, breathing the same recycled air, walking the same narrow, utilitarian halls, potentially for years? Their planet would be fully under the yoke of the Maw, but they would pat themselves on the back that the hole they'd dug for themselves was still under their control? Kralmus scoffed.

Maybe they were the descendants of Mandalorians after all. Their stubborn martial pride was stronger than their common sense.

He could respect that. Any real Mandalorian, in his eyes, would die boldly in battle before giving up what was his.

Maybe that was why their culture never succeeded in their grand dreams of galactic conquest.

They always got themselves killed for pride's sake when strategy would serve better.

But that train of thought was veering dangerously close to the philosophical, and Kralmus Orr was not a philosopher. He was a killer, through and through, and he'd been presented with the opportunity to kill. The supercommando team's missile barrage - amusingly termed an ambush by the incoming fighters, while Kralmus's mandos thought they were the ones being ambushed - did its grim work, hitting... two of the incoming ships. The blasts didn't even take either one down, even with a direct hit to an engine. Kralmus shook his head in dismay. Either his troops had been astoundingly unlucky, or these Nothmiro ships were made of some tough stuff. Probably both, actually.

The shuttle that had borne the commando team in wasn't made of such tough stuff.

Grounded and only lightly armored, it never stood a chance.

The fighters blew it apart in seconds.

Well, there went their ride, and the gunships were coming for them next. Beskar armor would take a few glancing hits from those autocannons, perhaps, but the bodies inside the armor were squishy and could only endure so much pounding. One of Kralmus's men, suddenly engulfed in a barrage of high-powered bolts, was blown out of the sky mid-leap, going into a tumbling spin as he plummeted fifty meters to the unyielding hillside below. That was going to be all of them pretty soon. They had some cover from the hills, and solid mobility, but there were a lot of enemy craft in the air... and the supercommandos, kitted for infiltration, had no more anti-vehicle weapons to fire.

But beneath his helmet, Kralmus smiled nastily. They didn't have to shoot down these gunships themselves.

"Orr to fleet control. I'm tagging a swarm of insects that have left the hive."

"Swat them for us, pretty please."

In pursuing the lone shuttle, the Nothmiro aircraft had left behind the safety of their Citadel, shielded against fire from above. These random hills? Not so much availability of military-grade shielding. Kralmus swept his integrated target painter across the enemy craft, tagging them with his helmet's sensors. An instant later, the skies over Nothmir erupted. What these brave Nothmiro warriors didn't seem to understand was that they were one little planet, all alone against a regime large and powerful enough to fight all the other major powers of the galaxy at once to a standstill. That regime's fleet was now in low orbit, concentrated over the only spot on the planet where there was still resistance.

And all of that fleet's powerful precision weapons could now freely bring death from above...

... upon these poor, brave pilots who had left behind their fortress's shield.
Nothmir's Last Stand
"A coward's only reward is to live another day."



Plasmablast Games
Tags: Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


The Prairies outside The Citadel
Osprey Gunship
Uniter Dropmain
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

Dropmain heard an alarm go off in her section of the cockpit, eight lights winking out.

The status lights of her escort fighter wing.

The general operator gasped and started to yell something, but Dropmain could already see the energy readings spike from somewhere above them. A large munition, slammed into the top of one of the undamaged gunships and seemed to fly straight through it harmlessly before the entire craft exploded in a ball of light.

Her pilot was already trying to evade, but between the incoming missiles and capital grade munitions there was little any of them could do. What kind of madman called in orbital bombardment to try and hit strike craft? A blast struck the left of Dropmain's craft, sending the gunship careening to the side as the already damaged engine was lost mid-maneuver.


Another one of the shots that poured from the sky like rain hit the stricken gunship, it hardly mattered what kind, and both Dropmain and her revered bird were sent as fragments to the smoldering earth of her homeworld.


The Citadel
Corps Commander Chris Walker
Detachment Commander Aurelian Hars

Detachment Commander Hars looked up from his console as the Pyre Superheavy trundled along towards the rally point, "Sir, the gunship and fighter squadrons we sent out just vanished from IFF, and we're getting reports of low orbit bombardment outside the anti capital envelope."

"We send out a light search and destroy force and they respond with capital ships? What kind of force management are they running?"
Walker was a bit taken aback, surely the Mawites had some general concept of wasteful overkill, they could have sent dozens of interceptors and come out on top without nearly as much expendature.

He'd hoped the enemy team the squadron had spotted would have taken more casualties, eliminating elite vanguards using gunships and super heavies was always a priority in his defensive strategy. The next move they made was bound to be more careful, but orbital bombardment within the envelope of the surface batteries could be safely discounted.

"Signal all forces to step up and prepare for the ground assault, our fighters will have to withdraw soon and the opposition will be up to us. Make sure the outer line is screened by armor and that the QRFs are ready to strangle anyone that bypasses our defenses. We're going to lead the armored fist right up to their landing site."



Objective: I - Settling Accounts
Location: Nothmir
Tags: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Chris Walker Chris Walker | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

  • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
    • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (2) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (4,000m)
    • Brakka
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • K’rggah
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (4) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (7,200m)
    • Varak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ra’jaka
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Faerûn-V’okath
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mela’giroth’vaim
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
    • O’goroth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ligash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Io’eth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Akash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ri’noam
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Arv’inash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Bakavh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Enakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (10) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (10,000m)
    • Bezarakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • H’roggoth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’ashbenaz’ungol
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Cimeno’ath
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Re’oam’ak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khand’evaim
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ni’meloch
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ganakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • U’toch
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Jenakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (32) Vagabond Raider Frigates (16,000m)
    • Cleaver
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Jocasta
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Rotund
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ren’fiki
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’gash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’enak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ikbal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Chronakhal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Xinoan
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Desecrator
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Sev’Tok
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Empress Tetah II
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mine Hauler #AV-037
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Begaan
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khandar
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vekht
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mollach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Stabba
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • The Ram Skull
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Gromandach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mine Hauler AV-#047
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mining Hauler #AV-004
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Striega
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • BRAAAM
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%


As the garrison forces of The Citadel prepared themselves, hiding behind their walls while a detachment pushed forth to intercept the massing Mawite army. To Kragamond’s credit, they were highly adept at disembarking and establishing themselves in quick order. Their landing zone was quite far away from the city itself, which meant the ground forces pursuing them would have much ground to cover to even pose a distant threat to them. The orbital bombardment of the blockading fleet could be heard in the distance, although what the bombardment was targeting remained to be seen.

The Mawite horde had gathered uneventfully into formation, with the comm unit strappe near Akûz’ gorget crackling to life.
<“Lord, the Nothmiro have dispatched a ground force to meet us on the field of battle. Their advance is currently within their anti-air defense umbrella...”> The voice trailed off, as fate would have it that the recon squadrons scouting the region had learned of the existence of said anti-air field the hard way, losing a handful of fighters to the waiting guns in the process. A failure that Akûz was most displeased to hear a short while ago.

The voice continued:
<“I am relaying their positional data now, my lord - at least as accurate of a record as we can obtain for now.”>

<“Muri, Muri...”> Akûz grumbled, his deep voice resonating across the comm channel. It would appear as though the Nothmiro peacekeepers corps was still a ways away. Was this some baiting tactic? Some feint to force him to play his hand? Regardless, Akûz would not permit them to take advantage of their deployment. He surveyed the map generated on a datapad in his hands, which showed the terrain of the surrounding area.

The Mawite deployment zone was due north of their objective, with a series of foothills dotting the landscape to build up to the mountainous regions further north. The terrain rolled into a series of steppes southward that could be considered a sort of ‘hill country’. The scout forces of the horde included a digital line to highlight the projected boundary of the Citadel’s anti-air umbrella, of which the peacekeeper army was tightly keeping within. After considering the options before him, the Warlord bellowed his orders:
<“Skorbagh Uluth tqi manqikma an ri utias dzitmia ri foothills diâ tash ir asarji dzis ri zitisir. Ri kinima'ija muisas tqi katsoshi an ri umohtsijarsa na a titji iw Tarar is ri Zûtawi Shursia diâ iritsimizi dzok dzis atsinasia wodwijsina. Ri warsia iw ri qyâsik tqi arsiasiti karw ri wisûtis diâ turji zo arsiai tnirma riria âti ri rokas tutka.”>

At once, the forces of Kragamond began to move. The fast moving raiders and skirmishing forces of Skorbagh Uluth sped across the engagement zone to their ambush positions, while the relatively fast moving warskiffs moved in concert with a detachment of marauders to the west at an embankment behind the hills, which would serve as an adequate defilade to hide their position from the enemy - at least for a time. The air forces of Kragamond buzzed around, taking great care to avoid the umbrella after losing a small amount of fighters upon discovery of its existence; undertaking the task of overwatch and reconnaissance for now as the Mawite forces moved into position.

As the cogs of the warmachine lumbered forth, Akûz opened a comm channel and keyed the secure frequency of the strike force that supposedly infiltrated and sabotaged the city defenses. His deep voice would crack across the comm frequency to the Mandalorian squad - oblivious to the situation they had just encountered and narrowly escaped from.
<“Dzuontai an Kûts ai Raka- imrwohnujrura ant sûlêa nadasja. Okian qyâsik arsiasiti.”>


  • “Good, good...”
  • “Skorbagh Uluth shall deploy to the east around the foothills and lie in wait for our visitors. The war skiffs shall move to the west with an escort of Marauders from the Profane Host and set up for artillery support. The remainder of our forces shall advance down the road and establish a front line amongst the rock formations.”
  • “Command to Death's Hand - report on affected defenses. Main forces advancing.”

Location: Nothmir, Citadel Outskirts
Tags: Chris Walker Chris Walker | Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


What kind of madman called in orbital bombardment to try and hit strike craft?

Why, a Mawite madman, of course!

Alighting on the hillside, Kralmus watched in savage satisfaction as the firepower from above shredded those brave but foolish pilots who had pursued him. The Nothmiro might consider such a gesture wasteful, an unchivalrous attack, meeting the aircraft with overwhelming force rather than a counter of the same type... but why give them interceptors to potentially shoot down when they had willingly put themselves in the orbiting fleet's field of fire? Shooting gunships with capital ship weapons expended nothing at all save reactor charge, whereas fighter craft could be destroyed by the Nothmiro pilots, and would then require replacement.

This strategy conserved assets, rather than wasting them in a fair fight. Mawites cared nothing for honor.

The survivors of Kralmus's supercommando team rallied around him. One man was down, another wounded - a full third of their number carved up by the pursuit. That was loss enough; the cannibal would rate each warrior of Death's Hand as worth far more than a full squadron of Nothmiro gunships, for warriors of their caliber were difficult (and slow) to replace. But no matter. Kralmus Orr lived in the present, ever seeking the grim pleasures of martial struggle and bloodshed. He was not a man given to regret, and a sociopath of his caliber never mourned the fallen anyway. They had done what they'd come to do, even if they'd sustained unexpected losses.

Even now, the fleshtaker infiltrators must be worming their way into the Citadel, wearing innocent faces.

They would be just in time to help open the way, for the Kragamond forces had made their landing at last. They would be the warriors who finally broke this last bastion of brave but pointless resistance. Kralmus's comm crackled, and a strange voice rasped out of it; it took several seconds for the translation systems integrated into the Mandalorian's helmet to make that stream of High Sith words remotely intelligible. "Well, then," Kralmus replied, grinning his sharp-toothed smile, "welcome to the slaughter. The parasite has been delivered, and will begin to cripple the host as soon as you get close." The plan was simple.

Open the doors of the civilian sector to the Kragamond forces.

Slip deeper into the fortress with new disguises.

Open the next set of doors and shields.

Repeat as necessary.

But for any of that to matter, the Kragamond warriors would first have to smash through the Nothmiro forces presently approaching their landing zone, hoping to... die well? Kralmus still wasn't sure whether they genuinely didn't understand how hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned they were, or if they knew and just didn't care, for the sake of their homeworld's pride. It would all end up the same in the end, he supposed. The Nothmiro diaspora, evacuated over the past year, could write their epic tales of Nothmir's last defenders... though the stories would have to take some poetic license, because there would be no survivors to report the details.

This group would be more trouble than they were worth as slaves.

Better to kill every last one of them than to risk it.
Nothmir's Last Stand
"A coward's only reward is to live another day."



Plasmablast Games
Tags: Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager


Citadel Outskirts
Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr
Corps Commander Chris Walker
Detachment Commander Aurelian Hars

"Pyres in position sir, preparing for opening salvoes." reported Hars.

"Good, tell them to be ready to retreat with fire cover. We should outrange any ground weapons they have, or be able to take the hits."

Walker turned his own sensors to maximum magnification and tried to discern the composition of the enemy force, "Some big gunships, and what look like decent cannons on the repulsor craft, but nothing that can outrange a pre-positioned Pyre. That armor also looks a bit shabby, and the walkers look like someone dug them out of a space graveyard. Order all superheavies to fire when in range and to pull back on my command, a single Pyrestar shot per target should be overkill for anything."

Mechanized infantry were already taking positions in the hills, while the light armor bent to cover their flanks and intercept within the AA/AC umbrella. The gunships were the most dangerous element, they could simply bypass the area entirely if they wanted to, and they had the best chance at hitting the Superheavy tanks in a way that mattered.

"Fighters are cleared for intercept missions as soon as those enemy gunships get close enough for us to hurt them from within the envelope. Blunting their impact on the Citadel proper is our job, momentum must be stolen so that our defenses can hold. Infantry are authorized to request gunship support at Combat Controller disgression."


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