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A Cry For Help

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Nick Sept"]
[member="Geral Varta"]
[member="Xeedon Urto"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Jack Sparrow"]
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]

I pursed my lips with bemusement at the words of Senator Sept, but also grateful for the acknowledgement in understanding the reasoning behind my argument.

"Senator Sept, my concerns are based on the recent failure by this body of government to prevent and keep in check our executive branch. I may be new as both a citizen and Senator here, but my time as an Imperial Commander has allowed me to gain the insight in the pro's and cons of concentrated authority and power. While I have no doubt that Representative Urto here is perhaps an apt military commander, command of Republic military forces should fall to another of his... people," I had to catch myself again tiptoeing my disgust for xenos with careful, a quick sip of my tea and a gruff ahem followed by me continuing "What we should be wary of is allowing such a precedence to be once more set."

I faced Representative Xeedon Urto "I will point out that your own government may appoint you as head of its military, while Republic military command of forces operating in the system of Neti-1 will work jointly with your government's military. Simply agreeing to the Common Defense of all means that you must ratify this into your constitution or charter or rule of law in order to properly become a member of larger galactic body. We are not the Sith who conquer and leave no room for negotiation in self governance. We are a Republic and thus we must abide by the nature for which we seek to cooperate together."

I turned again to my colleague "Senator Sept, I argue that military specifics should be left to the Supreme Commander and Supreme Chancellor to determine. What is within our bounds to do is shift the credits around so that we can incorporate the system of Neti-1 as part of a strong web of defense. Lastly we are not annexing, the system of Neti-1 must ratify our Constitution as part of their own and may join the Republic after doing so. Annexation implies and is associated with the forcible unilateral act of territorial acquisition."

I paused and sipped my tea holding the gray steel travel mug with both hands, enjoying its soothing contents on my throat. This arena was not much different than that of a Star Destroyers Fleet Combat Operations Center. Even more so standing on my dias felt almost like standing on the bridge. The weapons in this arena though were words. Thus to keep my voice healthy for later use just like after an affair of shouting orders this tea would allow me to keep my somewhat aged vocal cords.

"As someone who has participated in Annexation I can assure you that this is not at all such a process. Neti-1 is a sovereign government and wishes to join our federation of sovereign nation-states which we call the Republic. Both sides must agree to terms and as the current appointed Senator," I had an inward laugh at that last part considering how I can to this position "for Carida I must protest the language used in this specific part of this apparent Treaty. What I have proposed I feel is acceptable and amiable to everyone and I reiterate that militarily speaking we can take the steps to ensure that. But in joining the Republic all their system needs to do is acknowledge that they are joining a wider galactic body and the needs of all for the greater good of all. It is as simple as that"

I sat down and awaited the responses.

Xeedon Urto took a step back from the podium and gathered himself. He coughed to the side and stepped back up.

''Senators and Representatives, I will not edit article 6 any further. Hear me when I say this, the measures in article 6 do no grant me militaristic, dictatorship like powers. This article is meant for when a foreign entity invades, and the Republic is unable to contact offices of military power. What good would these powers do if another entity has already invaded the planet? I will also not edit article 4, this is meant to establish a temporary safe area around Netaleon. This presence can be as little as a squadron of aircraft around the planet'' Xeedon stepped back and observed the senators.

''At this time, I will put forward this document to be approved in it's current state.'' a window with giant YES and NO buttons appeared on the Senator's devices.

@Megan Alestria
[member="Caius Flavian"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Miria Lasedri"]
[member="Khyros Sunblade"]
[member="Auru Taff"]
[member="Salete Kel"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Thalia Kaia"]
[member="Nick Sept"]
[member="Geral Varta"]
[member="Xian Neet"]
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

((OOC: I'm not going to become a dictator, and the presence isn't a big deal. #ApproveTheDangDocument))
OOC: Disregard the last post, but the vote still stands.

The document up for approval is as follows.

Safety of Netaleon Act

Edited Bill 44582

1. Netaleon shall be inducted in the systems of the Republic.

2. The people of Netaleon shall be granted full citizenship and rights of members of the Republic, effective immediately.

3. In a time of war, the Republic will render all possible aid to the people and planet of Netaleon.

4. Due to the volatile and unpredictable nature of the situation with the One Sith and Netaleon, the Republic must have some sort of presence in, around, on or near the planet of Netaleon. This presence is to be decided upon by the Republic military.

4.1 The local Netaleon government will remain responsible for establishing and conducting their own civilian and corporate customs procedures. Petitions for assistance with the establishment of infrastructure in this endeavor may be lodged with the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4.2 This presence shall end when a consensus is reached between Xeedon Urto and the Galactic Senate and ratified by her Supreme Chancellor.

Article 4.3 was removed by user ''XeedonUrto''

5. Xeedon Urto will become senator and representative of Netaleon effective immediately.

6. In order to best assure the protection of the people of Netaleon, the existing military of the planet shall develop a plan in conjunction with the Republic military forces, including joint training and risk assessment. In the event of force isolation of the planet either by communication interference or physical action by enemies, said plan will be executed by acting military command, prioritizing the protection of the planet and its people in accordance with Republic law.

7. The government of Netaleon will provide the Republic with farming equipment (including but not limited to: hoes, shovels, trowels, plowing equipment, seed spreaders, irrigation equipment and information, harvesting equipment and various intelligence) and goods (including but not limited to: seed, saplings, Neti saplings to be used in the Jedi Order and/or Republic military, volunteered Neti farmhands, harvested goods and various intelligence)

Article 8 was removed by user ''XeedonUrto''

9. The Republic military may place bases and training facilities on Netalion. In addition, the armed forces of Netaleon and the Republic forces may engage in joint training exercises to better improve their defense and tactics within the region and sector.

10. The Grand One shall not be disturbed/affected/destroyed/harmed/effected/moved under any circumstances.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Martika waited for the vote cycle to begin, then signaled his own support. The vote would need to conclude before any further comments were allowed by the members of the Senate.

(OOC: I made that rule up, but thought it would be helpful to facilitate a quick vote.)

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I was disgruntled with the language.

This talking tree could barely get intergalactic relations through that thick bark around its... head?

Regardless I cast my vote as nay.

It was nothing against the Netalons, everyone was essentially an enemy in the eyes of the Sith, however the principles of governance had to stand for something.
At a later time, Suravi had checked into the live discussion being held and then reviewed the amendments to the treaty. She found no glaring issues with the terms. Netaleon was within easy reach of Kiribi, so they could easily fulfill the requirement for a Republic presence in the system with units from the Kiribian Spacy.

She voted yes.
Gael was pleased to see the Netaleon compromise on the legislation, he was put off by the overly stern manner in which he negotiated it. While he realized sternness is sometimes needed, especially fighting for the benefit of your people, a certain degree of ferocity was needed.

"Frankly, I think you would be the wrong person to represent your system, in the event the Senate allows Netaleon's introduction to the Republic. You do not get to request the support of the Republic and then dictate the terms in which we would provide it."

He input his vote. Nay.

"The One Sith are a common enemy ,that is to be sure. Nataleon's interests seem to be self-preservation though, and nothing but. I've seen nothing from this discussion that gives me the inclination to believe the Nataleon people would provide to a larger society, unless your demands our met."

The count was 3-2, with the yays having the slight advantage. Gael would consider reallocating his vote should Nataleon agree to join the Republic unconditionally. He waited for his fellow senators to cast their votes.

Nick Sept

Worst Ghost in the Galaxy
Nick grumbled slightly, but listened to the man talk. "As long as it it assured that any command is provisional and temporary, and that an unwillingness to rescind said temporary command will be taken as a violation of this agreement, then the delegation of Cartao will move to ratify. However, as it stands, the Senate has shown a willingness to cooperate with you, and if would be wise for you to maintain a more amicable nature as a senator. You must learn to abdicate the military mindset when you come to represent your people among other citizens of the Republic. Trust me," he said gently, "war is but one of our duties, there are many others that must be addressed."

He signed a vote of yea, but acknowledged his desire for continued military oversight. He felt that these people would be strong allies, but this amount of stubbornness might cause difficulties in the future. Ah, well. The Netolanes desired this, then they should get the opportunity to prove themselves. After all, a motion to revoke the clauses in the agreement could occur if this went south.
Thalia looked down at her Holopad and then finally input her vote for nay for this sounded like a breech in military security with the joint training. If anyone were to go rouge if they were to turn to the enemy with that information it could end the republic

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