Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A cure for the wicked

Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

Location: [X]
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It had been quite a while since he had last been within less than several lightyears from the borders of the Confederacy of Independant Systems. He had every reason to remain away from the confederacy's territory, partially due to his own resentment, but also his fear. It was after all here that he had lost his name, his identity, his dreams, but also where he was reborn, remade and reshaped into what he was these days: a monster.

It didn't seem as impossible to get into the Confederacy's territory without notice, something which he had dreaded after they had been making their trading and travelling policies so strict and ruthless in comparison to others, but than again, not even their impressive navy and patrols could be everywhere and the most recent chaos within the region had no doubt managed to shake up their grasp on it a bit, something many a smuggler made use of and by contacting such smugglers, Credius managed to ha a basic idea on how to get to the planet he wished to visit. It took some time and quite a lot of effort and careful plannçing to truly begin with his travels, but nonetheless he did still make it to Ryloth, just not in the fashion he usually got anywhere.

There was no large battlecruiser to be seen anywhere now, that would've been a bad decision and way too visible for prying eyes. His own valkan dagger was also no option due to the fact he did not want to arrive on Ryloth without some semblance of protection, so the final option was a simple, unremarkable transport ship, which he used to make his way through the system without a hitch, without detection or drawing in any attention, calmly making his way to one of the more remote parts of the Confederacy's territory: Ryloth, home of the Mandragora...home of Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura .

He had seen and encountered the woman a few times prior, but never like he was now, not in this ever-hungering, ever-starving form. They had talked, they had danced and they had argued before, but did they truly knew anything of the other person? Credius figured that the nightmother probably knew more about him than he did about her, even if he always prided himself for his knowledge on the force and many of the organisations which sought guidance through or used the force, the Mandragora had proven to be...elusive, to say the least.

His most recent project, the Children of C, had provided the Chancellor of the Zweihander Union with quite some information in regards to the possibilities of transferring and manipulating his own mutation, it had also lead him to the eventual desire he had been carrying lately: the desire to evolve, to grow beyond his limits, to transcend from what he was now into the uncharted territory of life and the force itself. It was an interesting prospect, but the ritual which he had planned as the center stage for this new project of his, had a few flaws, with mainly the necessity of other force users being the main issue. He needed others to contain the chaos within the force when he himself would crack and tear open the fabric of life and death, the very force itself to benefit his own goals, his own aspirations. Finding other force users wasn't the issue though, it was finding those that had at least some standard of potential and that weren't linked to the Children of C program. It would've been a hassle to try and find several users strong in the force on his own, but then he did realize that there was another option: the witches, nightsisters after all, were also very potent and strong in the force, they would be harder to convince, but less of a loss to his own design in the end of it all.

Eventually, after entering Ryloth's orbit, Credius found himself drawn to the altar of spirits, not because it had huge power or even any significance to him, but because it was an easy to enter place which still happened to be under the watchful eye of the Mandragora, prefect to place some bait.

Upon landing about a mile or so away from the location, the man, clad in his golden armor with the red cloak and robes over his head and body, red sword shimmering and glistening with power as it was hanging on his right, walked out of the small transport ship, followed by half a dozen droids of impressive stature, draped in red cloaks of their own. They still had some time to go on foot, but Credius decided to already have four of the droids use their stealth capacity to vanish from sight, while he himself used his dolos amulet to firther enhance his own force cloaking, to truly, utterly and completely hide his presence, aura and signature within the force as he approached the stairs leading to the sinister monument, a place where the dead, the spirits were....revered in a certain way.

While he and the two remaining droids climbed up the stairs visibly, he had the four other droids stealthily climb the mountain outside of his own view, tracking their movement solely by utilizing the dormant KRONOS embedded within his armor. Credius wascertain he had not gotten to this place wholly unnoticed and perhaps when he'd reach the altar...he'd need to draw their attention a bit more, yet he did not know how, but he'd get there, just as he'd get to the altar. Patience was key in moments like these after all...

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The Altar of Spirits was a communal place where even one inexperienced in the mystic ways could touch the spiritual. It was a conduit to the unseen world, and a place where the hidden, personal truths of those that came could be found. No power or authority of the Solanaceae (Mandragora) was found here any more than when it had been mostly made of ancient, weathered stones before the Agents of Chaos destroyed them. The Witches of Ryloth had expanded upon the function of the site in its rechristening, however; an effort to make up for the lack of remaining evidence of its role as a historical monument.

Given how relatively recent the Altar had been targeted by nefarious individuals, however, it was monitored for unusual activity. Why people would seek to destroy something that was freely available to all, Vytal couldn't fathom. Nevertheless, as it had already happened once before it would not be overlooked that it may happen again. Even so, security was not bolstered in the surrounding region to avoid an oppressive air to an otherwise spiritual sanctuary. A vessel landing relatively nearby had not gone unnoticed, nor had the Witches stationed in the area overlooked people approaching (even if they did not seem to exude power in the Force).

A short time later, a whirlpool of energy suddenly sprang into existence before the nine pillars of the Altar. From it stepped the Nightmother, Vytal Noctura, herself followed by several robed Sisters and Brothers. They fanned out before the Pillars as the pale Witch strode forth to stand in the center of the large platform. Perhaps these visitors had come seeking personal enlightenment, in which case they would be welcomed. If they had come to defile this site, however, they would soon learn the power of the spirits. Unlike last time, she would have the very Sands of Time wipe any that sought to harm this place from this plane of existence without restraint.

Tag: The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon


Location: [X]
Extra: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

His own signature in the force may have been hidden, but there were still enough indications of the force upon himself and the droids behind him in the form of their and his own specific weapons and the jewel he carried with him, tucked neatly under his robes. Even if his own mortal form did not give off any hint of force sensitivity to any who monitored him and the droids he had at his beck and call, certainly the oozing darkness coming from the red blade on his hip and the hidden jewel would be enough to understand that this was no ordinary man approaching the spirit altar, if it even was a man to begin with, as behind the mask, a pair of deep red eyes with slit pupils and black sclera peered into the darkness of night to find his way to the top of the staircase.

It was when he reached the top though, that those stern, unfeeling eyes seemed to shift slightly, becoming somewhat softer, with the pupil dialating a bit when the man realized that he had an actual welcome committee.
"Of all the people I had expected to appear here right in front of my very eyes," A chuckle could be heard coming from behind the alabaster and golden mask, the man tilted his head slightly to the side and chuckled once again, a sinister and eerie sound with a somwhat familiar tone of voice. "Yet hear I am in the presence of the Nightmother herself...quite the honor to be greeted by such an...important person."

For a moment, the masked man looked not in the direction of the nightmother, but those who had attended this place with her, letting out yet another chuckle as he licked his lips veiled behind the cold exterior of alabaster and gold. "Well, I did hear something had happened to Ryloth before, the news was strangely specific on that," As if on cue, the man chuckled again, yet this time the sound was dry and hollow, he nodded towards the remade altar behind the nine pillars, the pupils in his eyes narrowing as he did so. Though he was very interested in the nightmother and could surely use her for his cause, he hoped there would be minimal resistance and no refusal for him to have some time at the altar, after it was a monument built for the spirits, no doubt it had to have a connection to them and it could perhaps give him some insight into another option for the ritual he intended to do in the near future. It was after all a rather tiresome thing to try and convince several strong force users to aid him with the ritual, wether they'd be sith or jedi, they all worked solely for their own goals, so if he did not grant them a significant boon to seduce them to do his bidding, any and all cooperation would not be advised to begin with, not to mention that doing it this way took time and time...well, time was not on the man's side at all.

He looked at the other witches again and pondered over the thought that crossed his mind. The Nightmother...yes, she could be useful, but perhaps more through her position than as an individual. he was certain that there were quite a few talented and strong witches that would follow her orders if need be. If he could convince this woman to cooperate, he'd basically have all the pieces of the puzzle to succeed in his ritual, but...he knew her. Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura was no fool, she was shrewd and dangerously intelligent, not to mention that her knowledge on magicks was...incredible and insanely powerful. If he had to face her directly in combat... he would not have a definitive answer to the outcome, something the man really did not like at all.

"Hmm, Milady...if you wouldn't mind..." His eyes shifted towards the two witches who accompanied the nightmother again, again he licked his lips, letting out a sigh. "I have travelled quite a long while to come here and this hold up is making me quite hungry...would you mind if I procured myself a snack to satiate this hunger of mine?"


"I do." The Nightmother's green eyes were fixed on the man that had ascended to the height of the mount where the Altar of Spirits sat. "You have not introduced yourself, nor made clear your intent, and yet you seek to sate a ravenous desire within." The pale Witch's eyes narrowed just for a moment. "This place is open to all, so I find it curious why you do not come alone; yet you have not come with others that would benefit from standing beside you."
The man was not unwelcome in this place, but she questioned his motives. She questioned his purpose. She questioned him. There was something whispered on the winds of familiarity between them, yet it was not familiar. A curious paradox, but one that could not be dwelt on. Whether she knew this person from this life or the last, Vytal had no desire to allow someone that prowled the shadows to destroy the Altar a second time uncontested. That he had no intent to do so was only something that would become clear in time.​
Magick tickled the tips of Vytal's fingers as she faced the masked man. It would not do well for him to 'snack' on one of her Sisters or Brothers present uninvited. Their well-being was more important than symbolic stones, and if she'd come here to defend bare rock it need no description what she would do for the Living.​
"Let us start at the beginning. I am Nightmother Noctura of the Solanaceae whose Coven resides on this world. Have you have come to the Altar of Spirits to seek enlightenment or commune with the spirits?" Credius already indicated he knew of Vytal by using her title, and recognizing its position, but he'd not shared anything about himself. She would politely offer him the opportunity to do so now before any... miscommunication resulted in unnecessary conflict.​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon


Location: [X]
Extra: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

The masked and armored man could not help himself but chuckle slightly, as it seemed that indeed the Dolos amulet he was wearing completely removed any and all traces of the Force from his being and all upon his person. It was a welcome discovery, yet nonetheless the fact that the Nightmother could not perceive who he was through the force also seemed to be some sort of disadvantage, yet even if he were to remove the amulet, he doubted that his force signature, muddled and twisted as it had become through his mutation, would help her any further in truly realizing who he was or rather had been before. It was because of all this, that Credius decided to keep the ruse going for now, as to not lose the element of surprise and to better prepare himself for the revelation he was about to give this woman.

"Well...despite everything, you may call me...Weiss," A chuckle escaped his lips when uttering those words, as he was quite certain that the woman before him would not be swayed by any thought that this would be his real name or identity. "To be fair though...I have no name, not since I lost my home. As for my purpose to be here, to get to the's research. What I seek is to gain knowledge over certain spirits, yet to do so, I must fully immerse myself in their being, study them, their construction, their existence, their everything."

Tilting his head a bit, the man let out another chuckle, taking a single step closer while spreading out his arms. "To be fair though...I do not see what thread a lowly being such as myself could ever pose to witches of such caliber as yourself," Leaning slightly forward, the man suddenly made a graceful and deep bow. "To come and greet such a lowly being as myself in person and in your position as the Nightmother, am I such a vile existence..."

Utilizing the enhancements within the armor alongside a minute concentration within the force to perform Force body, the armored man instantly launched himself forwards till he stood but mere inches away from Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , his eyes blazing with a crimson light, slit pupils staring into her own. "...or such a threat?"

Almost playfully taking a few steps back, the armored man let out yet another chuckle, tilting his head with a certain amusement to be found in his demeanor. However, this playful demeanor ended quite rapidly, as his hand went reaching towards a small amulet he had been wearing the entire time. "Now than, I reckon since it looks like fooling you is not going to be a possibility..." As soon as the amulet went off, where there had been not even an inkling of force concentration before, the ambient temperature seemed to instantly drop by a dozen degrees, even there at that height atop the mountain. Yet, that was not everything, as several sources upon the man's being also seemed to show traces, if not sheer amounts of the force as well. "We might as well play ball more properly, don't you think?"


Removing his mask and lowering his hood, the man slicked back his blonde hair and smirked at the nightmother. His eyes still blazing red, the mutation or rather the corruption within his force signature obviously apparent. "You'll have to forgive me for such roundabout ways and playful's been a while since last we talked...hasn't it, Vytal?"

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