Gaia Sunaris Cadera
It's a cat-astrophe!
Beth’s body trembled as it tried to recover from the attack her subconscious went through. It was the perfect storm, metaphorically speaking at least. The past nightmares, the horrors they had been through only through over the past couple days. How many times would they have to escape death? The usually cheery, and happy Beth was overtaken, likely just from the general soreness and how weak she felt.
[member="Cleru"] pulled her into his arms, and she did not resist. There were few other places she’d ever want to be at. She leaned her head against his, her body finally ending its trembles. “I… I’m sorry,” she said quietly as her breathing returned normal. “I love you. If we don’t make it through this, I want you to know I love you so much,” she said in a whisper as she relaxed more against him.
The storm outside ended, only leaving the smell of rain and wet grass.
[member="Cleru"] pulled her into his arms, and she did not resist. There were few other places she’d ever want to be at. She leaned her head against his, her body finally ending its trembles. “I… I’m sorry,” she said quietly as her breathing returned normal. “I love you. If we don’t make it through this, I want you to know I love you so much,” she said in a whisper as she relaxed more against him.
The storm outside ended, only leaving the smell of rain and wet grass.