It was clear now that Slate was outnumbered and his intoxication didn't help with the situation either. He had to start thinking straight, focus on his advantages and disadvantage. Find out his likelihood of survival.
Fortunately for him, Coruscant wasn't a Mandalorian planet. Slate knew everyone in the bar would think twice before attacking someone in public. This was an advantage Slate could use before the battle started, hopefully this could allow him to strike first, he doubted his enemies would expect that. Suprise was a strong weapon.
A clear disadvantage was his lack of weapons and equipment. Slate knew he wouldn't last long in a firefight if one was to break out. However realisation soon hit Slate, everywhere around him were weapons. Knives, glasses even the bar stools, sure they wouldn't kill anybody, but they could be used as a distraction while fled from the bar.
But that was the next problem, only one exit. The door to the street was blocked by the large, armoured man. There was also a doorway to the bathroom, he didn't know what it was like inside but this was his best chance at fleeing the bar situation.
[member="Joran Del-Finn"]
[member="Captain Falcor"]
[member="Lena Abren-Rendix"]
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Shiro De'Vol"]