Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Dead Man's Remnants


Sven blinked a few times as the ravens swarmed around them, a sigh escaping him as he realized what it meant.

The blaster in his hand was twirled once, then twice, then slowly holstered as the creatures swarmed around the twins. He didn't much care for either of them, they were idiotic little brats that had run afoul of the wrong people at the wrong time, but even without the force Sven could recognize the touch of his wife from a thousand miles away.

This was her.

He had no idea what she wanted with the children, no idea if she would kill them herself of change them as she did these beasts. In truth he didn't particularly care, but annoyance washed through him. The children had stood in his way, killed two of his men and caused pain to several others. He was by no means sentimental, but trained soldiers were hard to come by, and while they could train more now that they controlled Krant the process was still difficult.

Armies weren't free.

Good armies especially.

The more of his men died the more difficult it would be to do the things that Sable wanted to do. Perhaps it was a concept she didn't understand, or perhaps she just didn't care, but Sven was still annoyed about the entire ordeal.

Stupid kids.
Feathers and wings, beaks and talons, the raucous cries all disintegrated into a massive roiling cloud of Darkside energies. Within the miasma a pair of glowing green eyes flared open, the effervescent shape of a woman taking form. Over several moments the chaotic mass calmed and seemed to look around, taking in the sight of the old ruins, the soldiers, the fires, and the man leading them. Finally the gaze settled on the twins.

A grip of otherworldly cold took them both, lifting them from the ground, seizing their bodies and minds.

"You do not belong here," said the geist in a voice that seemed comprised of millions, billions of other voices, "this is not your home. You have two options: defy me and die or go to the river," it lifted an arm, pointing off towards the sloping mountainside from whence [member="Sven Talith"] and his men had come, "cross the bridge to the citadel. I will give you a new home and purpose in return for your lives."

[member="Greyhide"] [member="Blackthorne"]
Sven rolled his eyes.

He loved his wife, dear force he did, but sometimes he just wanted to wring her neck. Not in a bad way really, just a small shake where he got to shout 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" once or twice before he let go of her. Under the right circumstances she might even have enjoyed it.

They would have to discuss it.

Either way it was clear that Sven didn't necessarily approve of this. He didn't think that the Orphans posed any real threat of course, but he'd never been all that fond of children in the first place. He was glad that Sable and he couldn't have any naturally, and taking in a pair of youngsters for...whatever reason seemed wholly distasteful. If only because one of those youngsters had attempted to cut into him with half a dozen arrows, something he did not approve of in the least.

If the kiddies decided to listen he had a feeling that his life was about to get a lot more important.

At the very least they would have to be disciplined, else he'd likely end up driven over the cliff of insanity.

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