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Faction A Debt Repaid - Jedi Enclave of Eadu | NJO



Location: Honoghr | Outskirts of Clan Kihm'bar Territory
Tags: Open to Eadu Enclave and NJO

The two Bjarga-Class Medical Corvettes descended towards the surface of Honoghr, a controlled descent overseen by two of the Enclaves better pilots. The craft touched down on a patch of long dead grass, a landing site many different people had used over the years. As the ramps touched down, Joran was quick to depart the craft, his robes kicking up around him as a strong gust of wind slammed against him. He raised a hand to shield his face against the blast as he looked around, trying to find the individuals who had contacted the Enclave. Joran spotted a group of Noghri make their way towards the two craft, and Joran moved to meet them.

The request for assistance had come from the Clan Chief of the Kihm'bar, a Noghri named Hruk a few days ago. Their world, Honoghr, was no stranger to cataclysm, having suffered a environmental disaster that nearly doomed the planet and the Noghri during the Clone Wars. It was a crisis worsened by the ancient Galactic Empire. Efforts by the Jedi had seen the world recover, only for centuries later to see the world devastated by the Bryn'adul invasion of the galaxy. Many of the Noghri had suffered during the war and the Clans had fled the world to seek their survival elsewhere in the galaxy. Now that they were returning, they were encountering problems with rebuilding their society, a problem made worse by the unusual activity in a nearby ruin. Several members of the Clan had gone missing investigating the ruins.

While other Clans were determined to rebuild their homes themselves, the Kihm'bar had reached out to the Enclave, and the Jedi had been eager to come to their aid. Joran had grabbed every able and willing Jedi from the Enclave and loaded two of their prized Bjarga-Class ships and set course for the world. This would be the Enclave's first official humanitarian aid mission, and Joran was determined to ensure that it went flawlessly. They needed to prove to the rest of the Outer Rim and Scar Worlds that the Jedi were here to stay in the Outer Rim, and that everyone would receive the help they needed.

Welcome to Honoghr, Master Jedi," Clan Chief Hruk said, bowing her head, the ornate braids held by a band jingling as she did so. The two other Noghri with Hruk, likely elders of the Clan, bowed their heads as well. Joran was quick to return the gesture, bowing from the waist to show deference to the leader of the Clan.

My thanks, Clan Chief Hruk," Joran said, rising back up. "My name is Joran Olan, Steward of the Eadu Enclave. The Eadu Enclave, and the New Jedi Order as a whole, are honored to provide what aid we can to your people. What we have brought is only the first shipment of such supplies, what we had readily available. More shall be prepared and brought not just for your Clan, but the other Clans of Honoghr."

Hruk pursed her lips at that comment, though nodded her head. "
The other Clans may not appreciate that though," Hruk said, "but we will do what we can to ease the process. Please, we would like to welcome you to our village properly." Hruk turned and began making her way back towards a series of wooden huts at the edge of a distant forest. Joran nodded his head, gesturing for those Jedi with him to follow as they could, while droids began to unload several large containers of food, medical supplies and other vital equipment from the Bjarga. There were enough supplies on each craft to sustain the Clan for months, with more sure to come. As they were walking towards the village, Joran felt a ominous presence through the Force. Turning his head, Joran spotted a mountain in the distance, the reported location of the ancient ruins that, if records were accurate, had once been a Sith Academy. The missing members of the Kihm'bar Clan had gone missing near those ruins, but the Clan did not have the resources or manpower needed to investigate further.

Joran made a mental note to dispatch a few of the Enclave's members to investigate those ruins when a chance arose. The presence he felt coming from the mountain did not feel like an ancient lingering presence in the Force. It felt more recent, more menacing. The Enclave would be spread thin on its first mission, providing aid and treating the people of the village and investigating the ruins of the Sith Academy, but they were Jedi.

This is what they were meant to do.
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Stepping off the Bjarga, Catronia was met with a sight that made her heart soar. A planet of lush green forests, at long last! She had been travelling the stars to many city planets or barren worlds for far too long. To smell the scent of evergreens and feel the fertile soil under her feet was quite the pleasant experience. It was almost like being back at home on the planet Sarkhai! The snowy haired padawan followed in tow wordlessly, eagerly listening to the older Jedi speak to the Noghri clan leaders.

While walking along behind Joran she felt something strange. It was like something's cold fingers clawing at her mind. An anxiety washed over her that she couldn't explain, most likely due to whatever lingering dark side presence on the planet. Unfortunately for her, the young Sarkhai had no idea about her ability to passively sense via the force, so young was she in the ways of the Jedi.

She would push these feeling down as she tried to keep up with the pack. She drew her robes close, thinking that this supernatural chill was from the strong winds around her. "Master Joran sir, do you perhaps feel a chill? I couldn't help but notice that something feels...very off..." She would whisper to the elder Jedi. It was crucial that she not say it too loud, lest the Noghri believe their planet was home to some evil force. Maybe handing out food bundles on Coruscant wasn't so bad after all.

Joran Olan Joran Olan
Location: Honoghr
Tags: Joran Olan Joran Olan | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne
Equipment: Lightsaber | Theia Glasses

Wearing: Silver Robes | Chase Spymaster
Someone had designated Caden to fly.

Which he didn't mind all things considered. Flying the Eadu Enclave into their first outing seemed like quite a simple feat all things considered. He felt quite comfortable behind the controls of a space craft. He knew how to make a space craft respond exactly how he wanted with just the faintest input of the controls. He could bring a ship to land without too much of a thud.

So that's what he did. He allowed his fingers to dance over the controls and he gradually brought the medical covertte down to land on the surface. Chirp let out a beep from besides the young Jedi Knight, and Caden grinned slightly. He'd built Chirp with his own hands years ago back on Kashyyyk and they'd been together since. Caden always counted on the droid to make him laugh.

"Yeah I know buddy, just as graceful as always. Now come on, let's go catch 'em up"

Caden stood and grabbed his cloak from the back of the chair as he made his way from the cockpit and through the medical corvette. He threw his cloak over his shoulders and double checked his Theia Glasses were hooked onto his Jedi Robes before he left the ship. His lightsaber rattled at his side as he walked, however the noise of it was overruled by the noise of Chirp rolling down the metallic ramp after his master.

Somewhere in front, he could see Joran Olan Joran Olan speaking with a figure who Caden could only assume was the village Shamen of sorts. Behind him was a figure that the young Jedi Knight didn't recognise. He felt out slightly in the force. She had a lot of definite potential, yet it was raw and untapped. She could turn out to be a very impressive Jedi in time.

The young Jedi Knight patted Chirp on the dome and laughed softly, walking over to the group. There was a sense of darkness eminating from somewhere, and it took Caden a few moments to pinpoint it's location to an ancient ruin of some description. He could definitely feel the darker nature of the force from the area, potent like it had recently been used.

He heard the girl speak, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I feel it too. Whatever darkness it is, it's not happy we're here"

This mission was his chance to relax, just fly and heal those who required it. It was supposed to be low stakes, a nice way to ease into the Eadu Enclave without any drama or fighting or anything out of the ordinary. Caden let out a smile however. There was a chance for an adventure, and you could be sure he wasn't about to turn down an adventure.

"Those ruins look a little bit suspect. What's the betting that's the source of our feelings?"

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Joran Olan Joran Olan Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

"This should be exciting, hm?"

Valery nudged her son along just a little, as they stepped out of the ship and started walking towards the others. Not too long ago, she had spoken with Joran Olan Joran Olan about the creation of an Enclave out here in the region. There had been some hesitancy on her part, mostly because she didn't want to endanger young Jedi by being too far away from the Alliance.

But he had taken every necessary precaution, so she had given her blessing.

"Master Olan is a Jedi I've only just met, but I think he'll be a good influence on the Order. I'd like for you to meet him, and perhaps others who came here, too." This was a chance for her son, a Jedi Padawan, to learn about the Jedi away from Coruscant. A fun little journey of learning with his Mother. The first mission of the Eadu Enclave and its Jedi.

She needed some one-on-one time with him, too.

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When it raines... it pours.

Eadu Jedi Enclave



Samara was still in awe and very appreciative that Joran Olan Joran Olan had arranged for the Eadu Jedi Enclave to get not one but two Bjarga-class Medical Corvettes. Both were fully equipped mobile hospitals with one Laeknar-class Medical Dropship each. This allowed for a more expansive humanitarian response when the need for aid arose... like now.

Recently appointed as the Chief Healer for the enclave, Samara had gone to work right away organizing each vessel and the personnel to staff them for their maiden voyage and subsequent missions. Unfortunately, until the enclave got more Jedi trained, they would be using various medical droids to supplement their scant numbers.

But, that in itself would hopefully allow Samara to build a 'Healing Circle' from the bottom up as her mentors Valae Heavenshield Valae Heavenshield and Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel had within the Silver Jedi. Taking the Counselor path and learning the healing arts wasn't as sexy as say becoming a Sentinel or Guardian, but it was very rewarding work and one of the most critical elements for the Jedi Order in times of war and peace.

Exiting the Comfort which had landed next to Mercy, the two medical corvettes of the Eadu Jedi presently, Samara was dressed in her brown and tan healer robes that she had worn while serving as a member of the Silver Circle. A straight-hilt, silver-cased Jedi lightsaber was attached to the left side of her utility belt, and a personal medpac on the other.

Under the neckline of the inner tunic, a healing amulet called the Silver Sigil lay against the Liann's skin dangling from a sleek yet sturdy chain. Samara had received the pendant of three Force-imbued crystals set in a circular fashion upon her knighthood and acceptance as a full-fledged healer into the Silver's coveted healing circle. Jedi did not have many possessions nor did they need them. But for Samara, the healing crystal was her most prized along with a dagger worn on the right in a boot sheath she had received as a commendation for service beyond as a field doctor on the battlefield with the Antarian Rangers of the SJO; a time long passed now.

A gust of wind rustled the Master Healer's loose golden hair which she should have pulled back into a ponytail or braid as her leather boots hit the ground, but it was what it was. The honey blonde simply picked off the strands that were stuck to her lip-balmed lips with her free hand as her other held onto a medkit or her 'doctor's bag', then she proceeded to follow the others including a younger boy brought by the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order to where they were to be greeted by the Norghri clan chief who had called for their help.

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"A new enclave sounds ideal to look at. I'd like to see how it's set up." There was a huge learning experience to be had here, Aris figured. He was excited, if he was being honest with himself. By the smile on his face, he was being more honest than he thought he was. "When will we meet Master Olan? I am eager to pick apar- ask questions on how exactly he went about asking for permission and building this place."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Samara Raine Samara Raine | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Joran Olan Joran Olan


Location: Honoghr | Outskirts of Clan Kihm'bar Territory
Objective: Meet Jedi & Help Locals
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Samara Raine Samara Raine Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Joran Olan Joran Olan

During the ride over Katarine was preoccupied. She had sat in silence, checking her datapad and staring at a data file about a trafficking ring the Alliance Marshall Service had busted up. As a Jedi Investigator Kat tried to keep up with what local law enforcement was doing. So many times her job intersected with theirs. Today was not one of those days however. Today was a more humanitarian mission and this wasn't where she shone. Her passion was investigation and her training was more of a detective, but there might be some investigating the missing locals on this mission. The main reason for her presence was to try and make connections within the Jedi Order. As a person out of time, and one who spent so much time undercover it could be difficult to forge relationships with her fellow Jedi.

Making a mental note to let the criminals get on with their lives and stop obsessing, she put her datapad away and cast her deep green eyes upon the first sights of Honoghr. If she was truly here to make connections she ought not be obsessing about a criminal ring thousands of miles away. Master Olan went to speak with the chief of the clans and Katarine hesitated, a little outside the group. She recognized Valery of course, but the others were yet unknown and she didn't want to be rude.

Location: Honoghr | Outskirts of Clan Kihm'bar Territory
Tags: [OPEN] Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Aris Noble Aris Noble Samara Raine Samara Raine Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Joran Olan Joran Olan
Objective: Find where to preform medical aid.

Anen was well acquainted with the human body, and many in truth. Biology was by far the most advanced science taught on his world, even at the age of 9, he'd learned far more than most adults ever would. Really, it was the only science like that. Biology and medical sciences were the only non-force related study that the Vran had advanced very far in, behind in essentially every other scientific category imaginable. But in that field they were very very far ahead. And so while he may have forsaken many of the teachings of his old world, Anen quickly took to medical studies when taken under by the Jedi. Another 10 years of spending plenty of his own time on that, and he was more well equipped than most professional doctors. Only further aided by the shapeshifting abilities he possessed that meant he could actually test and experiment far more directly with how the body functioned than most ever could, at least, ethically or without extensive costs.

And thus when he heard of a more humanitarian and medical attempt, he was quickly on board with the mission. Eager to help in any way he was permitted to. He followed along quickly as the group landed looking for what he could participate in as a well learned biologist and medic. He made looked around the area and the people here, resisting any potential interest in mimicking their visual appearance and vocal patterns.

He heard the others mention it, and did recognize it. But the sense of the dark side wasn't something he was as good at recognizing as unique, he felt it as familiar. The people of his home and members on both side, though usually not to the extreme ends of either. But in his case, he was very familiar with feeling the dark. Enough that it did not alert him so easily if he was busy thinking of something else until he heard the others talk about it. But he had no insight on that matter, he'd let the more intuitive ones deal with that.

Instead, onto the matter of medicine. He looked onto Samara Raine Samara Raine specifically moving closer to talk more easily, "Hello, I am Padawan Anen Krae I'm only a padawan, and I do not know force healing. However, I could be of significant aid in the medical efforts, I am quite qualified in the medical and biological fields. If there's somewhere you believe I would be most useful I am open to suggestions." he offered. He understood she was an authority on this matter and felt it pertinent to offer his abilities and lacking abilities in a brief summary, and then ask for directions. From there, let things play as they may.

Note for those who can sense force presences: Anen possesses 2, one is his natural presence, the other is an organ within him.

Form: Humanoid male, black hair, green eyes, tan skin.
Shapeshifted Adjustments:
Wookie-like muscles.
Secondary sack inside the body to send potential poisons when eating.
Enhanced senses.
Some medical equipment such as scanners and portable tools/bandages, etc.

Standard blue lightsaber
Datapad with extended range and storage
Standard equipment like comms.
Simple green and white garments.



Location: Honoghr | Outskirts of Clan Kihm'bar Territory
Tags: Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Valery Noble Valery Noble Samara Raine Samara Raine Aris Noble Aris Noble Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Anen Anen

Joran followed several steps behind the Noghri Chief and her escort, allowing them to speak among themselves in their native dialect even as Joran and the others of the Enclave with him began to do the same. Closest to Joran were Catronia and Caden, one almost a stranger to him, the other a recent addition to the Enclave. Catronia spoke up first, voicing the concern and feeling that Joran had, and he nodded at the younger woman. "
That feeling of unease and chill is the Dark Side, young one, it is unfortounately a feeling that you will grow accustomed to in this galaxy, and one that you should never take for granted or ignore," Joran said, glancing over at Caden.

Betting," Joran said, the teaching voice he had been using with Catronia lingering with the Jedi Knight now, "is an excess, Caden, and should not be invoked so lightly." A smile came to Joran's face almost as soon as he was finished speaking however, and he cast a glance back at the knight. "Plus, it would be a bad bet, there is nothing else worth mentioning in the area, and the history of that ruin speaks for itself."

Joran glanced back further over his shoulder, taking in the rest of the group that had accompanied him on this mission. Samara Raine, the Chief Healer and member of the Enclave Council was present, evidently struggling with the wind of this world. Understandable, Joran mused, as he felt another such strong gust pull at his robes and fatigues beneath. He spotted young Anen, a long time resident and member of the Eadu Enclave as he walked up to Samara, speaking with her. Young Anen was accomplished in the scientific field of medicine, but the finer points of Force Healing and other Force related methods to aid the sick and injured eluded him still. There were few better teachers in the galaxy for the young padawan, and Joran was content to leave him in Samara's care.

Another Jedi in the group, an investigator from the Core Worlds as Joran understood it, followed behind as well. The mission to Honoghr had not been a secret he had tried to hide, and reports of the missing Noghri had been in the mission overview. Providing aid to those in need was why the Jedi were here, and that aid extended to the Noghri who might very well be trapped, or much worse, in the ruins of the Sith Academy. The aid of a seasoned investigator was not something Joran would take lightly, and he was appreciative of their presence.

The final pair in the current group had come as a greater surprise for Joran, though a welcome one. Valery Noble, Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order, of which the Eadu Enclave was part of, and her son. Joran was glad to have the young padawan along on this journey. He would have the chance to see Jedi healing in action, and see the side of Jedi, the side of helping and protecting the innocent, that was at times sadly forgotten, especially as rumors of a growing darkness to the galactic north of the Galactic Alliance began to circulate. Now more than ever, they needed to prepare the next generation for what was to come. Joran determined to make time to speak with both of them when he got the chance.

The group finally entered the outskirts of the Kihm'bar village, and Hruk slowed down to speak with Joran. "Master Jedi," she said, the slight accent in her tone telling, "I welcome you to our village officially. This is but one of seven different villages that the Kihm'bar Clan has across our territory, but this one is the largest." Joran nodded at her words as they passed between several of the wood and straw. They passed many Noghri, some emerging from their homes while others stepped aside to allow them through the village. Many of them, Joran noted with some worry, showed signs of malnutrition and sickness, though they remained firmly on their feet. Joran could sense a pride radiating from each of the clan members as they passed, determined not to show outsiders any weakness. Likely a societal trait, ingrained over untold generations of clan based warfare if Joran had to guess, though he was not an expert on Noghri full history.

At the center of the village, under a large wooden structure with woven straw walls, the Jedi found the hospital. Here, the sickness and weakness in the Noghri was far too evident, as few of them were even able to lift their heads from the mats they laid on. A few walked through the structure, wearing simple masks as they brought water and food to those strong enough to ingest it. Joran weaved a quick pulse of the Force to form around his nose, mouth and eyes, the usual vectors for sickness to enter the body. He was here to help these people, and to see Jedi would hopefully bring hope to many here. Already, Joran saw the eyes of a few in the structure widen as they approached, and those that could pushed themselves up, talking to each other. For the Jedi to appear without any visible protection would inspire further hope in them, but to leave himself vulnerable would not help anything in the long term.

"The sickness has no name," Hruk said, looking around at her people, "but it is a slow and cruel thing. Most will eventually recover, but it is a debilitating sickness that spreads far too quickly and easily. We have been unable to keep ahead of it. With so many sick, nearly half the village, it has been difficult to cultivate the land and feed our people, only worsening the situation."

Joran nodded, taking another look around the structure before turning to look at those with him. "Master Samara, I trust that you will be able to provide assistance to those here. I will offer all the support that I can, and I will get the droids to bring all the supplies and equipment here. Anen, I trust you to help Master Samara, do as she asks and listen to her knowledge. You will learn much I fear about Force Healing today."

Joran turned back to look at Hruk, using one hand to gesture towards the ruins of the Sith Academy, his hand spot on in its location, for even so far away, Joran could still sense the darkness there. "Am I correct in assuming your people that have gone missing were exploring those ruins?" Hruk nodded, and Joran turned to look at Caden.

"Knight Caden, please take those available to investigate the ruins. Be careful, and report back at the first sign of what might have happened there. I shall ensure all is under control here, and confer with Master Noble about what is going on here."
Chirp made a beep from besides his creator.

Placing a hand on the droids dome, Caden nodded. More people had turned up, including a face he hadn't seen in a while in the matriarch of the Noble family, Valery Noble herself. He didn't recognise the rest, unfortunately. He had been out of Jedi business for a while and more Jedi just seemed to appear out of no-where. It was good, of course. The more Jedi to learn from, the better.

Caden nodded his head slightly in respect when the Jedi Grandmaster made her approach. He offered her a light smile and turned his eyes to the youngling she had brought. It wasn't a face he recognised, but he'd already established he didn't recognise half of the faces present. Either way, Caden was sure the young boy would return to the core with some valuable knowledge.

The young Jedi allowed the conversation to take place between the Jedi Master and leader of the Eadu Enclave and the Sharman of the natives. He listened closely, both hands now resting behind his back. Joran seemed quite comfortble in his position, ensuring that everything was in place to help assist the natives deal with their as yet unnamed sickness.

Then the Jedi Master cast his eyes back. Caden knew what he was going to ask before he even asked it, and he nodded upon the man finishing. He was leading a team into the deep dark ruins to find out where the missing villagers had gone. Joran had mentioned something about the ruins of a history and Caden was regretting not doing prior research before they'd arrived.

Chirp let out a second beep.

"Yeah I know buddy, I don't do the dark either"

Caden let out a smile and patted his little astomech on the dome. He cast his eyes over to the ruins and shook his head softly. If anyone was in there, he was going to find them. Or at least find out what happened to them. If that meant he had to explore the ruins top to bottom so be it, that was his job at the end of the day and his duty as a Jedi.

The Jedi Knight cast his eyes towards Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne .

"Look after my droid for me, yeah?"

He turned back to the gathered Jedi and let out a grin.

"Who's coming ruins diving?"
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Joran Olan Joran Olan Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Anen Anen Samara Raine Samara Raine

"Be nice to Master Olan," Valery said with a chuckle. She knew Aris wouldn't actually pick apart- Well, maybe he would if he felt there was a reason for it. But if he did, it'd always be in a respectful way. Only Vera had managed to bring out the inner gremlin in him thus far, and she had her own mission on Alderaan to attend to.

"We'll visit the Enclave on Eadu soon, but we're first helping them out here. People have gone missing at an ancient ruin site, and some healing needs to be done here, too." She already knew what she was going to ask Aris to do, but that could wait until their little briefing started. First, though, she greeted Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah with a smile and dipped her head to the familiar face.

Perhaps another for her son to meet.

A moment later, the two Nobles caught up with the group and Valery introduced herself with just a quiet smile for now. Master Olan began to explain a little more about the situation, and eventually assigned Jedi to various tasks. When Caden Evesa Caden Evesa was asked to bring others along to the ruins, Valery's hand settled on her son's shoulder and she nudged him forward, "Aris will go and help, too." She looked at him with an encouraging smile.

"I'll remain here to discuss the situation, and perhaps catch up later if I'm needed."



"I will be nice."

To the facts, at least. Aris was, if anything else, big on making sure the facts were straight. Mostly so he could understand it, but also just in general. He did blink in surprise though as Valery spoke up for him about volunteering. Just as he'd opened his mouth to ask permission, she'd already given it and even suggested for him to go.

It brought a smile to his face that she understood him so well. He smiled wider and nodded before stepping over to Caden.

"I will join you, Knight Evesa. I do like ruins."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Joran Olan Joran Olan | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Anen Anen | Samara Raine Samara Raine


Katarine smiled at Master Noble and at her son. It was nice to see that Valery remembered Kat, especially since they had dueled a water monster to retrieve Kats memory crystal. The crystal was currently back at the Temple where the librarians were running tests on it. Kat still was not sure how to use it, but if anybody could help she was sure the Temples esteemed librarians could.

As they began dividing into groups it was obvious where Kat should be. She was an investigator, and certainly not a healer, so she drifted towards the ruins group. Her deep green eyes scanned the village, wondering if they would have a chance to talk to the families of the missing and get statements. She didn’t want to push though. She did not know the culture here.

“I would be happy to assist in the investigation as well.”

Aris Noble Aris Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Samara Raine Samara Raine Joran Olan Joran Olan


Location: Honoghr | Outskirts of Clan Kihm'bar Territory
Tags: Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Valery Noble Valery Noble Samara Raine Samara Raine Aris Noble Aris Noble Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Anen Anen

Joran turned away from the group preparing to head towards the ruins. Joran had faith that Caden would be able to lead them onwards, giving Joran a chance to focus on the village here. Joran had hope that they would simply find the missing villagers lost in some room unable to get out, but the lingering darkness there told Joran that it would likely not be that simple. Joran had faith, and the will of the Force would guide their actions.

Joran approached one of the sick individuals, gesturing for Anen to come over to him. "
Remember the Force mask," Joran said quietly as he crouched down next to the woman. Joran reached out with the Force, probing around the woman's form to try and find the greatest concentration of pain. "When it comes to Force healing," Joran said, his eyes closed as his mind concentrated, "there are two primary routes to take." There it was, Joran thought. He opened his eyes, extending one hand out over the womans abdomen where the worst of the pain was coming from.

You can either strengthen the body to fight the sickness itself," Joran said, "or you can concentrate on the cause of the sickness, and drain its source." Joran closed his hand, concentrating with the Force around the sickness within the woman. He used the Force to slowly surround the source, boxing it in, before slowly pulling energy and life away from it. Sweat began to bead his forehead as he did this, but after several minutes, he opened his hand, leaning back away from the woman. She looked up at the two Jedi, her eyes wide at the relief she felt. The sickness was still in there, but Joran had taken away much of its strength, allowing her body to do the rest, with a little more aid from the Jedi Master.

In certain circumstances," Joran said, rising to his feet, "you may do one or the other, but it is usually safest for the patient to do both. Try what I have shown you, I trust you were watching with the Force?"

Stepping back, Joran looked over to Valery, waling towards her and lowering his voice. "
It is not a natural sickness," Joran said, glancing back towards all the people in the structure. "It actively resisted my attempts to heal it, and I felt touch of the darkness that is coming from the ruins. I fear this may have been a crafted illness."
When it raines... it pours.

Eadu Jedi Enclave



As the humanitarian entourage got closer to the village, Samara could feel the cold oiliness of the dark side growing stronger in its presence since their arrival on Honoghr. This was not a good sign, and it was one they could not dismiss nor run from. The Noghri needed their help no matter what, and that is what the Edau Jedi were going to do.

"Hello, I am Padawan Anen Krae I'm only a padawan, and I do not know force healing. However, I could be of significant aid in the medical efforts, I am quite qualified in the medical and biological fields. If there's somewhere you believe I would be most useful I am open to suggestions."

A young man caught up with her stride for stride and introduced himself. Samara had seen his name on the sign-up for this mission and had read up on his file that Joran Olan Joran Olan had shared with her now that he had made her Chief Healer and a member of the Enclave's council.

"It is good to finally meet you, Padawan Krae," Sam offered with a sideways' smile, then added in transit. "I am Master Samara Raine, and I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to use your knowledge and skills here today as well as to learn how to incorporate and use the healing arts. Master Olan or myself will be happy to work with you. I'm sure your insight will be helpful to us as well, she nodded just before slowing to a stop as the group reached their destination.

The Jedi doctor listened thoughtfully as Joran spoke with the tribal chief. The situation did not sound good, worse than she feared from the initial dispatch. They would need to work quickly so as not to lose the whole village and stop this malady from spreading to any of the others on the planet, or off for that matter.

"The sickness has no name," Hruk said, looking around at her people, "but it is a slow and cruel thing. Most will eventually recover, but it is a debilitating sickness that spreads far too quickly and easily. We have been unable to keep ahead of it. With so many sick, nearly half the village, it has been difficult to cultivate the land and feed our people, only worsening the situation."
In her mind, the Chief Healer was already starting to go through a possible differential diagnosis list: virus, bacteria, environmental factors... dark influence. Only time would tell though after careful assessment and analysis. Samara never jumped to conclusions though her gut feelings usually were correct. Proceeding with caution yet expediency would be needed here.

Joran nodded, taking another look around the structure before turning to look at those with him. "Master Samara, I trust that you will be able to provide assistance to those here. I will offer all the support that I can, and I will get the droids to bring all the supplies and equipment here. Anen, I trust you to help Master Samara, do as she asks and listen to her knowledge. You will learn much I fear about Force Healing today."
"Yes, I will get started right away. And thank you, that will be most helpful," the honey blonde answered the other Master Healer with a cant of her golden head, then she paused for a moment in thought as something caught her attention in the Force that was not present before.

"Actually, Anen Anen , why don't you go with Master Joran for now and I'll catch up with you two in a moment. There's something I need to attend to first."

With that said, Samara took leave and ventured back out to the edge of the village where the Noghri's main water source was located.

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