North East Sector
City Streets
Objective: Slow down advancing Infantry with little-to-no armor support
After his shock at the appearance of the zillo beast and the wreckage of tanks that had began occuring on the Northern Front, Karolus had decided to move to the more vulnerable front of the two - the North Eastern one. His intelligence operatives reported that due to the rampage hapening at the North, the infantry had focused on deploying more units to the North Eastern Front where the Sith Council's forces were much less. Karolus' efforts with the few men Imura had sent there were being rapidly pushed back. Krupp had recalled many of his field agents to join the battlefield with him. One of them was Leech who was earlier with Sky.
"Lord Imura, I'd be glad if you sent troops at this position. We are being heavily pushed by the hostile forces, they will succeed in outflanking all of us if we do not get reinforcements. " He spoke over the comm. "Sky, you are to come to my position immediately as well."
Karolus and his man had taken cover around different rubble of some buildings, different parts of the city scape, while others tried to take advantage of taking higher ground by going on top floors of some buildings. The last was restricted by Krupp as the fast advancement of the enemies would put those men in certain death scenarios. He kept himself calm and used the men mostly to order them to put obstacles in the way of the advancing troops and their few armored vehicles to slow down their pace.
Crouching beneath a destroyed statue, the blaster bolts kept flying all over. Karolus looked at his utility belt and realized he had only one grenade left. He took it out from his belt and threw it randomly straight away, a strong explosion was heard as the grenade exploded by luck at an oil barrel. Seeing that the enemies were advancing more and more on the wide street, he ordered on the channel to the men that he was assigned to lead most that were operatives of his.
"Pull back, men. This street ends a few blocks away, so pull back on the first turn left, we'll try leading them away from the other front as much as we can. Keep it safe. Coyote, out." Krupp saw as Leech who was at the corner of an alley firing shots and mostly taking cover immediately commenced retreat while a few of the men who had heavier rifles began a covering volley of fire as everyone pulled back, Karolus as well.
"Leech, report casualties from our last stand." Karolus ordered to his operative. " Do we have any anti-armor equipment as well?"
"Two down from our last stand, fifteen down since our engagement with the hostile forces, Sir. No operatives have been killed yet although a few are injured. Three averagely powerful detonites, five rockets. That's all we got in AA terms, Sir."
Karolus was about to answer back when a fewshots hit him before he could get to a safer cover. He felt the burns of the blaster bolts, they had not penetrated fully his armor, due to it's great resistance. But it were more than a few bolts that had hit him around the same place, the heat from the compressed energy made Krupp sweat and unable to reply immediately. When he sat down taking a breather he looked around, most of his men had came around the left turn with him already, the street that they were now on was much narrower than the one before, if they chased them in here vehicles and infantry would have a hard time spreading for cover, possibly the vehicles would enter first while the infantry will take the vehicles themselves as cover. The street itself was not that packed of buildings as the one before, it consisted more of houses which were currently abandoned. A neighborhood street. There was barely any cover but the enemy armor would become a much more vulnerable target on this street if they entered. Krupp quickly analysed the map his holoprojector projected.
"Listen men, all these houses have backdoors to alleys. If we follow the alleys the same direction as the street, all lead to a cross road on another wide main street. The plan is the following, those with rocket launchers will occupy a few of the houses, the rest including me we will take cover somewhere on the street and commence immediate fire at the sight of the enemy on the street. There's two possibilities, if their armor does enter this street, we will lure them to keep chasing us as we pull back, since the street is narrow there would come in a row one after the other. Wait until they become three on the street before you fire, or until I order you to fire. When that happens you immediately get out of the houses, into the alleys and we will rendzeavous at the cross road thats a kilometer ahead. If they enter head on infantry with armor covering them behind from the main street, just pull back towards the rendzeavous point that I just stated as fast as possible. If it is the second scenario, all of us which would be the baiting men that do not possess rocket launchers, will immediately storm the houses and jump into the alleys heading for the rendzeavous point, otherwise the covering fire of the armors will devastate us. Move quick, as the enemy's numbers are much greater and they are already trying to outflank us. Let's go!"