Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Duel like No Other.

He felt Kaden's friendly slap and gave the Sith a returning smile as they moved back to where the weapons came from. He looked over the different weapon types before placing back the two sticks into their place. He turned and followed the direction where Kaden pointed, seeing the practice sabers. He swallowed hard before looking back.

Yeah, think it's going to take away before I'm duelling again, got lots to learn it seems. I know, feels strange becoming a Jedi. Why did you decide to become one? There are other Sith out there right? I heard there were.

Though the Sith he had heard of were not the species but the dark side wielders that brandish the name, the common perception of what a Sith is. Though, he knew little of what they were bar that they were the ones most feared because of the aggression and destruction that they cause.

He nodded to Kaden. Calling it a day sounds good, I am sure to see you around.

He then parted ways with the Sith, heading to his room to think on the events of the duel and afterwards, while also nursing his injuries.


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