Darth Hashira
[member="Jenson Koraz"]
Shortly after the construction of his lightsaber, Oodar makes his way to Tython feeling the Dark Side pull him there for unknown reasons. Standing in the midst of a popular space port he sees a rather large freighter touch down at one of the landing pads and can almost hear the Dark Side whisper to him ''Go, you destiny awaits''. Oodar makes his way to the landing pad and attempts to hide his huge 3.7 meter frame from view behind a large fuel tank. He hears the landing ramp deploy and grips his lightsaber tightly.
Shortly after the construction of his lightsaber, Oodar makes his way to Tython feeling the Dark Side pull him there for unknown reasons. Standing in the midst of a popular space port he sees a rather large freighter touch down at one of the landing pads and can almost hear the Dark Side whisper to him ''Go, you destiny awaits''. Oodar makes his way to the landing pad and attempts to hide his huge 3.7 meter frame from view behind a large fuel tank. He hears the landing ramp deploy and grips his lightsaber tightly.