[member="Reverance"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Arturious smiled softly touching the spot on his neck with the opposite hand giving a slight wince as he did.
"Everything is give and take." "In combat the rules change and so do the techniques." "Here the student and the Master test each other." "Strike for strike and technique for technique."
Arturious smiled.
"The force is a valuable tool but the reports from the battle fields speak of Sith temporarily losing connection to the force being required to fight with only the tools of a normal man." "It is for that reason that I choose to focus on improving unaided combat for the next battle."
Arturious returned the makashi salute.
"I am fine with a short respite."
Arturious smiled softly touching the spot on his neck with the opposite hand giving a slight wince as he did.
"Everything is give and take." "In combat the rules change and so do the techniques." "Here the student and the Master test each other." "Strike for strike and technique for technique."
Arturious smiled.
"The force is a valuable tool but the reports from the battle fields speak of Sith temporarily losing connection to the force being required to fight with only the tools of a normal man." "It is for that reason that I choose to focus on improving unaided combat for the next battle."
Arturious returned the makashi salute.
"I am fine with a short respite."