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A Fast-Mounted Inquiry

Greetings my esteemed judges, I come before you asking for clarification.

It was my understanding that Turbolasers of the Fast-Mount variety were counted as a x1 modifier. However, as of relatively recent submissions, I have seen them judged as a x2 modifier. I realize that my LOA from Chaos has made me ignorant on a number of factory changes; so I ask if this is among them? If so, may I ask the reason (if any) behind this change?

As always, I appreciate your time.
[member="Josiah Denko"]

Last I heard, there was no modifier attributed to them. There was just a limit as to how large of a weapon could be placed upon a fast-mount. Such as... making turbolasers able to better target small corvettes and gunships (anything in the speed 4-6 range), but not able to target starfighters (speed 3 and lower). But trying to do the same thing with a Heavy or Quad-mounted weapon would not work because the weapon itself would be too heavy.

Capital Guns:
Hypervelocity Gun: 10 capital guns
---Restricted to Light Star Destroyer and larger.

Fast Mount: Single Barrel only
---Allows a ship to track faster moving targets, up to Class 4.

1 Capital Gun = 2 Defense Guns

Light: x0.5 (Sub-Capital Only)
Repeating: x2 (Sub-Capital Only)
Composite Beam: x2 (Sub-Capital Only)

Heavy: x2
Dual: x2
Quad: x4
Long-Range: x5 (Capital Ships only, Capital Guns Only)

Normal Warhead: 2 capital guns
Heavy Warhead: 8 capital guns

Homing: x2 (Sub-Capital Only)
Cluster: x4

It's not expressly listed on any of the old guides. But, since the weapon modification does not effect the weight of fire of a ship in any way, I see no reason why it would have a 2x modifier. Well... I could almost see it. Long Range weapons cost 5x capital guns because there is a 2x modifier for damage and a 3x modifier for range glued together. It's odd, but it's how the weapons work. Heavy Long Range Turbolasers do 4x damage and drop 6x of the 10x total weapon value on the benefit of extended range. Hitting as hard as a Heavy, Heavy Turbolaser.

Even rapid fire/repeating turbolasers are sitting at a 2x modifier because the rate of fire increase is treated as doubling the rate of fire / weight of fire of the ship.

I could almost see the reasoning behind a 2x modifier for superior tracking speeds if there was not a standard restriction on how large of a gun can be placed on such a mount. For example, while placing a Heavy, Long Range Turbolaser on a Fast Mount sounds like a great idea (HLR and LR Turbolasers have horrible tracking at close ranges. They have to be fine tuned for accuracy at extended ranges in order to work.), it's a bit silly. For one, the weapon is huge and fast mounts / fine tuned mounts sort of contradict each other. For the other... it's silly. But if someone were insisting on creating a large caliber weapon on a specially designed fast mount (and had done a lot of dev for it), I could see the justification of demanding an additional 2x modifier for the weapon.
Captain Larraq said:
I could almost see the reasoning behind a 2x modifier for superior tracking speeds if there was not a standard restriction on how large of a gun can be placed on such a mount. For example, while placing a Heavy, Long Range Turbolaser on a Fast Mount sounds like a great idea (HLR and LR Turbolasers have horrible tracking at close ranges. They have to be fine tuned for accuracy at extended ranges in order to work.), it's a bit silly. For one, the weapon is huge and fast mounts / fine tuned mounts sort of contradict each other. For the other... it's silly. But if someone were insisting on creating a large caliber weapon on a specially designed fast mount (and had done a lot of dev for it), I could see the justification of demanding an additional 2x modifier for the weapon.
This seems like the train of thought that might be going on. I believe we may count them as double, though we certainly may not, but I'm going to be asking [member="Raziel"] to double check - he has been more heavily involved in the starship section since just a few weeks after I was brought on the team.


Disney's Princess
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Q: Is there any canon wookiee article or Chaos tech sub for this "fast mount" technology? Or should I ask Ayden where he pulled that from? Just curious. :)
Jay Scott Clark said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

Q: Is there any canon wookiee article or Chaos tech sub for this "fast mount" technology? Or should I ask Ayden where he pulled that from? Just curious. :)

he turbolaser was the immensely scaled up version of the blasterand laser cannon. These weapons were generally mounted on rotating turrets, which were commonly installed in banks on capital ships,space stations and orbital facilities.

A single blast from a turbolaser could completely incinerate a fully shielded starfighter; however, due to their slow turret traverse and an equally slow period of charging up and cooling down, using turbolasers against fighters proved to be highly ineffective because fighters were too fast and small for a good target lock due to a slower rate of fire than point-defense laser cannons.

During close-range fights, the turret could rotate in three seconds with its fast-tracking mode.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
Fast mount is the term for the accelerated tracking speed of a gun/weapon mount. It doesn't effect the speed at which the weapon fires, but it is used to greatly improve accuracy of each shot.


Disney's Princess
[member="Bianca"] [member="Captain Larraq"]

Thanks guys and gals. It was a new term to me. Never head of a "fast mount" before. Just curious. I look forward to seeing whether it's a x1 or x2 mod. Cheers. :)
Well, unless the general rule on them has changed since I left the factory team, then Larraq pretty squarely summed it up; x1 modifier for a capital gun that precluded the use of other modifiers. So no heavy fastmounts, or dual fast mounts, etc, etc.
I think I know where you're coming with for this question and I'll say that if its already approved it stays approved unless it looks like its being abused. That said it's already been voluntarily nerfed along with the others.
[member="Josiah Denko"]

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