The Sith’ari
![Aspect of Passion](/data/avatars/s/21/21758.jpg?1615164127)
"Often Sith well versed in Dun Moch attempt to state theories and possibilities as asserted facts; that the opponent is fearful, that they are weak. One does it to undermine their opponent just as much as they do it to convince themselves of their superiority.", the Worm offered casually.
“Bold. No Your Majesty, it was not Dun Möch, there need be no theory when all present can see if they look just beneath the false veneer portrayed. You spit words and contradict your own positions among your people yet decry another who carries the torch far greater than you could.”
"You've said you see a thousand weaknesses - but the Seventh Day Emperor saw them too. You hope to consume our being individually, but have not yet gleamed the unification you bear witness to. For all you claim to witness, you have yet to realize the singular truth of my existence."
"That we are eternal, the very culmination of the Sith Order standing before you - and you hope to undo it with paltry spells."
“You are what’s left of a weak, broken order. No better than the Brotherhood of Darkness, you weaken the Sith with your existence and bring us to mediocrity. The title a common darksider trope instead of a seat of power. I can feel your immense strength but at the same time all the weakness that plagues the order ever so. If you are so powerful then strike me down and take the mantle.”
The Worm slowly raised his left hand from the robe - spindly and elongated, it looked more bone than being. Carved ebony wrapped fingers slowly tightened around the grasp of the Force Solipsis intended to impart on the Worm; and like a vice, began to cut it off until it gasped for breath in his presence, fought to stay alive facing the Left Handed God.
Darth Solipsis eyed his opponent in a puzzled state, wondering what he was doing to the brief mental attack meant to inspire looped memories within his past lives. Was it hubris? A psychological move to put him on guard and demoralize him? He pondered as the Worm rose his hand like a vice awkwardly in silence. It dawned on him in that moment that an attack on his attack was being made, a strange endeavor but a powerful one made by his opponent nonetheless.
"Tell me, Darth Solipsis, what weakness do you see? Is it fear - one of the very powers that give a Sith their strength? Perhaps it is hubris, that we are convinced of ascension with no ground - yet stand before the Sith untested. For all your grandstanding, your willful ignorance, you've declared yourself the Dark Lord and do not even understand the very foundation you've stood upon."
“It is most unfortunate that your false pretenses hold no merit and are baseless claims. You word vomit, speaking in a desperate bid to cow me and downplay my claim. You seek relevance, you seek recognition when there is none to have. You refuse to step up and engage in our sacred traditions when a challenge is clear, that alone shows your true colors.
That is fear.
A true Sith rules fear and would never allow themselves to be ruled by it. I’m afraid that is what you fail to understand. You are weak.”
"One kaggath of a Dark Lord does not the Sith'ari make. One planet pales in comparison to the overwhelming nature of the Force - and we, Darth Solipsis, are more the Force than you can truly comprehend."
The Dark Lord chuckled aloud and clasped his hands together, “You presume strength over the entirety of the Sith? You who would institutionalize the same tenants that you claim are broken? You who would have us all running about in mass droves wasting the potency of the Dark Side away? You who claim feudalistic qualms but boast an empire that exists only by feeding from the scraps of the Sith Empire built by
![Darth Carnifex](/data/avatars/s/0/56.jpg?1711070728)
The Sith Master’s smile faded away and in it’s place came a wicked scowl filled with dark grimace as his eyes peeled away at the layers of
![Aspect of Passion](/data/avatars/s/21/21758.jpg?1615164127)
“If we are finished with this debate, let us enter this kaggath and determine who is the true Dark Lord once and for all. Your place among the Sith ends this day by my hand or your own. The true face of the False God revealed.
If you refuse then you have proven yourself no Sith’ari.
No perfect being without equal.
No savior to destroy the Sith and bring them to new heights, your legacy will die and you will be forgotten.”
His hand rose in gesture, motioning toward the Worm with an open grasp.
“..but if you kill me.
You will have proven that your power is without equal. They will all fall in line, no disputing the title of Dark Lord of the Sith rightfully seized.
What say you Sith’ari?”
It was in that moment the Dark Lord felt a blast spread throughout the entirety of the hold, a wave of Dark Side energy that wracked against his feeble form as a lone figure emerged. The Elder straightened his posture and hissed openly, awaiting the one to come and determine if he be friend or foe. The Sith Master cooed with dark grimace as the Dark One before him, this
![The Usurper](/data/avatars/s/23/23870.jpg?1619573669)