"No, not all Sith are horrible people. But there's a reason they're with the Sith" He said. "Once their lust for power and control puts you in their way... Well, they won't hesitate to put you down, no matter what kind of person you think they are. I've had friends in the Sith before... But I always separate my personal from business, because well... Trying to get their help for business is just that - trying to get the enemy to help you in business. And even if they don't say they want anything in return... Chances are they're getting something. You just don't know it" Josh would lecture, staring at her for a moment. What she was doing was very risky - and unwise. Sure, being friends with Sith was unwise and risky too. But this... Well, involving Sith in your business side was just plain stupid.
"As for the slavery thing... Just remember this. The One Sith's predecessor, The Sith Empire... Were heavily involved in the slave trade. It was one of their main ventures. While some Sith may not like it, the same cannot be said for most. Be warned" He would add. When the attack on the Senate building was brought up, he bit his lip. "I was there" He said. "It was horrible. So many people died... All because the Republic Senate was foolish enough not to listen" He spoke, shaking his head.
"It's kind of funny, really... That most of your Supreme Chancellors in recent years left for slander reasons, or were impeached because you turned on them. But the two times, in a row actually... That former Jedi took the role, their farewells were done as sacrifices. First came Aleidis Ijet... She became the Supreme Chancellor, and her reign ended because the Republic just couldn't get it's hands out of the war cookie jar. She was a pacifist... Similar to me. And she worked so hard to bring peace just not for the Republic, but for the galaxy at large to set the example. She wanted the Republic to not only succeed, and be a peaceful nation... But be the example for other governing bodies to follow suit. But the rest of the Republic didn't agree with her. It was funny, really... You know the saying that gets thrown around a lot... It's not Star Peace, it's Star Wars..." He said, referring to the fact wars were waged amongst the stars, from planet to planet. "Republic officers broke the terms of one of her treaties, one that turned most factions against the Republic in hopes of destroying it after it had proven to be a warmongering governing body despite all that she had worked hard for. All her work had been destroyed, but her last act was done to protect the Republic... And the galaxy. She ended the Sith Lord Velok, losing her arm in the process, and disappeared after resigning, knowing she'd be impeached for what the Republic had done without her say so. Her final act was an act of sacrifice... She didn't act because she wanted power... Or to help her own agendas... Her final act was to protect the Republic, and this galaxy, from what might have been one of it's greatest threats"
"And then, her successor, the at-the-time Vice Chancellor, Philip J. Halen. He was also a former Jedi, from a long time ago... Though unlike Aleidis, the Senate didn't know until the very end. When he took Aleidis's place, it was on him alone to clean up what the Republic had done during Aleidis's rule. And while he was trying to save the Republic, all of your Senators were trying to gain favor and power for when the election would soon come, as Halen was only temporary. As he tried to pick up the pieces, all the other Senators did was lob insults at him, and try to make him look bad to voters so he wouldn't have a chance when the election came... All they cared about was power and their agendas. Not the Republic. Not it's people. Not the Jedi... Just themselves. But eventually... Halen managed to, while making sacrifices that were unpopular to the Senate, fix the damage that the Republic itself had caused without Aleidis's input at all. IT shot itself in the foot... And Halen worked tirelessly to fix it, even as he was ridiculed and insulted by his co-workers. His final act... Also came as a sacrifice. He set up the election they'd wanted so badly, and then revealed himself to be a force user, and a former Jedi, knowing they'd try to impeach him for it. But of course... He had his reasons. As the moment he did, he revealed to them that there were Sith in the room that were in the guise of Senators, who had infiltrated the Republic. Among them... Mikhail Shorn, and Circe Savan. They were both pointed out, and Halen resigned, not wanting to deal with the bullchit anymore, and knowing they'd focus more on the Sith in their midst if he was out of the picture"
"Of course... They didn't. Instead, they all focused on the election, and didn't do a damn thing about the Sith... And soon enough, One of those Sith, Shorn... Made themselves known. I'm pretty sure Savan is still on the Senate, think her name was Jentara or something, but she wasn't involved in the attack. Shorn though... He and another Sith made themselves known, and brutally destroyed the Senate from the inside... And everyone in the vicinity. It could have been prevented... Fully prevented. But they didn't listen. They were all too consumed in their own power and agendas to bother. Two Jedi in a row became the leader, and their reigns ended via them making a sacrifice... And yet, despite all that... And the rest the Jedi has done... Your Senate still wishes to make Jedi their slaves. It disgusts me"
To her question, he smiled faintly. "Probably not" He said. "And why would they? When I left that Order, I exposed the truth, and gave way for many more of their Jedi to see it and leave. By what I've been told.. My actions inspired the creation of the Silver Jedi, now known as the Silver Sanctum, where many of those Jedi are now. That... And my disagreement with the way the Republic's Jedi Order, as they're more akined to now, runs things... I don't think they like me very much" He remarked, smirking. "And they've looked for any excuse to kill my masterhood, despite me being a member of the Silver Jedi. One of them tried to have me vindicated because a Dark Jedi hugged me once, as I mentioned. Not joking"
"But... If the Senate wishes to make the Jedi slaves... I'll find a way. They may have wronged me, backstabbed me, and cast me aside after all the years of loyalty, service and sacrifice... But no branch of Jedi should become a political party's slaves and soldiers. That love for them is still there to return and deliver them one more time"
[member="Lady Kay"]