Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A fire from the ashes... (PM for invite)

Nodding, he grabbed the tools, easily wrapping them up in a tool cloth and tucked them under his arm, the sonic weapon from earlier hanging from his hip as he closed the safe and nodded. The nod was almost as if to himself and he eyed Anija.

"Don't suppose you know where I could find a proper forge to work out of? I have some beskar I need to shape.... And, I was wondering if you knew much about Ionite, Ostrine, and needing some help modifying an old repulsor-lift design...."

[member="Anija Ordo"]

Catherine Romanov

Ijaat had requested to look for ways to counter the effects of Ionite. Pairing Ionite and electronics was real tricky business. Due to the strong magnetic fields that the material possessed, it seriously wrecked any electronics that came into its vicinity. Only really skilled and talented smiths and engineers had the required level of expertise needed to combine the two. Catherine had heard about Ionite, but working with it was a totally different matter. As the suit was meant to integrate Ijaat back into Mandalorian culture, she had decided to defer back to Ijaat for his further feedback on the material.

[member="Ijaat Akun"] | [member="Anija Ordo"]
Slamming a final shot, the brown eyed man grinned and motioned lazily for Anija to followed as he walked into the back and disappeared behind a door he left open for her. Once back in his office he began to type, pulling up metallurgical and mineral data on ionite and ostrine, along with the file on beskar. He adjusted the tool roll from his safe on his lap, and smiled, humming a little tune as his fingers and hands moved almost gracefully. And, was that a twinkle in his eye?

He frowned as he muttered aloud, chewing on a holo-stylus he had in his hand in thought. There was potential, but his initial design would have to change. Plating of ionite would be too hard to contain, and disastrous if he touched say, his helmet. So would the plating of it in his forehead. The toe spikes were fine, but he twirled the three hundred sixty degree view holo and tapped them, highlighting them separately. With a flick of his fingers he began adjusting. Adding an insulated barrier plate of neutronium with a rubber backing behind the spikes should do nicely to defuse the ionite effect there...

As for the hands, he tapped them with the stlyus and watched as the holo zoomed in there. For some reason, his 'juices' as it were seemed to really be flowing... One of those moments of clairty and hyper focus. If he reduced the plates to diamond pyramid studs on the hands, like sappers gloves, with a plate on the back of the hand, all insulated like the toe spikes on the boots... It should work... To make sure, he rubberized the contact points of the gauntlets where he could, without interfereing with their functions as crushgaunts.

As a final touch, he added a band of ostrine to the vambrace part of the gauntlets, running from the outside side of the arm out to the elbow flairs' tip and on the inside to the edge of the gauntlet, both being positioned so flexing and moving the limb shouldn't bring the ostrine band into contact with any flesh or such. It would would for helping block lightsaber blows in close range, and if he could get in a karate chop like attack or a clothesline to the throat or such, it certainly would not feel terribly good at all to his target.

"Well, there it is so far" he said with a gleeful chuckle, hitting a button to cause the exploded view to contract to a regular condensed 360 view for Anija, as he expected her to be behind him now. Or maybe he was just talking to him self...

[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

Anija knocked back her drink as she watched him go, a faint frown etching her face for a moment. The alcohol burned pleasantly on it's way down - and it was just what she needed after the last few days. Shaking her head slightly at the apparent dismissal of the other woman, Anija sighed. She was aware that many knew of her reputation at least. Feth, having Mandal Hypernautics attached to her name got some interesting reactions, perhaps only slightly less so than the fact she was one of the leaders of the Protectors. Ijaat himself was proof of that fact.

But, Ijaat had taken her words well, and for that she was very glad. She knew some wouldn't have reacted well. Setting her cup down, she hopped of the barstool and tucked her buy'ce under her arm before slipping through the door he'd left open in unspoken invitation. As she stepped into the room, she could faintly hear the tapping of keys on his computer as he typed away. Her lips quirked slightly at that thought. To say she was grateful for Arrbi's gift of ANNE was an understatement. ANNE made Anija's design work so much simpler.

As that train of thought flitted across her mind, she studied the hologram floating over his desk closely. She wasn't entirely familiar with some of the metallurgical equations that were floating off to the side of the hologram, but she was able to at least get a general idea of what he was trying to do. She watched as he shrunk down the hologram so that the whole suit was displayed. Taking a moment to study it, she nodded. "Looks pretty solid. If you want, I could take a look at some of the systems, as that is more my specialty than metallurgical work." At that comment, he was glad her buy'ce was off, for she only heard a faint murmur of ANNE's voice coming from the internal speakers. Placing her hand of the speaker output, Anija sighed slightly and resisted the urge to roll her eyes at ANNE's commentary.
Ijaat grinned a bit and nodded, bringing up the helmet with a flicker of his hand, noting several systems in red. They were uncomplicated things, but the tricky part was when you put ionite in the gauntlets, even insulted, a wrong move of the hands could short them out if left alone and default. And that was not what he was going for in this effort. He needed his helmet functioning and without glitches.

"I based this off a helmet I took in for repair a while back, which i still do off and on. Hyperion Security was the maker, I believe? Something like that. But it was durasteel. I patched it, and rewired the systems. The problem is, for things like vital monitoring and active probing, like seeing how much 02 is left, the ionite could easily distort their readings if my hands go near my head. Especially the visual monitoring equipment. It won't short it out now, but it will distort it.. I'm wondering if I should run rubber around them with a thin casing of neutronium to keep it from going haywire?"

Here Ijaat stopped and looked at the other Mandalorian, shrugging. He was ok with systems, but when it came to something this involved, he would struggle quite a bit, unlike someone like her.

[member="Anija Ordo"]

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