Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Fist Full of Credits

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP

Dustin listened to her explain how her mission wasn’t time sensitive and nodded before hearing her suggestion for the moment. “Heh, I was honestly just about to ask if you had any ideas on how to pass the time here if we were gonna wait. With us having this whole ship to ourselves.” He replied looking at her lightsaber, did she name her weapon Lucy. He personally never met anyone that named their lightsaber like that before.

“Well I suppose a bit of sparring wouldn’t hurt, and would be a whole lot more interesting than playing Dejarik in the meantime. Let’s use the cargo hold and clear out the space for it.” Dustin said before walking into the room to do just that. Reaching out with his hand to telekinetically move and shift the cargo in it to one end of the cargo hold to open things up for them. He honestly hasn’t practiced much in his saber to saber combat in a while.

“If you wanna make it a bit more fun we can throw in a little wager perhaps. Maybe something for the assumed victor if you want to make things a bit more competitive."


Too many characters, I have
Sparring? With a wager? She didn't have much to wager exactly.

"" She considered it. "I have my blaster pistol I don't use much, I guess. Ain't no way I'm wagering any of my other weapons." She paused, a thought crossing her mind. "Maybe a kiss then. You win, you get a kiss. I win, you gotta go find your exes and apologize to them for whatever you did."

Guy like him? She figured it was his fault. But she was also just being cheeky. Not like she had much stake in his personal life. Helping push the cargo out of the way, she paused, looking at the various weapons around them. "...we should destroy this stuff anyways. If the outer rim is ever gonna find some sort of stability, having weapons like this floating around isn't exactly gonna help."

Dustin Cin-Bad

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP

Dustin narrowed his eyes at Jonyna some. Her suggestion took a turn he hadn’t really expected. He was thinking more something along the lines of bragging rights or favors. She also seemed to assume that he was at fault for something with his exes on Ryloth. Which almost got a laugh out of him. Instead he rolled his eyes a little. The Rogue Jedi then gave a casual shrug and a nod. “A kiss huh? Not really what I had in mind but I suppose that could work.” She then mentioned the crates of weapons around here and he nodded.

“I agree, but that won’t be difficult. Just dump them in the nearest gravity well and let reentry do the work for you.” Dustin suggested having them just burn up in a planet’s atmosphere. Glancing back to Jonyna, telekinetically Dustin summoned the hilt of his lightsaber to his hand. Igniting the radiant yellow blade, along with two smaller ones at the end of the hilt forming a crossguard design.

“It has been a good while since I’ve had any real combat against someone else who wields a lightsaber.”


Too many characters, I have
Jonyna smirked, using the force to draw her own saber, the snap-hiss of it igniting with a ruby glow lighting up her face as she took the most basic of stances. Form I. From the looks of it, she was right handed. leaving her left side exposed as she held her weapon with both hands, though it also left her sword in it's hilt hidden from view.

"Weird saber. My buddy Giran would love that kinda thing..."

Dustin Cin-Bad
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Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Dustin smirked and gave a shrug, “It was a far more practical design for me back in the day. A more streamlined one like yours might be better suited now.” He admitted, recalling how the cross guards have become less of an advantage for himself now. “I say we go for best two out of three, how about that?”

With Jonyna igniting her own saber Dustin would give a quick salute with his blade, accompanied with a flourish before bringing his weapon low pointed down and to his back with his knees bent some in a “tail guard”. Leaving the left side exposed like his opponent along with a good deal more of his body. He wanted to be more passive now so he could better react to Jonyna’s own actions. His eyes were fixed on her and any movements she made.
The Cathar circled around a bit, sizing up her opponent. "Two out of three sounds good. No lethal strikes, no lasting wounds?"

Trained eyes watched how the other moved, watching his feet before his saber, while ears honed in on the sound of how his saber moved within the air. She was ready.

Dustin Cin-Bad

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Dustin nodded, he already had his weapon at its lowest setting to insure that it wouldn’t cause any damage. For now Jonyna seemed about as cautious as he was, not moving in yet to engage. Initially he was put off by her deep red saber. But he hadn’t sensed any malice from her or her weapon. He also knew that one did not need to torment or “bleed” a kyber crystal for it to have such a color.

Stepping forwards the roguish Jedi went in for an attack, a swift, diagonal upward cut from his right side to have his blade engage hers. Although his weapon had some momentum with his strike it was still at a disadvantage from where he blade was coming in from. So he tried to maneuver his amber blade to be on top of her ruby weapon to gain better leverage.
Jonyna's response would probably be considered a faux paw in jedi circles of her day.

She turned off her saber, instead dropping one hand to quickdraw Sally, aiming the cortosis blade right at the saber that had slashed past her extinguished blade. Disable the saber, get in a first hit. Because in a real duel, it only took one to finish the job.

Dustin Cin-Bad

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The Ysanna could only flinch a little as his blade failed to connect with his opponent. Jonyna was being tricky with her fighting, utilizing the often frowned upon style of Trakata. Before he knew it she drew her other blade, an actual blade and not some shaft of plasma. As it made contact with his lightsaber it shorted out. In an instant Dustin knew that she’d won this round.

Accepting that defeat he gave a bit of a smirk. “Trakata huh? That’s a risky move.” Sure it could throw off an opponent, but to do it removes a Jedi’s main tool of defense and backfire badly. “I also figured there was something special about that blade of yours. With the way you grabbed at its hilt when I first ran into you earlier. Now I can see why. Cortosis I imagine?”
"It's a nasty one off." Jonyna smirked, sheathing her katana once more. "Rarely works twice, but I don't usually need a second go." She looked to the rogue with a chuckle. "What you doing all the way out here and not in the order anyways?"

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

“Yeah I could imagine, I’d committed myself to binding my lightsaber against yours.” Dustin explained, figuring that played no small part. He then listened to the cathar’s question and replied. With his saber temporarily disabled now because of the cortosis blade he saw no reason not to answer it.

Dustin let out a sigh, “I wish I had a good answer. I was a Jedi watchman years back in northern hutt space. When the Bryn’adul attacked the region I was driven off. I was assumed to be KIA, and I was just too ashamed to go back to the order.” The veteran Jedi explained some. He didn’t think it was a very good explanation but he was being honest.

Dustin Cin-Bad



Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

At first Dustin felt a little taken back by Jonyna’s words. It had been many years since he officially worked alongside other Jedi. It was almost hard to imagine what going back to that kind life would be like. After all he knew that the Silver Jedi weren’t really even around anymore.

The Rouge looked down at her hand before reaching out and taking it. Staring back at her he nodded and replied. “That works for me, I can help you with what you need, and we can go back to coruscant.”

Jonyna smiled. "Sounds like a plan. We deal with your target, I take you to Ryloth, then we head back to Coruscant to get you back into the Order." She smirked, taking a more traditional Form V stance this time as she reignited Lucy. "Round two then. Let's go."

Dustin Cin-Bad

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