That Crazed Witch
Objective: The Blood Moon Brawl / Post 3
Purpose: Elimination
Enemy: A pocket of Resistance forces and refugees, a Force user
Nearby: Targets / Force Sensitive(s) sensed
Deep echoes of a rumbling lift briefly pulled the Sith's attention before it clattered to a halt. Whoever or whatever had activated that old machinery certainly was not one inclined for subtlety. Either they were in a rush, or the lift had carried more than it should have in weight. It was hard to say. The rumbling echoes were too far to pinpoint their exact distance. The only thing the Witch could be certain off was that something Dark moved in that direction. No matter. At such a distance away from her, Malsifera could and would be gone since quite a while by the time they'd ever arrive here. If they even found the way towards this mining pocket to begin with.
In turn, as she dispersed her focus on the distant noise, she decided it was high time to get into action herself. She snuck closer, under the guise of the shadows, until she stood under one of the scaffolds. She knew one of the lookouts would be right on top of her, but by standing right under the entire construct he'd be left helpless to her schemes as he had no line of sight upon the intruder. As for the other lookout...? Once Malsifera had ushered the words of her Witchcraft and the poisonous fog welled upon in the center of this makeshift camp, she reached out to the scaffolding with the Force. Pulling at the scrappy base of the construct, the whole thing came plummeting down. Including the lookout. A scared yell, a couple of unfortunate victims. Chaos reigned across those who didn't cough up a lung or downright died spitting up blood. From under the shadows still, the dreadful gaze of the Sith observed her orchestra of pain and suffering in quiet joy.
But as quickly as the chaos had welled up, as quickly did the serenity of the dead return. All but the man on top of his scaffolding, who could do nothing but watch it all unfold in helpless horror, and the Force sensitive, who must have discovered the means of regulating her breath through the Force, remained to tell the tale. As the man above had practically gone catatonic in his dismay, the Witch eventually stood eye in eye with the young girl. She guessed her to be a year or fifteen. Old enough to reason, too young to understand it all. But she did understand Malsifera was not the sort of companion she had wanted as pillow friend.
"You did this, didn't you? Why? Why?! They had done no wrong!"
"How naive a mindset. But can we blame the ignorant for not knowing what the future holds?"
"All they wanted was to live. Find a new home. Find hope."
"Yes... That's always it, isn't it? They want, want, want. And take, take, take. And you would have given them all. All you have and all you are."
"It is typical for the weak to look up towards the suns. Suns like you. Who bring hope with your rays of light. But as you nurture them, all they come to learn is weakness and greed. They'll want more. Eventually comes the day where you will not be able to meet their expectations and demands... And that is when they will turn against you."
"They wouldn't do that!"
"Many have fallen under such auspicious, hopeful desillusions. You're neither the first, nor the last. Should I let you live so you come to experience my words firsthand...? Or should I just end your pathetic babbling here and now and spare you the suffering...?"
"You wouldn't..."
"Dare...?", she finished the sentence, flashing a malefic smile. Sufficiently malefic for the girl to take a step back and look around in panic for another exit. "No. Let it not me be the one who shows you the truth. It is the world itself who will show you how right I am."
And at those words, the Witch pulled herself again within the shadows. Gone from the girl's view. Her only hope to find her way out of this underground maze gone, no matter how sinister the Witch. But should she survive somehow, Malsifera was sure the two would meet again some day. Perhaps to oppose each other in earnest duel. Perhaps to see her succumb to the darkess she so foolishly tried to keep at bay.
At least those pesky flies send by the Resistance had been swatted...
Purpose: Elimination
Enemy: A pocket of Resistance forces and refugees, a Force user
Nearby: Targets / Force Sensitive(s) sensed
Deep echoes of a rumbling lift briefly pulled the Sith's attention before it clattered to a halt. Whoever or whatever had activated that old machinery certainly was not one inclined for subtlety. Either they were in a rush, or the lift had carried more than it should have in weight. It was hard to say. The rumbling echoes were too far to pinpoint their exact distance. The only thing the Witch could be certain off was that something Dark moved in that direction. No matter. At such a distance away from her, Malsifera could and would be gone since quite a while by the time they'd ever arrive here. If they even found the way towards this mining pocket to begin with.
In turn, as she dispersed her focus on the distant noise, she decided it was high time to get into action herself. She snuck closer, under the guise of the shadows, until she stood under one of the scaffolds. She knew one of the lookouts would be right on top of her, but by standing right under the entire construct he'd be left helpless to her schemes as he had no line of sight upon the intruder. As for the other lookout...? Once Malsifera had ushered the words of her Witchcraft and the poisonous fog welled upon in the center of this makeshift camp, she reached out to the scaffolding with the Force. Pulling at the scrappy base of the construct, the whole thing came plummeting down. Including the lookout. A scared yell, a couple of unfortunate victims. Chaos reigned across those who didn't cough up a lung or downright died spitting up blood. From under the shadows still, the dreadful gaze of the Sith observed her orchestra of pain and suffering in quiet joy.
But as quickly as the chaos had welled up, as quickly did the serenity of the dead return. All but the man on top of his scaffolding, who could do nothing but watch it all unfold in helpless horror, and the Force sensitive, who must have discovered the means of regulating her breath through the Force, remained to tell the tale. As the man above had practically gone catatonic in his dismay, the Witch eventually stood eye in eye with the young girl. She guessed her to be a year or fifteen. Old enough to reason, too young to understand it all. But she did understand Malsifera was not the sort of companion she had wanted as pillow friend.
"You did this, didn't you? Why? Why?! They had done no wrong!"
"How naive a mindset. But can we blame the ignorant for not knowing what the future holds?"
"All they wanted was to live. Find a new home. Find hope."
"Yes... That's always it, isn't it? They want, want, want. And take, take, take. And you would have given them all. All you have and all you are."
"It is typical for the weak to look up towards the suns. Suns like you. Who bring hope with your rays of light. But as you nurture them, all they come to learn is weakness and greed. They'll want more. Eventually comes the day where you will not be able to meet their expectations and demands... And that is when they will turn against you."
"They wouldn't do that!"
"Many have fallen under such auspicious, hopeful desillusions. You're neither the first, nor the last. Should I let you live so you come to experience my words firsthand...? Or should I just end your pathetic babbling here and now and spare you the suffering...?"
"You wouldn't..."
"Dare...?", she finished the sentence, flashing a malefic smile. Sufficiently malefic for the girl to take a step back and look around in panic for another exit. "No. Let it not me be the one who shows you the truth. It is the world itself who will show you how right I am."
And at those words, the Witch pulled herself again within the shadows. Gone from the girl's view. Her only hope to find her way out of this underground maze gone, no matter how sinister the Witch. But should she survive somehow, Malsifera was sure the two would meet again some day. Perhaps to oppose each other in earnest duel. Perhaps to see her succumb to the darkess she so foolishly tried to keep at bay.
At least those pesky flies send by the Resistance had been swatted...