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Faction A formal introduction | The Diarchy [Complete]

Location: Hanger bay of the DSD-Dominion

Reign stood in the hanger bay of his flagship. He had summoned all of the new members of the Diarchy to come together. He needed to take stock of their power. The summons had not, of course, included his brother, Lord Rellik would know that Reign needed him. He would be here.
No, this meeting was for their newest allies. Here they would demonstrate the facilities and amenities that the Dominion had at their disposal.

Standing next to the Dark Lord as he waited, were his daughters and apprentices, Lady Nightmare and Lady Shadow. They were ever present when Reign was on board, and he valued their council above all others.
“What do we make of this gathering my children? Each member unique and powerful in their own right. A master of their craft, come to call this place home”

Lady Nightmare, his older daughter and first apprentice, responded quickly “They are Sith father, surely there will be harsh words and harsher tempers..but we have all been called here for a reason”

Lady Shadow, second born and second apprentice echoed her sister’s sentiments “Surely there will be some brawls as well, I hope take part in at least one!”

At this Reign gave his daughter a sharp look. Remembering the sting of the Necromancer’s lightning. “Do not mistake the power you hold now, as anything close to what our allies can muster. You will keep out of such things until you are ready”

The Dark Lord watched as the shuttles approached, anxious to begin.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will

The Proteus came out of hyperspace:


The Great Observatory Ship suspended amongst the stars in the blackness between it and The Dominion. Out of its hangar there was motion, a great white orb with lights that hurled as if globus to Hangar. It passed through the shield wall, and rolled to a stop. There was a sound of cracking, as the shell of the Pod opened, steam pouring out like the vents of volcanos on Mustafar. Emerging from this smoke like obfuscation was a figure dipped in blood, the leather of Lord Hemorpheus shimmering as if alive. Walking not far behind was a woman in red and black mantels, her skin pale and her steps soft and soundless. Her brow painted with the gnarled marks of Dathomir.

The Dark Scientist approaching Darth Reign Darth Reign gave a bow, his head stretching to the floor, as his right fist encased in the same leather pressed on a hard chest, the bearing was metallic, for beneath was his tanks of life giving air.
Lord Reign, I wish to offer my gratitude for your interest in my odyssey, and the fruit thereof. That you are a Sith of vision at last who is not threaten by my Plagueian sympathies.”

He raised his helm up, his visor focusing in The Lord,
I beg your pardon that my condition prevents you seeing my face. If I can convey my jubilance at this alliance, I would say that I am ready to pledge myself to The Diarchy, as is my assistant, Anastarsia Anastarsia .”
A one-man ship came out of hyperspace above the planet Mustafar. Inside the ship, was Darth Nexion. He'd relieved the summons to Darth Reign Darth Reign 's flagship and had finally arrived from Dhartag. He pulled up into the hanger bay, hopping out of the fighter and noting the group of five dark side individuals, and walked towards them.

"Well, this is embarrassing, I'm the only one without company."

The Necromancer reached the group and slightly nodded his head towards his host.

"A pleasure to see you again, Reign. I see you're doing well. You, I don't believe we've been acquainted. Darth Nexion, at your service."

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Anastarsia sat beside Lord Hemorpheus, the Pod carried them to the hangar of the Lords of the Diarchy. Hemorph had told her that to accomplish their goals they needed to form alliances. The war between The Galatic Alliance and The Sith Empire was eclipsing worlds in destruction. If they were to see The Great Fruit of their Search, what Hemorpheus called the Odyssey, they would need allies.

When the Pod shaped shuttle opened, and the steam rose as the incense she remembered on Dathomir, she felt a twinge of hesitation, allowing Hemorph to make some distance as she saw a vision of The Great Mother, and the Witching Hour when she learned how to wield the power to move like the Winged Goddess and to conjure the Flame of the Fanged God.

As she quietly came behind Hemorpheus, she saw the two Daughters beside @Lord Reign. One was circumspect and appeared to be the elder of the two, the other possessed that quality of a predator seeking a fight and was the younger. Ana came to the side of her Lord and crossed her scarlet gloves.
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Stepping out of his IV-9 RangeMaster Scout Ship Rellik had a irradiator box in his hands and a litigation droid following him. As he approached he addressed the entire room. "Forgive me for my tardiness, I was finishing up a project in my ship. One I hope you will all enjoy as a gift of our first meeting. My name is Darth Rellik" As he moved across the room he opened the irradiator box to show several gas canisters of Dioxis gas. Handing one cannister to each participant in the room except for Reign and his apprentices.

"This is Dioxis gas, a poison used by the separatist's during the war against the clone army of the republic. A little side project I was working on in the laboratory of my ship. This one canister each can be used sparingly or put through ventilation systems to kill a room of your foes. Do not worry, the irradiator box has cleaned the exterior of the canisters of any contaminants."

After handing the canisters out he stood next to Reign and gave a large bow to each new member of the Diarchy. With a slight smile and standing tall Rellik seemed pleased with himself in his typical self centered manner. He awaited Reigns further address's of the crowd.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia
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The Dark Lord took a moment to bask in the power that was gathered before him. Each of these Sith were strong in their own way, yet perhaps not what one would expect. He was curious to see the Nightsister, but trusted in Darth Hemorpheus' judgement. Taking them each in turn Reign first turned to the Dark Scientist and greeted him with a bow of his head.

"Lord Hemorpheus, thank you for making the journey, I am pleased to see you my friend. I am hoping there is much you can show me of your progress. I have suites I would very much like to show you here on the Dominion. Welcome as well to your assistant, she will find great company here" Reign said, while turning his gaze to his apprentices standing slightly behind him. He would seek to ask about the Nightsister's training regiment later, it could serve as a new challenge to his daughters.

Turning to Nexion, Reign greeted the Necromancer in turn
"Nexion, thank you for heeding my summons, I was anxious for our work to begin. I have suites for you as well that I think will be to your liking. I stand by my promise of resources and support, and I am sure you will be pleased with what we have here."

Addressing the gathering as a whole Reign stepped aside to introduce his children. "These are my apprentices, Lady Nightmare and Lady Shadow, they are ever present aboard the dominion while they complete their studies" Responding in unison, with perhaps a touch of sarcasm on Lady Shadow's part they said "Greetings, my lords"

Reign started walking to the exit of the hanger, the Soldiers and Naval officers standing at attention to either side of him. As he walked he spoke to the gathering "as you can see, our following is quite small right now. However, we have much in the works to rapidly expand our power. We are in the process of recruiting more seasoned veterans to our military forces, and expanding our combat efficiency." Reign looked to the Lords gathered there, "As I know military might is not the power the two of you seek, please follow me to the medical and research suites"

Reign waited a moment for questions, before he walked through the door and down a long hallway.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Anastarsia Anastarsia
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Walking next to Darth Hemorpheus and his Apprentice as we all left the hanger Rellik decided to pry into the scientist for a moment. "My brother tells me you are a man of many wonderous talents. I would like to pry about your alchemic and scientific efforts when you have some time. I am no where near a full scientist myself but more of a historian. Hence the poison I had given out earlier. If you are willing Lord I would love to study under you and in return offer the services of my stealth ship which has a laboratory and medical bay which would be open for you and your apprentice"

This gathering of lords is truly fascinating, such different personalities and talents. Rellik had neither been so open with fellow sith or casually accepted their company. Darth Nexion seems like a welcoming fellow as well and Rellik would be interested in seeing his talents in real time. Reign informed him of their meeting, such power is incredible and dangerous. Once Darth Nexion settles in Rellik will try to speak to him as well about the history of his abilities and how they may work together. He doesn't want to let his aura of indulgence make him a fool, he will approach the lord in the same manner Nexion did for Reign, cordially and possibly with some wine.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
As the group left the hanger and began to walk down the hallway, Nexion looked around the ship before looking back at the group and analysing his current companions:

Darth Reign Darth Reign , the reason he was here. He seemed competent enough, and even if he lost to him, Nexion could tell he was no slouch in his personal power. Given a few more years, Reign (and his brother) would grow stronger, and maybe he'll challenge him again to gauge where he's at. However, even though he knew of his conviction, Nexion still only agreed to lend his aid because of the resources he'd aquire.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik , Reign's brother. He overheard his conversation with Darth Hemorpheus and gathered that Rellik is more of a pleaser. Now, he may be wrong, but he gave off the feel of trying to lower someone's guard to learn their secrets/have control over another.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus , his fellow invited Sith. From what he overheard, he was a scientist. Maybe he's be willing to assist him further his necromancy in ways he'd not thought of. He'd have to be careful though, out of the other Sith here, he seems to be the biggest threat should they fall out.

Finally, Anastarsia Anastarsia , Hermorpheus' assistant. She was a nightsister from the looks of things. Other than that, he didn't have much else to think about her, but he'd keep an eye out should anything interesting occur.

He looked back in front of him, smirking under his mask. It was a good thing he accepted this invitation, because this may be more interesting then he first thought.
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus gave nod to Lord Nexion,
The honor is mine Lord Nexion.
The Gathering was growing with each arrival, and This Sith Scientist was elated at the diversity of Darths who had different focuses and yet were united by the dark side of the Force.

When Lord Rellik offered the gas, he levitated it above his hand and examined it with his visor, it was a good grade poison, and a fitting gift among Sith.
Grazie Lord Rellik, I have many gifts to bequeath that I hope will impress. I offer knowledge, and a path in the dark that will redefine notions of power.”

Lord Reign addressed him directly. Lord Hemorpheus’ leather looked like the flow of red blood cells all over him, a movement that convey his devotion to life. His contemporary, Darth Nexion Darth Nexion a Necromancer was likely devoted to death or the bridge between life and death was perhaps the more accurate definition. Hemorpheus was keen to work with one who had a mutual interest, for life and death were interconnected.

Darth Reign Darth Reign I am delighted by your invitation, to have a hub for my “hunt” for the secrets of the dark side. I hope that what wonders we discover together will benefit The Diarchy and help us transcend, to become “free of limits..” (Darth Plagueis said we must be hunters and stalkers of the Force, and The Sith’ari Prophecy mentionfs being free od limits, in quotations).

As The Lord of Wonder joined his new brethern in leaving the hangar, he was approached by Lord Rellik who wished to learn from him.
You wish to become my pupil? Tell me, are you willing to explore answers that could upend your understanding of The Force? That could lead to madness or a transformation so profound you will not recognize yourself?
He was not trying to dissuade The Lord, rather in a sea of suspicion he chose rather than wielding lies or obfuscating, to use the Truth, or as The Pureblood Sith called it, Saraai.
Ana kept pace and listened as one bold Lord sought to learn from Hermorph, this Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Had her attention, clearly his motives must be mutifacted. She did not trust him. Darth Nexion Darth Nexion concerned her more, she felt about the Sith something akin to the Necro NightSisters on Dath. She would be careful not to reveal her Magick, lest he have interat in using it in summoning the dead. She had agreeed to help Hemorpheus, this Diarchy she held some reservations over. She knew the Sith were fractious and power hungry. That was why she trusted Hemorph, he was different, he saw in the dark power a beauty and wonder that made her see his interest was to explore, not dominate. She could be decieved, he was a Darth, and yet he had rescued her from exile and had not pried into her traditions. He was honorable, which she feared would be his undoing in this den of serpents.
Darth Reign Darth Reign seemed affable enough, the Host of this gathering. It was his Daughters she looked on with suspicion. They had the hallmarks of those seeking to prove themselves, something that in her coven turned friends into foes…
Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Was a creature whose visage was to much to ignore. Plated in armor that reminded him of one of his idol's - Emperor Sidious and hearing the mention of Plagueis upon his arrival his teachings could not be sidelined despite the ease of which he could damage Rellik. Before answering the amalgamations question of tutelage Rellik looked him over one more time. "I can see the history in your work before my eyes. The galaxy is large and this alliance of Sith will be a test of us all. I wish to prove my worth to everyone here one at a time, if I miss-step and end up in madness than it will be a madness within my own palace of a mind. A place I have the most control. An extra arm might help me become as good of a duelist as my brother as well." He lets out a chuckle.

The swirl of Dark Side energy around Rellik was energizing him to the point of breaking his character. So much potential, so much power. Darth Nexion Darth Nexion has a feeling Rellik has only sensed in Ancient Tombs piled high with looter corpses, Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus has a knowledge untapped in many years, as well as his apprentice being the first witch Rellik had ever been near, truly a fascinating creature.

If it wasn't for the group arriving at the Science and Medical suites Rellik might have made himself a fool thinking of the plans that could come of this before catching himself hearing Reigns words.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
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Reign had listened intently to the conversations behind him as we walked down the long pristine corridors. Intrigued at one this group, who had nothing in common except the dark side and, if he was being a little prideful, himself would discuss when thrown together.

He was not surprised at Rellik‘s immediate request to study. His brother was always after the finer secrets of the force. However, he couldn’t help but smile at the duelist comment, Reign had been practicing and studying HARD since his duel with the necromancer. Determined to never lose again.

Speaking of the Necromancer, Nexion was as aloof as ever. The Dark Lord could hardly get a bead on him, but he assured himself that the camaraderie would come in time.

Saving Rellik from himself, Reign announced, as he came to an area of suites on either side of the hall,
This my friends, is what I wanted to show you, Lord Hemorpheus, we shall enter your laboratory first”

Reign input a code and the doors swooshed open. Revealing a state of the art sterile white biochemistry lab, complete with growing vats for cloning small organism and an operating room, as well as plexiglass cells for observation and containment. “I have tried to have these labs tailored to your ‘unique’ Needs my friend. I hope they will be to your liking”

Turning then to Nexion and walking across the hall he spoke to the other man “Your needs were somewhat harder to cater to, my lord. But I do hope I have given you what you need to begin. As needs change so to can your space.. just advise us of what it is you need” inputting the code, the door again opened for the Dark Lord. Stepping inside one would see what could be construed as a morgue, if not for the bleeding edge technology in it. Here there were cold lockers for storage, what could be seen as an autopsy table, and similar plexiglass cages for study.

Bowing to the other lords, Reign said
“The only thing I truly wish of you at this time, is to continue your groundbreaking work. I will give you some time to familiarize yourself with your new kingdoms, and once finished we will continue to the command center of the Dominion”

With that, the Dark Lord bowed out. Allowing the Sith time to survey their work areas.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia
Knowing it is his time to leave as well, Rellik addresses Reigns eldest daughter Nightmare. "I need you to come with me, I have a task for you that must stay between us. Another little adventure." Putting on a smile that would be seen as inviting, Rellik and Nightmare walked away back to his ship, his litigation droid who has been following several feet behind the group in tow.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik spoke with a confidence, though words were one matter, bearing what doors you open in the Dark is another. Hemorpheus fixed his visor on Him,
If eager to step into the deep waters of discovery you are, then consider yourself to have taken “your first steps into a larger world.’ Words of a Jedi Master, I know, anthema. What you will learn under my sun is ‘Truth is truth anywhere,’ even if found in the repositories of the Jedi Order.”

Darth Reign Darth Reign then showed The Scientist to his Lab, the inside was spotless, and droids went to and fro holding phials. Hermorpheus turned to Anastarsia Anastarsia ,
We shall have to transport my Seat.”

Turning to Lord Reign, his shimmering leather lit up by red and orange spotlights, making him appear as moving figure of magma.

This will do nicely my Lord.”
He bowed his head with all measure of respect. Reign had delivered the garden, now Hemorpheus had to grow the fruit.
Ana peeked into the Lab, her magenta eyes took in what they could, she found herself drawing nearer to Hemorph. His presence made her feel less uneasy, and when he mentioned The Chair, she nodded,
Yes Master.. I mean, Yes my Friend.”

He had told her he did not want to be addressed as a superior, if she was to use terms it was friend or partner, for she was his partner in The Odyssey. On Dathomir ahe had not known many men, and The Nightbrothers lived afar and were considered suspect. Here she was surrounded by Sith males, if her Night Mother could see her now!

Stepping in she looked at a screen and table with a claw, and syringes. The droids took some getting use to, their mechanical movements offputting. Aboard The Proteus there was none, she alone assisted her Partner.
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus stepping into the lab came to a chair, where he sat down and beheld a window that showed the stars. The white sparkling dots with all there promise, life itself and yet many of them going dark with death. Reaching for his helm he released the pressure valve, and turned the dial on his chest. Taking his helm off, careful to remove the twin cords that fed him oxygen, he exposed a face pale and yet full of mirth, eyes dancing with circles of orange and gold, hair red as fire, and a throat in shadow that made a suction noise as he wheezed:


They.. are.. so.. beautiful.
His words straining, and shrouded in a tone akin to a moan of great pain. They were his first words he had said outside his mask in many years.

He called The Force around him, creating a vacuum so that it breathed for him. When he turned around in the throne chair and looked at Anastarsia, who seemed to gasp and be stilled by this unveiling.

Tell me.. having seen behind the mask, are you disappointed? I know.. hideous.. my throat is like the holes out there, robbing the stars of their song.”

Hemorpheus coughed as he then gave a smile. His deformity had made him formidable. The pain he used to tap into the dark side, and find succor. The misery of being bound in his suite and mask had made him Hemorpheus. Would he have sought the roads he had if his throat was whole? Would he have found the wonder and beauty in the Force if he had been spared his cross? There was no way of knowing, and yet here, now, he looked upon Ana in his infirmity with a sense of pride. He was who he was because of it.
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Ana was acclimating to the lab when to her astonishment, Hemorpheus was removing his helmet.
My friend?! What are you doing?!
Then she saw his face and was stunned, he was not ugly or deformed as she expected. Instead he was handsome, and she felt him call the power of the Sith around him and he took a breath and spoke to her. His words were full of the typical elloquence, and yet she did not notice the damage at his throat till he drew attention to it. The hole which had metal and cords that attached inside the blood stained leather ones showed great scarring. On his face was two marks, those not like hers that denoted a rite of passage, but battle wounds from a weapon, most likely one like that which hung at his belt. Cradling his left eyebrow like a crescent was piece of technology, which flickered with dots of light. And most unusual was a circlet on his brow like a crown.

What is that you wear?” She pointed with her scarlet glove fingers. It had some similarity to what the Night Mother wore, though without jewels.
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"I'll say I'm surprised. I must say that I wasn't really expecting you to look like this. I was expecting something more decrepid, nearing death. Would have made it easy for me to gain a new sample to study... oh well, this has its benefits as well."

It was a surprise to be sure, Nexion being in the room. One would think that he'd be getting accustomed to his own morgue-like lab, but he thought it be best to get properly acquainted with his new contemporary. In the same spirit, he lowered his own hood and mask, revealing his own face.

"Darth Nexion, at your service, my good sir– and madam. Fancy a drink and a talk?"

In his hands he held a bottle of wine, the same one he had during his first meeting with Reign.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Darth Reign had excused himself from the scientists, now while they explored and got accustomed to their labs, the Dark Lord had work to do.
Walking to the end of the hallway, he saw a Lieutenant standing there. He appeared to be waiting for an opportunity to approach.
"Come closer my friend" the Sith said. Causing the man to come near.

Snapping a crisp salute, the officer began his debrief.
"My lord, he have compiled the dossier on the "New Cov Biomolecule Company that you had requested. As well as a more detailed accounting of their director." The man handed Reign the datapad, flicking through it to show some relevant information. "The planetary system there has recently recovered from an attack by Sith forces, and are in the process of rebuilding"

The Dark Lord absorbed the words the office had said, pausing slightly at the mention of other Sith. "I will have to tailor my approach then, this will require delicacy if we are to get what the Diarchy needs there. Has the meeting been arranged already?" Reign was anxious to get to this phase of his plan, they required substantial funding if they were to pursue all avenues of their directive, the funds that the Dark Lord and his brother had personally would not sustain the Diarchy forever.

"Yes sir, we have received confirmation that your meeting is moving forward. It will take place upon a space station orbiting the planet, shall we ensure that there is an extract plan in place?" Reign smiled at the man, the level of devotion in his followers always made him proud. "That will not be necessary, I will take my personal shuttle there, with just an ensign copilot and my usual two guards. Thank you my friend, that will be all"

Another salute and the man was gone, he knew not to linger when Reign was busy.
Turning his attention back to the Scientists, Reign walked back down the hall with his head held high.. his plan was coming together.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Anastarsia Anastarsia
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus looking at Ana with his own eyes, replied,
A cornet talisman I recovered from Dromund Kaas. It helps ease my discomfort.”

It was then that he noticed another was in the room, Darth Nexion Darth Nexion who had his own comments on his unveiling. Hemorph chuckled,
Indeed my Lord, I wish I need not conceal my face, alas my wound requires it.

His mind drifted to a flash of memory, a cobalt blade cutting into his tracheal in the rain, robbing him of a life free of his oxygen shell. It was a testament to his power in the dark side that he had survived such truama.

At Lord Nexion’s address and offer of vintage, Hemorpheus held his hand in welclming gesture.

Certainly my Friend, it has long been since I enjoyed a drink and a good talk with a Necromancer.

He levitated a table slightly over, his eyes of flame examining Lord Nexion with his mask removed. The shrouds were caste off, at least that covering flesh. Within souls as theirs was labyrinths, hidden thoughts and plans. Hemorph found Nexion’s field of work intriguing, for Darth Plagueis was both a Necromancer and Creator, seeking to cheat death. This was the aim of sensible Sith Lords, why acquire power if you cannot keep it? There were those of a more Jedi presuasion, that the Empire, The Dark Council or Brotherhood was what mattered, and individual schemes a threat. This was the philosophy of Darth Marr, who even to preserve The Order joined forces with Jedi against a common threat, and befriended Jedi Master Satale Shan. The Dark Side tended to stir up the elevation of self, though if one could master their Passion, it was possible to bend The Force to one’s will and not go the route of Lord Sidious and Volkorion. Those who were most successful at this dark altruism was The Night Sisters. They put the Coven above all else.

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