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Faction A formal introduction | The Diarchy [Complete]

"Delightful. There's nothing like a nice conversation over a glass of good wine. This particular bottle is Corellian, one of my personal favourites."

Nexion poured the two lords a glass each, before picking up his own and reclining in his seat. He took a sip of his own glass before exhaling in satisfaction.

"I've been saving this wine for occasions just like this. It's been aging since I was an Apprentice, it's good to experience the taste. Now, let us get acquainted. If we are to be working with each other for the... foreseeable future, it'd be good to know about each other, would it not?"

He took a glance around the room.

"For example, what kind of work you have ahead of you for your lab to much more fit to the description of a lab than mine does?"

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Hemorpheus levitated a chalice of the wine to his hand and looked down into deep burgundy liquid. He held it up and took a sip. The vintage was robust, and the flavor had a hint of spice. The Corellian wines were famous, bottles found in the caskets of Lords and on hauls of smugglers.

An excellent vino my Lord Nexion. I must compliment you on the selection, and your initiative to get aquatinted.”

As Handsome Lord considered his answer to the query about his work, he decided as ever to plow the path of Saraai.
I am doing research in Midi-chlorians. Those microscopic lifeforms that many believe is how we harness our power. In truth my interest is in why life makes them grow, and if we perhaps are trying to master the wrong thing. Surly the greater power is the one that creates the other? No? The Creator has dominion over the created.

Hemorpheus took another sip, he was enjoying pressing the cup to his lips and partaking of liquid from the mouth. Ordinarily he had to resort to Intravenous methods.
He looked to Ana, and ushered his hand to the seat beside him.

Forgive me Ana, please sit. I got lost in my musing.”

The Force swirled around him, giving him breath. He could only maintain this temporarily, and everytime he preformed this feat he was reminded of what had been taken from him all those years ago.
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
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Ana at her Friend’s suggestion took a seat beside Him. She had not tasted wine before save an Ichor based drink that was not fermented. She listened to Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Who was prying into her Lord’s work. This raised her suspicions all the more about The Necromancer. He had revealed little about himself, and now was gleaning more about Hemorpheus. She could see through this tactic, to get her Friend to divulge much while telling very little, save that he was wine connoisseur.

Deciding that she must interject, ahe said,
Lord Nexion, my Friend has answered you on the matter of His work. Tell us about the work of a Necromancer? What tales do the dead tell?

She could see Hemorph smirk at her interruption, which made her feel more at ease joining in on this discussion. She had been alone for so many years, and learning to assert her voice was not necessary then. She had to adapt, to now play the game that Her Friend had begun to teach her.
Location: Inside Rellik's IV-9 RangeMaster Scout Ship in the hanger bay

Bringing Reigns daughter Nightmare into the main crew area of his ship he spoke to his litigation droid. "Onyx, project your recordings from the last few hours starting from when we exited the ship." Onyx promptly replied while starting a holo projection "Yes my Master".

Than turning his attention to Nightmare.
"My little savant, I wish for you to study the mannerism's and motions of everyone in this recording. Watch them closely, search your feelings, sense their energy lingering in this place and find me weaknesses and truths. The way they walk, talk, where they are looking and when. As a token of my appreciation accept this box with a Ghazar tail inside of it, they are poisonous, be careful. Now, I will be meditating in my personal chamber a few rooms away. If anyone approaches stop the recording and alert me. This will be the beginning of a bigger adventure for us so pay attention. Have fun".

Nightmare with a devious look of excitement knelt down and began to watch the recording while dangerously playing with her new gift.

Rellik entering his personal chambers got into his stance to begin doing Battle Meditation. This time though he would not be searching to influence another, nor would he attempt to enter the minds of Sith as strong as these. Instead he would be searching the feelings and thoughts of the troopers on board. Looking to see what they had seen during this first encounter.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
"Interesting. I must say, that particular aspect of the force is something I give little attention to. Never really appealed to me."

He took another sip of his wine. While he couldn't say the topic interested him enough to study, he ha to admit that he was interested to see where Hemorpheus' experiments would take them. As the nightsister sat down, Nexion didn't make an effort to pour her a drink. It wasn't that he disliked her, it was simply that he did not believe she was of relative standing to warrant his significant attention.

That was until she caught it by asking him of his own studies and experiments. He released a smile to the pair of them.

"Of course, it truly is a pleasure when people ask of my own work. As you know, Necromancy is the art of raising the dead. However, while I take great pride in my power and skill as a necromancer, the art itself needs refining. Despite how skilled I am, I need to keep some concentration on keeping the dead risen, even if I learned to do so with minimal concentration."

He leaned forward in his chair, placing his glass down as he looked them both in the eye.

"So, I'm going to reduce it to zero. Alongside that, I want them to develop an ego. Picture it, an army of undead soldiers. Though the average one would be weak to a Jedi, an army of soldiers who are undeterred by receiving blaster and keep moving. Then, those walking corpses can think for themselves. Loyal to the Sith, but capable of keeping their mind, able to co-ordinate and startegise."

His smile turned to a grin.

"Then, a step further. Fallen Jedi! The same as those moving corpses, yet they retain their skill with a blade, and as they's technically be living once more, their connection to the force. Necromancy has great potential, and I shall have it reach those heights! Through my craft, I could provide the Sith a nigh-invincible army!"

Like the flip of a switch, his grin became a smile once more. He reclined in his seat and drank from his glass again. Like the flip of a switch, he'd returned to a calm demeanor.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Anastarsia Anastarsia
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Hemorpheus took another sip, he was pleased Ana shifting the topic to Darth Nexion Darth Nexion ’s expertise. Listening to The Necromancer, he then raised his own query,
I have heard Necromancy can only conjure a portion of what once was alive. The soul or spirit remains in Netherworld. In essence what you decribe sounds more like Darth Vectivus’ phantoms in fleshen vessels. To achieve a full ressurection, one woukd need the power to reach into the Void, the realm beyond this life and reap the souls. This is an aim of my own.. to enter that Undiscovered Realm and discover life beyond death.”

He put down the goblet of finest silver, red rounded garnet gems around the molded metal below the cup that went into the stem sparkling in the light. As his visor looked down into the red liquid, his mind turned to thoughts of that great beyond, and what it would mean to bridge the Netherlife with this one. Pulling himself out of this deep rumination, he then said,
These Vectivian methods would serve your purposes, to create legions of undead warriors. Alas, to keep them conformable and under your command, returning the souls of the original owners would be counterproductive to these ends.

The Lord of Life was enjoying this discourse. Lord Nexion was on the opposite spectrum of his own work, and yet they had much in common. Both were playing in the pools of life and death, though with different aims and ambitions.
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Location: IV-9 RangeMaster Scout Ship with Nightmare

Rellik had sensed immense fear among the troopers. Some of which disgusted him, no power to hold as their own. He sat for a moment and meditated on boosting their inner strength. We must have good morale to see this through. At that moment Lady Nightmare had knocked upon his door.

"Uncle, I have finished watching the recording" she quietly stated to the Lord. "Good, I am finished as well. Tell me what you had seen."
"Firstly, Darth Nexion Darth Nexion is a dominating figure. He stands tall among the others. He either has an air of confidence in his own abilities or sees himself above the others. His age would lead me to believe maybe both. He shows no signs of outward aggression though, more of a regality to him." "Good eyes my savant, and the others?"

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus and Anastarsia Anastarsia Walk closely to each other. It is hard to see if he is frail and she protects him or if they rely on the strengths of each other for power. Maybe something deeper is going on between the two which is yet to be seen. If I were to test her I believe he would come to her aid." "Mmmm so you can sense a stronger bond between the two, good. Let us go to the main bridge with your father. We have done enough sleuthing for now."

The two leave the hanger bay confident they have some introspect into these new characters. For Rellik this introduction has been informative and empowering. The Diarchy is in good hands with Reign as long as the personal goals of its members all fall into place. Another little puzzle Rellik will enjoy maneuvering within.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia
Darth Reign gave up waiting for the scientists, it appeared they had a great much to discuss. He would instead make his way to the bride to discuss the Diarchy’s next moves.

They needed to formalize a base of operations, and there were many more steps to be made to ensure they would make their mark on the galaxy.

Smiling to himself, he stalked through the hallways of his ship. The time of the Diarchy was finally beginning.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus

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