It's Complicated
"Whoah, easy there."
The words bounced around between red ears, competing with the hiss of equalising pressure for Kaden's attention, as his escape pod buzzed open. Amber eyes squinted in the light; a gloved hand was raised to ridged brow in an effort to dim the piercing glow. Breath did not come easy; lungs struggled to pull foreign air inside and wheezed when pushing it out. Panic befell the young Sith almost instantly - despite the voices trying to calm him down.
Suddenly, a crimson light blazed into being. It was accompanied by the signature snap-hiss of a lightsaber ignition and what followed was near-silence. Bathed in a sinister red glow, Kaden blinked away his weariness and studied his three captors.
"Who are you?" His voice was hoarse and quiet, full of fear and apprehension.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]