Grief & Rage

Gwyneira sighed, rubbing her eyes as she sipped more energy drink out of her travel mug. She had all these people telling her energy drinks bad, so she was finding ways to disguise her energy drinks as other drinks. Such as keeping it in a blue milk jug marked with her name. Right now, she was using a travel mug pretending she was drinking coffee instead.
Why was she so tired? Well, she was working her rump off finishing up her final semester for her engineering degree, and she had been spending several days locking herself away studying for that final exam. She knew it was sucking away all her time from anything. She looked up from the table briefly, seeing Aubin sleeping on the bed, taking up the entire thing. Gwyn chuckled and looked back down to her studies, then sighed. She was obsessed with her degree, but she also wanted to be spending time with

Now though? Gwyneira wanted to do anything and everything she could for her buir and cyare. She had learned from a newer friend about the passing of gifts, and before she had dived into her finals studies, she indeed had made a present for Eliz.
Unfortunately, she seemed to be unable to find the time to give it to him yet. Was it because she was too busy at the Kestrian Academy of Sciences, on top of training with Kranak? She was admittedly exhausted. Chugging energy drinks, passing out at three in the morning, waking up at six a.m. Yeah, it was hard. Alas, that was the life of college studies. She chose to come back, determined to finally earn her engineering degree. She enjoyed engineering and was good at it. Her present for Eliz certainly proved that...
Alone in the kitchen, sneaking her energy drink, she studied the holobooks in silence for her final exam. She had lost track of time, but her stomach growled.
Oh yeah, sustenance was a thing.
With a sigh, Gwyn stood up and walked over to the counter, she opened it to grab some nut butter, eat some spoonfuls, and return to studying. She had no plans of doing anything else.
Then, the lock to the apartment unlocked. Hands holding the nut butter jar in the air, the half Arkanian turned to look at the door. Wait, what time was it? Was Eliz home already? Aubin certainly looked to the door with an eager expression...