Josh gritted his teeth as he felt the Wookiee's life force fade away... He was too late, he couldn't stop the death of his honorable adversary.
Sighing, he picked up the two lightsabers the Wookiee had carried, both the pike and the golden saber, pocketing them both in his robes. "You won't need these" he said calmly, staring at the Wookiee sadly. "You deserve to die a warrior, not a Sith.... Taking these symbols is the least I can do.." he whispered.
As Josh turned to leave, he looked back at the Wookiee. Something spurred him on as an idea hit the Jedi....
An hour later, Josh stood in front of a large unlit bonfire. Using materials he had in his pack, Josh had crafted a large bonfire just like the ones made for Jedi funerals. The burial of a warrior.
Josh stared mournfully at his creation, before he heaved the body of the Wookiee onto one shoulder with his strength. Even in death, the damned thing was much heavier then it looked...
And with a great heave, Josh placed the body of @[member="Balthazaar"] onto the massive firepit. It was here the Jedi had seconds thoughts for a moment... Was it right to burn the Wookiee's body? He had never done this funeral, this burial before... But he knew the respect it carried. He knew that after a duel like that, it was the honorable thing. Unlike many Sith, this one had died with honor, and deserved it.
Finally, Josh gritted his teeth before he clenched his fist, his left hand igniting in flames. With a heavy heart, the Jedi Guardian slowly walked to the firewood, and placed the hand on it. Flames began to lick at the wood and soon enough the entire thing caught fire...
It was done... The cremation and body burning unfolded in front of the Jedi... Even if @[member="Balthazaar"] was not a Jedi... No... Far from one... He died like one. Like a warrior with honor and respect, and for that, this was the final respect the Jedi could give him...
"Je suis désolé, il a dû en arriver là. Vous avez combattu avec honneur, monsieur Wookiee. Et pour cela, je vous donne l'un des plus grands honneurs qu'un guerrier peut donner à un autre. Puisse votre âme reposer à jamais dans la Force, et que tes camarades et proches savent que peu importe où ils peuvent aller, vous sera toujours avec eux dans la Force...." Josh whispered, in a variation of Basic that he remembered his father speaking when he was a young child... And one he later learned himself.
"I am sorry it had to come to this. You fought with honor, sir Wookiee. And for that, I give you one of the highest honors that a warrior may give to another. May your soul forever rest within the Force, and may your comrades and loved ones know that no matter where they may go, you will forever be with them within the Force..." he repeated, in actual Basic this time, as if speaking to someone... The Force perhaps..."
"Rest in peace....."
As the body burned, DragonsFlame stared with sorrow and regret into the fire for hours on end, partially blaming himself....
End Of Thread.