Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A good day to live.

Dxun jungle... A beautidul sight from space, a deadly one from inside it. A wise man once said "Once on Dxun, shoot anything that moves and then shoot everything that don't move, just to be sure" This place was crawling with so many different predator species, it was not the best place for a vacation, let aside for crashing on it.

It was the bad luck of Blane Nightfall to wake up in the ruins of what was once a ship. His head was hurting as he looked as his scratched hands. Soon the sounds of battle brought him back to reality.
A fews meters away 2 other survivors were fighting several Maalras, terrible creatures and fearless predators, native to Dxun, before they could do serious damage to the enemy, one of them was caught off guard by one of the ferocious creatures and immediately silenced.

Seeing this, his fellow shoot the beast then attempted to retreat. "The squad is lost, I didn't signed up for this!" he shouted to Blane. Never a good idea to hire mercenaries when you go in a mission like scouting in enemy territory.

The republic soldier grabbed his AR-47 and begun shooting several round to the non-sentient enemy while getting back slowly and loosing ground. During this the mercenary lost his will to fight and attempted to run to the jungle hoping to loose the enemy sight while they were istracted by Blane.
The formerr rebel didn't had time to even be angry as killed one more Malraas as another jumped on his back and put him on the ground, he stared at the creature's fangs then brutally caught it's head and took his DC-17 shooting it a few times.

Though one, was it worth it? Probably not, at least he was alive, few minor wounds across his body, yet this was part of the job, tired by what just occured, Blane got up slowly heading to the crashed ship and trying to recover what could be recovered. As for the mercenary... There's nothing he could really do. Yet there was a question in his mind...

What is expecting him on this Untamed world?

[member="Adali Renning"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Livna Zios"] [member="Dravek"]
Pain, distortion of sight, utter confusion of his surroundings or what had transpired over the last hour that lead to the moment of his awakening. That was his world as he raised himself up to sit, his right hand brought against his masks forehead and the other supported him as he tried to get his bearings. There was fire all around him and as his vision became focused he realized he was in the burning wreckage of the shuttle he had been aboard. All around him he could see what remained of the crew of the shuttle, in someplace mangled bodies and in others were groaning out in pain, there was even one of them trying to help everyone around him but it was clear he was out of his mind as he was trying to resuscitate someone who had been cut in half in the crash.

"Of all the stupid..." He groaned out as he got up and supported himself against a durasteel beam that had jutted out of the ground. Looking towards the one that was trying to save a dead man and exerting his power towards him to pull him close to him. "What happened." He said as he made sure his mask stared directly into the mans tear filled eyes, he was obviously in shock. "We-we were attacked by pirates... and... and the pilot crashed into them to take them with us down to Dxun..." He said before Erebos let him go and he succumbed and began bawling like a child on the floor. Well it did make sense to ransom a Dark council member back to the os would garner a fortune.

With another wave of his hand he gathered all the fire up into a condensed ball and threw it to melt his way out of the wreckage. As he climbed out of the wreckage he looked around and wasn't surprised that he saw nothing but jungle around the crater the ship had made. Moving to the top of the ship he looked around and seeing several other smoke trails in the distance garnered that his wasn't the only ship to crash. Then the screaming began.

[member="Adali Renning"] I [member="Livna Zios"] I [member="Dravek"] I [member="Blane Nightfall"]
No longer a Jedi, Adali could enjoy a lifestyle in which she did things just for the sake of them. This was how she ended up on Dxun - she'd heard all about its dangers. She loved danger.
However, after being attacked the second she arrived and being left stranded on the Demon Moon, Adali was forced to learn another life lesson. Those she didn't love so much, but she'd have plenty of time to nurse her bruised ego as she didn't know how long it would take her to get off the moon. Gritting her teeth she got to her feet, smoothing out her robe, and began to explore.

[member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Livna Zios"] [member="Dravek"]
[member="Adali Renning"][member="Darth Erebos"][member="Blane Nightfall"]

Oh, blast it. He should have known it was all going too smoothly. An old adage was passed around his clan when he was younger - "When you think everything is going according to plan, you're wrong." Dravek certainly took this message to heart now in his current situation. His aging and heavily modified corvette, its customized gear heavily reflecting the strongest defense is a strong offense motto, coughed and sputtered on its descent to the moon of Onderon looming ahead. Closer and closer, the sphere filled up the cracked viewport. "Drax! Khrivet! Send all power to the front deflector shields. We'll burn up in the atmosphere if we don't," Dravek rasped, slightly garbled voice emanating from his helmet.

The attack had gone swimmingly, and it was looking like Dravek's pirate detachment was going to take some high prizes in ransom money for the clan until the enemy pilot had veered his shuttle into Dravek's, sending both out of control to the moon's surface. The old If we burn, you burn with us tactic. Luckily, Dravek's ship has not immediately exploded. Unluckily, it was hurtling towards an unfamiliar celestial body with few starports to escape and rendezvous from.

"Dravek, she's not holding up well!" Khrivet roared over an array of control panels, each sending shrill alarms into the damaged cabin. Dravek gritted his teeth underneath his mask. "Take what resources you need, and get into the escape pods. We'll meet on the surface. Go, now!" The corvette began to shake violently as the moon's gravity pulled it ever closer to its deathly embrace. Fitting himself, his weapons, and a pack of basic emergency items into one of the two pods on board, Dravek ejected. The crippled ship became a distant worry as he felt the pod careen towards the planet's surface, unaware of what would await him below.
After her run-in with the redcrested cougar on Belkadan, and the Caprine’s successful attempt to mind-control the animal, Livna was determined to hone her skill of Beast Mastery. How she came upon her own abilities was a strange journey so far. The horned maiden had been a servant to Priestess of Iktotch, Briga Tiin, but she’d suffered mistreatment when Briga had joined the One Sith. The irony of her circumstances was that, once she escaped the hands of her Sith Inquisitor mistress, she ran right into the arms of a Sith Lord who she only knew as Marcus. While she was his infochant, she was determined to not fall to the darkside of the Force, despite its obvious temptation.

Livna had been tracking a pack of Cannok, including a juvenile. These omnivorous predators were prone to attacking sentient beings, so she kept at a distance, but eventually she intended to separate the young one from the rest of the group, so she could try and tame it. Suddenly she heard the sound of blaster fire, which caused the Cannok to run in the opposite direction. The juvenile reptilian creature was especially spooked. Livna didn’t own a lightsaber since she was not traditionally trained as a padawan or an acolyte. But she did have a small blaster she’d gotten at a pawn shop on Naboo before she’d left that planet. Once she emerged from the clearing, her eyes glanced over the scene – the Republic soldiers, some of them injured or traumatized, the fierce Maalraas dead on the ground and the crashed ship. The horned maiden did not know how to heal but she could provide some kind of help or comfort.

The group of men appeared too bewildered by the crash landing to be hostile, but one never knew, did they? Holding up the blaster to show she wasn’t going to use it, Livna came out of a thick patch of brush and said, “Is there anything I can do to help?” While she mostly resembled a human, her long wide-set horns were bovidae in nature, and despite her friendly greeting, she would seem to be as much of a creature of the jungle as the Maalraas.

[member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Dravek"] [member="Adali Renning"]
Adali spent a long time hunting around the planet trying to find anything to aid her escape. As she wandered, she admired the planet she'd gone to such great lengths to visit, her lightsaber at the ready all the while. In a strange, deadly way, Dxun was rather beautiful - rather like herself, she mused. She was certainly dangerous when she wanted to be, although in quite a different way.

By the time she found anything, her levels of patience, energy and determination were at their limits - she hadn't been a Jedi for long enough for it to have an effect on any of those things - and she was seriously considering crawling into a wreckage and calling it a night. Just then, she heard voices - loud, confused, worried - and slipped into the clearing to see a group of men and a rather attractive Caprine woman talking to them. At any rate, they didn't look like they'd attack her and she was fairly confident she could take them.

She put her lightsaber back in its strap on her arm and cleared her throat. "Hey," she said cautiously. "You guys don't happen to know a way out of here?"

[member="Blane Nightfall"] | [member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Livna Zios"] | [member="Dravek"]
The screams were from the survivors of his shuttle's wreckage as it seemed a pack of predators had gotten inside the shuttle's wreckage. He could see it through the wreckage with his force sight but then he saw the one that had been shell shocked. 'Where did he get a grenade?!' He thought as he was about to reach out with the force to stop the man but he had pulled the pin... right next to the shuttles damaged and unstable generator. "Kark." He said as he just had time to envelop himself in a telekinetic bubble before his shuttle blew up causing a small mushroom cloud to form along with a large crater.

Near where [member="Adali Renning"], [member="Livna Zios"] and [member="Blane Nightfall"] were, Erebos landed in a thicket of trees that shattered with the impact and crumbled around were the sith lord had impacted. His body screamed in pain as he groaned as he pushed a heavy log off his body. "Not my frakking day..." He exhaled as he pushed it off him and opened his eyes in the force and saw the three before him, one he recognized and his groan was even louder. 'Are you kidding me? It had to be the guy who almost shot my head off when those blasted rebels attacked Corruscant.' He thought as he stepped into his right leg and cringed as he found it to be sprained. With another groan he pushed another log off his back as he stumbled forwards and went down to one knee as he breathed heavily now. Not only had creating the force shield around him and surviving the impact of the fall taken a lot out of him but he hadn't been able to protect himself fully from the almost meteor like impact landing he had taken.

He felt exhausted and as soon as he spotted a good log to sit on he did so, focusing on using the force to refresh his body, spirit and speed his healing up a little. Using what the jedi called Curato Salva to achieve this but he knew he needed time to get up to actual good shape to be capable of managing all three of them at the same time should they attack. "I mean you no harm." He said before he caught his breath though he did look towards Blane with his force sight 'For now' He added in his mind. "My ship just blew up." He then finished as he pointed towards the dissipating mushroom cloud in the distance.

[member="Darth Erebos"][member="Adali Renning"][member="Livna Zios"]
3... 2... 1... Dravek's pod impacted the ground with a thud as it passed through the upper layers of the jungle canopy and struck the lush undergrowth. The foliage combined with the pod's deceleration capabilities made for the smoothest pod landing Dravek had ever been a part of - but it still didn't save him from a sore neck and bruised arms. Dravek took a moment to reorient himself and locate his belongings he had taken with him and the hatch to get out of the pod. Eyes finally resting on the control panel, Dravek pressed the release button. The hatch opened with a whoosh and scattered sunlight filled the pod.

Various sounds of a wide variety of creatures filled the area with both a beautiful and horrifying arrangement. Dravek lifted himself up and out of the small pod's hatch, jumping away and landing in a patch of dirt nearby. He checked the setting on his HUD in his helmet that he needed to breath. No toxins in the air, no extreme temperature range that was unsafe. He would be fine for the moment.

As if to ironically contradict his thought, a large predator crashed onto the scene from the undergrowth. The quick yet bulky creature looked at him and uttered some sort of growl. Unsheathing his vibroblade swords and pulling a blaster with his third of four arms, Dravek stood ready to fight. The standoff ended when the animal lunged for him, clawed legs extending. Quickly rolling to the side, Dravek lashed out with both swords before jumping back and unleashing a burst of fire into the Malraas' side. The creature roared in pain and skittered off.

In the distance, through the towering trees, Dravek noticed a column of smoke rising not too far away. It was either the other escape pod, the ship he had attempted to capture, or some other unfortunate soul stuck here. Either way, it was his best bet to investigate. Surely there would be something he could scavenge.
Wondering if there was a freak, atmospheric storm that caused all of these ships to fall out of the sky around Dxun, Livna noticed a strong darkside presence was in the vicinity and also a weaker one. Yet no one's intentions so far appeared to be malicious.

The hair on the back of Livna’s neck stood on end, but while she wasn’t a Jedi, she was firmly in the lightsided camp with her use of the Force. And she would help either of the darksiders if they were severely injured, although her powers of healing were limited to the physical realm – bacta patches, healing salves and herbal remedies.

Turning to the girl, the Caprine said, “There’s a small village not too far from here. That’s where I came from, but…” She glanced back where she'd emerged from the brush, and then up at the sun lowering in the sky as the afternoon would turn to evening soon. “It’s possible that I can find the way back.” But it’s also possible that I’ve gotten lost, Livna thought, not wanting to embarrass herself by revealing that. She had been so focused on tracking the Cannock, she hadn’t quite been paying attention to her whereabouts. Not to mention the distraction of the crashing vessels, further explosions she heard nearby, and blood-curdling shrieks of the Maalraas in the jungle around them.

[member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Dravek"] [member="Adali Renning"]
"You're lost too, huh? I really was an idiot," Adali said, muttering the last part under her breath. She may have been powerful, but her senses told her that most of the group surrounding her were too and that hadn't helped them much. It seemed that this would in fact be one of the life lessons she dreaded so much, but right now she had to focus on the fact that if she didn't figure out a way to escape, she'd be moving on to death lessons pretty soon and as bad as life lessons were, those sounded a whole lot worse.
"Well, nobody appears to have an operational ship, and I need to get back, so let's see if we can find this village of yours," she continued, gesturing for the Caprine to lead.

[member="Livna Zios"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Dravek"]

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