Khiltran was sitting comfortably in his seat of his ship The Shadowalker. He was resting from a long week of bounty hunter jobs, it was good money, but it was hard work. But his rest was interrupted by the beeping noise of the ships communicator. The sound made him wake up abruptly. The sudden jolt upwards made him hit his head against the low roof of the cockpit, he grunted at the sudden pain and answered his communicator:
"Did I wake you up?" A familiar voice said from the communicator. "Yes..." Khiltran answered, with an annoyed tone. "Well, don't be so angry at me now, I've got some news for you. And you are going to thank me for it later"
Khiltran knew very well who this was. It was one of his many bounty hunter friends from Coruscant. His name was Kath Corman, or at least he is known that way, not everybody used their real name when dealing in the business Khiltran was involved in.
Khiltran sighted "So. What are these big news?"
"There is a Senator in the Commenor system looking for trade contracts to boost the economy of the city she is running. The best part about all of this is that the Hutt Cartel has a price on her head, supposedly because she is publicly against them. But you can actually take the contract if you want. If she is a senator, she will pay good money"
"I guess I'll check it out" Khiltran answered.
"Alright. Best of luck to you. The call was then ended.
A trade contract, huh? Khiltran said to himself while looking at the ships controls. He knew that just waiting around in a port in Mos Eisley wasn't going to get him any money. So, he fired up the ships engines, set the coordinates and then blasted off to Commenor.
After several hours of travel, he finally arrived in the busy trade world. He had been to many trade systems before, but this one was the busiest one he had ever seen. After finally arriving at the city, he landed his ship at one of the docks which coincidentally was the same city that the senator was. He got off his ship together with his two bodyguard droids, a Magnaguard droid and an IG-88 Assassin droid. As walked through the city he got many curious and even fearful looks, maybe because of the droids.
After walking for a while he felt another force user, someone more powerful than he was, maybe a jedi master? He looked around and spotted a group of people talking. The group seemed odd, a Wookie, a space pilot and a Jedi master. This must be the people he is looking for, but for now, preferred to observe from a distance for now. But he remained close by, close enough for one of the group's members to spot him. Well who wouldn't spot a dark force using Chiss accompanied by two assassin droids?