Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion A Grave Mistake | GA Dominion of Ragoon VI Hex


Ragoon VI
Objective I
Actors: Ryv Ryv Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Serena Rylvin Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar

Act I: Apogee or when the world began to tremble

The engines of an X-wing sounded through the valley parting the crests of two mountains. Their whine bounced between the snow-covered faces, struggling to match the roaring river currents on their path down the valley's centre. Rock formations on either side of the riverbed stuck up from the ground in softened spikes that stacked over one another. Finding a spot to land wasn't easy, but the scanners beeped a find soon enough. A snow-covered overhang presented itself near the peak of the northward mountain. As the starfighter approached, the snow blew aside in the throes of its engines, revealing the grey surface underneath. The vehicle lurched from the momentum it still retained as the landing gears set down on the stone.

Bernard felt uneasy in the ship's heart. His grasp tightened the ship controls. Questions that had been his companions on the journey to Ragoon VI still bounced around his mind, and he regarded the message that lingered on the X-wing's holo-display with disbelief, even as he re-read its contents. None of it was making sense.

The fighter's canopy was fogging up in the cold; a silence settled over its frame, only the river murmured in the valley below. Ragoon's naturally preserved beauty lent it inherent tranquillity that the fighter's engines had temporarily pierced, but as the snow settled the intrusion seemed forgiven.

But turmoil still threatened to break the cage Bernard diligently maintained out into that serenity as his gaze lingered on the letters on the holo-display. He tore himself away from the text and found his knuckles gone white from tension. Sighing it away, he let go of the leather-wrapped control levers, leaving behind small indentations, to reach for the jacket draped around the pilot seat. As he struggled to put it on in the confined space, he flipped the canopy control-switch with his elbow, nearly breaking it off with unrestrained vigour.

The air hissed as it rushed through the small gap that formed in the groove that sealed the ship's canopy and frame. The stale smell of life-support systems dissolved in the cold freshness of Ragoon's atmosphere filling the cockpit. When the canopy raised half-way, Bernard rose from his seat and, deftly, jumped out of the X-wing.

His feet hit the stone with a quiet thud. The pull of gravity and solid ground beneath his boots reassured him with their stability, even as his resolve threatened to falter. This entire situation seemed so bizarre. Irrational, almost implausible. Surely the message had been false. Some hoax to lure him to Ragoon for an ambush? He shook the apprehension loose. Indecision was unbecoming of a Jedi. Their duties demanded clarity of thought and purpose in action. There was only one way to find out the truth. He turned to the X-wing to lock it down, then departed up the mountain.

The journey to its crest was a silent one. Most of the Padawan's attention was devoted to the mess of emotion that stirred in him. Ragoon's beauty had barely registered in his mind. Only when his feet were planted firmly on the other side of the mountain's peak did he pause to take in the sight that stretched down into the valley before him. Snow blanketed the mountain face for hundreds of metres. Verdant patches of grass occasionally broke up the white landscape below trees which stood defiant against the wind. His eyes were drawn to the flickering orange of a pyre far below, however, around which several shadowed figures stood assembled.

Whatever harmony the natural beauty could impart was lost on the Padawan. Yet, despite the lack of attention he paid that tranquillity, he felt the sense of vertigo that had overcome him past the mountain's crest bleed away as he regarded the flames in the distance. His right hand balled into a fist, and he forced his legs loose while reluctance gave way to purpose. The pyre drew him like a moth to a flame, and he marched through the snow towards it.

Every second bled into the next on his march. Eternity may have passed, but if only felt like moments as he crossed the vast distance.

They weren't ..., how could they?

The closer he got to the pyre, the more the precarious resolve he'd mustered began to crack and teeter, barely balanced against the tide of emotion that relentlessly crashed against it. He dreaded every step he took; winced as the first details of those assembled were wrested free from evening's shadow by fire's light. It had to be some kind of sick prank, surely?

He reached the edge of the small gathering, pushing past unfamiliar faces, always towards the pyre. His eyes never left the flames as he approached. The sea of grief around him parted as he razed a path towards his singular focus. Without even reaching out through the Force, he recognized who it was they were grieving. His presence was unmistakable in their midst. He stopped just short of the flames, standing above the crowd atop the pyre's hill.

Somehow the unpredictable pattern of the pyre's flame was the only thing that made any sense to him. The blaze transfixed him, swallowed him in its utter anarchy and offered solace to the embers already burning inside his chest. It drew out the emotional turmoil, barely tempered by the Jedi mantras, and acted as kindling for the fire that began to consume his world.

The shadows that trailed behind each person there took on a foreboding character. The loose ring they formed around the pyre became a wall that caged the Padawan in with him, the focus of all emotion that raged just below that steadfast facade. His gaze remained locked with the flames. The blazing heat pushed against his face, and he could barely keep his eyes open against the brightness of it all. The levee that kept his memories at bay so mercifully after the encounter on the Embrace began to splinter.

"Why?" He whispered.

His gaze tore away from the fire and wandered the faces of those who had assembled. It caught on three familiar figures. At the base of the pyre's hill they stood, the people he'd come to trust. Loske, Maynard, Ryv. Friends as he called them; mourning loss. The expression he bore contorted as his mind began to methodically break apart any delusions it conjured to protect itself from this reality, and slowly that ever-present emotionless mask he wore shattered.

The confusion, that sense of apprehension which had accompanied him to this point faded away as betrayal sunk its claws into his heart and seized his breath. He balled his hands into fists as he looked down on them full of anger and accusation.

Did they mourn the loss of that monster? The man who had personally carved the scars that now marred his body and nearly claimed his life in that prison chamber? Fine. They could side with Lanik. The name alone sent venomous echoes through his mind.

He turned back towards the pyre and relaxed his fists. One hand dropped towards the sabre hilt at his side and detached it from the utility belt. His hands trembled, finding none of the reassurance he sought in the weapon. He took a deep breath but had to force it out through all the tension. He wasn't sure if he had the willpower to do what needed to be done, but if it didn't stop here, then who else would have to suffer the Dark?

If it was their wish to join the traitor, so be it.​
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Serena Rylvin

RANGOON VI: Base of the Rost Mountains
1: There is Only the Force
Objective: Contemplate, talk and learn.

Ryv Ryv Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Serena Rylvin Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Bernard Bernard

Serena watched everyone as the event carried on. Looking over, she saw a huddle of Jedi she vaguely recognised beneath a tree. She studied their solemn faces, wondering what they were thinking. How well they'd known Lanik, or whether any of them had been there for... well... y'know.

Then she felt a little pang of shame for being so... grim and vulgar about it. It was a funeral, for goodness sake. Not the time to be a ghoul. Though she couldn't help dwell on those thoughts as the other, imposing man talked to them quietly ( Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar ). Dressed in a dark uniform that stood out amongst the rag-tag dress-code of the Jedi. She vaguely recognised him from somewhere, too, but nothing concrete bubbled up from her mind. You surely wouldn't forget him. Even in the smart uniform, he looked imposing and he had a face like a half-collapsed mountain.

"Ahem- um... d-do you mind if I join you?"

Serena nearly jumped off the rock she was sat on as she looked up, seeing the senator ( Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra ) suddenly beside her. Her eyes flicked up quickly, a little shock on her face. Why me? she wondered as she hastily slipped aside, leaving more room on the rock for her.

"No, uh... please, take a se- a roc-... please sit?" she said, all her words jumbling in her mouth. She hadn't been expecting her to come over and talk to her. She was just trying to be friendly. Eeep. When she was asked if she was a Jedi, she shrugged. "Ha... what gave it away?" she joked, before wincing a little. Yeah, great place for jokes, a funeral. Well done Serena, let your mouth run away with you in front of a Senator.

"I... didn't know him. I knew of him, from other padawans. From a couple of the Knights too. It's very... sad." There didn't seem to be a word that could sum up the emotion around them, so she'd plumped for the simplest. "Did you know him, Senator Chandra?" she asked quietly, "I... I've seen you on the holonet a few times, that's all. You're very... distinctive."

She watched the pyre a little more as she awaited the answer, vaguely feeling some kind of... anger coming from further within. A bright, hot spot of seething fire in the middle of the mourning. She frowned a little, trying to look and see who it could be.

"Oh, sorry Senator. I'm Serena," she said, realising she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm not used to talking to... important people."
In the beginning, there was darkness, in the end, people would think there was the same? In truth, there was something far beyond the darkness in the end. To fear death, would be the same as to fear living. Live goes by, and it goes by quick. One wasn’t meant to waste those years, they were meant to live them. To live in the moment, to not constantly fret about their death, to try and think about what it meant to be alive or the life they led. They were meant to start living. Death was nothing more than the ultimate accountability. It was there to show that you strived for what you believed in, that you gave it your all. Death was only a fear for the cowards. Those who constantly question themselves. Those who always wondered if they did it right. It's too late once death comes, too late to apologize, too late to change your ways.

As the vessel of Lanik Dawnstar sat in the flames there would be some who wondered if the Jedi regretted his actions. Wonder if he’d known that joining the Jedi once more would lead to his death. That if he knew the consequences of attempting to assassinate Senator Kiyoshi if he’d still have done it. Those who truly knew the Lanik, who truly knew him as no only the one-time hero of the Republic, not as the Jedi protector, nor as the second to the Sword of the Jedi. That knew him as a person, would know he’d never change a thing.

The flames of the pyre licked at the once Jedi’s fair skin, slowly consuming him and the items tossed into the fire. Hands crossed over his chest, lightsaber held in his hands, Lanik rested. Face lax, even at the end, the body had a ghost of a smile, a small playful smirk.

The flames simply grew brighter as Bernard approached. In the wake of the turmoil that was the Arkanian the flames flickered and crackled, his rage, his anger, bubbling forth. “It’s ok.” The words were faint, nearly silent, but they were there and they could be heard by everybody. Carried across the currents of the force, the familiar voice spoke.

The flames coalesced, twisting and twirling around the vessel of Lanik’s spirit. For that was all the body was, a vessel to carry the presence of one from this world to another. That vessel was soon consumed in the whirlwind of flames.

Grow and grow the blaze did, rising to over six feet in height. The heat grew immense, radiating outwards as if to consume Bernard in a fury. Instead, the Jedi would feel nothing but comfort, love, forgiveness. Changing from the crimson hue of fury, the flames turned the color of a white star. A beacon in not only the midday light but also the Force.

Lowering and dispersing back across the pyre the flames calmed, and in their midst stood an almost transparent figure. Those cobalt eyes looked down upon the Jedi gathered, face stern, and then the ghost smiled upon them. The smile of a patriarch looking over his children.

Taking a step down from the pedestal, Lanik Dawnstar stood before Bernard, both hands raising to the Arkanian’s cheeks and holding them. “You are so much stronger than you know, so much potential and such a shining star. I could only wish to see what you truly grow into.” Leaning forward his lips centimeters from Bernard’s ear Lanik said three words the other needed to hear, that any man needed to hear. “I forgive you.”

Taking a few steps past the padawan, the one-time knight approached the others gathered, standing in the center, his eyes taking each one of them in. One by one. Back when they started the New Jedi Order on Hope, Lanik had known that the order would produce some of the finest Jedi to grace the galaxy.

Coming to a stop before Maynard, Lanik couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the Concordian. “When you first came to Hope I didn’t know what to expect of you. But you have a strength, a conviction, and you need to fight for it. Do not fear what you are, who you are, and do not fear what lay inside. Don’t let anger and rage take over in the darkest of times. Do not let fear of loss guide you. They can not fight the dark, only love can do that. And I know you have plenty of it.”

Moving from Maynard to Loske, Lanik took the young woman in. How much she’d grown in not only the force but as a person. The bond between her and Maynard radiating its own strength. “Such a bright star. It doesn’t matter who came before or what lay after, never doubt that you are a true Saint of the force. Never let anyone crush that spirit, that cheer, and that strength you possess.”

Ryv, Lanik gave the now man a warm and welcoming smile. “Don’t doubt yourself, you built this. It wasn’t Wyatt, it wasn’t me or Qil, this is you. You brought the Jedi Order back when there was no true one. At the time you received the title Sword of the Jedi it was rushed, and foolish. Now, you truly are the Sword of our people. Guide them well. The Jedi will need you more than ever in the coming days.”

Turning to the last of the Jedi and those gathered, Lanik gave a bow. “May the force be with you all.” With that a gale tore through the mountains, bowing trees over. Snatching up debris and hurling it. Just as quickly as it came it was gone and so too was Lanik. The pyre that had once burned bright was no more.

Sitting where the flames and Lanik’s lightsaber had been was the broken and melted shell, yet within the center of the shell was a handful of shining crystals. Shards from what had once been the gem powering Lanik’s lightsaber.

Bernard Bernard | Ryv Ryv | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt
The Chancellor's mustache rocks side-to-side as he tightens the corners of his mouth, reading over the document that had been sent by Senator Solborne. Emmen had never been particularly fond of the Corellian and had been suspicious of his political agenda, but no more than any of the other questionable representatives among them. This was a whole another issue entirely. These accusations were serious -- treasonous.

And on the subject of treason; the Jedi Knight Lanik Dawnstar had betrayed the Alliance and taken justice into his own hands. Because of this, even if his grand claims were true, with Kiyoshi almost certainly on the defensive they may have missed their best chance to catch him and bring him to justice.

He frowns.

"The Podium claims the floor," Emmen waits for silence to follow, then closes his eyes and draws a deep breath, "Senator Solborne -- thank you for this most valuable information. In light of this, I will be exercising the executive authority vested in my Office to bring all the necessary resources of the Ministry of Intelligence into the investigation to aid the Ministry of Justice and, by extension, the Alliance Marshals Service."

He gives a stern nod in the direction of the Kalist delegation, then breaks his gaze to scan aimlessly across the chamber, "however, I must make it clear that the actions taken by this Jedi Knight are not condoned by this administration, regardless of what we might find! The pursuit of justice in the Core and the right to fair trial are founding principles of this Galactic Alliance. It is only under the most dire of circumstances, and with great and careful consideration, that an exception might be made. Vigilante justice will not be tolerated, whether at the hands of a civilian, judicial or jedi. Such actions devalue the systems we have in place and deface our democracy."

Emmen places his right hand on his chest, "I under the desire to root out corruption in our ranks. I share it. It truly breaks my heart to hear such accusations, but we must trust our institutions to uncover and deal with these threats. If you have information or notice suspicious actions, you must report them to the proper channels. If we do not have faith, we gather here for nothing."

Concluding his speech, he turns his attention to the delegation of Byss, "Senator Ardinn; you suggest restrictions on the New Jedi Order as a whole. Why? What does this accomplish if the Jedi Knight was knowingly disobeying the law? We cannot allow anyone to run wild and pursue those who they deem to be criminals, Jedi or otherwise. The Special Committee on Force Affairs already oversees their actions. There is not enough evidence to suggest this is a rampant issue within the New Jedi Order. Were the Jedi Knight alive today, I would personal advocate for punishment without question. But Lanik Dawnstar is dead. What we must do now is investigate the situation in detail and do our best to ensure something similar is not repeated by anyone."

The voice of the SIA's Director surprises Emmen. Glancing to his screen, he learns that the woman was apparently filling in for the absent Senator of Balmorra. A peculiar decision and, in his opinion, a conflict of interest, but the Chancellor's personal opinion on the matter was irrelevant.

"Director Gethsverg," he begins, interjecting before the Order's representative has a chance to respond, "we must be cautious with such rhetoric. What if the Jedi Knight's accusations are found to be true? Do I then hold the Senate in its entirety accountable for the alleged actions of the Senator in question? If the Senate and the Jedi Order are in agreement that these actions were unlawful and unsupported, we should work together to make sure they are not repeated instead of pointing fingers. I agree that it should be the effort of the Alliance to ensure that none of our institutions are acting outside of our interests, but I don't see this as anything more than the denounced actions of a misguided Jedi Knight. Were he alive, he'd be taken into custody for the crime of treason against the Galactic Alliance, where he would be held until the investigation concluded. The best we can do, in my opinion, is explore his claims and have SCOFA investigate the Jedi Order to determine if there is a risk for future incidents like this one."
// Padawan Keppora //
Ragoon VI //
Objective - I // There is only the Force //
Focus // Maou Maou //

The shuttle politely whined as it began its descent from the atmosphere above Ragoon VI, the moan of old metal belying the sombre nature that Rafe was about to find himself in. The young Shadow had never been much of a Jedi proper, abrasiveness and a lack of concern of the morality of some actions hadn't exactly ingratiated himself to their order. Still, Rafe understood the duties of a Jedi and understood them well. And as he sat in the bay of the transport, hands wringing his lightsaber, he could only mull over in his mind how those that stole the corpse of Lanik Dawnstar could view themselves as anything close to Jedi.

And yet, they demanded procession. To burn away a body not yet fully understood, hopefully even the ones responsible for such thiever Jedi could understand the folly in such actions. Emotion was a tool of the Sith, passion the enemy of the Jedi. And yet, these people seemed to play with it as a newborn would fondle at keys. Their sentimentality for whoever Lanik had been clouding their vision to who he was. A terrorist.

A buzz in his comms from the pilot told him that they had almost arrived, the young Coruscanti took a stand and bowed towards his charge. The man that Lanik had attempted to murder in cold blood and, thankfully, failed to do. Maou Maou .

"Senator, we have almost arrived."

A curt bow towards the masked man was offered. Rafe didn't know the true purpose of this journey, nor did he care. The Jedi responsible had struck a blow against the balance between their religion and the government. If Kaito had come to offer condolences to the friends of a crazed man, then the brunette would understand his tact. And if he had come to reprimand vigilantism, then Rafe could only support the punishment too.

"I hope that I don't... need to remind you." The characteristically broken sentences of the young Coruscanti began to drag his words, but a look of sincerity in his eyes displayed the conviction underneath. "But I am here to support you. Democracy. If the Jedi attempt... anything. Please know I am by your side."

With those final assurances, the ship rocked as it touched the ground a bit away from the pyre. Timing for the spectacular ghostly apparition of the madman a tad too late, but that didn't matter. Rafe wasn't here for assurances from a dead man, he only need support Senator Kiyoshi in whatever business he had come to Ragoon to do. And he would do his job silently and efficiently, even as the cold air touched his face and the billows of smoke that signed a dead pyre blew through the air. The tail end of whatever gale Lanik had summoned brushing across their face.

The ill winds of a traitor.
Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto


The man sitting beside him, Admiral Myneto, turned and made a comment to him, about the senator who had been attacked. Constantine had not interacted much with Myneto before this, so he didn't know much about the man. Still, he had started the conversation and it'd be rude to ignore him. speaking quietly, Constantine responded.

"I understand your suspicion of Senator Kiyoshi, but should the Jedi be involved with galactic politics? or for that matter, with policing the Alliance? And if they do, should they also have the legal power to act as executioner? I agree that Kiyoshi is supicous though, and he should be investigated, just not by the Jedi. He must face a fair trial, not assassination."
Objective I -
There is Only the Force // Ragoon VI // Base of the Rost Mountains
Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt // Serena Rylvin // Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra // Ryv Ryv // Bernard Bernard // Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar


Any harboured anger at the pyre in front of them abated when Maynard drew her in closer to him. He was very much alive, safe from the misfortunes that had damned Lanik to death. She eased in against him just before they were visited by their friend.

His clutch was sad, fingers weakened from emotional exhaustion. If Ryv was the Sword of the Jedi, Loske was the Shoulder of the Jedi. She reached up to reciprocate his hold, keeping her posture easy so he could safely weep against her fabric. She only murmured a quiet “Of course,” in response to his appreciation for them being present. As if they’d be anywhere else when he so obviously needed them. When he pulled away, the tiredness in his eyes was apparent. Those eyes set clearly on his next duty, heavy with the responsibility of organizing this and re-instituting traditions of lore. He stepped closer to the pyre, and began speaking to his fallen brother. When his turn was over, another stepped forward. The elusive Imperator they’d fought for on Muunilinst. She recognized him only from that briefing room on Jar Fel. And the holonet, of course.

The Padawan looked away from the exchange, as if keeping an eye on them would pry the volume of their whispers out louder and disrupt their privacy. Bernard intercepted her gaze, his constitution exposing more emotion than she’d ever seen. His features were knotted in perplexion and she wondered what part of this was confusing. Perhaps he was curious about the ceremony altogether? Subtle gestures were almost lost amidst the long cast shadows of the spectators and his movements, but she could have sworn she noticed him fiddling with his saber. Why would he need that now? She was about to whisper something to the Knight to her right, but there was no time to speculate. The flames engorged themselves to the point where they couldn’t be contained. Flaring and rising skyward as two syllables enunciated from their snaps and cracks against the atmosphere. It didn’t stop rising. If she were to stand on the Pyre, it’d stretch several inches above her. Aghast, she flinched at the display.

It tunnelled upward still, before spreading and wrapping around the white-haired Arkanian. Tensed at the spectacle, Loske could only observe mutely. The flames gave way to a much more human shape, the known appearance of Knight Dawnstar. Awestruck, she hiccuped a gasp of surprise. She’d never seen a manifestation of The Force like this before.

Lanik glowed without casting any light. His blue form navigating calmly and easily from Bernard to..oh! He was coming toward them. Loske wasn’t sure if she was afraid or totally enraptured in the marvellousness of the event. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to feel what that translucent apparition felt like, but she realized that would be as inappropriate in ghost as it would have been with him alive. So she didn’t, and she kept her hands to herself and Maynard only.

Words of affirmation spilled out on Maynard’s behalf, and any fear she might have had was replaced with pride. Maynard’s truest self was easy to see, even for someone they didn’t know all that well. She wanted to squeeze his hand to reaffirm the praise, but withheld from being a distraction in this pivotal instant.

Frank, non sentient and non Force user, could only detect electromagnetic frequencies tightening and pulsing in a strange pattern all too near to him. It made him uncomfortable, and he rocked against Loske’s leg to indicate his displeasure.

She was shocked when Lanik graced his attention on her. The kindness undeserved, she smiled softly with appreciation for his consideration, and the reminder of her strengths despite the legacy she’d been built to bear. Relentless optimism, before and after. He spoke words she didn’t know she’d needed to hear, and she felt her chest tighten at the accuracy of his depiction.

“Thank you.” She murmured, unable to think of anything intelligent or equally gracious to say in response. What a time to be dumbfounded and at a loss for words –– she could only muster the lamest of responses, courteous to his sacrifices and pillarship within the nascent Order “For everything you’ve had to do and done.”

He didn’t stay to chat, bidding glad tidings to Ryv as well before extending the impact of his words from beyond the grave to the rest of those gathered. Ceremoniously he wished them The Force’s presence before being swept back up to the ether of eternity. Finally allowed to rest.

Releasing a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, she stared up at the unscathed pyre and the trinkets that remained. Did they know how he'd died? Perhaps the remnants of his weapon could give that information.

With the fire out, they were left in the chill of the evening, astounded by the intimate miracle they’d just witnessed. The faces and reactions of the crowd were no longer lit by the flame and they were free to express themselves against the twilight without being wholly visible.

What’s happening? What happened to the fire?

“It’s over.” Loske murmured, keeping her voice low so as not to disrupt the peaceableness from the ceremony, a juxtaposition to Frank’s blunt curiosity. Her light eyes perused over the reactions of those Lanik had personally touched; smouldering embers to the flame he’d inspired of hope and a reminder of duty and purpose. If those embers had been beginning to die out, they were reinvigorated with his passionate phrases, taking the time and care to inspire. “Lanik went to rest and he took the fire with him, but uh, left some sparks behind.”

Frank drew his own conclusion: Jedi Stuff.

"Jedi stuff." Loske agreed.
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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Ragoon VI -- Base of the Rost Mountains -- In the Shadows
Objective I: Honor the Dead, Investigate
Jedi -- Funeral Guests -- Serena Rylvin -- Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt -- Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar -- Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar
Adhira half-listened to her new mourning companion as she spoke. The old senator's attention was still mostly fixed on the faces of the other guests in attendance. She knew that there was a finite amount of time available for her to question the Jedi in such a remote and private place and she needed to get to the bottom of Lanik's confrontation with Kaito. At the very least she needed a clue or a trail to follow. Her ears finally perked up when Serena said her name. Adhira looked stricken at hearing her own name as her dark eyes fixed on the young Jedi.​
"I... I've seen you on the holonet a few times, that's all. You're very... distinctive."
When she was pressured to run for office, she dreaded surrendering her relative anonymity and now that she was one of the most prominent political faces in the Alliance there was hardly any opportunity to unring that bell. "Uh- no. I didn't know him personally. I've... heard of him, though," it was hard not to hear about a would-be assassin when you were a member of the Senate, "I came here hoping to learn more about him... his motivations." It was clear that Serena would be of no help to her investigation, but sitting with the young Jedi made her feel less at ease, so she stayed.​
"Important?" Adhira laughed quietly, fumbling absently with an amethyst ring on her left hand. "Well, I suppose I am now, aren't I? Still, you and I are not very different... Serena. When you strip back the jewels and the robes, when you take away the saber and the ritual, we are all just servants of the people." She frowned at the ring. Even the small purple gemstone seemed vulgar now. "United in purpose."
The flames of the pyre darkened suddenly and she looked up from her lap in surprise. The gale caught her off guard and she stood to face it like it was a tangible enemy. Her silk wrap was caught in the gust and torn from her shoulders, sailing into the forest behind her and it pulled her attention to Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt who seemed to be... in conversation with nothing. Adhira felt an overwhelming sense of calm as the gale dissipated, but stood now with no means of concealing herself. "It was... good to meet you Serena... I must be away," she bowed respectfully before wandering in the direction of the other Jedi.​
Loske was not someone personally known to Adhira, though she noted the striking resemblance the woman had to some of the propaganda posters produced by the Alliance's Ministry of Defense. She'd also spoken in defense of clone rights during a recent session of the Senate which gave Adhira more reason to speak to her than most. "Captain... or... Padawan Matson?" Adhira stumbled over her own words struggling for a proper way to address the woman. "Might I have a word?"

Ragoon VI
Objective I
Actors: Ryv Ryv Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Serena Rylvin Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
Act I: Descent or when the world shattered and he fell into despair

His hands trembled.

The ignition switch was smooth against his thumb as he pushed it down. The mechanism beneath the sabre's metal skin offered resistance, seemingly growing fiercer the more pressure he put on it.

That resistance always accompanied the process. One finger would press down on the ignition switch with just enough pressure to snap a twig. Then a beat of expectation passed, and the sabre's heart came to life, humming a song of retribution. Finally, a cyan glow emerged and declared the advent of the searing blade that would bring to justice souls so turned from the light that they did nought but wallow in the dark. The sabre became judgment incarnate, guiding the hand of a Jedi chosen by the Light of the Force to conquer evil. It was the instrument of salvation, a warden against the sins of Dark.

Why then did the sacrificial twig not snap in two when light's judgement was needed now? It bent and bent, but would not yield itself to a righteous verdict. The switch sat motionless, balanced precariously by Bernard's thumb at the edge of ignition, unwilling to perform the final step.

A web seemed to have wrapped around his body. Invisible strands as smooth as spider's silk bore into his skin and bound him in place. With every fibre of his being did he fight against his binds, only for them to fasten ever tighter the more he struggled like some vicious trap.

The pyre's flames continued to burn, surrounded by dark and oily shadows whose presence began to overwhelm everything else. They were traitors all, who had come to see off the body of a deceiver who only whispered falsehoods. Even three who taught him to trust now stood against him, at the base of this hill, preparing daggers to plunge into his back. How could they have turned against the light? Against the Jedi? Against a friend? Had they pretended this entire time?

He couldn't find any breath; the web wound too tightly around him. A debilitating panic welled up in his chest, and he struggled to keep his balance. The dark shape inside the fire began to lose its clarity, the flames themselves flowing together into a mess of red and orange against the sky's dark blue sea. Barely did he manage to keep himself upright as darkness slowly crept in.

Then the world burst into a blinding white. The webs caught ablaze in the purifying fire that came to permeate everything. Air rushed back into his lungs and brought with it that fire. It didn't burn him as it spread. Instead, it reassured with the soft caress of warmth and diffused the immense burden that had threatened to crush him only moments prior, leaving him weightless. His legs buckled, and he nearly collapsed from the shock of it all. Then, the white flames began to dwindle, and the pyre's form began to take shape again. However, atop it now stood a ghostly apparition with eyes that seemed both familiar and so very different. It slowly coalesced into a human form. Features moulded from ephemeral blue finally revealed a face. On the dormant pyre stood a dead man, Lanik Dawnstar. Bernard couldn't even grasp just what had occurred before the spirit stepped down and brought his hands up to hold the Padawan's face.

The touch was warm, despite its ethereal nature. There was no malice behind it. Bernard couldn't recoil; his mind still reeled from the impossibility of it all. The world trembled again, but he was no longer gasping for breath amid the pain of betrayal. He met Lanik's eyes.

The Jedi's ghost began to speak, but whatever sentences left him never made it far. Only when he leaned forward to whisper into Bernard's ear directly did meaning find its way into those words again.

"I forgive you." Three words that tore and turned everything as they cast their light upon the shadow that had loomed.

The world shattered.

He was empty. His legs gave out, and he fell to his knees. The lightsabre released from his grasp and clattered on the stone at the pyre's base. His hands began to shake anew, and he brought them up to his gaze.

Though they were free of stains, they seemed awash with blood. All this time. All those months.

A dull ache began to spread through his core. Nausea made the world spin, and he forced his eyes shut. When he opened them again heartbeats later, the world was a blur.

All that remained were those hands, so red with blood.
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Jasol Dorsian

Location: Coruscant
Objective: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Tags: Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Mina Praji Mina Praji Fable Solborne Vonar Ardinn Corala Gethsverg

Jasol watched as they debate proceeded. He hadn't heeded much attention to the Jedi in his life before, Jasol mainly believed them to be warriors from a bygone age trying to prolong their flawed religion, acting as impromptu protectors of the republic. The topic of the debate was an interesting one, a rogue Jedi knight attempting to assassinate a Senator. As the Lord Imperator of Byss and Director of the SIA spoke Dorsian found himself agreeing with many of their points. Dorsian was a military man, a man of order and security and if the Jedi were to become a threat then limiting them was perhaps the best possible solution. Such accusations against the senator of Corellia should've been take through official channels. The accusations present were too big to have been ignored. Despite this a more neutral stance seemed more appealing. Military courts on Sanjin are mandated to look at all the evidence available before applying any form of punishment or reform and that's exactly what Dorsian believed should be done here.

"The representative of Sanjin requests recognition." Once he had been recognized he would begin with his argument "Honourable Chancellor and esteemed senators. While I'm no expert on Jedi affairs I am in military and civilian justice systems and I would like to reinforce the Chancellors words. From today it's clear that parts of the investigation is incomplete and new information is still coming through, from both through official and unofficial channels. While we understand that this rogue knight is indeed guilty of attempted murder we must review everything, from his motives to his accusations. Only when we know everything then can we begin talking of restricting the Jedi and introducing reforms to further prevent such actions. These are the rules that have been set out and we may criticise the Jedi for not following them and demand action all we like but it will be meaningless unless we actually follow our own rules. I yield the floor." He said before moving back to his position in the chamber. Thus he had made the Optimatium's first official statement within the senate.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
At the approach of the Sovereign-Imperator, Ryv reached up to wipe away his tears, head still hanging low. He gritted his teeth in frustration, fighting back the aura of grief hanging over him. Words took form on his lips, only to die away before the Kiffar could utter them, carried off to join the strain of loss weighing heavily on the Jedi Knight. This wasn't how he wanted to be seen by the man waging war on the craven Sith Empire. Back when Tavlar found Ryv, locked away in the interrogation chamber of a mad Sith Lord, Ryv managed to keep himself even-keeled. Yet, here in the snow, upon a cliffside overlooking a scarcely dancing forest, painted white as the heaven's above wept for Ashla's fallen champion, Ryv couldn't hold that pain inside. He wept openly, his face falling into his hands, his shoulders erratic as he tried to control strained breathing. The winter winds bit into his tear-stained cheeks, a constant reminder of his inability to be at peace.


Ryv took a shaky breath, wiping away what remained of the tears. His shoulders squared as his amber gaze fell on Lanik once again. Why couldn't he say anything to the man who he'd called his hero?

"Whatever anyone tells you... you don't need to hide your tears."

"I know," Ryv muttered, slowly straightening. His shoulders squared as he faced the pyre, his head held high once more. "It should've been Lanik, General. You know that just as well as I do," he slipped his hands into his pockets, eyeing the wood as it blackened around the edges. "Wyatt chose me to be a symbol to the Jedi. He chose me over Lanik, the man Knighted right beside me," he paused, sniffling as the memory resurfaced. "I was so proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, to receive such an honor beside him. I couldn't have asked for it to happen any other way. Still, Wyatt passed up Lanik for me. Lanik was more than a warrior, but a man as pure as snow, true to his beliefs, regardless of the danger they posed. He's the man who should've taken up the mantle of Sword, not me."

Opening his mouth to speak, something stopped Ryv. It snapped shut as intent burned through the clearing, hotter than even the flame crackling before the Jedi and Imperator. Ryv turned on his heel, searching the crowd for the source of such raw emotion. His mind followed the whispers of the Force, guided by its serene presence to the troubled youth moving closer. The glint of light reflected from the weapon's bright casing hammered home the Jedi Knight's fears. He hurried forward, leaving the Sovereign behind as equal panic to Bernard's rose within Ryv's chest. His gloved hand tugged the Blade of Ruusan from his hip, his thumb pressed into the intricate hilt for support. Even with the weapon's presence strengthening his resolve, the idea of facing Bernard down felt wrong. It hurt as Lanik's death did, gnawing at the Kiffar's heart, threatening to tear him down to the snow-covered earth and beat him without pause. Bernard, not unlike Maynard or Loske, was family. Even if the Arkanian spent so much time away from the Order, searching the galaxy for what answers sat in wait for him, his belonging wouldn't change. Ryv intentionally left that door open to him, so he could beckon the lost one home.

Long before either Jedi clashed, the wave of forgiveness swirled past Ryv, falling onto Bernard, freezing him mid-step. Ryv did not move, locked in place as he felt the familiar presence of Lanik among them. He watched the white-hot flame, a stark contrast to the ice-cold snow beneath their feet, mesmerized by the beauty to the point of an almost trance-like state. Ryv fell inward, acutely aware of what transpired as it occurred in front of them all. An inner conflict clawed at Bernard's heart, the rationale of what he saw warring with the truth felt deep within his being. What pain Ryv felt melted away, cleansed by the flame of Lanik's spirit, replaced by the same love and forgiveness wielded by the heroic Jedi, even in death.

Tears began to spill down Ryv's cheeks once more, though it wasn't pain that summoned them forth, no, not this time. Hearing those three words, spoken with absolute sincerity to Bernard, brought joy to the Kiffar's once-thundering heart. He watched Lanik as he moved about the gathered Jedi, proud to not only stand in his presence again but also of the words spoken to his friends. Within Bernard burned a flame, not unlike the late Jedi Knight's former pyre. The Arkanian saw the impurities of the galaxy and knew what it meant to him. The Force chose Bernard, as it did Maynard. The stalwart Concordian couldn't have expected what destiny had in store for him. Lanik, on the other hand? He knew in death, what others stood to learn. Maynard's brush with the Dark Side was negligible in comparison to the love he felt for not only his Order but the galaxy at large. Seeing that on full display, presented to them all by one so strong with the Force, Ryv felt his fears for Maynard disappear entirely. In the face of undeniable truth, the Kiffar felt foolish for ever doubting the man he called a brother. If anyone could deny the seductive pull of Bogan, it was the Maynard "Concord Brawn" Treicolt himself.

The recognition in Loske's truths did not surprise Ryv, nor did the words spoken by the dearly departed. Ryv looked deep into Loske's soul, put on display by their fallen friend, proud of what she's continued to be. No matter how hard a fight, no matter how impossible the odds, she shone through impossibility. So many called Ryv the heart of the New Jedi Order, but such a claim proved dishonest. Ryv represented a culmination of dreams to the Jedi, he stood for hope all else, even taking the place of Sword to do. Loske Matson proved herself the Heart of their people. When the goings got tough, no one was more determined to shine as she did. Hell, no one else picked Ryv up off the ground as many times as Loske had. The love he felt for his sister only grew in intensity as she thanked their transcendent companion, ever-humble in the face of the impossible. When Lanik turned to Ryv, the Kiffar felt his breath catch, and his heart practically skipped a beat.

Lanik's words were everything Ryv needed to hear. His self-doubt evaporated, cleansed in his hero's inspiring rhetoric. The Kiffar wanted to reach out and take the once-Corellian into his arms, to thank him for everything he'd ever done for him, even those things Lanik couldn't possibly of known. He didn't want to say goodbye, not like this, not when the Order needed him most. Yet, Ryv knew better. Death was a natural part of the balance, and as his father, Vyrin, proved time and time again, Lanik wasn't gone. He'd stand beside them all, an ally within the Force, never to abandon them.

"I can sit here and say a million things to you, Lanik, and none of it will speak of who you were and who you will always be to our Order," Ryv managed to stand straight and true, even as tears spilled down his cheeks. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for inspiring us to be more, for being better than we once were, for standing as a Jedi should, against the tides of darkness. I won't let you down, brother. I promise, no matter what happens, I'll be the Jedi you know me to be."

Nothing but the truth would do, so Ryv fell silent, bidding his hero farewell with a solemn nod as he soon disappeared. Ryv looked back to the extinguished flame, his gaze drawn to the melted saber and brilliant crystal within. He hurried over and reached down, lifting the means to bring about continued justice, the Kyber crystal awash in its former master's spirit. Turning on his heel, the Sword strode to Bernard's collapsed form, pausing to examine the distraught Jedi. While everyone else seemed at Peace, touched by Lanik's final truths, Ryv could feel the pain radiating off of Bernard, far hotter than any Sith Lord's rage. Falling to his knees beside the kneeling Jedi, Ryv placed the crystal in one hand, it's iridescent light a stark contrast to the blurry and bloody reality falling over the Arkanian. Ryv wrapped his arms around the broken man, cradling him against his chest as he rested his forehead against the top of Bernard's bowed crown.

"Its okay, Bernie. Everything's gonna be okay."

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Bernard Bernard Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Serena Rylvin Ayra Lowe Ayra Lowe

Kaito coughed a few times, the sound more akin to gurgling than anything else. Cybernetics kept this man walking and alive until he could fully recover from the damage that the Jedi Knight had done to him. While some in the Alliance were fine with letting the Jedi do as they wished he, now galvanized by this sudden and uncalled for attempt on his life, would make it his mission to see them held accountable. It was good Jedi like Rafe and the Jedi that had saved his life, Bernard, that were the only reason he didn't make it his personal mission to abolish the Order entirely.

Because they could still be used.

Kaito stumbled down the ramp, two Corellian Haclyon commandos flanking him. He nodded to the Jedi and after a fit of coughing he cleared his throat.

"Of course," he said in a mostly mechanical voice, "Let us see what these Jedi are up to all the way out here." It wasn't difficult to find the Jedi with Rafe leading the way to the gathering. They were burning an empty pyre, though he could see the robes Lannik had been in when he'd attacked him burning in the fire.

"Burning the evidence now I see." His voice was loud, a modification to one of the cybernetics that was keeping him alive by pumping one of his collapsed lungs. The Jedi had stolen the corpse from evidence despite the ongoing investigation by the newly established Special Committee on Force Affairs. While generally the organization was there to help the Jedi...What could they really say to this? Kaito looked at the gathering of Jedi and scowled when he saw Ryv. It was that boy again. So long ago he'd been a thorn in his side when he had been nothing but a junky runner. Now he was the shining example of what it meant to be a Jedi? Laughable.

Malice rolled off him in waves in the Force, mixed with anger and betrayal. The man was angry. Understandably so. He'd voted in favor of funding the Order and he had at one time truly thought the Order and he were friends, that they could coexist. Now they threw that in his very nearly crippled and dead face.

"When the Senate hears about this..." he let the threat hang in the air. His eyes fell on Adhira and the anger rose again. "You too Adhira?" He almost sobbed. "How could you be here in support of these...Murderers!" Normally, Kaito had much better control of his emotions. They were after all a powerful weapon when channeled. Letting his emotions run free and not abusing them in the Force while actively hiding that part of him was like holding the top of a bottle of fizz after shaking it up. It had no outlet and so his body began failing him. He began to breathe heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He grabbed Rafe's arm for support and gripped his chest. One of the towering Halcyon moved to support the senator more while the other raised his blaster rifle at the Jedi defensively, warning them not to move on the senator. They'd already made one attempt on his life after all.
Objective II - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Coruscant // Galactic City // Grand Convocation Chamber
Tags: Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Mina Praji Mina Praji | Fable Solborne | Vonar Ardinn | Corala Gethsverg

Becca was not nearly as efficient as Anna had been in all her years in the Senate. However the young woman continued to reason with Faith who was lost in her own thoughts.

"You should not go. All it will do is bring up bad memories and...hurt." The young woman had grown old before her time. Around her eyes the wrinkles of stress and worry but Becca had made the choice to stay after the death she wouldn't think of that either right now. Feth!

Faith turned, "What, they are discussing Jedi and their roles a particular Jedi at that."

"Yes Mam, but you know as well as I do that when the Jedi are mentioned you think of your brother Garith and his death on the steps of..." Becca stopped there. Faith wouldn't deny it he had died on Coruscant. He had died defending the embassy...he had died.

She felt the pain of it still. "I will be fine Becca. Let's leave it at that"

She could only nod but inside Becca knew her Queen would not be fine. There were subjects that brought up great emotion for the Alderaan Queen.

Later within the Senate

Faith listened to Senator Solborne, and then to Chancellor Emmen Tagge. She wasn't sure what to say really. An investigation into what had happened. Senator Jasol Dorsian also made a point one that she agreed with.

She believed as she hoped others did that the Jedi had a purpose that was fueled by justice. She had known a few and they had all been upstanding honorable people willing to give their lives for their cause. Faith nudged the pod forward, "Alderaan wishes to speak"

"Over the years the Jedi have been accused of many things. They have also been feared. I would like to think that the Jedi are honorable in their actions as many have died in service to Republics and Alliances alike."
Where was she going she looked about at those looking at her wondering what was she going to say. Would she make sense to them.

How many more must die? Was she still thinking about Lanik Dawnstar and his efforts. "We owe everyone who is looking at this an explanation. There is a potential for this to expand into something wicked and dark across the galaxy. The truth must be known. A single man does not make an entire order vigilantes." She was grasping for words trying to make her point and make it valid. But she could see in her mind the lifeless eyes of her brother.

"But a single man's accusations leave an indelible imprint upon us as a body if we do not act with due diligence. I agree with Senator Dorsian we must know what Jedi Dawnstar knew what caused him to react as he did. Only then can we know how to react"

She looked about again, perhaps she said enough, or maybe it sounded like the fears of someone who had lost their courage. But it was said and she would go from there.

"I yield the floor"
Objective II - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Coruscant // Galactic City // Grand Convocation Chamber
. . . . .

Greeble the Hutt looked around as they entered the chamber, scanning the room for a rude looking face to seat next to. Greeble wished to appear serious and restrained, but knew their gross odor could be weaponized to function as an invisible glare to anyone close-by, while hiding the sly intentions behind their choice of seating. Greeble was not happy that the emergency meeting would be their first since joining the senate. They would have to be seated near someone anyway, might as well have some quiet fun with it.

"If the New Jedi Order are portrayed as rotten, anyone noticing the stench will be looking for a culprit. The Senate already chose to stand next to them; it is best not to publicly announce a smell we are not ready to be traced back to us. A bad individual can be dealt with much easier than a rotten group."
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Ragoon VI -- Base of the Rost Mountains -- In the Shadows
Objective I: Escape
Jedi -- Funeral Guests -- Serena Rylvin -- Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt -- Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar -- Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar -- Maou Maou
Before Adhira could make any progress conversing with Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt she was overcome with a feeling of dread that made her light-headed. The old woman swayed slightly on the spot and grasped for something (or someone) to steady herself. Her wizened hands found purchase on the robes of a nearby Jedi who moved to steady her. Adhira muttered her thanks before turning to look out into the forest. Something had changed on Ragoon VI. Faintly, she could hear panicked voices coming from the earpiece she'd removed upon arrival and fumbled to put it back in her ear.​
"...-ave entered the atmosphere. We need to extract you immediately, Senator!"
She winced at the sudden loudness of the voice in her ear. As she moved to respond, the source of the disturbance she'd felt came marching out of the trees. Led by a young Jedi and flanked by hulking soldiers in Corellian armor, Maou Maou appeared in the clearing. "Too late, captain." She said softly into the device as the quartet approached. The Senator had been concerned about being seen at this gathering, given the unsavory implications, but nothing about her presence was explicitly prohibited, that much she knew. Still, this would not be easy to explain.​
"On my order, captain," she said into the comm one last time as Senator Kiyoshi began to speak. The voice was pained and unnatural.​
The sound made her uncomfortable, but for the moment she was relieved to have not caught his attention. Taking the opportunity, Adhira began to carefully navigate behind several of the assembled Jedi.​
"You too Adhira?"
Adhira's dark eyes met her colleague's gaze across the glade. Her stony expression was typical of the Balmorran, it conveyed her fearlessness and resolve, but there was something else, too. Behind her cold, calculating eyes was something more complex, a feeling of pity and perhaps a tinge of doubt. She inhaled deeply. "Kaito..." she started, taking a few tepid steps toward him. "There were too many questions left unanswered... and I was not going to find them on Coruscant," her tone was suddenly much more assertive, almost like she was scolding him for questioning her loyalties.​
"I intend to discern the truth in all this me-" Kaito unexpectedly clutched at his chest and seemed to lose his strength. One of the Halcyon commandos moved to support the Corellian Senator. Adhira would have hurried over to him, but she stopped halfway when the other soldier raised his weapon defensively at the assembled Jedi. Now she was angry. "How dare you!" she spat, incredulously.​
"I am an emissary of the Galactic Alliance Senate, my person is sacrosanct... and these Jedi are under my protection. If anyone here befalls harm there will be swift retribution..." she could feel her legs go a bit wobbly. If anything, it was the Jedi who should be protecting her. This was not a question of physical prowess, though, it was a question of authority. "There are no murderers to be found here, Kaito, and no corpse to retrieve. Whatever contention you have with the Jedi Order will be settled on Coruscant, not here. You should leave."

// OBJECTIVE //: There Is Only The Force
// FOCUS //: Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Ryv Ryv | Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Maou Maou

He wasn't sure he deserved it. Wasn't sure he deserved any of that calmness and kindness that Lanik invoked unto him. All the same, he wasn't sure he deserved a great deal of what he'd come across. Yet here he stood. Uplifted by his friends and allies and in spite of the gruesome struggles. Though all the same...the constant? The Force. He would do better to remember that. There was no better vessel to this lesson than Lanik Dawnstar.





All so simple, all so primal. Yet he'd been laid down subjugate to these cruel traits time and time again. It was best he realized that if he was going to do best by himself, or anyone else, anyone that he cared so deeply about that he'd be better off shedding off and breaking down these gruesome confines. Deserved or not, it was exactly what he needed to hear. His eyes couldn't meet the astral gaze of the Jedi laid to rest until the very last of his sentiment came his way from which his hazel gaze lifted to peer up to Lanik's as a single tear trickled down his face. Where was this wisdom when he was at his weakest? That didn't matter, he needn't be so spiteful of a tortured past when there was such a bright future ahead of him.

"Thank'll always be with us." Maynard said, offering the faintest of smiles in the direction of the Force Spirit before his attention shifted to Loske and Maynard found himself lost in those blue eyes again. It was fitting that Dawnstar had no criticism to sound out in regards to Loske, only encouragement to continue down the path she was on. There wasn't anything else that would've done her justice. Her kind, beautiful, determined and unbreakable spirit spoke all on its own. When Lanik drew his focus to Ryv, Maynard listened once more. The Sword of the Jedi had strung them all together here, into this New Jedi Order.

There was no one else who could ever claim the credit for the success of the enclave of Jedi that had been fostered within the Galactic Alliance. It was all Karis. Even in the hereafter, Lanik could see that clearly and knew well that vindication was what the Kiffar needed more than anything else.

Once it was said and done, Maynard's gaze shifted to Loske just at the onset of her exchange with Frank, the ever reliable astromech not ever far from her and by extension, his side. To the echo of 'Jedi stuff' the Concordian could only mouth a grin as he felt himself center in on his spirit and his emotions. To steel away from his fear of death, fear of loss. In the end, there was only the Force.

"Jedi stuff..." Maynard sounded out, offering a breath from his nose as he pulled his lover closer to him, content enough to share the potent moment in silence, all but content with her presence and warmth alone.

Then, the Corellian appeared. It was then that the rage and anger threatened to boil up and out of Maynard again now. It was a slight, a disrespect to come here at this gathering of Jedi laying their friend to rest with such hostility. Maynard's eyes narrowed before he stepped out infront of the group, reaching out his arms toward the Halycon Commandos at Kaito's flanks before he sought to wrench the blaster rifles from their grip with an ethereal pull of the force though it wavered when he tried to pull them the distance to his own grip, instead sending them clattering unto the ground beneath. Any who'd known him shouldn't have expected any other response. Ever stalwart and loyal to his friends, drawing weapons on them only ever threatened to incur that anger, rage and fear of loss from him.

"Lanik spoke the truth, to each of us about ourselves in death. Why would we doubt that he didn't believe the truth about you, in life, senator? Leave this place, now." Maynard all but threatened, offering an inch of respite in that the finality of his boldness ended with a plead to leave before he ever moved a hand down to draw his saber.

Fable Solborne

DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES (and neither do absent witnesses)
Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Greeble the Hutt Greeble the Hutt Auteme Auteme Faith Organa Faith Organa Jasol Dorsian Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto

Fable let out another long breath and rubbed her temples. It was a good thing she'd brought a social psychologist onto her advisory team who pointed out the fixation in the discussion, one that not even she had originally considered. But it was something to be brought up.

"Kalist requests the floor.," Fable paused a moment before speaking. "With respect senators, it is not clear that Jedi Dawnstar is guilty of attempted murder. We have no recordings. No witnesses, except one, whose integrity is now suspect and he himself is notably absent from this discussion. Attempted murder is a very specific, legal term. The requirements for that to be met have not been established. Furthermore, we are legislators. We are not judges. We are not jurors."

"The talk has been of punishing the Jedi, holding them accountable for the actions of one individual. What actions are they to be held accountable for? Dying? All we can say for certain is that Jedi Dawnstar went to meet Senator Kiyoshi. At the end of the meeting, he was dead, and the Senator gravely injured. We do not know if he attacked the Senator. We do not know if the Senator attacked him. We don't even know if he went to talk to the Senator and interfered with an unrelated assassination attempt which was easier to blame on the Jedi. And when this hits the news, it isn't going to be the Jedi the public want to be held accountable. It's going to be us. From now on, our actions, both public and private are going to be scrutinized with a fine-tooth comb by everyone in the galaxy. Are more of us crime lords? Have any of us taken bribes? Has legislation been passed that benefits us privately? They will want the truth. They deserve the truth.

Let's make sure we don't give them what they need to discredit our ideals of democracy, of liberties, and protection of individual rights. Kalist yields the floor."
Staff Aide to the Chancellor

Coruscant // Senate Building // Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective II: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge - Raona Cadera Raona Cadera - Auteme Auteme - Fable Solborne - Corala Gethsverg l Other Senators
Mina watched with displeasure as the unfortunate scenes unfolded in the Senate Chamber. The situation had been hard enough for her to contain without further accusations of treason being levied against both the Jedi and the Senator of Corellia. The woman's bright red lips curled into a frown as Auteme took the floor. The Staff Aide had always admired the girl when she joined the other officers beneath the podium as Senate Scribe, but she feared her argument was too idealistic for the room full of cynical lawmakers facing her down. In particular, Mina was displeased at the harshness of Director Gethsverg.

"...Why is the Director of Strategic Intelligence here?" she said under her breath to Emmen and Lisza. Scrolling through the screen on the podium in front of her, she found in the notes of the session agenda that Corala had been selected as a regional Representative for one of Balmorra's moons, filling in for Senator Chandra. "Chandra's absent. That is -- unlike her," she muttered to Emmen before he reclaimed the floor to speak.

As the cameras honed in on the podium once more, Mina clasped her hands in front of her and stared emotionless out into the sea of faces lining the walls. She always did her best to reflect the impartiality of her office, but it was difficult to hide the brief look of surprise that flashed over her face as the Chancellor announced he would authorize a more thorough investigation of the charges levied by Fable Solborne. Though the Alliance had been built on strong foundations going back to the beginning of civilization in the galaxy, this course of events would be the first true stress test conducted on the integrity of their institutions.

As the cameras turned away again at the conclusion of the Chancellor's speech, she turned to look at him, her cold blue eyes looking for a sign of his inner thoughts. "Do you think it's true, Emmen... what she said about Senator Kiyoshi?" for once Mina was not entirely concerned with how this looked for Emmen's approval ratings. She was more concerned for the integrity of their republic.

Ezra D. Tavlar




Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Auteme Auteme Fable Solborne Corala Gethsverg Greeble the Hutt Greeble the Hutt Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Jasol Dorsian Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva Ryv Ryv Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar

"Cause day and night, the lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night~ He's all aloooone through the day and night.."

Ezra hummed to himself, repeating the words streaming into his ears as he busied himself with a broom and dustpan in the halls of Coruscant's senatorial building. It was a rarity for the association to send him off to something was wasn't, well, a ship. Not that he was complaining, though. As much as he disliked the stuffy atmosphere of the place, it was welcomed change of pace from the usual gig he found himself at. Or on, would be more accurate. Ships were the norm; ships of the line, smaller corvettes, and occasionally the odd Star Yacht when one of the Alliance's rich and powerful needed an extra worker on board after a night of partying hard in the stars. He didn't mind his usual job, though. Whether it was sweeping the corridors, cleaning up a conference room, or jettisoning trash out into the depths of space. It was work-- and for some reason the guy found it fullfilling.

Crazy, right?

In a galaxy filled with Space Wizards, evil galactic warlords and beautiful hot blondes with a dangerous past, Ezra somehow cohabited this same environment whilst lacking a similar drive to make his name known out in the galaxy. He was pretty content just being Ezra the maintenance guy. Heading back home to binge-watch a few sitcoms on the holonet while his dog took a nap next to him was the normal routine for the Core Maintenance Workers' Association's three-time employee of the month. Some might've said it was a simple life, but the association paid him a substantial hourly rate -- and danger pay, depending on the vessel he's contracted on -- and his contracts seemed never-ending at the rate the Alliance and the Order were expanding. Quitting his job and getting mixed in with those crazy folks running the show? Now that was a waste of time, at least when compared to what was truly important to him in life.

Finding a hot Mirialan girlfriend in the near future, that is. He might've been a simple man, but Ezra 'Danger' Tavlar had exquisite taste.

...But he'd settle on one of those dangerous blondes if they ever came looking his way, too.

"The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night-- at, at, at night~"

Lyrics continued to become audible despite the critical thinking going on in his head over the logistics of acquiring and keeping one of those aforementioned girlfriends. A few pieces of rubbish were swept into his dustpan, the halls having been dirtied following the rush of people into the Senatorial meeting that he vaguely had overheard in the beginning half of his shift. The space wizards were the topic of the day- not that he cared. There was plenty of trash to be cleaned up, and the staff was short-handed outside of the faulty droid staff that never seemed to understand the fine details of tracking the dirt and sediment that was collecting in the long corridors of baseboards. Unlike those robotic job-stealers, Ezra knew his way around a bottle of cleaning fluid paired with microfiber cleaning pad. The halls of the Senatorial building would shine like no other, if he had his way around the whole damn thing. Unfortunately for him, it was physically impossible for him to do the entire building within the span of his Assocation-mandated 8-hour shift.

No overtime for contractors, of course.

Either way, he'd make sure to do a damn good job in the time he'd been allotted. A man who didn't do his best at his job, simply wasn't a man at all. At least that's what his dad use to tell him. Before he lost his job and all that to alcoholism, BUT, the man was pretty wise outside of that short stint of mediocrity. Silver lining? It taught Ezra how not to be like that part of his father. Ezra didn't even drink-- He just....chilled, yes.

Chilled, and sweep floors.

He was working on his fourth employee of the month award.

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Emmen watches cautiously as the Governor-Admiral of Sanjin requests the floor, but an easy breath comes with his words. He glances back to the members of his Office, raising his eyebrows for a moment as a gesture of relief. These days it was difficult to anticipate the stances of the Alliance's worlds.

The continued plea offered by Senator Organa trigger a subconscious nod of agreement.

How could they even consider allowing the accusations of one against another cast a shadow over the Jedi Order as a whole? An order which has sacrificed its own in the name of not just this Galactic Alliance, but in the name of peace and prosperity for tens of thousands of years. But, he would be lying if his thoughts were solely altruistic. Greeble's brief statement and Fable's elaboration are the old Tepasi's unspoken thoughts.
If the New Jedi Order was found to be corrupt after its temples were voted to receive government support, then the public would no doubt point their fingers at the Senate when casting their blame. It would be a PR nightmare, at the least.

Emmen chews on his cheek, glancing back to Mina from the corner of his eye.

"I- I don't know, Mina," he says with honesty, his tone underlined with a hint of disappointment, "we both know Senator Kiyoshi is... well. We both know. But this? This would be beyond anything I could have feared he was capable of. We should hope that he is innocent, but prepare for him to be guilty."

With a camera probe drifting back to the Podium, the Chancellor's focus returns to the floor. He raises his hand in a brief gap of silence, stepping forward to interject between speakers before another moves to seek recognition.

"The Podium agrees with the concerns raised by the representatives of Kalist, Alderaan and Vulpter. There is too much we don't know to propose such drastic actions. The allegations against all parties involved must be considered carefully and investigated fairly. We should allow the
Alliance Marshals to continue their ongoing investigation into the matter with the help of the Strategic Intelligence Agency. In the meantime, we can increase security within the Senate & Executive Buildings, and the Coruscanti Temple," he looks to the pod of the Jedi Auteme, "should the Order desire it, that is."
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