Zey was still seething with rage when Star appeared, trying to defuse the situation. While her appearance was certainly a surprise, the words of the Zeltron woman were even more of a shock to her. The waitress did not seem affected by Zey’s anger or Star’s peaceable approach, instead going so far as to insult them. She understood the harsh words directed at herself seeing as how she was acting rather unrefined (believing she was personally justified), but why did she feel the need to insult Star? The Twi’lek was the most polite of the three women; she didn’t deserve the cruel words. Insult her? Fine. Insult one of her friends? Oh hell to the no.
“The only whore here is you.” The pilot moved from behind the table to grasp the wrist of Zeltron’s hand that was placed on Gray’s arm, attempting to yank it off in a less than gentle manner. “And what do you have to say about this?” She turned her head toward Gray, a disapproving look on her face.
[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="stardust"]
“The only whore here is you.” The pilot moved from behind the table to grasp the wrist of Zeltron’s hand that was placed on Gray’s arm, attempting to yank it off in a less than gentle manner. “And what do you have to say about this?” She turned her head toward Gray, a disapproving look on her face.
[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="stardust"]