Father of Titans
Nodding my head, We would be off. With a flick of my wrist, the hatch on top opened up. Drawing out my tri-barreled pistol, I came up to stand on top and scan the area in the time that the Sith Lord would follow. While I could just feel with the force, I knew of creatures and beings that could hide from the force. So I used both my physical vision, and feeling my way around with the force prodding forces I could find to only see that they were animals far off in the distance. Seeing that no one was there, I dropped down from the top into the ground below. Crunching of snow, and ice under the boots and the bounding of my knees up to my chest as I landed.
In the wind that was starting to pick up, the cloak I wore, tattered and worn, blew in the wind and tried to lift me from where I stood. Waiting for the Sith Lord, I decided to speak loudly at first, "If you do not mind me asking, May we use telepathy?" I did not want to prod into the man's thoughts with my own if he did not want me to. I was not about to make a simple mistake because I thought it would be better. I assumed it would, and I could be wrong.
Nonetheless, I put away my pistol in the holster as I pulled out my wrist watch, showing me the time just after midday. And it was already getting dark. The White sky was slowly turning to a dull grey. Soon it would be black. And I didn't want to be stuck out in it when it was.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
In the wind that was starting to pick up, the cloak I wore, tattered and worn, blew in the wind and tried to lift me from where I stood. Waiting for the Sith Lord, I decided to speak loudly at first, "If you do not mind me asking, May we use telepathy?" I did not want to prod into the man's thoughts with my own if he did not want me to. I was not about to make a simple mistake because I thought it would be better. I assumed it would, and I could be wrong.
Nonetheless, I put away my pistol in the holster as I pulled out my wrist watch, showing me the time just after midday. And it was already getting dark. The White sky was slowly turning to a dull grey. Soon it would be black. And I didn't want to be stuck out in it when it was.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]